You could write a book on the subject of the list of (14) states which voted against the ceasefire resolution: United States, Austria, Croatia, Czechia, Fiji, Guatemala, Hungary, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay and Tonga.

If that's a reflection of the gang behind the Hegemon Uncle sam is in deep troublre

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I'm surprised at Hungary, but where's the rest of NATO and AUKUS?

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The Hungary rep at UN likely voted against without consulting their Foreign dept. A suitcase of US$1 million does wonders.

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Not consulting the Home Office usually results in getting relived from one's duties.

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There are such examples of voting without home office approval.

And the punishment at worse is early retirement so US$1 million cash is worth it. I'd do it too.

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I would not. Money for siding with the most odious, genocidal, racist scum?

No thank you.

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Australia abstained, which is weird as the regime there is a major Zionist arse licker. And has been for decades.

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I'm somewhat surprised at the vote outcome as I replied to bevin.

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You'll do your head in trying to understand why the treasonous scum do what they do.

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Thank you for this profound and necessary counter-narrative on Hamas and the Palestinians. The world has abandoned them and yet they stand with courage unmatched. May they be the last one’s standing.

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By the way, I was just listening to Brian Berletic and Angelo Guliano latest live stream at "The New Atlas".

Angelo brought up the point that Israel is bombing a "concentration camp" and is allegedly planning to use nerve gas against Hamas. He asked what kind of look is that for a people who supposedly hate the Nazis for doing the Holocaust? They're doing exactly what the Nazis did! And the Jews elsewhere in the world and all the non-Jews can see that, even if the Israelis can't.

Reminds me of Truman pointing out in his memoirs that when a downtrodden people get a little power, they turn into exactly the same sort of oppressor their former oppressors were.

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I've made the point about Zionism equaling Nazism for many years. IMO, the nerve gas thing was generated to accentuate that very point even if it isn't true. We'll see if the Zionists deny that alleged intent, and if it has the intended affect on getting the wider Occupied Palesinian public to reflect on what their government's doing.

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Funny that Israel lumped their precious ISIS together with Nazis. They have been documented as opening their border gates to let in injured Daesh fighters for medical treatment. They claimed "humanitarian" reasons. Same for Al Queda fighters. We all know the very public apology by Daesh for their one armed clash with Israel. Daesh is well known for not attacking Israel and Jews.

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thanks for reminding me of the fact that this was documented.... it gives an even greater level of hypocrisy to this labelling usa-israel has been doing here..

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you are trying to turn the western propaganda on its head and say what is what... that will be an uphill battle, but it is worth a shot... especially given how the narrative is being rammed down peoples throat 24-7, including here in the un resolution atmosphere and etc.. it seems to me the palestinians, especially in gaza and the west bank are an endangered species and with no outlets to the rest of the world either, at the mercy of their overlords - the so called good guys according to the western msm..

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Yes james my man, that's exactly what I'm trying to do--make them eat their own shit and force people to take a long hard look at the reality of the situation and where the values lie.

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"The Magnificent Seven who are hired by simple farmers to defend their town and lands from armed marauders no different from rabid Zionist 'settlers.'"

I've always interpreted that film differently. Aside from the fact that it's based on a Japanese film - The Seven Samurai, which I have on my hard drive but haven't gotten around to viewing - I see the film as a quintessential right-wing anarchist film. The villagers hire a group of "private security contractors" to defend them from the predation of the state, represented here by the bandits. In the end, with the "contractors" losing, the villagers themselves take up arms and defeat the minions of the state, thereby establishing that people need to learn to cooperate and protect themselves so that they don't need a state.

Given that the state has been described as originating in ancient times from bandits who shifted from the usual banditry to assuming control over populations once agriculture replaced hunting and gathering and trading as the primary human mode of existence, I think the film fits right in.

I, on the other hand, like Eastwood's character as "The Man With No Name" in Fistful of Dollars. He operated alone, independently, and manipulated events in his favor. I especially like the line at the end:

Joe: Mmh. Well, guess your government will be glad to see that gold back.

Silvanito: And you? You don't want to be here when they get it, eh?

Joe: You mean the Mexican government on one side? Maybe the Americans on the other side? And me right smack in the middle? Uhn-hn. Too dangerous.."

As for Hamas, people are missing a couple of interesting points in all the virtue-signaling about how Hamas killing Israeli civilians was "barbaric."

1) People get the government they deserve. The Israelis voted Netanyahu in repeatedly - not to mention all the other Zionists since 1948. If Israel can claim that all the Palestinians are "terrorist accomplices" because they voted Hamas into power in Gaza, then Hamas can use the same argument against any Israeli citizen, making them legitimate targets.

2) Hamas is not a state at war, despite their political wing being in control of Gaza and having been "elected". They are an occupied people and the Israelis anywhere in Israel are occupying Palestinian land. Therefore Hamas has every reason to treat any Israeli as a legitimate target, since they are all "occupiers".

3) Also keep in mind that assassinating civilians could have been a deliberate tactic to insure that Israel would over-respond to the Hamas incursion. Had Hamas simply breached the fence and killed a few Israeli soldiers, the Israeli response might have been presumed to be less than Hamas wanted. If we theorize that Hamas planned this for some time and intended to insure that Israel made a major incursion into Gaza so that Hamas could defeat Israel and establish their place as the primary representation of the Palestinians, then killing a bunch of Israelis would be a rational way to achieve that.

4) How many times has the US killed civilians when it was unnecessary? Going all the way back to the wars against the indigenous native Americans.all the way to the Korean War where the US killed 20-25% of the population of North Korea and subsequent events like the sanctions on Iraq that resulted in the deaths of half a million children. The Iraq war itself killed a million people according to the Lancet study.

As I have no morals or ethics, I can look at these things with some objectivity. I understand human behavior in the real world, not the make-believe abstract world everyone else lives in. As The Joker said in "The Dark Knight":

“Their morals, their code; it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. You'll see - I'll show you. When the chips are down these, uh, civilized people? They'll eat each other. See I'm not a monster, I'm just ahead of the curve.”

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I thought about using other examples, but those I chose seemed the best and enough. I've used the Eastwood Spaghetti Westerns as metaphors in previous commentary but didn't feel they were proper here. I tried to find an image of the "blood-brother" scene to post, but just couldn't find the one I'd seen weeks ago. Since my readership consists of @75% residing in North America, I felt using the Western movie genre would be very effective in proving my point.

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do get round to watching the seven samurai richard... you will really enjoy it..

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Thanks for an outside the box perspective on this. You tied it together masterfully.

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My thoughts on Israel, then and now, and excerpts from this must-read book, with links, and audio https://open.substack.com/pub/heininger/p/israel-a-book-the-ethnic-cleansing?r=16lm0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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alQaeda grew out of US’ mujahedeen attacking Soviets in Afghanistan.

bin Laden took it against theUS. . An aberration. It soon ran the Sunni against the US and any chance the Shi’a in Iraq would gain.

US funded Wahabbist factions (ideology of alQaeda?). To topple Assad and get Russia out of Syria. Daesh went off reservation and tried to destabilize Iraq and Kurd parts of trans Syria. Also to go to Mujahedeen roots and kill Russians and other infidels. Zion used Daish to oust Russia from Syria for US.

Diash/alQaeda are basic Sunni, ally with All against Iran the top cover for Shi’a. Israel ally with enemy of Iran. As with US.

Zion/Nazi/Wahabbist/Daish/neocon/US/EU/NAFO alliance of snakes……

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It's important not to forget the big role Saudi Arabia played in advancing radicalized/extremist Islam. And then there's Qatar and Turkey as well. IMO, it's instructive that Algeria wasn't involved, and equally instructive is the Zionist alliance with all of them--terrorists of a feather all gather together it seems.

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American weapons and money.

Seems the Wahabbist hate Shi’a more than Zion, or the great Satan with all the stingers and $$$.

How Turks go along is interesting, too many F-16 and US $$L. Or they fear surging Iran?

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Take a look at Escobar's Telegram for the photos he provides from two of today's many protests globally, particularly the one in Istanbul, https://t.me/s/rocknrollgeopolitics

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Thank you!

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First published 1981, Revised in 2006 American way of life along with cowboy movies

"Empire As A Way of Life: An Essay on the Causes and Character of America's Present Predicament "

Along with a Few Thoughts about an Alternative Paperback – September 1, 2006

by William Appleman Williams (Author), Andrew J. Bacevich (Introduction) [from Amazon]

A work of remarkable prescience, Empire As A Way of Life is influential historian William Appleman Williams’s groundbreaking work highlighting imperialism—“empire as a way of life”—as the dominant theme in American history. Analyzing U.S. history from its revolutionary origins to the dawn of the Reagan era, Williams shows how America has always been addicted to empire in its foreign and domestic ideology. Detailing the imperial actions and beliefs of revered figures such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, this book is the most in-depth historical study of the American obsession with empire, and is essential to understanding the origins of our current foreign and domestic undertakings.

Back in print for the first time in twenty-five years, this new edition features an introduction by Andrew Bacevich, author of The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War and American Empire: The Realities and Consequences of U.S. Diplomacy."

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Thanks for posting that Don. I read that book 30 years ago and bought my own copy along with most of his other works.

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Anyone here remember Hamas receiving funds from Israel? Is Hamas an enemy, an asset, or an ally? All three? I do not know, but I remember.

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The Zionist connection was severed quickly once Hamas won the 2006 election in Gaza that was immediately condemned since the wrong side won. See Lavrov's comments in his interview I posted today.

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Off topic but worth a read.


Getting panned in the comments.

"First, China seeks to co-opt nations by “investing” in their infrastructure and institutions" Better bomb them?

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