Jan 18Liked by Karl Sanchez

Great work, Vladimir and you too Karl.

Here is a sentence that struck me:

" I want to tell you that Donbass and Novorossiya are such a vivid embodiment of the truth today that the Russians do not abandon their own people...."

This is the message that the nationalist/collaborators in the Baltic states have been hearing too. They have been persecuting Russians for years- it's half of the political programme of the governing factions, (the other half being the sale of the illusion that the West will make everyone rich. You know the way it made Algeriaand Niger rich).

And now its reached the stage where Estonia or Latvia ( I forget which) is threatening to expel old people who have lived all their lives there but have failed examinations in culture and language. This is a 'western value' of the most authentic kind in practice.

Hence the recent paranoia about Russia's intention to invade. It's rather like the charge in 2021 that Russia was about to invade Ukraine. Russia denied it but Ukraine insisted so much that they made it inevitable -"If you don't invade we will kill all the Russians."

If that sounds like a NATO inspired programme it very likely is: NATO wants Russia to attack the Baltics, because it will give them another excuse to attack Russia. And this time, with Finland and Sweden alongside them, they will have a better chance.

Eighty years after the Siege of Leningrad was lifted the political and biological descendants of the besieging powers are asking for a replay.

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Latvia is the current instigator, but the other two are almost as bad. Russia is aware of the trap and is doing all it can to help its people. Of course, there's another side to the sword and that's the Global Majority seeing Western "values" in action. The key here is that no Western nation ca match the levels of good governance attained by Russia and China. IMO, Putin's a Communalist which is what forms the basis for Russian Orthodoxy. As I read and edited, I was reminded of the descriptions from the book it was suggested we get to learn about Russia as part of my Russian language courses, "The Russians" by Hendrik Smith (1977), which was rather dated by the time I took Russian in 1996. I'd have to say that the testimonies I've read over the last two years show a rather different Russia and very modified Russian outlook. Lavrov mentioned why today--Russian solidarity and unity of purpose dramatically increase when Russia is threatened.

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Jan 19Liked by Karl Sanchez

The details of the treatment being meted out to elderly Russians (36% of Latvia's population identify as Russian speakers) is shocking. Cruelty of pettiest and disgusting kind. How the people of Latvia allow their government to act in this way is hard to understand.

"Over a thousand people are at risk of expulsion, most of them over 60 years old, "according to local media

"Latvian authorities may deport a 72-year-old Russian woman from the city of Liepaja, who has been visually impaired since childhood, the Russian embassy in Riga said on Monday. The elderly woman failed to score the required number of points in reading and writing on a Latvian language exam.

"In 2022, the Latvian government decided to extend temporary residence permits for Russian citizens in Latvia only in exceptional cases and to issue permanent residence permits only upon passing the state language exam at level A2 or higher.

"In December 2022, the woman began collecting documents to renew her residence permit, the Russian Embassy explained.

"However, in order to obtain a medical exemption from the language test, she was required to undergo a comprehensive medical examination, which was delayed until November 2023 due to queues for some specialists.

"As a result, the woman was forced to take a language test after failing to obtain the needed certificate in time, the diplomats said.

"Being visually impaired, she did not score the required number of points in reading and writing, so her residence permit was revoked.

"The Latvian authorities previously expelled 82-year-old Boris Katkov, who headed an association in Riga to help Russian citizens, declaring him a threat to national security.

"The Russian Foreign Ministry declared the move “a provocation and a political maneuver violating human rights and freedoms” and the “latest manifestation of Riga’s discriminatory policy towards our compatriots.”


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And EU/NATO say Latvia's demonstrating their values. Russia just needs to wait as the Baltics depopulate themselves and walk in 20 years hence to mostly empty nations.

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Jan 21Liked by Karl Sanchez

As ever, another remarkable document, as remarkable as the documents of President Putin's journey in the far East, thank you for publishing this

This quote struck me as particularly memorable and far sighted, even if the whole municipalities program is memorable as well as far sighted, as is the development of the far east, as.....and so on

"And one of them said: "You know, it will all end sometime, but the grandmothers and volunteers who work with us to support the children on the front line, they are asking an unusual question." I say, " Which one?" – When it's all over, how can we maintain the cohesion that has developed in society?" This, of course, is also a reflection of our national character

And by the way, we should all think about it. I am now writing to you, to you and to all my colleagues. Of course, everyone should think about this: both federal and regional authorities, but this state, the preservation of such a state of society – a state of cohesion-probably depends even more on you than on anyone else. Let's think about it. This is really important"

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Putin had a similar message for Russia United at its last meeting in December--party members must continue to engage the public to ensure they remain involved in the process.

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Jan 18Liked by Karl Sanchez

Grassroots democracy is an excellent goal that we should constantly strive for but the WEF and their acolytes have hijacked this concept with their proposition to control local communities through their councils via 15-minute cities etc by top-down De-Mockracy

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What I noticed most was the enthusiasm of all the participants. And not just at this event but at all the others I've covered over that last 3+ years. One word stands out--Pride, but not the selfish sort. A sort of "We've done it before, and we'll do it again" attitude, but not arrogant.

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Jan 21Liked by Karl Sanchez

Active participation in the nation’s government is critical for the health of democratic process but only for as long as all those participants have agency in the outcome. The Chinese profess to base their system on grassroots organisations but they do also seem to heavily lean on rigorous controls and Russia also seems to be implementing some of those types of tactics as well, which worries me. Having said that, the Western powers have already taken similar steps to a more perverse degree and by more underhand means.

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IMO, the more you observe what's happening in Russia, the better your appreciation and understanding will become. Simplicius at the end of his current sitrep cites a Western journalist who traveled within Russia's heart and was gravely concerned about the overall spirit of the Russians he encountered, and was distraught at having to report such joy.

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