Jan 13Liked by Karl Sanchez

Germany is an occupied US vassal and has no sovereignty. Of course, Namibia's President Geingob is fully correct in his statements, but we all know that the propaganda "Press" outlets of the West will not report any of these statements to their citizens. Thanks for posting this for the few that care to be informed.

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The statement on X had 2,8 million when I copied it, so it's getting seen. Hopefully this will get 3K views in the first 24 hours which would give it 1st place in that category for my substack.

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Jan 14Liked by Karl Sanchez

I would add one more item to consider when observing the zionist mythmaking enterprise. The item is fear and pandering to mass formation. The illegal occupier of Palestine has been at it for a century and more and I am alerted this consideration as I read an excellent report at unlimited hangout:


This report derives from years of observation and science of mass control or manipulation. The difficulty that the current zionist leaders have seems to be that they have stepped beyond the capacity of fear and mass appeasement of fear into the realm of horror and mass disgust at their behaviour. Certainly the zionazis are doing every PR thing possible right now and simultaneously calling in all controlled whitewashers to assist. But there is a chance that they have broken the spell they have so meticulously cast. Take read of the report cited above and extrapolate its lessons to the broader field of human nations and public duty - it may assist our understanding and enable the development of prophylactics in the political sense. Stay well all.

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Brave and stirring words. Germany is ruled by sniveling cucks.

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jew cucked cucks.

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Jan 13Liked by Karl Sanchez

thanks karl.. i was encouraged to see menz post that.. thanks for highlight it as well..

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I was fortunate to get it posted since our power's been intermittent because of the Winter storm hitting our region--lots of ice/sleet.

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Jan 14Liked by Karl Sanchez

hopefully you get power to keep you warm, or a wood stove! it is very cold here on vancouver island as well... it is probably like this all the way down the coast, but no ice/sleet yet...

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Got wood stoves. Most cold is to the North and East. Hopefully problems are fixed!

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Jan 14Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thanks for the word on this, karlof1. Germany doth protest too much, and now we know more about the why of it. Yes, she is a vassal of the remaining colonial force, but also she has never truly repented for her own transgressions in the past. And now we can see this clearly - the Nazis were only a part of a continuum, and this was never eradicated, simply defeated, at that time.

I hope Namibia's formal statement will find its way into the Court's consciousness (which must itself be introspecting somewhat at this point for its own past - and present - affiliations).

Indeed the world is changing and we are tipping now past the tipping point. Where will history place the exact fulcrum? South Africa at the ICJ is one of the star contenders for that place.


And greetings to you, sorry I don't hang out at MoA anymore - there's much that I miss but I don't have time to sift through the noise to get the precious signal. Thanks for pushing this one out.

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Good to have you visit and comment! I'm not at MoA much as I'm busy here as you can see from the work. Pepe Escobar and Dr. Hudson are helpful promoters.

My Best! Hope your holidays were well spent!

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Jan 14Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thanks Karl. Yemen and Namibia beat all the other arab states to the punch. Now if some momentum can be built at the ICJ then some of those UKUSA vassal judges might be brought inline with the course of history and justice and human rights. Optimistic me ;) but then history teaches us to anticipate the unexpected outcome at times. Bravo Namibia. Is there any one calling out France or UK yet?

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Yes, it would be excellent to have more board the train. 153 nations voted for the UNGA resolution demanding a ceasefire, so there are many remining to speak.

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Jan 14Liked by Karl Sanchez

OK, this is slightly OT but it relates to the rot in the head of the fish ;) Yemen being the current manifestation of the 'war is a racket' story.

One hour of solid anti corruption dialogue with Andrei Derkach regarding Biden, Blinken and Nuland and so many others. You wont die laughing from watching this, that's for sure.


Stay vigilant all.

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Jan 14Liked by Karl Sanchez

What a brilliant post, thanks Karl. FWIW you are by far my favourite poster over at MoA!

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One may recall that Imperial German officers commanded the Ottoman Empire troops commiting the Armenian ethnic cleansing & genocide during WWI.

Germans have been efficiently and unconcernedly doing this kind of thing ever since the siege and sack of Magdburg.

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Jan 14Liked by Karl Sanchez

Namibians know what they're talking about. And so should the rest of us.

Mengele junior - aka "the Angel of Death" - followed in the footsteps of Mengele senior in Namibia.

Like father like son.

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Jan 14Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thanks Karl

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Jan 14Liked by Karl Sanchez

It is simply amazing to watch African countries to say things that should have been said a long time ago. As always, thank you, Karl!

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Jan 15Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thanks, good read.

I was out power until noon today (Sunday), over 24 hours. Thankful for the wood stove, too!

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Another excellent article Karl. We are taught history in school. But that is not history. That's the story to sway young minds. History cannot be taught – not by any public institution-- it has to be learned.

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Precisely. But competent teachers are still needed. The problem resides in discovering those that are competent.

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Thanks for writing about this, Karl.

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