He is strongly hinting that Western Europe should extricate itself from the US Empire and join Eurasia. So Russia is still open to this. From 'Lisbon to Vladivostok'. Am very glad to read this. IMO it is the key to world peace and prosperity, as corny as that may sound.

I expect America to suffer a major body blow - from within - next year, some European states as well, especially the UK. I suspect that this time next year those states will be almost unrecognizable and finally they will have to renounce their endless meddling and adventurism abroad and rather look within, as both Russia and China had to do extensively, and painfully, last century. The ongoing crisis in Gaza might well oblige Israel to end her adolescent dependence on the Great Power all the way across the Atlantic and instead learn to become an independent, fully adult State in the Middle East.

The worm turns...

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I've read a lot of Lavrov and this is the densest address he's made with much to unpack in every paragraph. Yes, 2024 IMO will be one of those hallmark years for many reasons.

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That 'Stephanie Hersh ' !

Lavrov and his colleague Putin, have done something that rarely happens in the history of nations. Something that few people in Russian history-Peter for example, perhaps Potemkin too or Alexander I- which is ti find the state close to collapse pick it up, out of the diplomatic, military, economic and social gutter and bring it baxck to Great Power status.

There is much about the pair that irritates me- Putin's faux Tsarism or flirtation with Orthodoxy for example. And sometimes, as in the case when Yeltsin handed the Poles forged documents purporting to show Sovier responsibility for the Katyn massacres, makes ond almost despair,. His attitude towards Israel's fascist government is annoying too. As was the way that Ghadaffi wass dropped like a hot potato when Russia could have vetoed the UNSC resolution that was used to murderr him and kill Libya.

But that's just internet dilettantism- even Bismarck's work for Germany pales in comparison with what Putin and his team have done for Russia.

And the world too, because without Russia's baby steps back to Great Power status we would have been left with the world that Gorbachev made- one in which clowns like Clinton, Bush and Obama could play at hegemony.

People jeer at the American People but who else could have produced a set of corrupt, mediocre, ineffective losers in a line stretching back from Reagan to Biden. No other electorate could have blown off so many of its own feet in such a short period of time.

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I sometimes wonder which will be the first country in the west to get involved with BRICS. Canada? No way! And fFor one reason: proximity. I wonder about Ireland and/or Wales.

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Hungary IMO is closest. Orban was at the BRF in Beijing. Slovakia is another possibility. Is Serbia in the West; is Turkey? My hypothesis is the smaller Neoliberal Bloc will slowly shrink as its members abandon it and join the Global Majority Bloc as time rolls forward.

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