We US Americans allow ourselves to be throttled by Zionist malcontents who are resolved to tie us to their designs against Arabs and Africans in general and Moslems in particular. Absent that nonsense, we would be side-by-side with Lavrov and his purpose in diplomacy such as this. We pay a huge price letting Zionists run our nation. It only hurts us, and we do it to ourselves.

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Appreciate your daily reporting and commentary, Karl. Particularly with the Moon silent for the time being, useful insights seem few and far between.

It is good to see MFA Lavrov reiterating what I was pointing out years ago at the time of the secession, that the USG was behind the dicing of the Sudan. I believed at the time that the good ol' USG was extorting Omar's submission via threats and promises wrt the ICC Damocles.

(I also predicted that SS would not `work` as a sovereign entity (various reasons) and this has also been borne out in recent years. (Partly, it must be said, owing to USG-instigated provocations via Kenya and Museveni's Uganda.)) Recent murmurs hint at reunification at some indeterminate date ini the future, though the USG would strongly oppose and boobytrap.

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The USG always wants to boobytrap what it can't control. Fortunately, it's losing its grip on Africa slowly but surely.

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I'm not as confident as you, but let us pray so. As long as the USA can keep instigating rebellion against France in the West and Equatorial colonies oops I mean former colonies, they will be ready to pounce and take advantage of instability; but hope lies in the Russian and Chinese govs for holding the line against USA.

(I know this sounds absurd to the point of heresy but my own feeling [I have history in the colonies oops former colonies] is France will regain a degree of composure in their African commonwealth........ with clandestine support of Moscow and Beijing!!)

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Karl or any fellow MoonofA readers, I'm sorry for an off topic comment but has anyone got an update on Bernhard "b"?

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Sorry, no.

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Jun 10Liked by Karl Sanchez

thanks karl... the fallout from libya must be at the top of many minds in africa and we know whose doorstep to lay the fault for that on... i think the african leaders are aware of that as well..

interesting macron has called an election for june 30th.. that is 2 elections back to back in france and in the uk - july 4th and from 2 of the most war mongering countries in europe.. i don't think it's a coincidence.. something is up, although i can't quite figure it out... but the obvious conclusion to make is that these leaders are out of sync with the public... and then we have the election in the usa which is already proceeding like a real gong show.. all these warmongers need to be taken out to the woodshed..

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Too bad we can't Gong-out the two Duopoly contenders.

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Jun 10Liked by Karl Sanchez

Personally I would prefer a gallows - after due process in Nuremberg 2.0, of course.

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Jun 10Liked by Karl Sanchez

Either an attempt by Macron to escape the US deep state paws or à la Rutte a way to keep piloting from behind the planned war on Ukraine (but with the catastrophic results of the governing parties in Germany this sound hardly feasible).

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I agree that this is possibly an additional motivation, although EM is probably the least `Third Way` of the Fifth Republic presidents. The USAG is behind France's troubles in Africa and Pacifica, not autochthonous uprising as most commentators seem to believe. In Africa in particular the USAG has been trying for decades in vain to break the dominance of the francafrique in the Bulge and down the Rift.

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Jun 10Liked by Karl Sanchez

lots of interesting and possible conjecture at this point... the fire is getting hot and some want out perhaps?

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Liked by Karl Sanchez

james. although it is unusual for two short-notice snaps to be called, and for high summer, not usually the best time, it is divergent domestic matters that have driven EM and RS to call those elections. Both may have to wait until the auguries improved but have done it under pressure and advice that any delay would only lead to worse outcomes. Also very different situations: RS and his party (and everyone else) all know that the Conservatives are going to get emphatically defenestrated and that Labour are going to secure a massive majority. Soon-AK'd onlny concern is to limit the damage and hope for at least Official Opposition status as the second-largest party. But it is very much a Tweedledum-Tweedledee situation in Britain and no one expects a Lab under a KS government to be any better than the chaotic and destructive 5-PMs-in-8-yrs Cons of the past 14 yrs. Therefore the Centre will hold firm in Westminster and there is no need for a `far right` bogeyman to invoke (Reform is in any case too centrist for that to work).

Very different situation in FR, where EM is calling the election in order to limit the damage the `far right` RN could do following their triumph in Brussels. But Micron can be fairly sure of securing continued workable majority in Palais Bourbon, with the help of some coalition manoeuvres. He can then go back to his mischief-making in foreign lands and sit out his remaining 3 yrs in office.

As usual in general elections, it is domestic interests on which people will vote.

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Tried editing but my edits are not taking.

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