Regarding US defence contracts and pillage in general: I will believe Trump is serious when every defence contract is combined with enforced penalties for deadline or product failure. Sanctions applied to contractors with a record of failed delivery etc might just recover value for money but IMO that is not the intention of any defence contract. This is entirely about $$$ extraction.

On Medvedev: he is getting sharper with age. More strength to his wit and words.

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nato was made and designed to benefit the empire, by allowing the usa to control it!

"most of NATO’s cost is paid by the Empire, and that free ride allowed Europe to enact what until recently was its high-quality system of social benefits."

and the profit from sales of military weapons mostly goes to usa corporations too, which is more then a fair trade off for poor old uncle scam... at this point there are no benefits to europe and they are too stupid or incapable, to get out from under this usa led nightmare... the sooner nato dies - the better it is for the world, but not the usa in the short term..

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Regarding Trump, he'll never face voters again so 2028 isn't his problem. As to "his policies," no need to wonder. He was totally ignored in his first 4 years, merely fell in line as a more vicious, frothing at the mouth neocon than McCain was and extended that to Venezuela. If Trump wanted politics to be his new family business, he could do so only by surrendering to mass murderer Lindsey Graham-which he did. In Aug. 2017 congress removed all Russia matters from Trump and gave them to the Senate. That move had been started in Jan. 2017 by Lindsey Graham--who's still very much around. Lindsey in Kiev a few months ago told Ukraine to expand its military to include much younger men. Trump has tied himself to this person. Lindsey will have no problem going on tv and trashing Don if he dares to treat Russians like normal human beings. It's shocking to me that many people are judging Trump by his 4 years of campaign rhetoric and forgetting his 4 yrs in office. This was Medvedev's response In Aug. 2017 when congress removed Russia from Don: "Any hope of improving our relations with the new U.S. admin. is over...The Trump admin. demonstrated it is utterly powerless, & in the most humiliating manner, transferred executive powers to Congress.…The American establishment completely outplayed Trump.”…8/6/2017, “Playing Politics with the World’s Future,” Alastair Crooke...https://consortiumnews.com/2017/08/06/playing-politics-with-the-worlds-future/

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Medvedev has several "I told ya soes" under his belt. The possibilities have been previewed; now it's action time.

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Russia has already won the great patriotic war🇷🇺

Do you want to fight for the walking dead ScKamala scamdemic? Didn't get her many votes...

These dammm demoRats love to put folks in jail and kill them. Exhibit 1. The former future president...

When I ran for mayor of SF killafornia against Gruesome Gavin Gruesome Newsom, Ms ScKamala Harris gave me solitary isolation and stole my Grasshopper taxi business forevermore.

I am ready to go drive taxicab in Donbass, unless trumpstkie can avoid those bullets , and make some fucking peace, for fucks sake, so we don't all die.dammit.

I vote my dad Vlad Putin for hero of Womanity.

And you can call the new brics currency the Womanity...


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GK you regularly allude to kameltoe locking you up etc, but never the full story.

Will you one day tell the story in full?

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Jan 20Edited

I just did a search and it appears you have.

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Superb rundown of where we are! You're the best! Thank you! I would add, though, that The Empire is not ready to quit. It's locked into corporate/financial capitalism. It's going to continue to pillage and plunder wherever it can--weak links in the global south and It's own domestic populations. And though astute observers know the score, The Empire's info dominance is still strong among ordinary people. Plus the IMF and World Bank continues to hold much of the world in thrall with debt. The Empire's default position is subversion, terror and economic blackmail--and there are still many vulnerable nations out there. The collapse is going to take a while.

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Agreed. I’ve commented here and elsewhere that the Deep State will continue to pursue its strategy along the arch of instability. The key is what happens in Europe and West Asia. Africa is its own sector. Collectively, it can become another/the next China. The Big Picture is very active.

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The global majority can declare the debt odious, and then annul it.

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I anticipate that at some point.

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The Western empire is first and foremost driven by white supremacist ideology. Capitalism is the tool it uses to oppress, suppress, torture, kill all who oppose that delusional ideology. Remember folks, these people don't live in reality 🫠

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The US navy cant even beat the Houthis. Who dont even have a ship. 😂

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Yes, but they and the Israeli illegal land occupier have stolen the Socotra Island from the Houthis. It is strategic ie contributes to ukusai endless game of obstructing free navigation in the world and inflicting belligerence everywhere they go.

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China and Russia have convinced me that state-controlled capitalism is the most fiar and just way forward. America seems to have shifted from corporate-controlled capitalism to oligarchy capitalism, fewer people controlling more. It's conceivable the oligarchy is our weakness as it has no popular support. But I'm not sure how it's more easily defeated since it can negotiate for its own benefit and not for Americans as a nation.

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There are various methods being applied to defeat oligarchy, some modern and some more ancient but equally effective. I hear that some startup in the usa is successfully marketing the Mangioni Technique.

Perhaps we will see a Mangioni Digital Coin (XcEo - tm) launched soon and I punt it will outsell the Trump and Melania series.

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It's a bit rich for the US to complain about Europe freeloading on US defence assets through NATO when most of the problems that make defence required are created by the US itself. Russia was not a problem to either the US or Europe until they decided to make it one.

Russia had a relatively small army prior to the SMO which in my view was designed to shock Ukraine into a negotiated settlement, which almost worked except for Western pressure to torpedo the Istanbul peace talks. The massive increase in the size of Russia's army is plan B and the result of a realisation that all of NATO might decide to join with Ukraine in the fight and therefore a much larger military is required just in case.

All of the putative enemies of the West can read the belligerent papers that come out of "think tank land" and have made or are making the necessary adjustments to protect themselves from these plans.

There used to be a term "peace through superior firepower", maybe this is what will occur when the Western Intelligence agencies inform their governments that they are vastly outgunned.

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Russia closed its export arms sales window for the SMO, but it will reopen to a huge crowd wanting its gear as NATO’s proven to be inferior. The Empire will try to sanction those sales too, but that will prove to be the last straw, and the Global Majority will cease obeying the illegal diktat.

You have the SMO’s progression correct. The policy being pursued by the Empire is over 100 years old, with the ultimate goal being much older. Eurasia wants peace. Humanity wants peace except for a select collection loosely known as the ancien regime whose disease is a megalomania driven by pleonexia.

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Great article and a lot of very compelling comments, thanks Karl and a tip of the hat to everybuddy else

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Yes, Don Bacon at MoA posted most of the info that came from there along with William Gruff.

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Keeping it simple - Trump has the opportunity to be the greatest president ever.....or preside over the collapse of America....."IT'S YOUR CHOICE, SIR!" - and it will recorded as such by future historians. All we need to do is remind him - REPEATEDLY! It's called LEVERAGE! If he acts as president of Israel.....MAGA is DOA!

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It will take a while for the echoes to die off, assuming that it does not spark anything new. The US Congress seems addicted to Ukraine spending, Western North Carolina not so much.

My reading of DJTs neocon foreign policy stance is to delay any JFK action. The Russians might be left to their own future and it is not clear how much the US will cough up for Ukraine in time to come. The DOGE effort will not want to go a single dollar going that way.

Trump and Putin have dealt with each other and taken each other's measure. There may not be bluster and bombast coming from the Donald never mind his minions. The hands of the US are tied since the US is short money and war toys. Patience, dear, patience!

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IMO, the SMO's political aims now make the military aims much easier--surround the cities and choke them into withdrawal/surrender. The Eurasian Security Structure and NATO's demise will be very hard pills to swallow, but they can't be avoided. It's just a matter of when.

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