Yes, the West has repeatedly and habitually violated the UN Charter.

I agree that Sergei Lavrov is the World's Greatest Diplomat. Vlademir Vlademerovich Putin is the World's Greatest National Leader.

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Full disclosure. How can you publish a Russian speech and not even link to Biden?

Against my better judgement, I went there. I will put in some links so you don't even have to do a search.

For years I went to NetRoots conference which was started by dailykos.com. It is a democratic conference. Forget the date - 8 to 10 years ago Biden spoke and I would not go into the large hall to hear his BS. I wandered around and watched a few pieces at a viewing set up in another room.

True to form he delivered BS to the UN. Like people who are full of themselves, they spout out the biggest piles of BS all the while being so smug in their own brilliance.

For me, Biden's speech was a dramatic event displaying a superpower ensuring an even bigger crash.

Link to video of his speech which starts at about 45 min. I guess the State Dept likes to have lots of blank space to display that Biden will be speaking.


and state dept text which corrected Biden errors


Now I will do something bad. After I said too many times to count that Biden delivered BS, I will be bad and actually publish some of that BS. Warning - wash hands before moving down the page..


Sovereignty, territorial integrity, human rights — these are the core tenets of the U.N. Charter, the pillars of peaceful relations among nations, without which we cannot achieve any of our goals.

That has not changed, and that must not change.

Yet, for the second year in a row, this gathering dedicated to peaceful resolution of conflicts is darkened by the shadow of war — an illegal war of conquest, brought without provocation by Russia against its neighbor, Ukraine.

Like every nation in the world, the United States wants this war to end. No nation wants this war to end more than Ukraine.

And we strongly support Ukraine in its efforts to bring about a diplomatic resolution that delivers just and lasting peace.

But Russia alone — Russia alone bears responsibility for this war. Russia alone has the power to end this war immediately. And it is Russia alone that stands in the way of peace, because the — Russia’s price for peace is Ukraine’s capitulation, Ukraine’s territory, and Ukraine’s children.

Russia believes that the world will grow weary and allow it to brutalize Ukraine without consequence.

But I ask you this: If we abandon the core principles of the United States [U.N. Charter] to appease an aggressor, can any member state in this body feel confident that they are protected? If we allow Ukraine to be carved up, is the independence of any nation secure?

I’d respectfully suggest the answer is no.

We have to stand up to this naked aggression today and deter other would-be aggressors tomorrow.

That’s why the United States, together with our allies and partners around the world, will continue to stand with the brave people of Ukraine as they defend their sovereignty and territorial integrity and their freedom. (Applause.)

It’s not only an investment in Ukraine’s future, but in the future of every country that seeks a world governed by basic rules that apply equally to all nations and uphold the rights of every nation, no matter how big or how small: sovereignty, territorial integrity. They are the fixed foundations of this noble body, and universal human rights is its North Star. We cannot sacrifice either.


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When I saw what the Outlaw US Empire's UN rep had to say about what Biden would say, I knew it would be the very BS that you provided, lies about the #1 serial breaker of the UN Charter and its own national constitution. The really important point I've been attempting to get people to understand is that same BS has been ongoing since 1945, that it's not a recent phenomenon. IMO, a reappraisal of US policy from 1938-1941 toward the UK is required as it's very clear that one of the war's goals was to eliminate the UK as a global empire and for the USA to replace it. Bretton Woods is the key, but also the entire drama over the Neutrality Acts and Lend-Lease need to be reexamined. Some of that work's been done, but IMO more remains to be uncovered. One historian called FDR a wily fox with a great ability to conceal his motives but failed to do the sort of deep-dive as it's now called into FDR's past behavior during WW1. Remember, the same team, sans FDR, that created the UN and its Charter is also the same team that began breaking it in 1945. Wallace was too populist and antifascist, had to be ousted, and was. The ultimate WTF question for me: Why did FDR not prosecute any members of the Business Men's Coup plot, which was worse yet akin to Obama letting all the Banksters get away with their fraud?

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"Dailylykos"... democratic...

Lykos is Greek for "wolf" and I don't know about this site but generally is used by Illuminati decendants of a planet in the Milky Way who have interbred with Humanity. There Latin based name for this hybrid species is "Cynocephaly", referring to Latin "dog", canem, and the Greek word for head, "kephalos".

Another red light is "democratic", which is form deprived of essence, Liberal corporate autocracy whitewashed in a notion of people-power.

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I've been reading those lately for the first time. Real page turners.

I agree on Russia/China. Although rejected by Europe Russia is truly the last guardian of Western civilization and China clearly holds the same position for Eastern civilization. Both will take the preservation of history seriously.

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I presume you're referring to Asimov's Foundation series. I hope you're also reading the prequels to the main trilogy. Also, his Robot Series intersects in some areas and is also fascinating. Do look at Wikipedia's pages for both, which can be reached from its main article on Asimov. I found Alibris vital for obtaining all the books.

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Although I think I know a lot, at the end of the day I know that I hardly know anything. There is so much to know and there is so little time. I made a screenshot of your post. Maybe one day I will look into the series. Thank you

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Time is difficult as it waits for no one, and it gets worse as you age. Although I'm an avid basketball fan, removing TV and returning to radio has freed up time as it's easier to multitask, and it saves $100/mo. Good luck on finding out the best way to manage your time!

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Thank you karlof. In a previous life Comrade Lavrov must have been a knife thrower at a circus. I must say it was good of the Albanian Chair to make that stupid remark as an opportunity for the Russian team to set out the circumstance once again for all to see and read.

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Thanks for the translation. Lavrov is a giant of a statesman, there are so few anymore.

The contrast between Lavrov’s detailed and referenced speech and Biden’s vague hand waving at concepts for the purpose of propaganda are revealing both at the personal and governmental system level.

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Thanks for that FYI. First Hudson, then Desai and Escobar, now PCR along with 730 other subscribers.

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Great post. I'm linking it in tomorrow's daily report at ASkeptic


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A comparison with Biden's UNGA performance from your POV as a preamble to it would add to it, IMO.

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When Putin announced Russia's SMO, he clearly stated its purpose.

"The purpose of this operation is to protect people who, for eight years now, have been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kiev regime. To this end, we will seek to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine"

From what I have observed, he is doing just that. People get excited when Russia cedes battleground to Ukraine. They see it as a Ukrainian victory, and proof that Ukraine can win. They are ignoring the SMO's stated purpose above. The Russian goal is to demilitarize. You accomplish that either taking the fight out of the opponent, or taking the opponent out of the fight. Holding Bakhmut wasn't a goal, it was a tool for demilitarizing. At the end of the day, Ukraine has wasted huge numbers of troops there. The same plays out elsewhere.

Biden's speeches are meaningless. Biden's stated goals change daily. His goals are spoon fed to him by whoever has his ear that day. There is no plan to win. America's only plan was to weaken Russia, and it failed miserably long ago.

In Gulf War 1 the plan was to oust Saddam from Kuwait. It was a clear goal, and turned over to military planners to execute. It took months of planning and preparation. An enormous amount of equipment and soldiers were moved in. It was unmistakable what was to come. The American plan for Ukraine is to just send old gear in until Ukraine runs out of guys. When you compare these two conflicts, the lack of a winning plan is unmistakable.

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As many have written, the Empire had a plan but it blew-up in its face and never had a Plan B. At Moon of Alabama today, the topic was "How Will The Biden Administration Cope With Its Loss In Ukraine?" and elicited a wide variety of surmises.

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Lavrov is really fierce when his dander is up, however he never loses track of his argument.

I was particularly struck by the following, "In an effort to prevent the democratization of interstate relations, the United States and its allies are increasingly openly and unceremoniously privatizing the secretariats of international organizations, bypassing the established procedures for decisions on the creation of subordinate mechanisms with non-consensus mandates, but with a claim to the right to blame those who, for some reason, are not pleasing to Washington."

It reminded me of the research I did following your words regarding Papal Bulls of the second half of the fifteenth century, which I wrote that I would research rather than ask you to explain. I only used Wikipedia but the relevant information was available.

Papal Bulls of 2nd Half of 15C – Karlof1’s comment re Papal Bulls that made everyone except a certain sect of Christianity Non-Humans and their lives and property forfeit to the "select."

The section that Lavrov's words (above) reminded me of a similar process that was highlighted in Wiki - believe it or not - and goes as follows;

"There was change in the constitution of the College of Cardinals during the course of the 15th century, especially under Sixtus IV and Innocent VIII. Of the 27 cardinals alive in the closing months of the reign of Innocent VIII no fewer than 10 were cardinal-nephews, eight were crown nominees, four were Roman nobles and one other had been given the cardinalate in recompense for his family's service to the Holy See; only four were able career churchmen. [Wikipedia 'Alexander VI {13}] "

Are the similarities an illusion?

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Several outstanding historians over the centuries have noted the circularity of history. I took their theories and added linearity to allow for the advancement of time. Thus, the many adages about history repeating itself, although not exactly. So, the answer is no, they aren't illusions; rather, they're factual evidence of how history circulates as power structures recreate what came before, which they are usually ignorant about. What was the intent of those Papal Bulls? They were that age's attempt at full spectrum domination that was defeated in detail by multipolarity.

The Chinese learned long ago that it's much easier to establish harmony than to try and rule over all by force, and more profitable too--Win-Win is a Confucian concept. Xi's significance is weaving Confucianism with Chinese Marxist-Leninism to arrive at a hybrid initiated by Deng. 75% of the world seems to agree with having Harmony as the goal.

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So, in the specific case of the papacy and their papal bulls, full spectrum domination was directed at the Mediterranean Economic Region. The area previously dominated by the Roman empire until the loss of its western regions and its transformation into a predominantly eastern Mediterranean empire.

In the pre-Columban period the papacy must have been the equivalent of the UN, IMF etc... all rolled into one. Interesting comparisons might be the USA and it's seeming control of both the UN and the IMF, and the kingdom of France's capture of the papacy in Avignon for most of the fourteenth century.

The transition back to popes in Rome seems to indicate a very muddled and confusing period of popes, anti-popes and multi-popes! Anyway, I seem to be rambling now, so I'll merely say thank you for your reply which has re-invigorated my energies WRT to my own 'history project' - time to get busy.

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Don't forget the global wars waged by the Papacy on Islam and Orthodox Christianity, and its more regional war against Judaism. Hudson's crucial critique of what the Roman Church became in "Collapse" provides a much needed corrective to the actual history of that institution. Luther's objections merely scratched the surface of what really needed to be said. Today we critique the Establishment Narrative, but that Narrative began almost 2000 years ago, which is what one outstanding researcher and author called "The Biggest Story Ever Sold."

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Hence, there have always been bad people and that doesn’t change clearly. How does the majority prevent these bad actors from acquiring such huge power?

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That's an excellent question whose answer has changed over time. For a polity to make informed choices as to its representatives, it must have as close to perfect information as possible, which means the manner of being informed must be as unbiased, factual and credible as possible. Experience has taught us that means such sources must be owned by the public; but, even that method has proven inadequate as what's become of PBS/NPR proves.

Generally, when a market fails another emerges to take its place. Within the USA, both the public and private media markets have failed; so, the above axiom says they'll be replaced, and they are slowly via the internet. In 1999, Indymedia shouted out--Become the Media--and massive numbers of Indymedia sites sprouted like weeds here and internationally. Much of that initial wave subsided and new sites have appeared to replace them. There're actually many but they're hard to find.

The other part of preventing an oligarchy from forming is citizens knowing the duties of citizenship, and that's fantastically lacking within the USA and West generally, which is why oligarchies now rule. If we're going to govern ourselves via representatives, then we must act together to keep "bad actors" from gaining entry to government; keeping them away from private power is much harder.

None of the above is easy. Life isn't easy; ask any homeless person. Within the USA, we're squandering the great amount of work that was done by the previous generations; and as we're learning, their work wasn't enough. But all too many don't know that simple truism because they don't really know how we got to where we are today.

Yes, my answer's imperfect. In essence, it's easy but not as it's complicated. If we just do that then things will be better; but to do that, we must first do all these other things. Many don't want to put forth the effort and decide to go along to get along. And that POV makes it easy to control and divide people so they work against each other instead of together.

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Not to mention the creation of bad karma in the Buddhist Lotus Sutra where the law of cause and effect transverse today's reciprocal response to the "Outlaw US Empire' . It is well established in eastern religious dogma that such anti harmony or Unity' would be detrimental to state governance and geopolitical Unity'. Such was the case with the Emperor Hirohito endorsement of the militaristic Shinto religion of 1930-1943 Japan. Although it can be argued Shintoism is not a true religions following.

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Just an incredible statement. Much credit to Lavrov himself but also to his excellent staff.

It is regrettable that so much Russophobia gets in the way of following cogent analysis.

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New tech, old struggle. It's not clear in this twilight period who will write those books and manage the digital archives. I'm betting against the US imperialists. They are so corrupt and anti human as to have become an obsenity in the mouths of millions world wide.

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I found it curious that Asimov in his Foundation Series never raised a question about the validity of the video educational reels used for education. Of course, Harry Seldon was an academic and psychohistory would require an accurate reading of the past to provide accurate forecasts of the future. IMO, the "brainy" nations with Russia and China in the vanguard will be the preservers of genuine history for they know its true value, which is priceless.

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Thank you so much for making this translation available to us. What a tour de force.

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Surprise! Russia is backing the rule of law.

Sure law is normative, but the "rules based order" just happens to be my rules says the SUPERPOWER

And I have built over 800 military bases around the globe to ensure your safety.

And you don't appreciate being safe?

You might not agree. You might ask: Who are you to set the rules.

Well, there is another who, the WHO to ensure medical health of all people.

Are you ungrateful for all I have done for you? You children ...

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"World's #1 Outlaw" got it.

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World's #1 Terrorist State. Got it?

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Yes, that too as I've written for two decades.

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No mystery. Moreover wherever US forces are assembled to defend democracy' and fight terrorism, becomes a terrorist haven. Indeed this is the 'Outlaw US Empire" modus operandi or Calling Card, and workings of the Outlaw Empire underbelly Shadow Government.

Make no mistake Iran Syria the ongoing Muslim insurgencies in w. African and french speaking states of Burkina Faso Mali and of course Lybia are but a few on a ongoing war of terror sponsored in part or in whole by the Outlaw American Empire and its fake democracy called the US Congress.

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Many refer to it as the Anglo-Zionist Empire of Lies and Hate. The term was coined by a commenter on Moon of Alabama. Pepe Escobar and others use it too. It seems to have caught on.

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Karl Sanchez coins it best as the "Outlaw US Empire' in that the 1945 UN character composed primarily by America then broken and continues to break with its rule based order.

The old American saying once a Outlaw always a Outlaw remains true. There can be no quarter given particularly of one that holds hostage such a body as the United Nations., global peace and universally excepted internationally understood norms of conduct.

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You make a damn good point! It's precise given the USA breaks the international laws it made. The same applies to our outlaw office holder's, legislators and judges.

The USA is a Clusterfuck. We're the Clusterfuck Nation.

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Agreed, but who/what allowed it to become that way and when did that actually begin? (This whole Q&A thread ought to become its own article.)

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By the way, Clusterfuck Nation is a blog written by James Howard Kunstler. He's excellent in case you don't know about him.

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Biden's speech was Goebbels level propaganda and mostly lies.

That is Biden's style to make the most outlandish statements as if they were real.

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May it be written in the world history text books of the future post imperialist order.

Especially liked this bit:

"and not so much to Washington as to the ruling Democratic Party in the United States."

Lavrov really gets it. This party has become the cockpit of intelligence and war making. It is just as right wing a party as the Republicans but vastly more powerful and dangerous to the entire world.

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That's the problem with digitalisation, there are no books and history can be changed at the click of a button... He who controls the present, controls the past... etc. Why else are all the Western foundations and governments pushing for complete digital, after all?...

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thanks karl.. it is a particularly powerful and insightful speech from lavrov.. i was especially happy he stated this : "Those who, contrary to the UN Charter, divide humanity into "democracies" and "autocracies", would do well to answer the question of what category do they attribute the Ukrainian regime to? I don't expect an answer."

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