You and psychohistorian have always been two of my favorite “barflies” at MoA and I’ve been lurking there for probably a decade (I’m afraid to count 🙄). Thanks for this heartfelt post. I plan to share it with many....

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I thought of writing something similar but found his essay first. I have a secular understanding of the man known as Jesus similar to Dr. Hudson's which is what my Metaphysics allows, but I felt this was written so well that it merited being spread further. And if 1/10th of my subscribers share this then I'll be very pleased, although I'd like that to be 100%.

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Yes, I like your point here RE secular, because to speak of humanity is not limited to faith. We do have a tradition in the West and it is called the Enlightenment. We should defend it and not let it be destroyed by instrumental reasoning! This is what is really shocking! All of us who believe in humanity, should oppose this genocide! - “This year, however, there will be no visitors from overseas as the West Bank and Gaza, the other Palestinian territory, are submerged in shockingly brutal military violence meted out with impunity by the Israeli state, armed to the teeth by an indulgent Washington.”

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When I capitalize Humanity, it is all inclusive for me, which is almost always. I don't see what are called sub-humans. What I see are those outside Humanity--the out group who have proven they don't belong.

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Interesting. I never capitalise humanity. Come to think of it, I do not use it much in my writing. I capitalise Nature, the World......it must be my phenomenological take. 😎 Thank you for your reply.

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Yes, Nature too. Most Meta-Concepts get that treatment when I write. Too often I find myself mirroring William James's Pragmatism, for better or worse.

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Just curious - why meta? I see them as metaphysical concepts....actually, no....metaphysics is a slippery idea, which depends on the structure of its grounding, so to speak. The most damaging, it seems to me, is the modern physicalist metaphysics, which is not even acknowledged.

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I am Christian. I look at the events unfolding in Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel with horror. There is no averting the eyes, no apologies that excuse the wanton and industrial mass murder of civilians. There is no distinguishing Christian from Muslim here; there is just humanity, suffering, blood, and pain.

The fact that my government and others like it lack the moral fortitude to condemn Israel makes them complicit with and accessories to war crimes. We are witnessing evil on a march of destruction and devastation that is calculated, purposeful, barbaric, and epochal. The Molloch of the Bible would be happy indeed to receive the blood sacrifice of so many innocents.

The US, EU, UK, and all the others are wringing hands covered in blood. They may get away with it in this life, but all will be held to account before the Judgement Seat and Throne of God.

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Brother, wanting western governments to condemn actions they themselves orchestrate is akin to a lion asking its paw to apologize to its prey. Their lack of condemnation is not what makes them complicit. Your eyes have correctly detected evil just as God intended, but keep looking and let your eyes adjust. They do indeed spill blood as an offering, the anesekh to mollech and other lowly decrepit beasts, and yes the human cabal, the cult of mollech & mammon that assist the territorial spirits ruling the west will certainly be judged for their actions by The Lord Almighty. Pray for righteousness brother, pray powerfully, rebuke evil as you see it with his name in prayer.

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Netanyahoo as Herod the baby-slayer

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Thank you for posting this. Very powerful.

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Karl, you and psychohistorian do realise, I hope, that Oregon is actually part of Canada.

Or should be. It's clear enough from the way that almost all sensible posts from the States can be traced back to Oregon or Washington State, another victim of Albion's perfidy in refusing to go to war against Yankee land pirates.

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cascadia bevin! cascadia!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascadia_(bioregion)

i am a part of that too here on vancouver island!

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We'll be back in Seattle on February 2-4 to see Sergio Mendes at Jazz Alley--he's 82 and still going! Lots of hot players at the club in February.

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that looks very tempting to go to! i saw herb alpert in the past year.. if you ever get a chance to see him and his group, i highly recommend it..

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Long time fan raised on Tijuana Taxi, Lonely Bull, and many more. I sure wish I could go to every show I wanted to see. I saw the announcement for his shows but couldn't attend at that time.

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my wife wanted to go.. i was so so on the idea... turned out she was sick and i went with a trumpet player friend instead... i was blown away at the phenomenal show he put on.. he is 90 or close to it! he had the top tier los angeles musicians in his band.. they were super smokin'.. his wife is a great singer and he puts on an amazing show.. all the money from the concert went to the louis armstrong fund for children.. the guy is a beautiful cat!

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Too bad for your wife. Once or twice a year is good, although more would be cool, but there's all that travel expense that's many times more than the tickets.

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Well, before the Brits we had the Russians and before them we had and still have Chinook tribal offshoots.

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Pray for peace.

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Indeed, we have a barbarous genocide taking place before our very eyes and yet we have many that "stand with Israel", something no intelligent person with a trace of morality could possibly do. Then we have the woke, an extremely gullible and manipulable sector of society, actually standing against Israel, this I find confusing as their sponsors are the very same corporations that want to herd us into Animal Farm. Or is this simply done to exacerbate the divisions we already have?

We can only hope this finishes asap, but I do fear that Israel may accomplish many of its goals as they snub world opinion and claim their usual victimhood. Doubt many support radical Islam, but the issue is about humanity not religion.

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Was Hamas a purveyor/follower of "radical Islam"? The Zionist Hydra planted the teeth that would grow to destroy it when they created Hamas.

Yes, it would be excellent if the Herd would realize it's a Herd and stop behaving like one when it comes to raising voices over issues of Justice and Morality. That's one of the reasons why I want to see Cunninham's essay shared far and wide.

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What did Stalin say? "How many divisions does the Pope have?"

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The Pope had lots of money to hire his goons and did on numerous occasions.

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Not lately. The point is it doesn't matter how many Christians support the Palestinians when 40 million Christian Zionists in the US support Israel.

This ends when Israel is militarily (or economically) defeated by Hamas and Hezbollah, possibly with the assistance of some of the states in the region. And if it's only an economic defeat, that won't be enough to get rid of the Zionists.

The problem is how to get a military defeat of Israel when it's dead certain that any such attempt will bring in the US, at least in a air and naval power way.

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You kill it from the inside out.

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That requires elaboration, given that 80-90% of Israelis support genocide.

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Hamas is on the inside. Netanyahu planted it there.

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Uhm, no. Netanyahu planted them in Gaza and the West Bank. If they had any real capability inside Israel itself, we would have seen it before now. The only way Israel can be taken down is from outside by military means. Anything else is delusional.

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