"It seems to many (and me too) that Israel wants to create a pretext for directly drawing the United States into this war and is provoking Iran and Hezbollah in every possible way to do this. It seems to me that the Iranian leaders are behaving extremely responsibly. This needs to be properly assessed."

Great. Now that we've all assessed it properly, what the fuck are you going to do about it, Lavrov?

Repeating over and over that the problem is the US or "the West" isn't going to resolve the problem.

May I suggest that sending S-400s with Russian technicians to Lebanon and granting Syria the right to shoot down Israel F-35's using the Russian S-400 there, and sending S-400 to Yemen not to mention several hundred P-800 ONIKs anti-ship missiles, and similar actions might be more useful.

It may make some sense to make a tweak to the Russian nuclear doctrine to send a message to the US, but it makes better sense to take actual actions that directly threaten the US and Israel military capability in every region of the world.

Nasrallah is dead. His deputies will adjust, adapt and overcome. They still have 100,000 soldiers and 100,000+ rockets and missiles. Time to bring the hammer down on Israel - with the aid of Iran, too.

Lavrov and Putin can help by telling the West that IRAN is now a full-fledged ally of Russia and any attack by Israel - backed by nuclear US - is now considered a "joint attack" under the new Russian nuclear doctrine that justifies a nuclear response on both Israel and the US. See how the US Pentagon likes that approach.

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Lavrov gave the reason why a solution can't be arrived at, yet also said that diplomatic efforts must continue--he's a diplomat, not a military man, although he was key in getting Putin to approve the SMO. He said Chapter 7 was required but it will be vetoed. So, he knows force must be used. He's 73 and has learned a few things. There was another point he made about Russia's relations with Syria and the Zionist's threats. Lavrov said correctly that Russia's been lied to and deceived too many times, and the SMO response was in response to that. Lavrov's A to the Q about the new nuclear posture was a gem. We examined that earlier. Several years ago, Patrushev was sent to Occupied Palestine to inform the Zionists that Iran was under Russia's nuclear umbrella, and nothing's happened to change that status. And then there's the problem of media being able to see the Lebanese carnage but very little escapes about Zionist damage. But given the intensity of the assault, Zionist AD ammo's being rapidly depleted. Soon, it will be close to defenseless in the SAM realm. That's when Iran sends in 100 or so of its missiles.

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Karl has correct understanding.

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A Hollywood fictional movie script. Excuses at their best. Historians are supposed to be Objective and Evidence based. What happened to that approach?

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It still lives on with many, except that we find it very difficult to get published, even someone as noted and widely published as Dr. Michael Hudson. That's why the trend is shifting to self-publishing, podcasts, and generating your own website. Patreon and substack are also part of that change. It also helps to know what/who caused the change in objective scholarship and when that occurred--1880s, when the ancien regime began its counter-revolution against the movement authored by those known as the Classical Political Economists. And it further helps to know the actual nature of the 4,000 year-old Class War that continues between Creditors and Debtors . The Big Picture is vast and BIG, covering much and many years. Knowing it all or at least 80% is an immense challenge that takes an entire life of study and deep investigation. And most PhDs haven't a clue since reductionism has herded them into little enclosures where they study one very small part of the elephant.

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A very wordy response to a rhetorical question but thank you none the less. What could I add? I've been reading Putin and Lavrov via their official websites for I can't remember exactly how long maybe 16 years or so, doesn't matter. And much of their online video speeches especially Putin's big ones. I also have a good memory. Helps enormously. Dallied a bit with historical research. Have the wounds to prove it happened. That's it. Have a great day.

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I recognize that the Axis strategy is attrition - which also means attrition of the US/Israel's ammo supply. Nonetheless, at some point it's time to "fish or cut bait". Reportedly Iran is under some pressure from the Axis to make a move. The excuse they used that they were waiting to see if Biden could produce a peace plan is just that: an excuse. They should know by now that there will be no peace plan of any kind. So all the excuses have been used up. Time to act. They can do a lot of things that won't directly cause an immediate US attack on them, although they have zero control over that.

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I completely agree with you.

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Me too.

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I agree with Richard, with the proviso that obviously Russia is never going to do anything to help Hezbollah, Hamas or the Palestinians and Lebanon. Iran has got no hope either.

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Russia has already helped Iran, delivering much needed serious air defenses. Russia will not make an offensive move until it is necessary to prevent Iran's defeat. That may never happen, since Iran can't be defeated by the US, short of a nuclear strike on Tehran.

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I agree - it's worse than a waste of time to continue engaging in a corrupted forum like the UN, ditto all agencies of post war US imperial power. As our host suggests, move a revitalised organisation elsewhere and exclude the US and its satellite states.

Holding fire is only encouraging these psychopaths who only understand extreme violence, when it's finally visited on them those who survive will wail in feigned innocence.

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dornoch altbinhax

dornoch’s Substack

2 hrs ago

"I agree - it's worse than a waste of time to continue engaging in a corrupted forum like the UN, ditto all agencies of post war US imperial power. As our host suggests, move a revitalised organisation elsewhere and exclude the US and its satellite states."

I disagree. Imho, you can't withhold memberships for certain nations, for then how can it be considered the United Nations? I believe we need new rules for the new UN and the first and foremost would be to toss the veto power of anyone. I think secondly the security council should also be tossed and allow all nations to participate equally on all decisions. That new UN could then extend invitations to the usa and it's vassals and see if they want to join without veto power of any kind. They'll need to add any country not joining is still liable, to be sanctioned by the UN and/or military suppression against rouge nations causing mayhem, or chaos anywhere on the planet. America with no hegemony and a tattered economy may likely have to comply?

"Holding fire is only encouraging these psychopaths who only understand extreme violence, when it's finally visited on them those who survive will wail in feigned innocence."

Again, imho for many it won't be 'feigned' innocence, they're psychopaths after all, they actually believe the fantasy spun for the clueless masses, their wailing will be mostly pure innocence. However, they can wail more often than whales near Wales, nobody will be listening to their cries of injustice.

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Last year when I composed my Two Blocs thesis, I had that sort of new UN arrangement in mind. The first step is to get China's Global Security Initiative active and then move on from there with about 150-160 of the world's nations onside out of the 195. Yes, everyone says the want to avoid the formation of Blocs, but I don't see any other way forward as the Blocs would be something temporary until all that remains is the Outlaw US Empire, UK and Canada as they will be the final holdouts.

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my Two Blocs thesis .. sounds almost the same as a new Cold War - the world split in two camps Outlaw US empire (OECD+) and the rest.

What a "novel" idea. :-)

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Excellent presentation by Lavrov, as usual; however I strongly disagree with his statement that October 7 was a terrorist act:

1. By international law, any occupied population has the right to resist using arms.

2. Ample evidence has been available for months that most of those killed on October 7 and 8 were a result of the Israeli army implementing the "Hannibal directive".

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Yes, agreed, and I've opined similarly and made it part of what's wrong with Russian policy. But the reality is all the past opportunities to rectify the situation were blocked by the Outlaw US Empire just as it shares responsibility for the Genocide. Most US citizens are aware that Vietnam was a massive travesty, but few are aware that support for the Zionists is far worse and has cost more in lives and treasure when we look at the Big Picture.

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Three things this morning: Wikileaks, John Helmer and the NYT

Wikileaks tweeted about a secret CIA document on High Value Targeting. It was released by Wikileaks in 2014. Assignation is included.


John Helmer's article today


One of his best articles.

"In the history of imperial conquest and rule of the Arabs – that’s Turkish, Italian, British, French, American, Israeli – decapitation of leaders has always been preferable to genocide of peoples because it’s much cheaper.

Slavery, as the Portuguese empire first developed it, was the cost accountant’s solution to making genocide pay for itself – pay lucrative profits in fact."

The doctrine of racial inferiority of the Arabs led to the miscalculation of Israel on Oct 7, and their ongoing miscalculation of their technology to reach their goals -- .. which is removal of Arabs from what the Zionists claim is their land.

The combination of inferiority, terrorism, and state policy of assignation led Biden and many others in the west to say that assignation is an act of justice. Recommend Helmer's article.

And then to top off the morning before my first cup of coffee, the NYT article above the fold "Hezbollah Chief Confirmed Dead in Israeli Strike: His Killing Sets New Course for Lebanon and Steps Up Pressure on Iran."

Iran is the enemy. Killing a leader makes Israel less threatened. The Zionists attack was a "strike" but no mention of it as an act of terrorism. The article continues the decades long approach advocated in the CIA document of taking out the leader leading to chaos and collapse of an insurgency.

The Zionists and the west assume the murder is the way to peace. What a contrast with Russia!

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"Trump is the enemy. Killing Trump makes Biden/Harris less threatened."

That's what the NY Times published above the fold today. Such killings are proper policy according to the NY Times.

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Thank you Mr. Sanchez, that was exhaustive. I caught a lot of it in a stream, his reminders of u.s. interventions hit hard.

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Lavrov's speech was a great one. The most realistic and reasonable of all those I have heard in that great hall of impotence.

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I'm with Fadi here.

Great speech as usual. However, “There is no justification for the acts of terrorism to which Israelis were victims on October 7, 2023,”. Is getting somewhat tiresome in as much as it’s an implicit acceptance of Israeli propaganda, which was and is used to justify the punishment of Palestinian civilians; in that sense I would call it ‘Choosh’ and is an indication of ‘wrong thinking’ in the Russian government and especially the Foreign Ministry. Sometimes reality has to trump rhetoric and we know Mr Lavrov can do reality. The fact that the occupation forces are pursuing the exact same policy of civilian bombardment in Lebanon should be at least a clue that Russian dual passport holders that remain in the occupation state SUPPORT the genocidal regime there. I’m sure there must be laws in the Russian Federation to abrogate the state’s support for such individuals. Your use of Pepe’s forthright description at the beginning of the article highlights reality over rhetoric.

There were some wonderful LEADING questions set before him and one, connected to the narrative trying to sow division within the Axis of Resistance, where he answered “I do not think I have the right to comment on anything related to Iran's problems and interests. I cannot answer questions about what Iran is going to do. This is incorrect and impolite.”. So he doesn’t have to implicitly support the propagandistic horror stories put out by the Israeli genociders with regard to Hamas’ incursion, or more properly excursion, into Occupied Palestine in October 2023.

I was interested in his reference to the “the poisoning of the Skripals in Salisbury. [We have received no]... information, despite official requests from our Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor General's Office to their colleagues in Britain.” because the news here yesterday revealed that the Skripals would not be allowed to appear in court to testify because they would be in mortal danger if they appeared in public! Curiously no mention was made of the possibility of testimony via a video link. It seems to me that the possibility that either is still alive is remote; the UK and US Establishment seem to hold the sanctity of life in the same low esteem as the one that occupies Palestine. That, it seems to me, is reality.

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I agree, good point - "So he doesn’t have to implicitly support the propagandistic horror stories put out by the Israeli genociders with regard to Hamas’ .." al aqsa flood attacks on Israel military installations and the taking of hostages of oct 2023.

But these are the word games we play in geopolitics and war.

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If it is gone, it is gone, just like the League of Nations.

Some obituary by various entities might be required, including death notice.

If anyone wants to start anything new it will have to be started outside the West, EU, NATO, etc. Perhaps withdrawal by China, India, Russia, etc. would be a good start. Inaction gets you nothing other than signaling acquiescence.

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The BRICS Summit in Kazan in three weeks takes on additional significance IMO. One other point I didn't make in my comments were Lavrov's many accusations of Guterres clear pro-NATO/Western bias, that he's clearly not performing his job as the UN Charter stipulates.

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I am not sure why the heck some commentators here think that Russians have to act not in the interest of their own country first and forget their own primary goals & concerns , and begin to threaten unhinged Israel and the US with nukes or go fight Israel ,or what ever else people want Russia to do ? I am sure Putin, Lavrov and the rest in Kremlin would really want to know what they have to do and what strategy to implement IOI.

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Frustration leads to incoherent thinking. It's better to walk away until the mind settles before writing a knee-jerk response, which is what most are.

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Another recommendation - Consortium News has a panel discussion preliminary to Assange's speech on Tuesday.

Text from another source.

"He will now speak in public for the first time when he gives evidence to the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in Strasbourg on Oct 1.

It comes after a PACE report into his case which concluded he was a political prisoner and called for Britain to hold an inquiry into whether he had been exposed to inhuman treatment.

"It will be an exceptional break from his recovery as (the Council of Europe) invited Julian to provide testimony for the ... Committee’s report into his case and its wider implications," Stella Assange said on X."


Assange points out that there is contradiction between the First Amendment and The Espionage Act.

Will the US ever resolve this contradiction?

Right now even the Democratic party is calling for restriction on speech, continues to have media companies censor unwanted speech, and other acts of censorship. The exceptional country is truly exceptional in bridging contradictions! It is only logical.....

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I've always held the Espionage Act like the Alien and Sedition Act well before it is unconstitutional. John Adams and his crew were smart to include a sunset provision so it wouldn't be challenged in the Supreme Court, where it would have lost and been struck down. Worse of course, is the daily violation of the Constitution and UN Charter which the entire US government and military has sworn to uphold and defend. The Outlaw US Empire is far worse than a contradiction, but the proper word eludes me at the moment.

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Hi. It has been 3 months since you wrote this very good commentary. Did you come up with the proper word yet ? I thought of bunch of different ones but none of them seem to express it quite rite.

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IMO, there’re many of Bastiat’s sayings that are apt. Once they gained the power of office, the Founders discovered their idealism—Bill of Rights—impeded their Imperialism and sought ways to circumvent their “mistake.” But there isn’t one word in English that encapsulates that.

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Right. Create a new word.

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The US and the west ignore the statements made by Russia.

They do not have an obligation to answer these claims.

Engage in actions to get media coverage, like the Minsk agreement, then not be responsible to follow through.

The religious hypothesis, Russia is evil, justifies all the West's actions and thus we are not bound to dialogue.

The relentless pressure from Russia on the battlefield and Russia's world class diplomacy lays bare the imperialism of the west thus leading most countries to join in the movement to a multipolar world.

Once the propaganda bubble has been popped, there is no return to the high moral ground.

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That's why so much emphasis is now placed on the Info War. "Look at the roots of the problem" is so correct it can't be argued against; so, no argument is made; rather, just more smoke and bull shit is spread across the field. Now we have Operation Unthinkable added to the mix, and soon we'll be back at WW1 for root causes. And that reminds me I need to return to my studies of that period for important clues to the present lie there.

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"security can either be equal and indivisible for all, or it will not be for anyone"

Only the heroic people of Ansar Allah in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon will stand on that.

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The Verbose One Speaks - surprised you don't just Bold all of it Karl - you may as well have.

I am not going to read it. A skim was more than enough to get the 'gist'

I have had it with Russian duplicitous propaganda and denialism. Yeah yeah yeah, it's all America's fault - heard it all before - he should lay down a 5 minute track for Spotify and put it on repeat and give a link to all the reporters.

"Poor old Russia cannot do anything because of the big bad wolf America" -- wah wah wah

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Okay, so you're now the sovereign nation of Prometheus, know the history behind this conflict and are a UN member; so, what do you plan to do? How is your policy going to differ? And how will you defend your nation from the Outlaw US Empire's reprisals?

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Karl, I’m curious if there’s a particular reason why critiques of Lavrov and his commentary style seem to evoke such a strong reaction from you. It’s true that Lavrov can be somewhat repetitive and tends to belabor his points at times. Your responses give the impression that you're taking these critiques quite personally, almost as if you were Lavrov himself.

I find that frustration often leads to less coherent thinking, and sometimes it's more effective to step back and let the mind settle before responding. That way, we can avoid knee-jerk reactions and engage in more thoughtful discussion. 😊

I do have my own thoughts and opinions about your questions. Though I suspect you do not really want to hear them so I shall pass. Thanks for asking though. Maybe another time.

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A summary of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's UNGA Speech and his remarks during a United Nations press conference on September 28, 2024



Kind regards

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I’d like to add something that’s quite obvious: Lavrov is a highly experienced diplomat. Like any diplomat, he addresses complex issues and communicates in a way that is typical for those in his field. In this regard, he’s no different from Blinken or Clinton, regardless of the ideologies or policies they each represent and repeat whenever they get the chance.

Personally, I generally support Russia’s geopolitical approach, goals, and actions—within reasonable limits—when compared to what I see as the conduct of the 'outlaw US empire.' However, I also recognize that Russia and its leadership are far from perfect, nor do they need to be. There are plenty of areas where people of good will can justifiably offer criticism or raise questions.

Regarding Lavrov's recent visit to the UN, was there anything that we, as geopolitical enthusiasts, hadn’t already heard or known for some time? My sense is that there wasn’t, but I’m open to hearing if anyone noticed something particularly significant or out of the ordinary in his speech at the UNGA.

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I repeat myself:

"I hate to say it, because I respect the man's diplomacy, but the "Ukrainian neo-Nazis" DID NOT seize power in Kiev". That's simply not true. I remember reading that the Ukrainian government ministries were all but one headed by jews, and the so-called Nazis were their muscle."

Please try dealing with what I said and not what you think I said.

One of the main points of contention that I have even with those who share most of my opinions is the unthinking and reflexive abuse of the word, "Nazi".

First of all, the word itself started its life as Bavarian slang meaning "country bumpkin, Dummie or Loser".

It was appropriated by a creepy jewish newspaper propagandist named Konrad Heiden who first used the word to insult and demean the National Socialists in the jewish owned Munich press in the early '20's. It was quickly adopted by the world's jewish controlled press worldwide.

I fully understand the Russian antipathy for Germany but I know why Germany under Hitler attacked the jewsih CCCCP when they discovered they were about to be attacked by the million man army that had been moved to the Soviet front. The Germans struck first is all... I'm not making excuses - I'm merely stating the facts.

In fact, if you seriously investigated the history of European 20th century you would quickly discover that the parallels between the "NOTSEES" vs the jewish controlled West with its new modernized assault on the Russian leadership right up to their non-stop demonization of Putin with every new article in the "Western" press. It is a seamless comparison. What happened back then is happening again NOW to Russia. This time the jews have targeted the Russian people for destruction. They already completely control Germany.

You've seen what they've done to Palestine and Lebanon. They have the same plans for the rest of us.

Russia is being targeted by the REALLY BAD GUYZ just like the Germans were for the "crime" of wanting a fair and just peace for the world free of the malevolent attentions of a clique of murder-worshiping kiddie killers.

It actually stuns me when I think about how manipulated even some of the strongest minds can be by the non-stop propaganda, although I fully admit to being the victim of their deceit and dishonesty more than once myself. At least I can claim to have mostly "woken up" to their criminal nonsense.

Now, as to the supposed "Nazis" in Ukraine... Azov started out with a legitimate beef. After all, the jews in control of the USSR/CCCP systematically exterminated with extreme prejudice between 6 and 15 MILLION Ukrainian Slavic Christians in the 1930's and 40's! They had a right to be angry! Just not angry at Russia. It wasn't Russians who murdered and tortured to death their kin. It was organized jewry that did that.

The "AZOV battalion" in modern Ukraine was fully-funded by a jewish oligarch who viscerally HATES Russia. That cancels any attachment they made have historically had to a legitimate resistance movement. They have proven themselves to be murderous thugs, hidden behind the mask painted over their evil features by the craven murder-worshiping jewish media. There are no comparisons that can be made between the Azov thugs and the German Army - not by any well-informed reader of REAL HISTORY.

My point?

Russia, under Putin, is finding itself in the same position as National Socialist Germany found itself in in the 1930's and the same collection of horrid monsters is responsible for both actions.

Our efforts should be focused on "cleaning up" our collective history - not reinforcing the myths that are helping to destroy Russia and ultimately, the West itself. The old adage comes to mind: "GARBAGE IN - GARBAGE OUT.

If we don't start with the truth we will never find our way out of this dead end that appears to end in mutual destruction - and ALL based on LIES fomented by the most sordid collection of psychopathic monsters on the planet.

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Sep 29
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Yes. As we've seen "jews" can be Nazis. Like Mafia, the Nazis operate in the dark, but they're constantly there. In the Presser, Lavrov clarified Russia's policy for me. They would submit a Chapter 7 proposal at the UNSC, but it will be vetoed, so it's a waste of effort. But, by saying that, Lavrov admitted Russia sees the need to use force to get the situation changed and the Two State decision implemented.

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Strange. Nazi can't be a Jew ? Sort of similar to the argument that there are no nazis in 404 because Zelensky is a Jew and his grandpa fought in the Red Army against nazis. Ukro-nazis did come to power , like Lavrov correctly stated " as a result of a bloody coup" ; they began way before the Maidan of 2014 , they were elected to ukies' parlament in 1994 already and from there nazi parties with all kinds of names multiplied & spread the ideology in Parlament , in local governments and everywhere else. BTW, minister Sergey Lavrov is definetely not a Jew , in fact he has Armenian blood. Which of his statements and when could possibly make one think that he is Jewish -- is a mystery. If you " respect the man' diplomacy" it should be clear that the extremely intelligent and experienced heavy weight champion of diplomacy for decades -- Lavrov -- performes his diplomatic duty in the interest of his country only and not because of his personal preferences, for cryin not loud.

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