"It seems to many (and me too) that Israel wants to create a pretext for directly drawing the United States into this war and is provoking Iran and Hezbollah in every possible way to do this. It seems to me that the Iranian leaders are behaving extremely responsibly. This needs to be properly assessed."

Great. Now that we've all assessed it properly, what the fuck are you going to do about it, Lavrov?

Repeating over and over that the problem is the US or "the West" isn't going to resolve the problem.

May I suggest that sending S-400s with Russian technicians to Lebanon and granting Syria the right to shoot down Israel F-35's using the Russian S-400 there, and sending S-400 to Yemen not to mention several hundred P-800 ONIKs anti-ship missiles, and similar actions might be more useful.

It may make some sense to make a tweak to the Russian nuclear doctrine to send a message to the US, but it makes better sense to take actual actions that directly threaten the US and Israel military capability in every region of the world.

Nasrallah is dead. His deputies will adjust, adapt and overcome. They still have 100,000 soldiers and 100,000+ rockets and missiles. Time to bring the hammer down on Israel - with the aid of Iran, too.

Lavrov and Putin can help by telling the West that IRAN is now a full-fledged ally of Russia and any attack by Israel - backed by nuclear US - is now considered a "joint attack" under the new Russian nuclear doctrine that justifies a nuclear response on both Israel and the US. See how the US Pentagon likes that approach.

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Lavrov gave the reason why a solution can't be arrived at, yet also said that diplomatic efforts must continue--he's a diplomat, not a military man, although he was key in getting Putin to approve the SMO. He said Chapter 7 was required but it will be vetoed. So, he knows force must be used. He's 73 and has learned a few things. There was another point he made about Russia's relations with Syria and the Zionist's threats. Lavrov said correctly that Russia's been lied to and deceived too many times, and the SMO response was in response to that. Lavrov's A to the Q about the new nuclear posture was a gem. We examined that earlier. Several years ago, Patrushev was sent to Occupied Palestine to inform the Zionists that Iran was under Russia's nuclear umbrella, and nothing's happened to change that status. And then there's the problem of media being able to see the Lebanese carnage but very little escapes about Zionist damage. But given the intensity of the assault, Zionist AD ammo's being rapidly depleted. Soon, it will be close to defenseless in the SAM realm. That's when Iran sends in 100 or so of its missiles.

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A Hollywood fictional movie script. Excuses at their best. Historians are supposed to be Objective and Evidence based. What happened to that approach?

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I completely agree with you.

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Me too.

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I agree with Richard, with the proviso that obviously Russia is never going to do anything to help Hezbollah, Hamas or the Palestinians and Lebanon. Iran has got no hope either.

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I agree - it's worse than a waste of time to continue engaging in a corrupted forum like the UN, ditto all agencies of post war US imperial power. As our host suggests, move a revitalised organisation elsewhere and exclude the US and its satellite states.

Holding fire is only encouraging these psychopaths who only understand extreme violence, when it's finally visited on them those who survive will wail in feigned innocence.

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dornoch altbinhax

dornoch’s Substack

2 hrs ago

"I agree - it's worse than a waste of time to continue engaging in a corrupted forum like the UN, ditto all agencies of post war US imperial power. As our host suggests, move a revitalised organisation elsewhere and exclude the US and its satellite states."

I disagree. Imho, you can't withhold memberships for certain nations, for then how can it be considered the United Nations? I believe we need new rules for the new UN and the first and foremost would be to toss the veto power of anyone. I think secondly the security council should also be tossed and allow all nations to participate equally on all decisions. That new UN could then extend invitations to the usa and it's vassals and see if they want to join without veto power of any kind. They'll need to add any country not joining is still liable, to be sanctioned by the UN and/or military suppression against rouge nations causing mayhem, or chaos anywhere on the planet. America with no hegemony and a tattered economy may likely have to comply?

"Holding fire is only encouraging these psychopaths who only understand extreme violence, when it's finally visited on them those who survive will wail in feigned innocence."

Again, imho for many it won't be 'feigned' innocence, they're psychopaths after all, they actually believe the fantasy spun for the clueless masses, their wailing will be mostly pure innocence. However, they can wail more often than whales near Wales, nobody will be listening to their cries of injustice.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Karl Sanchez

From the article: "There is no need to prove that the Ukrainian neo-Nazis who seized power in Kiev as a result of a bloody coup d'état supported by the United States and its allies in February 2014."

I hate to say it, because I respect the man's diplomacy, but the "Ukrainian neo-Nazis" DID NOT seize power in Kiev". That's simply not true. I remember reading that the Ukrainian government ministries were all but one headed by jews, and the so-called Nazis were their muscle.

I've been getting some bad feelings reading the words of Lavrov's less familiar speeches that I have skimmed. He has said some disturbing things about Israel and Palestine - statements that made me consider that he may in fact be a jew himself.

You're better placed to know if I'm full of it or not...Am I imagining things?

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Yes. As we've seen "jews" can be Nazis. Like Mafia, the Nazis operate in the dark, but they're constantly there. In the Presser, Lavrov clarified Russia's policy for me. They would submit a Chapter 7 proposal at the UNSC, but it will be vetoed, so it's a waste of effort. But, by saying that, Lavrov admitted Russia sees the need to use force to get the situation changed and the Two State decision implemented.

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10 hrs agoLiked by Karl Sanchez

Lavrov's speech was a great one. The most realistic and reasonable of all those I have heard in that great hall of impotence.

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The Verbose One Speaks - surprised you don't just Bold all of it Karl - you may as well have.

I am not going to read it. A skim was more than enough to get the 'gist'

I have had it with Russian duplicitous propaganda and denialism. Yeah yeah yeah, it's all America's fault - heard it all before - he should lay down a 5 minute track for Spotify and put it on repeat and give a link to all the reporters.

"Poor old Russia cannot do anything because of the big bad wolf America" -- wah wah wah

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Excellent presentation by Lavrov, as usual; however I strongly disagree with his statement that October 7 was a terrorist act:

1. By international law, any occupied population has the right to resist using arms.

2. Ample evidence has been available for months that most of those killed on October 7 and 8 were a result of the Israeli army implementing the "Hannibal directive".

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"security can either be equal and indivisible for all, or it will not be for anyone"

Only the heroic people of Ansar Allah in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon will stand on that.

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Thank you Mr. Sanchez, that was exhaustive. I caught a lot of it in a stream, his reminders of u.s. interventions hit hard.

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