Thanks Karl I read this and Xi postings together wherein President Xi Jinping mentioned the return of the Arab states to the people. That statement considering the current context of ME hostilities and Israel attempts towards Arab Zion-American normalization was quite revealing, in that he visions this region free of foreign interference.

China culture and philosophical understanding of the fundamental laws of causality and unity between nations states with "China Characteristics" is a profound and lofty endeavor indeed fundamental towards global peace and harmony.

Both China and Russia hold firmly the geopolitical mechanisms necessary in forging a new world of peaceful coexistence and prosperity.

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Thanks for making the connections John. They aren't easy to see for many.

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Jan 11Liked by Karl Sanchez

It strikes me that what Pepe is describing is a strategy, that is becoming characteristic of BRICS, of testing international institutions and the principles behind them to destruction.

Here they are saying, essentially, OK if the world, through its laws or rules, call them what you like, is opposed to genocide, and it appears to be very sensitive about the issue, just recently Myanmar and Russia have been charged with it, and China is regularly accused of genocide in Turkestan/Sinkiang or Tibet, then here is a perfect chance to prove it. Obviously by any of the definitions proffered, Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. So take the matter to the famous court and let's see what happens.

Because we all know what happens- if the accused is a critic of imperialism or a black man without wealthy western backers he will be found guilty. Otherwise...good luck. And Israel can do no wrong-anyone who thinks otherwise is ipso facto an anti-semite.

The same is true of the Two State Solution: all the BRICS countries know that it will never work but it is necessary to call the Imperialists bluff and say to them "You claim to want peace on the basis of a two state solution. So let's see it. We will support it if the Palestinians will. So what is the problem? You have been claiming to favour it for eighty years now, OK just do it.

And we all know what will happen-nothing. Except that in future the BRICS will be in a position to point out the demonstrable hypocrisy. And we will stop hearing about the Two State Solution, except from Tony Blair who is paid to believe in it, so he does.

The entire UN structure, all the international institutions, the World Bank the IMF, the WTO are going to be tested to destruction as BRICS insists that the rules are clear and they should be followed. Or not, in which case new rules, new agreements, new treaties, negotiated between equals and applying to all, will have to be put into effect.

All of these things were clear enough in 1950 when the UN gave Taiwan China's seat in the Security Council , the UN then declared war on North Korea and the Soviet Union in disgust boycotted the institution. They ought to have maintained that boycott. Had they done so, gradually most of the world would have come around to their side. And the job would not need doing now. As it does. And will be done.

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Exactly, and continuing with this an economic and diplomatic isolation of the hegemon and five eyes vassals; money they understand and economic isolation given their casino economies will focus attention at home (controlling chaos). I wonder if China has modeled the effects of the no boats policy - given that the US won't respect its debt obligations. The US used to have control over tech and IP, but now? Both China and Russia seem to be capable of meeting the challenges of back bone industrial processes, CNC, microprocessor manufacture, medicine, etc.

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It's the educational system and social policy that's widening the gap faster than many thought possible, which is why I focus upon it. The balance of brain power has shifted that's just as important as military or economic power and indeed forms the basis for both.

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Yes, US literacy rates are down to 86%, it's a shameful situation. But the US and five eyes have been successful in harvesting overseas students. Anecdotally I've seen research paper one after the other with Chinese, Korean and other non-Anglo names.

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Jan 11Liked by Karl Sanchez

I'm sure that there is no significance in the tag: it is on the bottom of all Cradle articles that I can recall reading and is quite standard.

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Jan 10Liked by Karl Sanchez

I found it interesting that Pepe’s article has - at the bottom a note, in red: “The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of The Cradle.” 😎

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That's a standard disclaimer you'll see most everywhere. It was even at the bottom of Sharmine Narwani's essay I posted a few days ago, and she's a member of its editorial board. When you examine the page, it's part of its layout.

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thanks karl... i do find it ironic that it is south africa, a country that suffered from apartheid, which are challenging directly the apartheid state of israel... they ought to know what apartheid looks and smells like, not to mention the idea of genocide... good on them for doing this... it doesn't matter if it doesn't succeed immediately.. it has already succeeded in putting israel on notice and the rest of the west on notice too.. some folks are not willing to abide by the lies and deception, a regular feature of the west which does indeed include israel..

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