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Thank you comrade, that was an excellent report and most gratifying to read in the light of John Helmer's recent piece on the oligachs and Putin: https://johnhelmer.net/russian-oligarchs-contemplate-the-devil-and-the-deep-sea-never-has-their-grip-on-the-kremlin-been-more-threatened-never-has-russian-opposition-to-oligarch-rule-been-weaker/

and then this gem at wallstreetonparade: https://wallstreetonparade.com/2023/11/the-u-s-treasurys-financial-crisis-warning-bell-didnt-ring-before-the-repo-crisis-of-2019-or-this-years-bank-runs/

There are light years between the east and the west and the gap expands relentlessly as the westies decline into ossified lumps of shit. (if you will excuse the term ;)

The progressive future and reinvention of the Russian economic framework is promising indeed.

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