Thank you for the link to the Ryabkov interview. (Журнал Международная жизнь - Интервью с замглавы МИД РФ С.А. Рябковым https://interaffairs.ru/news/show/46753?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email) I found it interesting.

Since you said that there is no transcription yet, I experimented a bit with the substack transcript options and got an English translation of this file from Yandex Translate. The result is not entirely satisfying, but better than nothing.

(As I already mentioned - I am new to substack)


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Meanwhile, across the big pond ... President Biden's speech to NATO's 75th bash [20mins]


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Long-time reader, first time poster - Firstly thank you for this blog Karl, it is a pleasure to be given the opportunity to read words straight from the horse's mouth, as it were.

I have much reservations about Modi's sincerity, many of his party's motives and actions seem at odds with the Rest of World goals. I do not see him as someone who can be trusted, but of course that works against the west too. Hopefully this will indeed be his last term, and India reverts to a more pluralistic democracy that it has shown in the past.

I am not sure I share Lavrov's scepticism regarding the outcome of the French elections. If he is inferring that Le Pen ought to have prevailed then he may be neglecting the traditional protest vote aspect of the first round of the French electoral system. Le Pen would inevitably betray those who voted for her, as do all far-right leaders - as Farage will do in England and Trump has done and will do again in the US. They are scorpions, it is their nature.

A more hopeful analysis of the French election result can be found on the substack of raminmazaheri.

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Thanks for your reply. Ramin is an excellent observer and reporter. I see the French political situation as part of the Mutiny happening within Europe and its direction is hard to predict. I don't have problems with Modi; I have problems with Indian political culture and its Caste System. There're very good reasons India lags behind China and most of ASEAN developmentally, primarily the misuse of its human capital.

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"The Americans and NATO continue to say that they are not at war with Russia. This is a bad face in a bad game. They understand this very well."

Regarding this, actually Jens Stoltenberg the other day indirectly admitted for the first time that US and NATO as parties to the conflict in Ukraine - see the last video (it is very short: 10" excerpt from an interview of Stoltenberg on "Fact The Nation" on CBS News) in my previous article: https://geopolitiq.substack.com/p/the-guardian-wakes-up-after-8-days

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Stoltenberg admitted NATO was a party to the conflict several months ago that was caught and reported by Maria Zakharova during one of her weekly briefings. And of course, the Luftwaffe conversation intercept also proved that beyond doubt, not that it was really ever in question.

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I must have missed that. Do you have a link to Stoltenberg's previous admission?

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As I recall, that was in 2023. I did a search and he admitted to that in an interview with the Washington Post that this 15 May 2023 Crosstalk episode discusses along with Stoltenberg's admission that the conflict began i 2014, not 2022. https://www.rt.com/shows/crosstalk/576218-nato-ukraine-conflict-stoltenberg/?ysclid=lyey0ubrb9968923225

My search for the WaPost interview gained nothing, although its content is discussed by numerous other writers.

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thanks karl..

no mention of india nationalists going to russia and then serving in the war in ukraine... apparently modi brought this up with putin and i am not sure the full response to this enquiry... if you find out anything - please let us know.. thanks!

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