thanks karl... the statement on the mh17 is especially heart warming... that frame up on the part of the west is especially sickening, as the west have tried especially hard to put that on russia... there is a very good book on this topic 'mh17, ukraine and the new cold war' by kees van der pijl - written in 2018 which does an excellent …
thanks karl... the statement on the mh17 is especially heart warming... that frame up on the part of the west is especially sickening, as the west have tried especially hard to put that on russia... there is a very good book on this topic 'mh17, ukraine and the new cold war' by kees van der pijl - written in 2018 which does an excellent job of taking apart how the west has worked to frame russia - unsuccessfully, in site of their control of websites like wikipedia which some of the other arms of the propaganda empire..
thanks karl... the statement on the mh17 is especially heart warming... that frame up on the part of the west is especially sickening, as the west have tried especially hard to put that on russia... there is a very good book on this topic 'mh17, ukraine and the new cold war' by kees van der pijl - written in 2018 which does an excellent job of taking apart how the west has worked to frame russia - unsuccessfully, in site of their control of websites like wikipedia which some of the other arms of the propaganda empire..
i see the bbc puts a very different spin on this karl.. what a propaganda rag bbc is!!
Bollocks, Bullshit & Cargata.