Sep 4Liked by Karl Sanchez

Dissapointing that in reply to Israel-Palestine question, Lavrov avoided addressing how Russia could immediately contribute to stopping Israel genocide & a permanent ceasefire. Instead he rehashed stale stuff about 2-state solution.

Without intervention, US-Israel will continue this savagery til no Palestinians are left. I guess Russia is helping via arms/tech to defend against US-Israel, which wld be undiplomatic for Lavrov to address?

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Sep 4Liked by Karl Sanchez

The worst part was this statement:

"But I still want to separate the Israelis from the Nazi regime. Israel did not ban the Arabic language. He never forbade the Arabs to practice their religious cults and generally follow their traditions."

I do not agree with Lavrov on this at all. Does he really consider Israel superior to Ukraine, just because Israel did not ban Arabic? Well... sorry, Lavrov, but there is no need to ban Arabic, if you are going to kill ore remove all Palestinians from Palestine!

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I think you're both aware that I disagree with Russia's policy but try to understand why they have that policy, which is complicated and convoluted. IMO, Lavrov hasn't been confronted with the right series of questions that would help reveal the why of Russian policy. Plus, we must ask the question related to the Outlaw US Empire's choice to make all UNSCRs unenforceable when it comes to the formation of a Palestinian state that was supposed to begin in 1948 and again in 1967. How has that thwarted Russian policy?

We see the Outlaw US Empire violate its constitution and the UN Charter on a daily basis and wonder why nations like China and Russia don't act the same to attain the goals we think they should. Well, Russia and China aren't outlaws because they don't act like the US, so they refrain from unilateral intervention, which in Russia's case would violate both its Constitution and its Foreign Policy Concept. Look at the measures Russia had to undertake just to come to the active intervention on the side of Donbass. China's position isn't as convoluted as Russia's, but it still can't act legally to directly help Palestine militarily.

Most of the above I've rehearsed before yet still conclude that military force will be required to make a Palestinian state possible. How to get that force introduced is the problem. I anticipate the Palestinian issue will be the #1 topic at the upcoming UNGA Debate. The ongoing economic siege has the potential to collapse the Zionist state, but that still doesn't liberate Palestine. The Hebrew version of ISIS needs to be routed, decimated, for that happy event to occur.

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Thanks, Karl. I found this talk really interesting.

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Sep 4Liked by Karl Sanchez

"New BRICSPay payment system - panic in the West"

Activates the English subtitle. So far the best explanation of BRICS pay.


As soon as BRICS Pay is launched, many countries will join the BRICS. The West will be the loser (through its own fault). But at the same time it increases the danger of warlike escalation by the USA and the West. Ukraine is just one piece of the puzzle in the whole development.

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Watched the first half using the English CC display. I highly suggest watching DR. Hudson answer Nima's query about the supposedly proposed BRICS Unit which takes up the first 30-minutes of the program. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfQwhM610Io

After reading then listening to Hudson's observations, I have an idea of why the Unit was trotted out which has spawned this other speculation--it provides маскировка for the genuine article to be announced in October.

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Sep 5Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thank you!

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