Aug 8Edited

And this is how Banderites (self-proclaimed Ukrainian Nazis) have become indistinguishable from the jewish fascists of IDF:

"the Armed Forces of Ukraine shelled the civilian population, shelled ambulances ... there are cases where doctors died."

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It's the same sh*t!

(Sorry for the French!)

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Since 2011, I have seen hundreds or 1000 or 2000 videos made and published by the murderous Scum in Syria and later in Ukraine itself. Torture, murders, executions, the most heinous atrocities. Crimes of unimaginable cruelty. I have not counted the videos. Then came the videos and pictures from Gaza. Today I can no longer watch such things. Enough is enough. But it has made me immune to Western propaganda my whole life. I can understand Medvedev's open language.

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My exposure began early when I'd just reached eight years of age in November 1963 when I watched Jack Ruby kill Lee Oswald in living and grainy black & white in what was supposed to be a secure Dallas police station. Following that was stories from Vietnam along with photos and color video. And there were the riots and mayhem associated with the Freedom Marches. I was too young at the time, but I later learned of the need to use federal troops to open universities to black students in the South. It took me several decades to understand the terrorism described in "Strange Fruit's" lyrics sung by Billie Holiday and learn of the US Government's attempt to have the song censored. It took longer to comprehend the terror associated with the Western Hemisphere's invasion and the institution that sanctioned it; for some reason, the horrors of the Spanish Inquisition weren't kept from young children or replicated in my Era's cartoon shows. I recall seeing the musical "Li'l Abner" and being shocked at the notion that anyone would want to nuke their own people, although I later learned about the fate of the "Downwinders" and other experiments done on an unsuspecting public by the USG--all in the name of National Security, so it all could be classified. So, by the time I graduated High School in 1973, I was well versed about US Terrorism and its potential for future use. The problem rests in the US public's denial of the genuine historical record--even pundits who are only now changing their POV because of present actions, not the past truths they previously ignored or vehemently argued against.

I could go on for several days listing the horrors of the Outlaw US Empire's past and present. At 42 years of age, "Killing Our Own : The Disaster of America's Experience with Atomic Radiation," remains the best book on the topic, which is just one of the many terrors listed above. It's available online in segments here, https://ratical.org/radiation/KillingOurOwn/ I have my own copy purchased long ago and used profusely when I taught. Many now ask question what those running the USG have waiting for us in the near future, and they have every right to anticipate lies instead of truths. National Security, don't you know!

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Thank you Mr. Sanchez. I'd been waiting for Medvedev to chime in. Remarkable how his outlook has developed and his tongue sharpened the past decade. Milquetoast to righteous rabble-rouser. I think many domestically would support his future return to presidency and his enemies should fear such, perhaps cooling those eager to attempt to depose of Mr. Putin. That may require logic however.

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You're welcome and thanks for the comment. Come 2030, Putin will retire as Russian President. We've had off/on chatting as to who might run in 2030, and a few candidates were forwarded. IMO, it's too early to tell who'll emerge. There're some excellent candidates on his federal team and some he's made regional governors. I don't think United Russia will be displaced as Russia's dominant political party, meaning whoever gets its endorsement has the best chance of winning.

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Funny how we both posted the English translation of Medvedev's Telegram post on our latest articles. :)

Mine also includes another short update from Vittorio Rangeloni. In case you are interested: https://open.substack.com/pub/geopolitiq/p/updates-on-the-situation-in-donbass

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Let's talk about emotions and thinking blockage.

I say little or nothing about this USNATO operation in the Kursk region. This is because it is a completely hopeless endeavor from a military point of view from the outset. Even if 100,000 proxy warriors with 1000 battle tanks were involved in this operation. It is a pure propaganda show. Unfortunately, civilians are the first to suffer. That is the nature of fascism. Fascism is an instrument of capitalism. This capitalism, which even most critically-minded people treat like a law of nature, like an 11th commandment of God. But that is another topic.

In my eyes, it is a deadly sin of the USA and the West that they use Nazi ideology.

Behind this lies the racism against ethnic Russians and the subliminal contempt for Slavs in general. In Central and Western Europe, this racist feeling even affects Poles and other Eastern Europeans. For ordinary citizens, this is more of a subconscious feeling that has been passed down to them over generations and implanted throughout their lives via "Hollywood" and the mainstream media. And something is happening on the Russian side that I would describe, loosely based on Franz Fanon's "Racism Studies", as defiant racism. .... A South African friend from the apartheid era confirmed this phenomenon to me, independently, by saying and explaining it. Paraphrasing, because it was too long ago, "The black man has suffered from white racism for so long that its hatred triggered a kind of counter-racism that can be no less violent." ... I observe something similar in the behavior and comments of a (so far) small portion of Russians. And here we are back to emotions.

Injustice, suffering and wars logically trigger various strong emotions. I don't want to discuss right and wrong. For example, if I let my own emotions run wild, I would no longer be capable of sober thinking and analysis. I am a very empathetic person and it takes a lot of strength to control my emotions in terms of analysis. But this is absolutely necessary to understand the developments. Not only in order to be able to understand, but also so that emotions such as hatred are not passed on to the next generations and history does not keep repeating itself.

I don't know what shape the "multipolar world" will take after the fall of "Western hegemony". But I do know that the continued existence of rich and poor, of exploitation and injustice in particular will not create paradise on earth. The basic evils of humanity remain unsolved.

But, at least there is a chance of a better world for all people if we can control our emotions better. Hate, for example.

The Swiss historian Daniele Ganser said something very good. He spoke of the development of thinking and feeling towards the awareness that all people on the planet are one "human family". One single family. National borders, differences in culture and religions etc., none of this is an obstacle to us all seeing and feeling as equals. Hatred prevents that.

It is not enough to achieve the goals of the present, but at the same time, now, we must think about the conditions we are leaving behind for future generations. I am convinced that Putin is also guided by this in his decisions. At least that's the impression I get.

To do this, however, it is also necessary to overcome thinking blockage. Why do so many people have such a big problem with thinking and discussing the unusual, the transgressive? For example, discussing capitalism, the relationship between rich and poor, etc. What humanity agrees on as a result is another matter. But there are also too many other thinking blockage. If you even begin to think about it out loud and in public, you will be verbally executed. Or you lose your job or go to prison.

Things are becoming more and more totalitarian in the West. Censorship, "thought crime". Euphemistically called: "disinformation and hatred". In the West, a climate is developing in which I increasingly have the feeling of suffocating, of not getting any more oxygen.

Sorry for this long comment. But I am incapable of formulating my thoughts in three sentences.

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Great comment! As you've read, I advocate the point that Humanity is just that, a singularity that's been divided by exploiting Otherness for profit for many centuries, although not everywhere. The continual insistence by Lavrov about the fundamental equality of states large und small forwards the goal of one Humanity along with Xi Jinping's vision of a Humanity with a common future. Putin stresses the homogeneity of Russianness despite a Russian's individuality--the concept of Soviet Man comes to mind. In my newest article, the use of divide and rule can clearly be seen as the Empire's main tool that it's used for a century, and other Empires employed over prior centuries. Changing the situation will require lots of hard work and many years of outreach and interpersonal contacts to vanquish the Otherness concept. I'm trying to do my part as the Gym has readers from almost 2/3s of the world. The analytical dimension Humanity must view things by is Class, which ought to be obvious even to non-Marxists.

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I must correct myself regarding the "Ukrainian offensive at Kursk". I hadn't considered the nuclear power plant near Kursk. So it is not just a propaganda event, but this offensive was aimed at this nuclear power plant. USNATO's plan was therefore very likely to capture this nuclear power plant, plant explosives in sensitive places and blackmail Russia. Russia would have found itself in an extremely precarious situation.

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Medvedev is correct

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Of course he is right. How much more suffering and horror do people around the world have to endure? We often discuss geopolitics. For thousands of years, this word has concealed dirt, betrayal, intrigue, blood, rape, genocide and so on.

I posted the following elsewhere. I'll just copy it here. Sometimes I'm lazy too.


"I don't know anything. I was just thinking. Nothing more.

Official claims (also in Russia):

Russia was surprised by the coup in Ukraine in 2013/2014. Russia was deceived by the West regarding the Minsk Agreement. Russia was lured into a trap by the West and Russia therefore invaded Ukraine in 2022 and since then Russia has been weakened by this war. Russia's reconnaissance and ISR did not notice the preparations for the operation in the Kursk region.

Russia has known about the intentions and objectives of NATO's eastward expansion since the 1990s. Russia knew all along about everything that was happening in Ukraine and for what purpose. Including NATO activities in Ukraine since the 1990s. And certainly Russian intelligence also has its "resources" in the USNATO structures.

You can also believe that everyone involved on the Russian side has been sleeping in the corner intoxicated by 3 per mille alcohol every day since the 90s and is therefore always surprised. My guess is that the weakened Russia has known what USNATO's goal is since the US broke its word in the 90's. In view of this, one can believe that Russia was lured into a trap. But one can also believe that Russia, faced with the foreseeable inevitability, lured USNATO into a trap in Ukraine. It is often more interesting what the media do not report and cannot know. Maybe historians will know in 100 or 200 years. If we survive this whole mess.

But what am I saying here? Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one."


(I can't give any likes in Substack. I don't know why.)

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Me neither. Count this as a 'Like'. While I'm here let me agree with your suggestion that USNATO were lured into a trap, I'm just not sure who or what did the 'luring', or perhaps it was a 'temptation' of the time?

On a lighter note the words 'diplomatic curtseys' that Medvedev used did produce some amusing images in my minds eye...

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Well it is time to take Rurik seriously. I have seen Dmitri Orlov rudely (with no need) dismiss him and I've seen Simplicius totally and emphatically dismiss any suggestion of drone supremacy on Kiev's side.

In fact the Russian war machine shows itself to be hopelessly inept to an extent where serious questions of internal sabotage, conflict of interest, wholesale deception of the populace need to be asked and settled.

And in fact the 'new weapon' Kiev is using with such dramatic effect is drone supremacy, ECM supremacy and including drone management supremacy and supremely sophisticated incorporation into battle plans.

Eventually something had to show. With the wiliest, craftiest most cunning minds from 30 countries to hand even though perhaps all talking at once and vying for authority there was/is always a chance for wisdom and novelty to finally be heard. It looks like it has been.

But Moscow has been conducting things as though only a braindead lunatic Kiev were on the other side.

Here's Rurik's latest and he is right: things have happened as he said they would and things do appear to be as he says they are.


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