Excellent commentary, and I think the scorpion / frog analogy fits perfectly.

Not sure I think that even a Russo-Sino global show of force would work at this juncture given the absolute need for a pan-Arab contribution, with no exceptions. The recent Arab summit had four votes against any substantive action, where total unanamity is a requirement. Those four are all US satellites, so I can't see anything happening unless someone does something incredibly stupid: not outside the realm of possibility.

The balancing act that the Arab leaders need to manage of course is a restive arab population, all witnessing the genocide but seeing their respective leaders balk at action. That, too, is not sustainable, but I think everyone is acutely aware that any military action, even possibly a show of force, could set off an irreversible slide to regional and likely global conflict. No one wants that, and I think everyone is watching slyly from the corner of the political eye hoping someone (anyone!) else will make the leap. And unfortunately, all the while innocent people of all faiths and origins are perishing in a needless war that was totally avoidable. Just like Ukraine.

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A description of the Greek tragedy reminded me of so often misunderstood inscription at Delphi: Know thyself. It is in the same spirit - remember that you are a finite human being, a worm against Kosmos and the Goods. Thank you, Karl!

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The first time I heard that fable used this way was in 1967, during the Six Day war.

I heard it from the Minister of Defence in the UK, at the time, Denis Healey a pillar of imperialism in the Labour Party since the 1949s when he was International Scretary and a cheerleadrr for the US and the NATO project.

Healey was at our University Socialist Society meeting defending Israel. I'm happy to say that we weren't having any of it. That racist fable (Healey explained that such behaviour irrational and violent wsas part of the nature of Arabs and middle eastern people) gave rise to waves of derision and laughter.

Remember that the war was justified as an Israeli response to an Egyptian and Jordanian attack- an obvious lie at the time but one generally accepted by the media, a lie that shaped the debate: "If Nasser hadn't attacked Israel" the propaganda was, 'the war would never have begun."

Several of our Socialist Society comrades left and went to Israel to help defend the place from this dastardly attack !

Fifty six years later Israel is still doing what it wants, it has decided to swallow the last bits of territory it stole then; the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza and Healey, who made current UN apologist in chief Bob Rae's career in Ottawa by supplying the line that brought Rae fame "It's like being savaged by a dead sheep" he said of some forgotten Canadian politician has been replaced by Kier Starmer another CI Agent.

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Response to Karl Sanchez' "Is the Allegory Correct: Scorpion & Frog"

I agree with your proposal for resolving the Palestine-Israel issue, as it agrees with my long-standing position. Also, I think this will require a UN General Assembly override of any US-vetoed UNSC Resolutions authorizing such an intervention, if that's possible.

The problem, of course, represented by your question as to whether the Empire would try to take on the world, is that the Empire probably would. Then we have WWIII.

Of course, this isn't a certainty, merely a very definite possibility. Depending on how the RoW conducted the military threat, and if necessary the military operation, the US might not have the ability or the opportunity to respond in such a way as to escalate events to the level of nuclear war.

However, I have no idea how that might unfold, so until it does, we just have to hope for the best.

In the meantime, I suspect that things will have to massively escalate before it comes to the point where Russia and China manage to organize such a response. Unless pressure on Israel's economy forces Netanyahu's enemies to depose him - as has been suggested by some analysts - it is likely that at least Hezbollah will eventually be forced to fully enter the conflict, as well as then forcing the US to attack Hezbollah, and thus quite possibly bringing in Iran and an attack by the US on Iran. I suspect only then will Russia and China be sufficiently motivated to intervene more directly - unless they see the same path to escalation and decide to intervene earlier.

It's going to be a mess, any way you look at it. This is what happens when humans make a mistake and then spend 70 years making more mistakes trying to correct the first mistake. That pattern of behavior is constant in humans. I know - I do it all the time, which reminds me that I am human, unfortunately.

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It was my reading from the get go. The US has lost all its influence. I shared, likely on MoA, that the enormous US military presence was only for show.

There is no will to stop the genocide and ethnic cleansing. Like Rwanda, there will a lot of crocodile tears. Zelensky is physically more at risk than Netanyahoo and his gang. Opposition to Netanyahoo needs to come from within Israel which seems to be currently successful in selling the notion of restoring the Holy Lands to more Lebensraum.

Sucking in Russia to gets the US chestnuts out of the fire is a fascinating move and attempts to transfer culpability.

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It's a Rest of the World Moment. I hope tomorrow's emergency BRICS Summit has some open, public accessibility. When morning arrives in my part of the world, we should have some sort of result.

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i wouldn't get my hopes up... many people want the madness to end, but i will be very surprised if anything like that happens.. instead we have a long game ahead of us.. that's my take, as sad as it is to say this..

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Seems to me Crooke has stepped up to another level of analysis. So appreciated, thank you.

Me, I'm no diplomat; I just don''t see how the ROW can let this continue for another 75 years. Sooner or later it will bite them and they have the experience to see it.

That is the same logic Russia faces in Ukraine. The US has to be pushed out OR caved in to.

Same for China and Taiwan. Same for the Arctic.

Israel will take down the world unless the US gets its forces out of the area.

These people want death and destruction.

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I've been watching and learning rather closely these past 25 years when I became aware of the Outlaw US Empire's #1Full Spectrum Domination policy goal. How to defeat the Empire then became the goal. Humanity has a way to go but the road is actually getting easier thanks to the Empires many mistakes.

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thanks karl... i see on rt news that putin is to take part in an emergency meeting of brics to discuss israel-palestine conflict... not sure what this means, but it lines up with some of yours and others thinking here..

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Yeah, I posted that news to MoA. The Zionists, Christian-Zionists, and Neoliberal Globalists present the main challenges to the emerging Multipolar World, and the only way that World can face down the three main antagonists is by standing together and putting forth the sort of front I described.

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By the way, you can read the article by the diplomat that Crooke refers to by following the link from a post on Reddit here:


Click the "Continue here" button and it leads to the full article on Haaretz without needing a login at Haaretz.

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Thanks. Too many websites are jammed with vids that make them beyond annoying and a pain to load. And far too many are now pay sites.

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I like the idea of archiving any article one wants to share (or preserve), then linking to the archive version (also negates paywalls). Personally, I use archive.today (since archive.org has been censoring)

A newbie to your content and finding value here. Thank you.

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Internet Archive censoring?! How so?

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The one that I'm familiar with, which was on their Wayback Machine and only required a simple request for removal - https://www.foxnews.com/media/taylor-lorenz-twitter-page-excluded-internet-archive

I read recently of others discovering missing and altered content but have no proof. If a low level journalist can accomplish a scrub I can only believe that those with the power can get them to obey to remove anything commanded. 1984 came out of the closet during Covid and they won't want to put it away IMHO.

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Thanks for your reply. Curious story at your link.

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Is the allegory correct?

I certainly have an issue with the frog being the Outlaw US empire?

I would see the scorpion as being both the zionistic government of Israel; which obviously also indicates ideological sympathies of a significant proportion of Israel's people with the zionist project; and the the 'terrorists' that speak and act on behalf of the Outlaw US empire.

The frog in that scenario is the accumulated goodwill - generated by the mis-reported facts concerning the actual genocide carried out by the national socialist proxies of the post 1933 German government alongside the historical amnesia about actual events in Occupied Palestine - among many within the Outlaw US empire for 'a new homeland' for the "victims of the holocaust" through the processes of disinformation.

The unvarnished truth - as represented by the scorpion and its deadly sting - of 4,500+ children and 6,500+ civilians will hopefully sink both the false narrative of the holocaust, the zionists and the Outlaw US empire. The latter will either stand down or be defeated in a war it cannot win IMO.

PS thanks for the 'Outlaw US empire' Karl, I get a kick every time I type it.


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Thanks for your POV on the allegory. Perhaps the Zionist Project from its inception combined with the French and British (and later American) Imperialism that helped birth it could be considered the scorpion with humanity's good intentions being the frog.

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I just couldn't accept the Outlaw US empire as the frog. Agree that 'Humanity' and 'good intentions' are a more fitting identity as the frog. It also combines well with my personal opinion that the mass of ordinary people merely tolerate their elites and their BS (choosh). That toleration has limits.

While I'm here: I was thinking about current events and their potential 'historical significance' in relation to previous significant events/periods last night. We are now experiencing how normal life continues in its day-to-day fashion despite the ongoing historical paradigm shifts that are happening at the geopolitical level. That 'experience' could be said to be absent in any understanding of the past via reading history. I'm probably going around in circles but it does suggest how easy it seems to be for the three generation amnesia process and the frequency of major wars being 70-75 years.

Well, that's my morning work-out - time for more tea. ;o)

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Currently in Gaza, the big changes in military tech and the waging of war isn't being completely seen/employed--yet--although the attacks on Outlaw US Empire forces are using those methods. Zionist tech doesn't appear to be any better than US tech, which is to say that it's inferior to Russian and Iranian tech. If the war expands, those differences will become important. The key for the moment is the Zionists' lack of ability to stop Hamas' attacks--IOF huddle inside their machines which become coffins when destroyed. And the same is true up North.

Today marks another anniversary--JFK's assassination 60 years ago.

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crooke's allegory also demystifies the cowardly behaviour of the oily bedouins. in unison with america they ferry the scorpion cocooned in a fantasy they are not the frog but the scorpio pasha being marvellously transported to supremacy's faraway fragrant shore.

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All I can offer is a proverb.

he who sups with the devil should have a long spoon

"Proverbial saying, late 14th century, meaning that one should be cautious when dealing with dangerous persons.. (Oxford)

Now as I write this my mind is churning: maybe both are devils.

That might be a problem because as I understand, there is one devil. Not two,

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Demons are legion.

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Uncle Zhou is the turd and IL is the fly: They will continue to coexist until they meet the boot leather of the Global Adults with a will.

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Some good thoughts and observations, thank you. No major power, including the US, will touch this mess with a ten foot pole. Nazi Germany was a direct military threat to the entire world, Israel is not. If Germany just wanted to exterminate the Jews no one would have done jack. No state actor will get directly involved, including Iran and Syria, if they can avoid it. Even if directly attacked, Iran would likely opt for a restrained, mostly behind the scenes, response. Proxies will do the heavy lifting--Hezbollah, the Houthis and Iraqi and Syrian militias--primarily Hezbollah. Israel will lose big time. There will be no genocide, no expulsion of the Palestinians. If Israel doesn't back off eventually Hezbollah will jump in in a serious way. In desperation, when the US refuses to attack Hezbollah or Iran (because the Pentagon knows a conflict with either would be a military disaster), Israel may try to stage a false flag attack on or in the US to force the US to intervene. What happens at that point--who knows? In any case when the long game plays out, Israel and the West loses. This mess just hurries things along a bit.

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Germany's aim was to exterminate the Slavs, not the Jews. The Jews became extras as so many Slavs were Jews. The Zionists have nuclear weapons and thus pose a threat to humanity. Their Anti-Human behavior increases that threat and has the world alarmed. Evolving beyond Imperialism and Colonialism and finally attaining Global Peace is the desire by the vast majority of Humanity, and the last Plundering remnants must be stopped and made to evolve or be ostracized. No room exists on this planet for Exceptionalisms which is now correctly seen as an extremist ideology.

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