I keep hoping that Putin keeps hoping that the West will come to their senses and simply reclaim their sovereignty and join in with the Eurasian thrust. The EU organization is probably a major obstacle, though EU afficionados will refuse to admit this, but even so the States themselves can gradually awaken and then move the EU organization to Re-Orient. And if they do, I hope Putin is still around and still willing and able to effect a truly epoch-making geopolitical sea-change.

A hope.

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Putin's and Russia's hopes won't be realized until there's deep wholesale changes made in Europe's political structure. And for European nations to become sovereign, both EU and NATO must vanish, and that won't happen until the political change occurs. And that may go past 2030 when Putin will likely retire as Russian President.

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Interesting times...

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Just a question of time. Within the EU, Hungary already sees the writing on the wall. Others will eventually come around too. Germany and France will be the ones to watch, IMO. Putin is waiting patiently, will start supplying energy etc again all in good time. Not in the interest of the Russians to have a string of failed states on their long western border.

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Yes, time will tell. But first, there'll be two distinct Blocs--the RoW and NATO/Dollar Bloc, which are forming now.

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If money is the root of all evil then what is the class of people that use it as a weapon to enrich themselves beyond any reasonable avarice whilst impoverishing so many? When Smedley Butler said all wars are banker wars he was correct, but still we seem oblivious to the obvious, no war starts without a profit motive.

Michael Hudson is correct, however what he proposes as a better system would never be countenanced short of piking heads on the city gates. We are currently transitioning from the old system of greed and corruption to satiate the few to the new system of greed and corruption that goes beyond satiating to unrestrained gluttony, let's all prey it gets somehow derailed.

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If it's any solace, both Putin, Xi and their teams have vowed to end the hegemonic system and aid in the creation in a new, just system. My New Path series will explore that transition. You do set forth one important implicit point--the parasites dare not destroy the host, for they too will perish.

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I wonder how many of the NATO crowd are true believers and how many are just bullshitters who know Ukraine is utterly doomed but have no exit strategy. Sullivan strikes me as one of the later; he's first and foremost a political campaign operative who views things through the optics of US domestic politics. He's afraid of giving Team R ammunition by appearing to be insufficiently enthusiastic supporting for Ukraine, yet clearly he's talking out of both sides of his mouth here. Sullivan and Team D are facing a huge quandary; they should have cut their losses when the Ukraine adventure clearly went off the rails earlier this year, but they hunkered down; now faced with the forthcoming 2024 election season starting soon, they are terrified of the electoral repercussions of calling it quits now. Clearly they would like to kick the can down the road beyond Nov 2024, but Ukraine won't be able to hang on that long. Sullivan is a fool of a man who has bitten off more than he can chew.

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It seems very likely Biden/Harris will be dumped by the Ds and a more palatable pair will be placed on the ballot regardless what happens during the Primaries and at the Convention. How much of the underlying rot will be replaced is unknown since it's conceivable the Rs might win, although it's very hard to say who will be on their part of the ballot. Of course, the Neoliberal Parasite donors who sit behind the veil are the ones needing to be replaced.

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That monetary expense of EU gas is staggering. The EU is doomed.

I have a new post up on my Substack "The Five Essentials", wherein I calculate the total losses of Ukraine's army as well as calculate the remaining length of the Ukraine-specific part of this conflict:


If I'm at all correct in my calculations, the Ukraine part of this conflict will be essentially over within 3-6 months. The losses will be as staggering as that EU gas bill.

Which reminds me that I don't have an email address for you - I'd like to give you a free subscription to my Substack. Drop me an email at my email address in your subscriber list and I'll add you.

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I love it when you link the deep past to the murky present. Much appreciated.

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thanks karl.. it would be interesting to watch the 9 minute video that crooke references in his article.. i haven't gone to his article.. does he share the link to this telegraph video??

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might be this one - i never watch this kind of shit.. skipped thru it mostly..


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Yes, that's the one he linked. I didn't bother watching either as we get more that enough Narrative as it is.

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i have a low tolerance for bullshit, and that one had it in spades, lol..

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