Nov 18, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

To me it was clear from the beginning that the extensive tunnel network (even more extensive with more coverage now than I suspected) is the clear survival of this war. Militarily, Hamas can last. The Palestinians living on the surface of an increasingly dystopian landscape can not.

I don't have a clue as to what will give. Destroying the US Navy is not on the list. Not a big deal for Russia, hard for Hamas and even Hezbollah. The Israeli economy is taking a big hit and the notion of a 'greater Biblical Israel' is a great selling point. b of MOA said it perfectly, twenty hours of Genocide interspersed with four hours of ethnic cleansing.

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

"Destroying the US Navy is not on the list. Not a big deal for Russia, hard for Hamas and even Hezbollah."

Don't be too sure about that. If the ships get in too close (300klms) they are vulnerable to Hezb's anti-ship missiles that can easily sink them.

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Appreciated as usual Karl. Just one issue. In amongst the Crooke piece there is the paragraph, "The ‘tribe of Amalek’ today is quoted widely. (King Saul, in the first Book of Samuel, commands Samuel to kill every person of the Amalekites: "Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys")."

Not sure if that was in Crooke's article but it did remind me of sentences in Hudson's piece that had it the other way around.

"Samuel telling Saul, the general whom he hopes to make king: “Now go and smite Amalek [an enemy of Israel], and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys” (1 Samuel 15:3).

These were not the Lord’s own words, and Samuel was no Moses. And there was no blanket promise to back the Jews regardless of their behavior. " (He later condemned Saul for similar behaviour!)

The final sentence contained the indictment of both Netanpsycho and Samuel with regard to YHWH's advice to the Hebrew refugees (from Egypt) if they wanted to stay on the correct path. Michael's synopsis of YHWH philosophy-of-life is a significant clue as to the relationship that ancient belief systems have to what we now think of as political theory IMO.

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Hudson has done much historical excavation in the ancient world over the last 20 years and has far more expertise than Crooke. Also, Crooke is constrained by the size of his column and thus doesn't put the entire Old Testament into the sort of context Hudson does.

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I saw the Hudson piece and copied it into my "Palestine notes" folder for a probable article I'll do on the whole thing. Also saw and copied Crooke's piece. I agree that it's likely Hamas is getting some logistical support from the Egyptian side, if not by Egypt itself. I believe that was long an issue and I remember reading something about Egypt using technical means to detect and close them, probably not entirely effectively.

I have some information on whether Hezbollah has anti-ship missiles good enough to drop the US Navy vessels. That hit on the Israeli ship in 2006 was allegedly successful only because the ship wasn't on a war footing and didn't have all its countermeasures online. That could just be a CYA explanation, however.

According to a Reuters report, Hezbollah acquired the P-800 Oniks missiles (Russian export version) from Syria. If true, and if they have enough of them, the US Navy is in real trouble. Here's the Wikipedia specs:

P-800 Oniks


This thing can't be stopped by any US Navy defensive fire that I'm aware of, although allegedly Ukraine claimed some success using electronic counter-measures (but then, this is Ukraine claims, right?) The only defense would be either some effective ECM or the Navy staying out of range which would be 186 miles for the Russian export version (the Russian deployed version is double that.) The carrier battle group can easily operate from outside that range, however, probably without a problem conducting air strikes on Lebanon. So Hezbollah may not be able to sink any US Navy ships unless they get too close.

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Thank you Karl for this summary. What a cynical game is played by both sides, with Hamas sacrificing the Palestine population in the expectation it will break the settler colony. And may be it even works, as the Zionist guided by their hatred fell into the trap, as Dominique de Villepin put it.

But the worst to me is the German government with Scholz declaring the Fascists in Israel acting according to international law.

What a lousy asshole this guy and the whole german nomenclature is. Time to emigrate...

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It will be a hard task for Europeans to regain their sovereignty if they want some semblance of future prosperity. The task for Palestinians is even harder, while for other peoples of the region they too must struggle. Changing the West Asian dynamic that's dominated it for many years will take great efforts along with the passage of time, but there's very impassioned leadership that has set that as its goal.

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They will not because they want not. Germany now declares openly to prepare for a war against Russia. No joke.

This of course is an insanity, but the real question is how does this insanity grasp the complete leadership of a nation?

They don’t know anything about Russia, and they don’t want to know. They rather destroy their economy before they think about the consequences.

It’s approaching a kind of Black Nero Cult, a hysteria and paranoia that from a certain point on needs the „enemy“ to feed itself. This psychological mechanisms exclude any reverse gear.

We are the supreme culture and we have to act to prove it to ourselves.

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Yes, Excellent question.

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

I read all three articles already, it it is wonderful to get them together, as in your post. I was trying to send a comment to Bernard’s MoA site, but it has not allowed me....anyways, it was about the latest by Seymour Hersh’s report. They are becoming SO FRUSTRATING! Thank you, Karl, for excellent work!

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Hersh is doing stenography for Israel. Don't know why.

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Yes, it seems to be the case.....

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Nov 20, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thank you Karl! Really appreciate your branching into Substack.

I would like to comment on the misguided thought that Orthodox Judaism is guided by the Tanakh (Old Testament). Nothing could be further from the truth. Study of the Tanakh is relegated behind study of the Talmud and Mishnah. From what I have read, it is hardly referenced, whilst huge time is spent studying the Talmud, which is the oral tradition (Torah) written down. This oral tradition has allegedly been handed down from Moses, but in reality comprises discussions, edicts, and interpretations of the Tanakh by the rabbi’s. Orthodox Judaism today consists of worship of the rabbi’s over and above God. It is also completely supremacist and ego centred.

Netenyahoo may well use quotes from scripture to galvanise the populace, but it is their supremacist ideology based on the Talmud which is really driving their actions today.

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That's my basic understanding, too. Lots of spinning of Talmudic content for political purposes to sidestep the fundamental basis of Mosaic Law as Hudson described.

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

Excellent post, I had already read both essays. Hudson... Superimperialism is a must read, his other books too, and his historical anthropological economic journey into the history of debt was for me eye opening and enlightening. Both books, he is working on a third, Forgive Them Their Debts and The Collapse of Antiquity are outstanding and must reads, and from where the comment or the knowledge for the comment comes from. Hudson's journey into the history of Debt is also shaping his current views on the hopelessness of now. By the way another really good book is We The Elites... https://open.substack.com/pub/heininger/p/more-journeys-with-ai-af9?r=16lm0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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