Various sources define capitulation as “an agreement in time of war for the surrender to a hostile armed force of a particular body of troops, a town or a territory.” NATO in this instance stands for the Outlaw US Empire in Europe as it’s an organization that it founded in 1949 to further the clandestine war it had waged against the USSR since 1945 when it rescued the Ukrainian Nazis known as the OUP and OUN and Nazism itself.
The scariest part of all of this to me is the extreme hubris of the U$$A, imagining that any crime they perpetrate can be managed and they won't get called out as the schoolyard bullies they are. "We got away with the JFK coup and the 9/11 false flag so this looks manageable by comparison." I think and hope that Russia, China, Iran and India et al are the team that take us to the new and better world. Enough already of these criminal English speaking pirates.
Yes. America has been getting away with world historical crimes for a very long time. The 9/11 Reichstag Fire is probably one of the most notable, but not nearly the only major US crime.
At base, America believes and more importantly behaves like it has the ultimate power--the power to create reality itself.
As such, any crime committed by the USA or its allies (like Israel) is not only permitted but is not perceived as a crime in the first place.
As a former high-level official in the George Bush government once boasted about the USA:
“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
For Harry's substack too, we're very near to the point where the mafia nation's Oligarchy either point their nuclear gun at the world's head--Do as we say or we'll blow up the world--or they continue to ignore their defeat in Europe and continue on their current path. IMO, the latter course is most likely.
Unfortunately that looks like a garrison state, and dragging as many vassals along; a complete diplomatic and trade rupture. Visualising this I'd see a run down world as portrayed in 1984.
thanks karl - in terms of the last bolded paragraph in your post - "“The U.S. has to come to terms with a multipolar world order in which its unilateral diktat is no longer tenable, legally, politically, or morally. That is the ultimate challenge for international peace and security."
this was addressed 6 days ago by 4 speakers in a 2 hour interview and exchange that you and others here would find very informative... i recommend the video, as long as it is - Whither Post-Unipolar West? – Discussion with Arnaud Bertrand, Glenn Diesen and Matthew Ehret
well, whoever said it - that is it in a nutshell... we are going their whether the west likes it or not... it would be better for the west to show some maturity for a change.. i know that is asking for a lot... i think that video highlights the crunch we are in at present and offers some ways forward which a level headed person/ or country would take... it is hard to know if the usa/uk and friends are capable of this.. so far - they are not..
Hi Walt you're my only other subscribed site, because of your prolific writing style. I really enjoy it. However, i'm curious if your 'blocked page' suggested you send numbers at the bottom of the page to the site's administrator to inform of the problem of being blocked? And if so, if that didn't suggest to you a hack of some sort, vs. a glitch? Mystery to me, but that block page was pretty strange, imho.
Hi Karl great writing as usual, but i have a pressing question. I tried to click on a comment by PavewayIV, on MoA's website and instead got a page that said i've been blocked from access to, which says i should write the host and request unblocking and furnishing some cloudfare ray number in the email, but not sure what 'b's email address is?
This happening to anyone else and is emailing 'b' the way to remedy this? Thanks in advance with any assistance with this.
I always keep my browser connected to it, sort of like a homepage. Was working fine today and in the past, but problem cropped up today around six pm east coast time, kind of out of the blue and wasn't trying to post anything, just clicking on a commenter's name to see their comment, instead of going to the comment was redirected to a page saying I was blocked, but back arrow sent me back to MoA, but anything I clicked on, besides a link sent me back to the blocked page. Hyperlinks work normally.
Seems to have resolved itself for now at least, but please accept my thanks for your attention to my distressing matter. You and your substack are amazing.
"the Outlaw US Empire has waged war against USSR/Russia since 1918 when it intervened in the Russian Civil War"
While I share your views about most of what you bring up, in this case I need to oppose.
Actually the bolsheviks thanked their US friends referring to General Graves army who battled the Japanese preventing them from taking the Transibirian railway. The bolsheviks said that the americans saved their movement at a difficult time. This was reported in the NYT. Antony Sutton has that clip in his book about Americas Secret Order but I have never seen this quoted by any socialists who, it seems to me avoid that very real complication: That the amglosaxons brought communism to power there. And the lack of interest from socialists also makes them doubt it when it is brought up that virtually all revolutions were set in motion by anglosaxons. By the wealthy oligarchy that apparently has migrated between power centers over time but has always been a fomenter of chaos, a generator of sects/cults be they religious or otherwise. And that it isnt just those cults that we name fascists. It is the whole spectrum!
I urge the many good people who want to resist the Outlaw Empire that they become aware of this doubleplay that is a persistent feature busy both creating and playing both sides
There are several historians who see what's termed the ancien regime having the ability to adapt to emerging new realities, one of which was the results of WW1. The entire Russian Civil War history is an extremely convoluted affair of which you provided one small part. There's more to be written along those lines that I hope we'll get to live to compose and read.
Yes it is a large issue. Forgive me for this speakers corner outburst on your blog. For me Nikolai Starikov and Guido Preparata come to mind.
More recently Richard Poe has added some important details.
He also reminds me of how Julian Assange openly bragged about supporting a colour revolution in Kenya in 2007.
There is also the actions of the secret societies. Completely dominated by the anglosaxons partly shrouded in a protective skin of British propaganda to hide their own role. And there is the different branches of the angloamerican establishment both the British associated and the american that Sutton researched. The latter emerged on the same time that there was a purge in american freemasonry and since its purportedly Hegelian mode of operation reminds me of Britains power of balance strategy it seems to me to be very much aligned with that double-play I was referring to. I would like to know more about that. And there is more. The actual origin of Britains oligarchic elites as a continuation of an oriental oligarchy after 1066 and between the 1500s-1700s. I recently learned from Mathew Ehret about Bulwer Lytton having ancestry from two strands of that 1067 migration that were established in the City of London in 1067. I would like to know more about how they came from Byzanz and what the Byzantians were like. Were they Christians?
Lytton is interesting since he was very much involved in the build up of mysticism behind fascism and was an inspirer of German nazism over a long period.
Mysticism is a hallmark of what the ancient oligarchy has been up to : always ready to bring people to a state of confusion. Today we have those Great Reset agents and the idea that the US should be Phoenixed to be reborn.
Cynthia Chung has thrown light on that and connected it to its 19th century forerunner when a similar strategy was used against the indigineous tribes in north america. New religions were invented by antropologists and agents of influence to bring down those tribes in an extremely evil manner.
Socialists should be aware that everything related to communism emerged and grew under similar conditions of oligarchic funding and interference.
Secret societies: Only thanks to the vatican some important British connections have been exposed. Since the british monarchy financed the jesuits in the 19th centry it gets complicated. And since Webster Tarpley claimed the Venetian oligarchic family Contarini actually was behind the formation of both the Jesuits and the Calvinists it gets even more complicated. Larouche spoke of nominally catholic Jesuits and nominally protestant Jesuits. I am guessing that Tarpley was assisted by italians to study the Venetian archives. Another former larouche associate said they were obtaining help decrypting archives written in invisible ink. Were they in a guarded reading room not allowed to leave with any written material?
I dont know but they apparently havent left clear references about this intriguing connection.
These details I think should be remembered when people go on about the jesuits as an independent power. Seems to me it was the same old oligarchy turning up with various middle men, again and again over millennia. Always ready to create gangs and countergangs. And I wish socialists, who I think are well-intended, should be made more aware of it.
The phenomenon of an oligarchy appears to me to be very much alive and I think it is its collective mode of operation that people ought to be aware of while the concept of greed is more obtuse. Individual greed would easily lead to internal divison inside the oligarchy but that doesnt seem to disrupt it. Thus marxist analysis isnt adequate.
The oligarchic families survive over longer periods than autocratic family lines where the shifts are more frequent and disrupt the progression of history.
The frat boys are looking pretty cute and they do have their work cut for them. I have no clue who or what inspired or triggered Trump's November 18 (?) speech.
I saw a clip from what appeared to be that same speech but was dated 16 March 2023 and was thus a campaign-related speech. Been busy as thanksgiving chef and scribbling so haven't followed up that bit of info I discovered quite by accident.
I agree with most of the facts you present and the premises you argue, but the biased, polemical nature of your writings make them less convincing -- especially when they serve an authoritarian government which routinely subjects its domestic critics to imprisonment, poisoning and defenestration.
I argue from an objective, truth driven position. The facts make it clear what the Outlaw US Empire is and does. As for Russia being what you accuse it of, you're talking to a mirror having swallowed a mass of propaganda that's been constructed for over 100 years.
Big accusations require equally large proofs. So, please provide some bona fide documentation that can substantiate your claims. Otherwise it's just an accusation with no basis in fact, a type of propaganda, one might say.
Facts and premises serve as the basis for arguments, not governments. Ponder your own inability to further a discussion by instead deflecting to a subject not being discussed here.
You can't have infinite growth on a finite planet. However, you can certainly try as all empires through the ages have pursued the same eternal quest.
It appears many thinkers become distracted by particular forms of government, economy or monetary systems, favoring those that happen to support their particular world view.
But all social organizations act in similar fashion for no other reason than simple expediency; dominance provides both additional security as well as material comfort.
I don't necessarily favor Russia per se but rather recognize they're holding the winning hand. Ironically, treating them as inferiors nurtured the hubris that ultimately did us in.
When the history is written, it will be noted that western leadership thought they could defeat both their domestic adversaries and foreign enemies.
A noble goal worth attempting all while suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
The problem is that they lost. So the astute observer should be making the appropiate moves to prepare for how the new order is going to be rearranged.
The scariest part of all of this to me is the extreme hubris of the U$$A, imagining that any crime they perpetrate can be managed and they won't get called out as the schoolyard bullies they are. "We got away with the JFK coup and the 9/11 false flag so this looks manageable by comparison." I think and hope that Russia, China, Iran and India et al are the team that take us to the new and better world. Enough already of these criminal English speaking pirates.
Yes. America has been getting away with world historical crimes for a very long time. The 9/11 Reichstag Fire is probably one of the most notable, but not nearly the only major US crime.
At base, America believes and more importantly behaves like it has the ultimate power--the power to create reality itself.
As such, any crime committed by the USA or its allies (like Israel) is not only permitted but is not perceived as a crime in the first place.
As a former high-level official in the George Bush government once boasted about the USA:
“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
For Harry's substack too, we're very near to the point where the mafia nation's Oligarchy either point their nuclear gun at the world's head--Do as we say or we'll blow up the world--or they continue to ignore their defeat in Europe and continue on their current path. IMO, the latter course is most likely.
Unfortunately that looks like a garrison state, and dragging as many vassals along; a complete diplomatic and trade rupture. Visualising this I'd see a run down world as portrayed in 1984.
thanks karl - in terms of the last bolded paragraph in your post - "“The U.S. has to come to terms with a multipolar world order in which its unilateral diktat is no longer tenable, legally, politically, or morally. That is the ultimate challenge for international peace and security."
this was addressed 6 days ago by 4 speakers in a 2 hour interview and exchange that you and others here would find very informative... i recommend the video, as long as it is - Whither Post-Unipolar West? – Discussion with Arnaud Bertrand, Glenn Diesen and Matthew Ehret
Thanks james. That citation was from the SCF editorial I cited i case that wasn't clear. I'll have time later tonight for that video it appears.
well, whoever said it - that is it in a nutshell... we are going their whether the west likes it or not... it would be better for the west to show some maturity for a change.. i know that is asking for a lot... i think that video highlights the crunch we are in at present and offers some ways forward which a level headed person/ or country would take... it is hard to know if the usa/uk and friends are capable of this.. so far - they are not..
Hi Karl. I just went to MOA and it's says I have been blocked from the website for something I did. Are you able to access MOA?
Just tried to open MoA, yes, blocked.
Hi Walt you're my only other subscribed site, because of your prolific writing style. I really enjoy it. However, i'm curious if your 'blocked page' suggested you send numbers at the bottom of the page to the site's administrator to inform of the problem of being blocked? And if so, if that didn't suggest to you a hack of some sort, vs. a glitch? Mystery to me, but that block page was pretty strange, imho.
No I didn’t take it any further. I just tried again and the problem has cleared up.
I just posted at MoA then visited again at Al's request. I know the software's been having issues.
Hi Karl great writing as usual, but i have a pressing question. I tried to click on a comment by PavewayIV, on MoA's website and instead got a page that said i've been blocked from access to, which says i should write the host and request unblocking and furnishing some cloudfare ray number in the email, but not sure what 'b's email address is?
This happening to anyone else and is emailing 'b' the way to remedy this? Thanks in advance with any assistance with this.
MoA's been undergoing issues with software. When was the last time you accessed MoA?
I always keep my browser connected to it, sort of like a homepage. Was working fine today and in the past, but problem cropped up today around six pm east coast time, kind of out of the blue and wasn't trying to post anything, just clicking on a commenter's name to see their comment, instead of going to the comment was redirected to a page saying I was blocked, but back arrow sent me back to MoA, but anything I clicked on, besides a link sent me back to the blocked page. Hyperlinks work normally.
As speculated, it's some sort of system glitch in a system that has glitches too often.
If any barflies reading the comments has b's email, please post in reply. Thanks!
Seems to have resolved itself for now at least, but please accept my thanks for your attention to my distressing matter. You and your substack are amazing.
Thank you Karl, also for the many links to your previous posts!
It will take us some time to go through them all.
"the Outlaw US Empire has waged war against USSR/Russia since 1918 when it intervened in the Russian Civil War"
While I share your views about most of what you bring up, in this case I need to oppose.
Actually the bolsheviks thanked their US friends referring to General Graves army who battled the Japanese preventing them from taking the Transibirian railway. The bolsheviks said that the americans saved their movement at a difficult time. This was reported in the NYT. Antony Sutton has that clip in his book about Americas Secret Order but I have never seen this quoted by any socialists who, it seems to me avoid that very real complication: That the amglosaxons brought communism to power there. And the lack of interest from socialists also makes them doubt it when it is brought up that virtually all revolutions were set in motion by anglosaxons. By the wealthy oligarchy that apparently has migrated between power centers over time but has always been a fomenter of chaos, a generator of sects/cults be they religious or otherwise. And that it isnt just those cults that we name fascists. It is the whole spectrum!
I urge the many good people who want to resist the Outlaw Empire that they become aware of this doubleplay that is a persistent feature busy both creating and playing both sides
There are several historians who see what's termed the ancien regime having the ability to adapt to emerging new realities, one of which was the results of WW1. The entire Russian Civil War history is an extremely convoluted affair of which you provided one small part. There's more to be written along those lines that I hope we'll get to live to compose and read.
Yes it is a large issue. Forgive me for this speakers corner outburst on your blog. For me Nikolai Starikov and Guido Preparata come to mind.
More recently Richard Poe has added some important details.
He also reminds me of how Julian Assange openly bragged about supporting a colour revolution in Kenya in 2007.
There is also the actions of the secret societies. Completely dominated by the anglosaxons partly shrouded in a protective skin of British propaganda to hide their own role. And there is the different branches of the angloamerican establishment both the British associated and the american that Sutton researched. The latter emerged on the same time that there was a purge in american freemasonry and since its purportedly Hegelian mode of operation reminds me of Britains power of balance strategy it seems to me to be very much aligned with that double-play I was referring to. I would like to know more about that. And there is more. The actual origin of Britains oligarchic elites as a continuation of an oriental oligarchy after 1066 and between the 1500s-1700s. I recently learned from Mathew Ehret about Bulwer Lytton having ancestry from two strands of that 1067 migration that were established in the City of London in 1067. I would like to know more about how they came from Byzanz and what the Byzantians were like. Were they Christians?
Lytton is interesting since he was very much involved in the build up of mysticism behind fascism and was an inspirer of German nazism over a long period.
Mysticism is a hallmark of what the ancient oligarchy has been up to : always ready to bring people to a state of confusion. Today we have those Great Reset agents and the idea that the US should be Phoenixed to be reborn.
Cynthia Chung has thrown light on that and connected it to its 19th century forerunner when a similar strategy was used against the indigineous tribes in north america. New religions were invented by antropologists and agents of influence to bring down those tribes in an extremely evil manner.
Socialists should be aware that everything related to communism emerged and grew under similar conditions of oligarchic funding and interference.
Secret societies: Only thanks to the vatican some important British connections have been exposed. Since the british monarchy financed the jesuits in the 19th centry it gets complicated. And since Webster Tarpley claimed the Venetian oligarchic family Contarini actually was behind the formation of both the Jesuits and the Calvinists it gets even more complicated. Larouche spoke of nominally catholic Jesuits and nominally protestant Jesuits. I am guessing that Tarpley was assisted by italians to study the Venetian archives. Another former larouche associate said they were obtaining help decrypting archives written in invisible ink. Were they in a guarded reading room not allowed to leave with any written material?
I dont know but they apparently havent left clear references about this intriguing connection.
These details I think should be remembered when people go on about the jesuits as an independent power. Seems to me it was the same old oligarchy turning up with various middle men, again and again over millennia. Always ready to create gangs and countergangs. And I wish socialists, who I think are well-intended, should be made more aware of it.
The phenomenon of an oligarchy appears to me to be very much alive and I think it is its collective mode of operation that people ought to be aware of while the concept of greed is more obtuse. Individual greed would easily lead to internal divison inside the oligarchy but that doesnt seem to disrupt it. Thus marxist analysis isnt adequate.
The oligarchic families survive over longer periods than autocratic family lines where the shifts are more frequent and disrupt the progression of history.
Thanks for sharing these views and providing the background info. Reality-based, imho.
I don't think that Trump is up to it.
The frat boys are looking pretty cute and they do have their work cut for them. I have no clue who or what inspired or triggered Trump's November 18 (?) speech.
Fingers crossed, the neocons are angry.
I saw a clip from what appeared to be that same speech but was dated 16 March 2023 and was thus a campaign-related speech. Been busy as thanksgiving chef and scribbling so haven't followed up that bit of info I discovered quite by accident.
No chance will Trump be allowed to change the direction of American
I agree with most of the facts you present and the premises you argue, but the biased, polemical nature of your writings make them less convincing -- especially when they serve an authoritarian government which routinely subjects its domestic critics to imprisonment, poisoning and defenestration.
I argue from an objective, truth driven position. The facts make it clear what the Outlaw US Empire is and does. As for Russia being what you accuse it of, you're talking to a mirror having swallowed a mass of propaganda that's been constructed for over 100 years.
I thought you were talking about America, and you should.
Big accusations require equally large proofs. So, please provide some bona fide documentation that can substantiate your claims. Otherwise it's just an accusation with no basis in fact, a type of propaganda, one might say.
And you think the US government doesn't do the same thing? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤡
Facts and premises serve as the basis for arguments, not governments. Ponder your own inability to further a discussion by instead deflecting to a subject not being discussed here.
Karl, it seems you're now important enough to warrant the attention of a troll farm intern.
Congratulations, I guess? Perhaps you'll get a 'promotion' to a better class as you gain more readers.
Still, defrenestration was a nice touch; I gave it a like.
LOL. Robert K you need to change your name to Wrong, cos you ain't right.
CNN has called me and asked me to tell you they miss you and want you back.
Nicest broadminded summary I’ve read about the secret continuing war against Russia beginning from Churchill’s time and earlier.
Diplomacy has proven delusional to resolve this is clearly apparant.
The deluded ones hate against Russia , China however is very with these sick minded elites.
Very what?
You can't have infinite growth on a finite planet. However, you can certainly try as all empires through the ages have pursued the same eternal quest.
It appears many thinkers become distracted by particular forms of government, economy or monetary systems, favoring those that happen to support their particular world view.
But all social organizations act in similar fashion for no other reason than simple expediency; dominance provides both additional security as well as material comfort.
I don't necessarily favor Russia per se but rather recognize they're holding the winning hand. Ironically, treating them as inferiors nurtured the hubris that ultimately did us in.
When the history is written, it will be noted that western leadership thought they could defeat both their domestic adversaries and foreign enemies.
A noble goal worth attempting all while suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
The problem is that they lost. So the astute observer should be making the appropiate moves to prepare for how the new order is going to be rearranged.