Sep 21Liked by Karl Sanchez

European leadership elites are carefully selected for their intellectual mediocrity, lack of empathy, complete absence of diplomatic skills and ability to lie in the face of overwhelming contrary evidence. Stolty is a perfect specimen but there are countless other such creatures, unfortunately. It's a freak show.

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Sep 21Liked by Karl Sanchez

Isn't Stoltenberg actually a robot? Those mechanical movements, that programmed way of lying without being disturbed, that coldness when talking about the death of others, that icy look... C-3PO himself has, in my opinion, more human features than this metallic Norwegian.

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That's why he was called a block of wood, amongst other epithets.

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Sep 21Liked by Karl Sanchez

Pepe Escobar usually calls him that.

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Sep 21Liked by Karl Sanchez

Norwegian Wood.

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Sep 21Liked by Karl Sanchez

He is nothing other than a nazi loving quisling and good riddance. He has brought a long winter of discontent to Europe that will outlast his entire period as NATO spokesperson. There will be years of agony ahead of europe and their electorates and they need to grok the fullness of their blunder for years to come. Who better that all those Ukrainian runaways to blowback the ugliness of it all.

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Sep 21Liked by Karl Sanchez

thanks karl.... that is quite a damning indictment and very accurate too... your words at the end add to it in a valid and articulate way as well.. thanks for sharing this important statement from the global times... some folks are not fooled and are willing to say so publicly..

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NATO is such a destructive force. I'd like to see it disbanded. Thanks for posting, Karl.

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Sep 21Liked by Karl Sanchez

How can Europe not be doomed with such warmongering Empire followers as Stoltenberg and Von der Leyen at the helms

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Sep 21Liked by Karl Sanchez

Good that someone told it as it is.

At least we don't have to listen to him anymore ... a Quisling to all Europeans ...

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19 hrs agoLiked by Karl Sanchez

NATO represents the American neo con extremists first & foremost. Doesn't matter how destructive this fact is for the other members. They have to put up & shut up. The simple facts are, these countries who are nothing but American vassel states need to realise how many conflicts America has been victorious in on its own. It hasn't & there's no reason whatsoever for anyone to be subservient to America. Today everything about America is as false as Hollywood portrayl of the country. America used to be a country all Western countries could look up to. Now it's a banana Republic with no direction, no authority. A thugish leadership who's ways of diplomacy are none existent. It's my way or the highway, but these people giving the threats out on America's behalf. Have been totally brain washed by Hollywood America & not real America. We only have to hear American officials making their statements. Blinken is prime example, take what he says & the complete opposite are the facts. But why do they have to lie so much? It's simple they've been found out.

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23 hrs agoLiked by Karl Sanchez

Mark Rutte is no prize, although he could pass as a 'prize poodle' for the US.

Independence of thought is not what first comes to mind.

Getting stuck with the Ukie mess is a great start. I don't think that there is any chance of him learning anything from the School of Hard Knocks.

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Good critique of NATO, so many good points. I agree. NATO must be judged a failure. It has made the world less safe.

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