Martin Jay on THE Interview: "Carlson Interview With Putin Could Topple Western Elites, End Ukraine War"
Martin Jay is one of Strategic Culture Foundation’s writers and has posted an excellent story related to the “threat” Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Putin poses to the Outlaw US Empire and its NATO vassals. I reproduce it below in full:
In the seventies, when the cold war was at its peak, Donald Rumsfeld was convinced that the Atlantic Ocean, off the U.S. coast, was teaming with Russian submarines. The U.S. navy couldn’t detect them because, he was convinced, the Soviets had a new ‘acoustic technology’ which made them effectively invisible. Rumsfeld went ahead and ploughed billions of dollars into developing a new technology which could detect the non-acoustic subs. But that failed and is still costing the U.S. taxpayer today. The truth was in fact, the Soviet subs just weren’t there.
The error on the part of Rumsfeld, it could be argued, still paid dividends as scaring the American public into believing a threat is real and imminent – on your doorstep in fact – is very profitable for a government which wishes to achieve two clear objectives: pouring billions into the pockets of defence contractors; and secondly whipping up fear of an imminent war with an enemy, with the sold objective of distracting the public away from a failing economy and abysmal foreign policy.
It’s happening today. If we look at the mainstream news all we see is talk of war with Russia. And yet there isn’t a single shred of intel which these outlets can offer to substantiate this claim. It will remind many of the weeks leading up the Iraq invasion in 2003 when the U.S. and UK faked intel to show that Saddam Hussein had WMDs.
Western elites are guiding journalists to write this nonsense as their bigger plan is to stir up a frenzy of war talk so as to prepare the public for much bigger defence spending and, in the case of the UK, even conscription. This is really about covering up one of the biggest cock-ups in contemporary history which western governments have made – sanctions against Russia and the NATO campaign in Ukraine – which have backfired so spectacularly that the Biden administration and a number of EU governments are united in this scaremongering, believing it’s a winner.
Of course the “we’re going to war with Russia” comes from the White House. Where else? Only the U.S. has that sort of power with an increasingly craven, pathetic EU which is now so servile to the Biden administration that it’s beginning to make the UK look less of a poodle to the Americans.
The whole scam is American and the Europeans are obliging with it in a big way. The only real threat the plan has of not working is if a few, remote feral corners of the media – or mavericks who were fired by media giants – make a stand and call it out for what it is. Which is why Tucker Carlson’s trip to Moscow where he intends to interview Putin is so important and such a threat to the Biden administration and western elites as a whole. When Carlson interviews the Russian leader and it becomes clear that western media have been lying for so long about the Ukraine war and even this latest ruse of Russia wanting to invade eastern Europe, then the whole scam will collapse.
Clearly the West is worried about the interview. They have already wheeled out enough congressmen on social media to try and brandish Carlson as some sort of traitor who should not be allowed back into the U.S. Western media will probably not report on the interview but this will only make it a bigger hit on social media. The interview is really the only single opportunity for this mad war machine to be halted, for the lies to be exposed and for a more salient approach to East-West relations to begin. It should not be underestimated. But the knifes are out. Watch in particular the embedded western media correspondents who live in Moscow push the blade into Carlson’s back and mock the interview in a bid to discredit the whole thing. Scores of millions of Americans are about to be enlightened on a whole plethora of issues which, until now, their own media have lied to them about. To call this interview a bombshell would be an understatement. Tucker Carlson is about to bring the truth to the American people. But are they ready for it?
Putin held a meeting with the government on the topic of “development in the medium term” which will eventually find its way to the Gym as it takes its place in the queue. It’s evening in Moscow now, and many are on the edge of their seats awaiting to read/watch the interview. Carlson’s website offers to notify people who sign up when it gets posted. It’s also supposed to be posted in full at Carlson’s X account.
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RT says the interview is done:
"Russian President Vladimir Putin met with US journalist Tucker Carlson on Tuesday for an interview, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a daily media briefing on Wednesday. The American had announced the imminent release of the footage hours earlier.
"Peskov declined to say when exactly the public will be able to see the interview and would not comment on its contents. He noted that being an American, Carlson was neither pro-Russian nor pro-Ukrainian in terms of his attitude to the Ukraine conflict, which is expected to be the focus of the interview.
"He pointed out that the interviewer’s position contrasts with that which dominates in Western media, which is why the Kremlin had granted his request. The Kremlin spokesman added, however, that Carlson is wrong when he claims that Western news outlets haven’t bothered to seek an interview with the Russian leader.
"Western mainstream media cannot claim “even the appearance of impartiality” on Ukraine and “all have a one-sided position,” Peskov explained. Moscow has “no desire” to communicate with them and doubts that anything good would come out of it, he said.
"Earlier, The Wall Street Journal reported that Carlson will likely publish his production on Thursday, citing “people familiar with the matter.”"
I just don't see how Tucker's interview will move the dial in the Empire of Lies. "We all," meaning those of us who care enough to inform ourselves, already know the truth about Russia, NATO, and we respect what Putin has achieved. Many of us have heard Putin, Lavrov, Zakarova, etc, give us Russia's perspective. Moreover, Tucker's audience, as far as I know, have heard Tucker rail against this war for a while now. Personally, I'm surprised anyone on the MSM has made a stink about it...I'd assume the word has gone out to ignore it, and once it's out, downplay it as, "There goes that liar Putin again." It's the opposite of what they would have done with Trump had they not wanted him to be the nominee so that "Biden" had a opportunity to "win." Day after, MSM will either ignore it or spin their own interpretations for their believing or uncaring listeners. See? Here's a textbook example of misinformation! Who understands that Orc language, anyway?
Will the interview move the movers and shakers? My wife has been writing letters to Senator Genocide Gillebrand opposing aid to The Ukraine for the last 2 years, and just got a response letter, in which the first sentence, predictably, was based on "unprovoked invasion." It's like thinking that a mass killing of kindergardeners will move the dial on gun control, or a prime-time knilling (killing by kneeling) of an unarmed black man will lead to changes in policing, or a photo of a Zionist torturing a Palestinian will cause one instant of doubt in one mind of the Puppet Masters. I would like it to make a difference, but I think it's more Hopium. The West has already won--disconnected Germany from Russia, procured fat military contracts, and scared the Sheeple. Plan B is now some kind of insurgency, another win for the DeepState. "Losing the war" now is a win for them: They "stopped Putin," can exit, and blame it on Tucker, the Orange Himmler, and the Republicans....onto to China, while continuing to fund the mass murder of civilians "out of sight" via an insurgency. Jesus, even if Tucker brings down Biden, Blinken and Nud, what have we got...Trumpman or RFucKingJr? The rest of the world is what matters, and most of them know Putin. I'll paraphrase Dreizin: I'll support Joe Biden because he is destroying Merica's hegemon. Biden 2028!