Outstanding. Also followed the link to Lavrov s talk which was also outstanding.
Thanks for pointing out how the Russians continually develop and practice diplomatic excellence. This explains the outstanding pieces that are posted on this substack. If one is well versed in Russian affairs they can find this material posted on Russian sources but few Americans can figure that out. I would never have found this material. Thanks.
It took me quite a whole to understand why they go slow. The US is unstable and Russia needs to carefully take thoughtful direct actions to avoid a meltdown from the US.
Deep respect for Maria Zakharova. She has more wisdom and insight in her little toe than the entire current US 'leadership' combined. Been watching an impromptu interview she gave to the German reporter Thomas Roeper (in Russian but with subtitles; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87GkyS3CGDQ) some months ago and was impressed then by her answers and honesty. Comparing Ms Zakharova to, say, any official US Gov. spokesperson is instructive and highly unflattering for the latter.
She's the type of fine wine that gets better with age. The key to Russian diplomacy is their whole staff continue studying history and those who practiced their craft before them through the Foreign Ministry's University. Lavrov for example would hold several Doctorates and Maria's not too far behind him. Long ago my advice to foreign media was to tell the truth and present the facts and you'll be better than Western media--I once always left that as commentary on Russian media for many years--Truth is often sensational enough.
Thanks for the info about the Russian Foreign Ministry's University and the fact that Russian "Diplomats" thus deserve that title. When comparing typical statements of US "diplomats" to their Russian counterparts, the US side comes across as petty, uninformed, illiterate, belligerent and mostly just dumb. Unfortunately, the propaganda runs strong here in the US and most citizen have no bandwidth left to engage in politics, especially the foreign kind. But reality will assert itself, eventually, as it always does.
Yes! When I began reading that passage, I was all ready for the "broken clock is right twice a day;" but with digital clocks, that's not true anymore. So, I was very pleased to read the analogy and smile when done.
thanks karl.. it is quite an indictment of the usa which doesn't surprise me.. if one thinks of nato as a made in the usa product, that also fits into this.. change is happening, but not quick enough for me anyway..
If you apply too much heat when making hollandaise, scrambled eggs can become the result. However, the pace is quickening that's to the Empire's mistakes.
She can grab a topic, get to the basic premise, and throw out an answer in a very short time. She has incredible knowledge and an uncanny ability to vocalize it.
Outstanding. Also followed the link to Lavrov s talk which was also outstanding.
Thanks for pointing out how the Russians continually develop and practice diplomatic excellence. This explains the outstanding pieces that are posted on this substack. If one is well versed in Russian affairs they can find this material posted on Russian sources but few Americans can figure that out. I would never have found this material. Thanks.
It took me quite a whole to understand why they go slow. The US is unstable and Russia needs to carefully take thoughtful direct actions to avoid a meltdown from the US.
Yeah: Knee-jerk, shoot from the hip, quick-draw, stand your ground, and many more such rash actions--Mad Man Theory was developed from that.
Deep respect for Maria Zakharova. She has more wisdom and insight in her little toe than the entire current US 'leadership' combined. Been watching an impromptu interview she gave to the German reporter Thomas Roeper (in Russian but with subtitles; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87GkyS3CGDQ) some months ago and was impressed then by her answers and honesty. Comparing Ms Zakharova to, say, any official US Gov. spokesperson is instructive and highly unflattering for the latter.
She's the type of fine wine that gets better with age. The key to Russian diplomacy is their whole staff continue studying history and those who practiced their craft before them through the Foreign Ministry's University. Lavrov for example would hold several Doctorates and Maria's not too far behind him. Long ago my advice to foreign media was to tell the truth and present the facts and you'll be better than Western media--I once always left that as commentary on Russian media for many years--Truth is often sensational enough.
Thanks for the info about the Russian Foreign Ministry's University and the fact that Russian "Diplomats" thus deserve that title. When comparing typical statements of US "diplomats" to their Russian counterparts, the US side comes across as petty, uninformed, illiterate, belligerent and mostly just dumb. Unfortunately, the propaganda runs strong here in the US and most citizen have no bandwidth left to engage in politics, especially the foreign kind. But reality will assert itself, eventually, as it always does.
If you have a watch that works and someone walks up and hits it with a hammer, it doesn't mean that the watch has been shown to be ineffective.
Great answer, worth repeating.
Yes! When I began reading that passage, I was all ready for the "broken clock is right twice a day;" but with digital clocks, that's not true anymore. So, I was very pleased to read the analogy and smile when done.
thanks karl.. it is quite an indictment of the usa which doesn't surprise me.. if one thinks of nato as a made in the usa product, that also fits into this.. change is happening, but not quick enough for me anyway..
If you apply too much heat when making hollandaise, scrambled eggs can become the result. However, the pace is quickening that's to the Empire's mistakes.
She can grab a topic, get to the basic premise, and throw out an answer in a very short time. She has incredible knowledge and an uncanny ability to vocalize it.
She's involved in more than just her MFA position, too.