
RT says the interview is done:

"Russian President Vladimir Putin met with US journalist Tucker Carlson on Tuesday for an interview, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told a daily media briefing on Wednesday. The American had announced the imminent release of the footage hours earlier.

"Peskov declined to say when exactly the public will be able to see the interview and would not comment on its contents. He noted that being an American, Carlson was neither pro-Russian nor pro-Ukrainian in terms of his attitude to the Ukraine conflict, which is expected to be the focus of the interview.

"He pointed out that the interviewer’s position contrasts with that which dominates in Western media, which is why the Kremlin had granted his request. The Kremlin spokesman added, however, that Carlson is wrong when he claims that Western news outlets haven’t bothered to seek an interview with the Russian leader.

"Western mainstream media cannot claim “even the appearance of impartiality” on Ukraine and “all have a one-sided position,” Peskov explained. Moscow has “no desire” to communicate with them and doubts that anything good would come out of it, he said.

"Earlier, The Wall Street Journal reported that Carlson will likely publish his production on Thursday, citing “people familiar with the matter.”" https://www.rt.com/russia/591999-peskov-carlson-putin-interview/

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We have another RT report related to the interview headlined as: " EU may sanction Tucker Carlson over Putin interview – Newsweek." The MEP clowns trying to make that happen are insane. Here's the link for those wanting to read the content, https://www.rt.com/news/592025-eu-sanctions-tucker-carlson/

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Insanity is a prerequisite for access to power in the combined west, to be a errand boy/girl only requires obsequiousness and stupidity.

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Zakharova noted that today.

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Feb 7Liked by Karl Sanchez

I just don't see how Tucker's interview will move the dial in the Empire of Lies. "We all," meaning those of us who care enough to inform ourselves, already know the truth about Russia, NATO, and we respect what Putin has achieved. Many of us have heard Putin, Lavrov, Zakarova, etc, give us Russia's perspective. Moreover, Tucker's audience, as far as I know, have heard Tucker rail against this war for a while now. Personally, I'm surprised anyone on the MSM has made a stink about it...I'd assume the word has gone out to ignore it, and once it's out, downplay it as, "There goes that liar Putin again." It's the opposite of what they would have done with Trump had they not wanted him to be the nominee so that "Biden" had a opportunity to "win." Day after, MSM will either ignore it or spin their own interpretations for their believing or uncaring listeners. See? Here's a textbook example of misinformation! Who understands that Orc language, anyway?

Will the interview move the movers and shakers? My wife has been writing letters to Senator Genocide Gillebrand opposing aid to The Ukraine for the last 2 years, and just got a response letter, in which the first sentence, predictably, was based on "unprovoked invasion." It's like thinking that a mass killing of kindergardeners will move the dial on gun control, or a prime-time knilling (killing by kneeling) of an unarmed black man will lead to changes in policing, or a photo of a Zionist torturing a Palestinian will cause one instant of doubt in one mind of the Puppet Masters. I would like it to make a difference, but I think it's more Hopium. The West has already won--disconnected Germany from Russia, procured fat military contracts, and scared the Sheeple. Plan B is now some kind of insurgency, another win for the DeepState. "Losing the war" now is a win for them: They "stopped Putin," can exit, and blame it on Tucker, the Orange Himmler, and the Republicans....onto to China, while continuing to fund the mass murder of civilians "out of sight" via an insurgency. Jesus, even if Tucker brings down Biden, Blinken and Nud, what have we got...Trumpman or RFucKingJr? The rest of the world is what matters, and most of them know Putin. I'll paraphrase Dreizin: I'll support Joe Biden because he is destroying Merica's hegemon. Biden 2028!

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Your comment's one of the reasons why Carlson produced his 4.5 minute video and its carefully chosen content--the independent nature of the interview provides the basis to judge the resulting spin for what it will be. Putin quite likely will have provided a history lesson most of my readers already know that upends the Establishment Narrative that's been ongoing since 1989. What Tucker will probabaly be accused of is providing Putin with a platform to interfere with the 2024 election, which Putin does inadverdently everytime he tells the truth about relations with the USA and/or its vassals regardless the context. However, aside from what I've already written, I don't intend to speculate on the interview anymore and will comment once it's been distributed.

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Feb 7Liked by Karl Sanchez

The acrimony over this interview is beyond ridiculous. Bill Kristol included.

If the American public wants to be scammed, so be it. I am not afraid of the 81 million voters who voted for Biden. Half of them do not even know what gender they are.

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Tucker can just fly to Mexico, hire a coyote, cross the border and pick up his $4000/month debit card and a plane ticket.

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Feb 8Liked by Karl Sanchez

Sadly, the real issue is summed up here: “ Tucker Carlson is about to bring the truth to the American people. But are they ready for it?” Scott Ritter just published his response to the interview. I think it is worth reading: https://www.scottritterextra.com/p/tucker-madness-is-good-for-america

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Thanks! The opening part I just read is excellent on a number of levels!

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Of course much depends upon what topics are raised. I hope Tucker goes into the many cultural issues that increasingly frame the growing divide between traditionalists and progressives, a divide much more important and interesting than the faux-dichotomies like 'capitalism vs communism' and about which Putin has often remarked. I imagine he will also give Putin the time to explain the Russian POV viz Ukraine including the torpedoing of the peace agreement made in March (?) 2022, right at the beginning of all this.

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April 2022. Yes, I hope Tucker asked Putin as to why last year being Year of Teachers and Mentors followed by this year being Year of Family as I see both employed as anti-Cancel Culture moves. We already know Putin's answer to Ukraine and NATO as he's explained both many times. What's Putin's World Vision and his assessment of the Empire of Lies. Ultimately, we'll discover how much research Carlson did to perform the interview. The crazed accusations against Carlson tell their own story that might be considered more important than the interview itself. Some have said Carlson risks becoming another Assange, but I disagree that he'd face the same treatment as he provided insurance in his video announcement, although he could be assassinated. The US Government has never liked truth-telling journalists who were once known as Muckrakers--the term itself speaks volumes.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7Liked by Karl Sanchez

Carlson goes further than most mainstream anchors and is far brighter than any of them, writing most of his own copy, but he is still generally 'limited hangout' more than in-depth revelatory. That said, the material covered even in limited hangout form is far more revealing than most of his peers. I think for most of his audience actually hearing Putin's explanation will be for them the first time. Also, if he critiques the 'woke' stuff many of them will be nodding their heads in agreement. As soon as that happens, something very significant will have taken place, namely that they are able to see their Enemy's leader as a fellow human being. Given how crazy everything is these days, that will be no small feat.

Just as Israeli Jews are going to have to renounce Zionism to be able to continue on there, so also American are going to have to renounce Empire (which not coincidentally will involve defenestrating the all Jewish-or-Zionist neocons). Once that happens, the US can be on board with multipolarity. And once that happens, we will finally put together a One World Order (which I fear will end up being a huge totalitarian dystopia but only time will tell). Tucker may well help lead Americans along that path.

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Given that western attention spans are quite short it will be interesting to see how long the interview is, but Putin is a master of getting to the essence of issues and avoids excessive verbiage.

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Putin also chooses his openings carefully as with his 2019 Financial Times interview where he waited to deliver his "Liberalism is dead" summation to the very shocked interviewers who were in no way prepared. I wish I'd followed Putin and Russia more closely than I did prior to the 2014 Coup which then caused me to become a very close watcher. I just finished Zakharova's weekly briefing which is longer than usual and contains very important info.

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I'm looking forward to reading this interview.

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Yes, many millions are!

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Feb 8Liked by Karl Sanchez

I hope billions view it.

For context, Hey Ya, by Outkast has had 695,000,000 views on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWgvGjAhvIw&list=RDPWgvGjAhvIw&start_radio=1

That there tells us about people's priorities.

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"It should not be underestimated."

Yes, it should. It will be interesting to those analysts who spend time scrutinizing every word in a Putin sentence trying to figure out how far Russia will go in Ukraine, instead of just thinking about what Russia's security interests actually require Russia to do with Ukraine - which a four-year-old could probably figure out.

[Cue Groucho Marx in "Duck Soup"]:

Groucho Marx -4 year old child


Otherwise, it will have zero impact because only a tiny fraction of the US electorate will see it, regardless of Carlson's reach on Twitter. It will be eye-opening for some of them IF Carlson asked the right questions and let Putin get a word in edge-wise (which Carlson is bad at) and Putin was able to explain the history since WWII. But the rest either won't care or won't even see it mentioned.

Claiming this is earth-shaking is just the reaction of people who still think "media matters" - i.e., media creators.

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i tend to agree with you richard.... this quote from the article was very 'over the top' - "The interview is really the only single opportunity for this mad war machine to be halted.." really? i like to be optimistic, but that is quite the sales pitch, lol...

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You note one reason why I usually don't cite Jay--his hyperbole often ruins his creation.

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Media types tend to feel that any significant thing that happened in the last 24 hour news cycle is the most important event in history, whereas in reality it will likely be forgotten in the next 24 hour news cycle.

Events such as 9/11 and October 7th are obvious exceptions. Mostly because people actually die. Interviews, regardless of with whom, are not.

As I like to say, "humans only change their behavior under one or both of two conditions: 1) the impact of new technology, and/or 2) a boot up their ass, i.e., the threat of death.

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so true!!!

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From a legal case re: Carlson & Fox News ca. 2020:


The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "

(End quote)

Tucker is a successful mass media entertainer with his nose well tuned to the winds of change. Wanna believe? Believe! No wanna believe? No believe...

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And FOX News is a credible source?!?

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Fox is a mainstream USA "news" source. In other words, no. If Fox says the sun is shining, best you personally look out (several!) windows to confirm.

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