Thank you for this very interesting ASEAN update. Malaysia and Indonesia are both strongly pro-Palestinian. Encouraging to hear China and Russia push Israel to stop the genocide. They need to push a lot harder. They have the power now.

And love the Big L's shirt.

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Yeah, those are the sorts of shirts I wear except they're short sleeved. On Palestine, the situation seems stuck with the US Congree clearly confessing its guilt in the Genocide. My analysis remains the same--force will be required to solve the issue, and not the level of force being used by the Arc of Resistance.

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Agreed. Will take external force to stop Israel. US is instead a complicit ongoing sponsor of Zio genocide & Resistance Axis is acting very gingerly to avoid all-out war. UN shld expel Israel and send in a peacekeeping force w/ fighter jets but they won't.

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There's talk of whether China and Russia will continue to work within the UN to enforce International Law (which Israel has been breaking for years as we know) and try to remove the US veto and control etc or whether they will set up their own separate BRICS 'real' version of the UN. What do you guys think?

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Hudson makes the salient point that the Outlaw US Empire will only "join" international organizations where it can have veto power over its actions and the key is to create institutions free from that veto. I agree but we both understand that such a process with the UN will take years, while IMF, World Bank, WTO, and a few others will be easy to replace. IMO, that's why the security proposals made by China and Russia are so important to consummate--Global Security Initiative and Greater Eurasian Security Project, both of which share essentials. The BRICS Parliament idea recently floated by Putin could become the core of a new UN. The key IMO is it must be a group undertaking, not just seen as a project by another superpower. The BRICS Summit in October will be a must watch to see what emerges.

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Thank you. I think they'll form a new UN out of the BRICS parliament and everyone will be in it apart from the US and its vassals- the main violators of international law- then BRICS will vote on how to set about enforcing it.

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Lavrov is an elegant man no matter how he dresses. My father used to say that “simplicity is the mother of elegance,” and this applies to our beloved and admired Russian minister.

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That shirt is getting a lot of mileage...

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AUKUS is just a scam, and look at the timelines. I doubt that any "deliverables" will eventuate, just lots of meetings, paperwork, and money churn for the grifters. To get past the current housing/casino/ponzi, resources sold off, and directionless national development projects there's at least a decade or more before anything productive can eventuate regarding a "real" economy.

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I know that everyone fancies Maria Zakharova, I'm a straight woman and I do too, but Lavrov ♥️♥️ intelligence, integrity, politeness, humour, wit.. and funky shirts!

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nice shirt! the malaysian people are wonderful people! and they have bucked many of the trends that other countries have succumbed to.. i can see this relationship as a very fine one indeed!

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This: "Anyone can wield a club, but very few know how to employ it deftly—it lacks adroitness."

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