I wish I could live another 100 years in acceptable health. I know that's an unreal wish. But I would love to experience the world of "tomorrow".

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I agree to a certain extent as that world is already happening but has yet to be 100% realized. That the rebound from 1989 has actually happened rather rapidly is amazing to a degree. What I see is a high degree of desire fueling the energy to consolidate, coordinate and move forward as a collective team. What I hope to see is the continuing adoption of best political-economic practices as policy by all team members, which goes beyond win-win to its core aspect which IMO is People Centered Development as Russia and China are practicing and have actually long promoted.

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What depresses and disillusions me most here in the so-called West, in the Europe that was turned into Mordor by "Saurus"? That is his successful Operation Mockingbird.

Throughout human history, people have always been lied to and manipulated. Even I don't think I know the truth. I think I know. Not anymore. The billionaires' Operation Mockingbird dominates our thinking and emotions. So successfully that "1000" issues and "1000" divisions in society are distracting people from the solutions to the core problems. It is frustrating.

It was a line from an alcoholic named Charles Bukowski that reminded me to ask the most important question.

"Do you remember who you were before you were told who you were supposed to be?"

We are constantly being manipulated and I see how thinking people are being driven back and forth and believe they know. The vast majority of the population has given up. They don't want to think. They live like insects. Sleep - eat - work - father children - sleep - eat - work, etc.

A few years ago I still had communication with Russians, but today they are no longer interested. As soon as a Russian realizes that I am someone from the West, he breaks off communication. That's how much contempt and bitterness there is towards people in the West. A collective guilt is imposed on us. This additional experience makes me defeatist.

I'm standing at the top of the mast of a ship of fools floating in a sea of shit, with tons of fools scurrying around below me. If they find a person who still thinks or thinks the supposedly wrong thing, they throw him overboard into the shit.

My thoughts may sound arrogant. But that's just how I feel.

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I've collected many Russian and Eurasian friends at my VK and over half of my subscribers are from the Global Majority, not the English speaking world. IMO, that says quite a lot. I'll be entering the Znanie.Prize competition to see what happens and report my experience. What your comment reflects IMO is anomie and the drastic socio-political situation in which we exist. Rising above it IMO is one way out.

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More than on the military battle front, it is on the diplomatic and economic front where the defeat of globalism is evident. Good music is heard in silence, but globalites are immersed in a confusing and noisy cacophony.

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