I have to agree. Look at Iraq (with its non-existent WMDs), Afghanistan, Libya, among others, and now Ukraine, since the focus of the USA is now Israel and assisting in the genocide that country is committing.

Wasn't Zelensky in a serial TV show that had him in the role of a president who created peace in Ukraine? What a disappointment! And look what the aid of NATO, the USA and other western countries has done for it. And, of course, for Russia. I just hope the Taiwanese are paying close attention, and thinking twice about American and NATO assistance.

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It's been my contention that was a psy-op all on its own. He was put there with a suitable script to accustom his viewers and later voters that he was a leader, and a man of peace. And of course we know the history once he was elected that he reneged on everything and is now a bought and owned slave for the Empire.

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"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root."

-Henry David Thoreau, Walden, ch. 1 (1854)

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The US has a epidemic of use of mind altering chemicals. I often wondered are our seemingly unhinged government officials on drugs. To this day I still suspect Jeffery Epstein supposed suicide was the result of a drug induced psychosis.

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from the 'chemical' bombardment of korea after ww2, to the chemical factories on the russian border in 2022 that russia has addressed, lavrov is right about the roots and intentions of the usa and friends.. thanks karl..

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It goes way back further than WWII. I'm not sure precisely when it started but I suspect it was somewhere about the time between George Washington saying "don't get involved in foreign countries" and the legalization of corporations.

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As I read it started with the genocide of the natives in "America". This conditioned the Americans to solve their problems with violence (like their masters did in Europe). After the founding of the USA the new government was is Africa doing regime change just a few years later, see "Barbary Wars" and "The Battle of Derna" where the US Marines where used to force the legitimate ruler from power to install a puppet for monetary gain. The US Marines antheme still contains the historical evidence "From the halls of Montezuma, to the shores of Tripoli, we fight..." (Tripoli being the capital of Libya).



"The United States of America were at one period desirous of forming an establishment at Derne, which they offered to purchase of the pasha of Tripoli; but their offer being rejected, and some misunderstanding having taken place upon other grounds, they forcibly seized it. Not long afterwards, however, from what motives I could not learn, they suddenly deserted from their enterprise and quitted the place, leaving behind them a battery with six pieces of cannon, and a water-mill which is still in use, and gives rise to much stupid wonder in such of our barbarians as happen to approach it."


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Yes, that's how I've understood the history, although the Barbary thing was supposedly about "the Barbary pirates". I suppose that might be the first use of "false flag" excuses for intervention... Would not surprise me. And then people wonder why I'm an anarchist.

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