Jun 27Edited

An overlooked and towering achievement , & perhaps THE monumental legacy of Assange's work was not that he took journalism to new heights and revolutionised the journalism industry or set down a n epic marker for free speech, public interest and public access to information and thus provided ample and necessary nutritional infusion to democracy but that

Julians operation revolutionised the academic discipline of history. No more waiting for 30 70 years for released real agenda, policy files and govt- internal backroom opinion/ strat/ motivation etc - thus allowing for more well researched history close to real time and not anymore rewrites many years after the fact, and post upsurge in interest. ... A systemic managed history...

Julian fielded audit trailed email historical evidence from the present time

In terms of acad history, and more general history too. The work assange managed represents a Gutenberg ( printing press) , Luther or Galileo moment.

Assange will be judged kindly , and his name will stand tall in future history.

A confident hegemonical system, fielding a meta narrative & soft power would have taken the assange zeitgeist and run with it.

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This is information that only you provide to US readers, Karl. Thank you! Very valuable and interesting to get the Russian perspective on this from La Zakharova.

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I second that! Deepest gratitude!

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"...a statement that only a mentally ill person or who has a distorted idea of our planet and civilization can afford." Maria Zakharova. This applies to almost all of the leaders of the so-called collective West.

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Thank you Karl. When I first heard on Richar Medhurst channel, I had so many emotions contending to be first out of the gate - absolute joy at this heros freedom, certainty that his efforts and all those at wikileaks to help create a better world and a constrained hegemon are worth it, sadness at those wikileaks people who died or suffered as this saga unfolded. Above all I am disgusted at the behaviour of the UKUSA scum that perpetrated this crime against humanity on Julian Assange. I reserve a special fury for the press and its mostly craven silence or overt partnership with the obsession to destroy freedom of knowledge and freedom to publish. May the alt media live long and strong.

Australia is in a very healthy position to divide its interests between the rest of the world and the bully boy hegemon in the USA and in this case has stood up for that challenge with its present government. The last Aussie government was worse than a Latvian incontinent poodle urinating at the first sign of its masters pleasure. Hopefully Australia can rebuild its bridges across Asia as soon as possible.

So here we are with the victory family back home and on the mend. That will take a long time given the torture that Julian directly suffered and the torture indirectly used to assault his family by the disgraceful UK 'justice' system. It is an important measure of the gross, callous disregard of the UKUSA scum that were happy to psychologically assault his children regardless of the International Covenant on the Rights of the Child. But then that is precisely their game in Palestine every minute of every day for the past 70 years. These people are the enemy.

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Agreed uncle! I hope your optimism over the new Aussi government holds true.

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Its a tenuous optimism at best. These days Aussies have two cults contending for leadership. There is a difference at the margins but when it comes to supine kowtow to Uncle Scam then not so much difference. Captives of a rabid media controller.

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Yes, but the media is the public face of control, it's what's behind the curtain, the men in black suits or such that's invisible to the public. As a colony the margin for discretionary control over domestic agendas is almost moot, and foreign policy is straight out of the state dept.

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War crime prosecution is reserved for the underdog not the smugly self appointed “rulers” of the world. They have been getting away with this scam for more than a hundred years.

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Thank you for this.

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K "I write to keep my infuriation level from becoming too great and to help myself and others to understand the Global Big Picture since most media won’t. "

ME TOO ... but it doesn't help much. But good on you for the work you do.

K "I hope Julian recovers from his confinement and its debilitations to live a very long life. On the flip-side, I hope to see the prosecution of at least one American War Criminal before I pass."

ME TOO ... but hopefully to see hundreds of American war criminals including Presidents hanging by the end of a rope or shot in the head by firing squad. I have had enough of this non-stop evil.

Including Blinken's disgusting comments about Torture today as SoS! An insidious evil. He makes Hitler look good! Make's Darth Vader come across as a Saint or a Florence Nightingale character.

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Yes, we must wait until we hear Julian speak publicly for himself to finally be sure this saga has ended. I wrote to my UK MP 11 times urging her to issue press releases in support of Julian, but she refused, pretending the 'Free Assange' campaign were somehow restricting her actions, failing to give permission to speak out!


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I found the only real positive for me with RFKjr's campaign was his stance on Assange.

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kudos to your karl.. keep up the great work!

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