It's good that Lavrov has finally admitted that force must be used against “all those who oppose it to comply with the decision of the UN Security Council and General Assembly to create a Palestinian state.”

By the way, regarding Ansar Allah’s hypersonic ballistic missile, yesterday I wrote an article about it, which I have updated today with the footage of the launch: https://geopolitiq.substack.com/p/yemen-has-hit-israel-with-hypersonic

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You may find it interesting to check the section of my latest Substack where I address the issue of "hypersonic."


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Regardless of misnomers and such, what the Houthis did is quite a feat!

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Response to Karl Sanchez' "Lavrov: "rules-based order" "Totalitarian""

"Crooke again emphasized Biden’s Neocons seem to have no awareness of the Zionists’s goals;"

That's not quite right. What Crooke said (I just listened to it half an hour ago) was that the individual in question talked to "people in Washington" who didn't understand what was going on. Well, did he talk to the **real** neocons - who know perfectly well what is going on? Did he talk to the PTB behind the neocons, who know perfectly well what is going on.

What that gentleman got was more proof of Andrei Martyanov's constant rant that every sing;e ruling party individual in the West is educated in universities where they are taught nothing of value in courses like "Foreign Affairs" and "International Relations." And as such, if someone from the Pentagon briefs them that Netanyahu is nuts and Israel is going to be destroyed, they will simply dismiss that briefing as from someone who doesn't have their own lofty interpretation of reality. This is the reality in any large organization, corporate or government.

In my latest Substack, I went at some length about this nonsense. Crooke gets it. He reports on how things are progressing on the ground, not in some Washington hotel ballroom somewhere. He reports on what the real movers - i.e., Netanyahu, who controls the situation - are doing.

As for Lavrov, he still doesn't get it. This is what I said before and repeated in my Substack piece:


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made this statement (in Russian) in July, 2024, at the UN Security Council:

QUOTE In this regard, it is important to restore intra-Palestinian unity, which we have always sought to promote by providing an opportunity for representatives of various Palestinian movements to conduct a much-needed dialogue on the Moscow platform. We are convinced that the Palestinians are capable of determining their own future without outside interference, no matter how much someone would like to decide everything for them and against their will. That includes Gaza's future as an integral part of a Palestinian state. We are all aware of the behind-the-scenes contacts and plans that predetermine the future structure of Gaza and the entire Palestinian state. Although there is practically no talk about the state. I believe that everyone should respect the principle of "not a word about Palestine without Palestine".ENDQUOTE

Lavrov doesn't get it. There IS Palestinian unity. Almost all the Palestinians support Hamas. What there isn't is a unified Palestinian government; it's split between Hamas and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). If Lavrov can come up with a plan to eliminate the PNA or force it to agree with Hamas, that would be laudable, but also irrelevant. Unless the Palestinians in the West Bank are prepared to confront Israel as Hamas is doing (and they are - they are only restrained by the PNA and its collaboration with the Israeli government), only Hamas will remain as the only real government of Palestine because only Hamas is confronting the Zionists in proper terms, i.e., militarily. Hezbollah is in support of Hamas and the Palestinian people, not the PNA. For them, it only matters what Hamas does, not the PNA. I suspect the same goes for Ansar Allah and the rest of the regional militias. For its part, Iran has always said it would respect whatever decision the Palestinians make.

I see what Lavrov wants to do, but it's irrelevant on the ground.. He's putting the cart before the horse. Get the Zionists out first, then worry about unifying a Palestinian government. Once the Zionists are gone, the Palestinians can have a civil war, who cares? That's their internal problem. The regional threat to peace are the Zionists.

Wikipedia has an entry called "State of Palestine" which explicitly states that the PNA is in charge of the State of Palestine. And this: "On 15 November 1988 in Algiers, Yasser Arafat, as Chairman of the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization), issued the Palestinian Declaration of Independence, which established the State of Palestine."

So technically, under Article 51 of the UN Charter, Palestine is already a "state" just as the Donbass regions were before being incorporated into the Russian Federation. And they already have representation by the PNA in various missions and embassies.

Now, of course, the PNA is crap controlled by Israel and Hamas are the only real spokesmen for Palestine. Hamas is considered a terrorist group by almost everyone except Russia. So I view the entire issue as irrelevant. No one needs to "speak for" the Palestinians except Hamas because they have the guns. And they have spoken as stated: "No Zionist entity in Palestine."

It also doesn't matter what Russia does diplomatically. Nothing will happen in the UN Security Council. Nothing will happen in the UN General Assembly. If Hamas isn't represented in the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation), nothing will happen there. The time for talk is over. Now the only thing that matters is military force.

I suspect the Russians, at least, are beginning to learn that their previous desire to have good relations with Israel, primarily because of their interests in Syria and a stable Middle East in general as well as the presence of substantial numbers of Jewish former Russian citizens in Israel, is no longer tenable. The apparent recent arming of Iran with Russian advanced fighter aircraft, air defense systems, and electronic warfare systems appears to confirm my impression.


As for the Houthi missile, it's not clear that it is hypersonic. If the time and distance reported are correct, the speed was about Mach 8.62. I address that issue as well in my Substack. "Hypersonic" is a term that can be used two ways: 1) a missile capable of speed greater than Mach 5; and 2) a missile which can maneuver in the atmosphere to evade interception at a speed greater than Mach 5. The latter applies to the well-known Russian hypersonic missiles the Zircon and Kinzhal, and more so the Avantguard. The Iranian and Houthi missiles have **some** maneuverability but not to an extensive degree.

That said, however, clearly they are still extremely effective at penetrating Israel and US defenses.

More details of the upcoming inevitable Middle East war in my latest Substack posts:

Armageddon in the Middle East - Part 1 - Why It's Inevitable


Armageddon in The Middle East - Part 2 - Correlation of Forces and Methods


Armageddon in The Middle East - Part 3 - Scenarios and Implications


Armageddon in The Middle East - Part 4 - The Nuclear Option


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Thanks for stopping by RSH. I agree the only action that can alter the situation is force from external actors. But, who will those actors be? Ansarallah wants to transport some of their ground forces to Palestine or perhaps Lebanon to help. We watch while we wait.

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Do you have a link to the above interview with Crooke.

I appreciate your comments, thanks .

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Thanks. It's within the text of my article, but here it is again, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtvmSBjfz-I&t=2s

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I had that in my later tonight line-up! Thank you! So kind.

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I am really frustrated w/ Lavrov and Russia re Palestine. Some power MUST forcibly stop Israel and its sponsor, the US, from doing this genocide. Izz entity has made it very clear it will not negotiate any ceasefire and US has made clear it will continue enabling Izz w/ no red lines.

Yet Lavrov said nothing new here -- he addressed negotiations like they could actually produce a ceasefire: "Egypt, along with a number of other countries, is trying to find recommendations that will be acceptable to Israel and Hamas."

Not gonna happen! Yes, Lavrov said countries should *force* Izz to recognize Pal state -- BUT he did NOT say countries should *force* Izz to a permanent ceasefire. That has to happen first and time is fast running out.

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I'm frustrated too,, although IMO we're watching the oddest war of liberation to occur post-WW2.

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Thanks for this interesting recap of Lavrov's remarks. Between Putin and Lavrov, it makes a stunning contrast with, say, Biden and Blinken, as far as wisdom goes. It's embarrassing to be an American!

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"This is obvious to any person. They are historically doomed. The course of history is accelerating."

So true. Our work is to bring western working people, suffering under these deluded lunatics, to this common understanding.

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Well, obvious to any "informed" person. And that's what the issue's all about.

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Thank you as always Mr. Sanchez. Lavrov's comments about forcing UN mandates was interesting, and I hadn't heard yet of Mr. Johnson's spotlight encounter with a detractor. I warn VOA is untouchable, not something to be criticized, would advise Ritter et al not to even speak of it. VOA transmission traffic is currently and has been for decades like back in AT&T's Long Line days, of a higher priority than many integral domestic communication lanes. That's not bad mouthing some replaceable elected official or policy, that's something much further up and for whatever reason has some folks in true power keeping it at an oddly elevated priority. Blessings.

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