I worked in Russia, many moons ago. Fantastic place. People often asked me what it was like, and I would tell them that it was fantastic, that the people were friendly, and I'd end with: 'They're tough bastards. Glad we never fought them.' Some things never change.
Well, my maternal grandparents family were almost entirely exterminated in the Great Patriotic War, I'm not even sure there are graves to visit. I don't think any other country, definitely in the West, has experienced anything that comes close the devastation Nazi Germany inflicted on Mother Russia and it explains everything about the nature of the Special Military Operation and why the Russian people volunteered in such numbers to lay down their lives, again.
There’s now a monument in Moscow to the Soviet people who perished. So when you visit, that and the unknown soldier are two you’ll want to visit since there’re no graves.
I read the exit poll story at RT, but who Merz is able to combine into a government has yet to be established. He did make some pointed comments aimed at the Outlaw US Empire.
If voting in the West mattered our Overlords would never allow it.
Look at the political turmoil in France and the UK. Germany which makes up the 3 biggest economies of Euro-Disney will get more of the same; yes, the beatings will continue until morale improves.
I'm sure most Russians look at this Western quagmire and thank their Saints & Lucky Stars that they never became part of this Shitshow. Dodged a bullet as such! Russia in the EU/NATO, God forbid.
Some people forget that Russia is the largest and most powerful nation in Europe. Anglo-Saxon Russophobia has been very damaging to continental Europe. The only thing that can guarantee a prosperous and stable Europe is a strong and powerful Russia.
Yes, that’s being said by many realists. Note that Iberia is doing well because its energy sources continue to flow. I’m curious to see how much the migration flow to Russia increases once the SMO is done, for that’s where the opportunities and a secure future lie.
The far right considers the current Spanish government to be too little anti-Russian and too much pro-China. It is also attacked by the Zionists, who consider it to be – rightly – pro-Palestine. I, like many Spaniards, am in favour of leaving NATO, dismantling American military bases and strengthening relations with Russia. The only time there were Russian (Soviet) troops in Spain was during the Civil War, they came to help us fight fascism, and that is something we will never forget.
Excellent! in 1911, my great-grandfather left Salamanca for California. Three years later, he sent money for the passage to bring the rest of the family to California. He established a vineyard and citrus ranch in Cucamonga, which is about 75 miles East of LA, in what was then desert. But there was an aquifer and enough rain to support the vineyard. Never did discover what prompted him to leave Spain. I still haven't been to Spain.
Many have already been kicked aside as their funding, benefits and security get cut or eliminated. You Canadians must form a formidable force to keep from being captured by the Outlaw US Empire. It would be worse than selling your soul to the devil.
I agree, Karl. But how? Many people I know are trying to figure out how to prepare our communities for the inevitable economic collapse that's bound to come with all this DOGE business.
Where I live there are a lot of people who were draft dodgers -- some very fine people. Would the die hard supporters of the current administration want to come to Canada?
Many have their own little fiefdom where they reign over household and local politics, and it's unlikely many would leave that security. Commonfolk will be pushed/pulled by economic opportunities, so something tangible must be happening to act as a magnet Vancouver, BC is about a ten-hour drive from my home in Oregon. I've noted it rains there 2-3X as much as here, plus it snows and is colder. Very little Canadian news filters down here.
I would like to point out something In respect to your phrase "so, the West propagandized and Nazified Ukrainians to die for them not knowing what they were unleashing—again. "
The US and Canada "imported" Banderites at the end of WW2. They were settled in small enclaves and the males were trained to be used within their ex-homeland against the Soviet rulers. Perhaps other NATO countries did the same. I do not know.
Identifying and cultivating Nazi-sympathizers within what is modern day Ukraine, or within North America has been an ongoing part of a long-term (over 80 years) plan, not a new tactic.
And the constant and continuing efforts to engender hatred for Russia and Russians (in North American and around the world) lead to the conclusion that the US postWW2 Cold (and Proxy) War(s) were directed against a large strong Russia, not primarily anti-Communist.
As additional support for this, I note the decades of hate-mongering against China has not abated, despite China no longer having a "Communist" Economy. Capitalism and private ownership is quite obvious in China despite the ruling Communist Party of China retaining a name that is more historical than actually Marxist or Maoist, economically. China's outstanding and record setting Capitalist progress in the last 25 years is enough of a reason for the West to hatemonger against China, just as Russia's huge mineral, energy, and human resources are an obvious reason why the West feels so obviously threatened and afraid.
Interesting that the Europeans lobbying POTUS Trump to continue sacrificing Ukrainians are the most afraid and, apparently (the Rulers), are the most fanatically hateful.
In both trips I took to Russia in the late 70’s, the tour group was taken to see this monument marking the closest approach of the Germans to the Kremlin. In general, remembrance of WWII was prevalent and relevant everywhere in the USSR some 30 years after the war’s end, unlike in the US. [Last Defence Line Moscow - Memorial "Ezhi" in Khimki, Russia: It marks the line where the German Army advanced the furthest (20 km from the Kremlin) into the USSR during its November-December 1941 offensive on Moscow, before the German attack was stopped by strong Soviet resistance. Giant red models symbolizing ant-tank structures mark the spot.]
Yeah, I sort of forgot to add a note about them. It’s Sunday and I needed to stop writing so I could conform to our Sunday rituals/habits. I see Merz’s party is the top vote getter. Will he turn the Nord Stream tap back on to show his independence form Trump?
Yeah, so does the USA but we don’t honor it. The initial idea was Out of Many: One, but that was overthrown by Christian fundamentalists. And Trump is making Lady Liberty into a jail keeper.
I worked in Russia, many moons ago. Fantastic place. People often asked me what it was like, and I would tell them that it was fantastic, that the people were friendly, and I'd end with: 'They're tough bastards. Glad we never fought them.' Some things never change.
Well, my maternal grandparents family were almost entirely exterminated in the Great Patriotic War, I'm not even sure there are graves to visit. I don't think any other country, definitely in the West, has experienced anything that comes close the devastation Nazi Germany inflicted on Mother Russia and it explains everything about the nature of the Special Military Operation and why the Russian people volunteered in such numbers to lay down their lives, again.
There’s now a monument in Moscow to the Soviet people who perished. So when you visit, that and the unknown soldier are two you’ll want to visit since there’re no graves.
Praise God for making me Russian 🇷🇺
No meaningful change in Germany on the horizon. Same as it ever was.
I read the exit poll story at RT, but who Merz is able to combine into a government has yet to be established. He did make some pointed comments aimed at the Outlaw US Empire.
Good luck with that Friedrich… wonder what his Blackrock handlers will tell him to do?
Karl - it's not the Americans or the West....we are ruled by DaSynagogue of Satan! .....why? We ALLOWED IT! - DaSynagogue of Satan? Read all about it - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=DaSynagogue+Satan&updated-max=2022-10-19T09:51:00-07:00&max-results=20&by-date=false&m=1 - headnotes to a collection of articles in DaLimbraw Library from a word search 'DaSynagogue of Satan' - it was an education for me as I gradually compiled it over the years - should be for anyone reading it.
Just this ....sooner or later.....we have to......individually, within our families, churches, communities....we have to learn WhoTF our enemy is!
Our enemy is simple—The Money Power—just as it’s been over the last 4,000 years.
Money in itself is inert - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2021/03/in-essenceit-always-wasand-still-isa.html?m=0 - the powers behind its maneuverings are not!
If voting in the West mattered our Overlords would never allow it.
Look at the political turmoil in France and the UK. Germany which makes up the 3 biggest economies of Euro-Disney will get more of the same; yes, the beatings will continue until morale improves.
I'm sure most Russians look at this Western quagmire and thank their Saints & Lucky Stars that they never became part of this Shitshow. Dodged a bullet as such! Russia in the EU/NATO, God forbid.
Some people forget that Russia is the largest and most powerful nation in Europe. Anglo-Saxon Russophobia has been very damaging to continental Europe. The only thing that can guarantee a prosperous and stable Europe is a strong and powerful Russia.
Yes, that’s being said by many realists. Note that Iberia is doing well because its energy sources continue to flow. I’m curious to see how much the migration flow to Russia increases once the SMO is done, for that’s where the opportunities and a secure future lie.
The far right considers the current Spanish government to be too little anti-Russian and too much pro-China. It is also attacked by the Zionists, who consider it to be – rightly – pro-Palestine. I, like many Spaniards, am in favour of leaving NATO, dismantling American military bases and strengthening relations with Russia. The only time there were Russian (Soviet) troops in Spain was during the Civil War, they came to help us fight fascism, and that is something we will never forget.
Got to keep the Franco faction pinned down and out of government. And then there’s the King. Will Spain ever become a genuine Republic?
Many of us continue in the fight to establish the Republic.
Excellent! in 1911, my great-grandfather left Salamanca for California. Three years later, he sent money for the passage to bring the rest of the family to California. He established a vineyard and citrus ranch in Cucamonga, which is about 75 miles East of LA, in what was then desert. But there was an aquifer and enough rain to support the vineyard. Never did discover what prompted him to leave Spain. I still haven't been to Spain.
Brother, let me know if you come to Spain, we will welcome you with warm open arms.
We in the west need some of that spirit. I think some people who supported Trump are in for a very rude awakening.
Many have already been kicked aside as their funding, benefits and security get cut or eliminated. You Canadians must form a formidable force to keep from being captured by the Outlaw US Empire. It would be worse than selling your soul to the devil.
I agree, Karl. But how? Many people I know are trying to figure out how to prepare our communities for the inevitable economic collapse that's bound to come with all this DOGE business.
Canada can emulate Russia and become autarkic in most all needs. The big problem is the open border.
Where I live there are a lot of people who were draft dodgers -- some very fine people. Would the die hard supporters of the current administration want to come to Canada?
Many have their own little fiefdom where they reign over household and local politics, and it's unlikely many would leave that security. Commonfolk will be pushed/pulled by economic opportunities, so something tangible must be happening to act as a magnet Vancouver, BC is about a ten-hour drive from my home in Oregon. I've noted it rains there 2-3X as much as here, plus it snows and is colder. Very little Canadian news filters down here.
Yes, the little government fiefdoms can be so narrow minded, as I discovered last week.
I'm about an eight hour drive from Vancouver. It doesn't rain as much but the winters are quite a bit colder. Still, it's a wonderful little region.
Nice thoughts. Waiting for an answer for why my father, grandfather fought in WW 1, 2 to defend our country.
They have been betrayed ,
Who actually creates this violent slaughter is what I want to see happen so it never happens again.
Thank you!
I would like to point out something In respect to your phrase "so, the West propagandized and Nazified Ukrainians to die for them not knowing what they were unleashing—again. "
The US and Canada "imported" Banderites at the end of WW2. They were settled in small enclaves and the males were trained to be used within their ex-homeland against the Soviet rulers. Perhaps other NATO countries did the same. I do not know.
Identifying and cultivating Nazi-sympathizers within what is modern day Ukraine, or within North America has been an ongoing part of a long-term (over 80 years) plan, not a new tactic.
And the constant and continuing efforts to engender hatred for Russia and Russians (in North American and around the world) lead to the conclusion that the US postWW2 Cold (and Proxy) War(s) were directed against a large strong Russia, not primarily anti-Communist.
As additional support for this, I note the decades of hate-mongering against China has not abated, despite China no longer having a "Communist" Economy. Capitalism and private ownership is quite obvious in China despite the ruling Communist Party of China retaining a name that is more historical than actually Marxist or Maoist, economically. China's outstanding and record setting Capitalist progress in the last 25 years is enough of a reason for the West to hatemonger against China, just as Russia's huge mineral, energy, and human resources are an obvious reason why the West feels so obviously threatened and afraid.
Interesting that the Europeans lobbying POTUS Trump to continue sacrificing Ukrainians are the most afraid and, apparently (the Rulers), are the most fanatically hateful.
Thank you, well said.
In both trips I took to Russia in the late 70’s, the tour group was taken to see this monument marking the closest approach of the Germans to the Kremlin. In general, remembrance of WWII was prevalent and relevant everywhere in the USSR some 30 years after the war’s end, unlike in the US. [Last Defence Line Moscow - Memorial "Ezhi" in Khimki, Russia: It marks the line where the German Army advanced the furthest (20 km from the Kremlin) into the USSR during its November-December 1941 offensive on Moscow, before the German attack was stopped by strong Soviet resistance. Giant red models symbolizing ant-tank structures mark the spot.]
Given the title I was expecting to read something about the German elections...
Oh, well... just yesterday I posted a translation of an article (originally in Italian) whose title says everything: "German elites maintain the autopilot of militarisation" - https://geopolitiq.substack.com/p/german-elites-maintain-the-autopilot
Yeah, I sort of forgot to add a note about them. It’s Sunday and I needed to stop writing so I could conform to our Sunday rituals/habits. I see Merz’s party is the top vote getter. Will he turn the Nord Stream tap back on to show his independence form Trump?
Rodina, Motherland?
Germany and the Netherlands have a Fatherland.
Yeah, so does the USA but we don’t honor it. The initial idea was Out of Many: One, but that was overthrown by Christian fundamentalists. And Trump is making Lady Liberty into a jail keeper.