As he did immediately after the election was complete, Putin held a meeting with those heads of factions within the Duma, one of whom was a candidate: Vladimir Vasilyev – Head of the Faction All-Russian political party "United Russia;” Gennady Zyuganov – Head of the Faction Political Party "Communist Party of the Russian Federation;” Sergey Mironov– head of the faction Socialist Political Party "A Just Russia – Patriots – For Truth;" Alexei Nechayev, Head of the New People Political Party faction; Leonid Slutsky – Head of the Political Faction LDPR – Liberal Democratic Party of Russia. Also present were Vyacheslav Volodin – Chairman of the State Duma, and Sergey Kiriyenko – First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office. The meeting was held on the 19th, but the transcript wasn’t completed until early this morning. I expect this meeting to be similar to the one held with the three other candidates. We shall now see:
Vladimir Putin: Dear colleagues, good evening!
You have probably noticed and are aware of this, that a meeting with candidates for the post of President of Russia was held here last night. I met with colleagues who represent your factions – and some of them are leaders of the factions – yesterday, and I asked them about this meeting in order to discuss those issues that they consider most significant and key in their programs. Because there are certainly things in every candidate's program that you should pay special attention to. But all programs, of course, are devoted to the main thing-the development of the country. This is the first one.
The second issue that we discussed is what they consider it necessary to pay attention to based on the results of their meetings with voters. It is very important. This feedback from people is extremely important, and it was important for me to hear it.
Well, I would like to discuss with you today what we should work on in the very near future. The President's Address to the Federal Assembly, that is, to you, my colleagues from the Federation Council, practically outlined the program, the proposed program for the development of the country.
Here things are known, I won't say anything new. But the most important thing is saving people. This is helping our families, stimulating demographic processes, supporting young people, young families, families with children and, of course, large families, educating the younger generation, and all this can be done, of course, only on the basis of economic development. This is a key issue of our development, it is the basis for the country's development, on which all other issues of technological sovereignty and social development should be resolved. And this always causes disputes among our parties represented in the country's parliament, always, and this is normal, always their own opinion on what needs to be done and how to achieve the goals of social development.
But one of the areas that you have also noticed, and I know that you all support this, is the development of the potential of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the potential of both constituent entities and municipalities, the creation of their own tax base, and so on. And of course, modernization of the infrastructure of cities and rural areas.
Of course, it is always important, especially today, to strengthen the defense capability and security of the Russian state.
All this is somehow stated in the message. In part, we discussed this yesterday with our colleagues here, at a meeting in this office. But, of course, you and I will have to work together on all these issues in the very near future, throughout this year, and in the longer term, for almost six years. There are a lot of important questions here.
We discussed [many issues], and, by the way, I met with almost everyone before the Message, and this is the first time we have met in this format since the Message, but we discussed many issues, and you probably noticed that your suggestions were included in the Message. I would very much like us to work as constructively over the next few years as the election campaign did. It is clear that each candidate (and behind each of them stood your parties, that is, you supported them) had something that you consider to be the main thing. But still, the election campaign was conducted in a civilized manner. I would very much like you and me to continue working constructively in the course of practical work on the development of our country, Russia.
Clearly, arguments are inevitable. This is an obvious thing. Because if someone thinks that his offer is better than the offer of others, then he, of course, should fight for it. But I hope that this struggle will be held in the same civilized manner as in the period that we have just passed.
And finally, one more very important thing. In accordance with the Constitution, with the updated Constitution, the Parliament now has very serious powers to form the highest executive body of power – the Government. You will approve not only the Prime Minister, but also his deputies and ministers of the civil bloc. This is an extremely important and responsible thing. You know, many people live their own lives, ordinary citizens may not have noticed this, but this is one of the key provisions of the updated Constitution. The Parliament was given huge powers in forming the Government. This is a very responsible job.
You know, when I was still working in Leningrad and then in St. Petersburg, I saw how legislative bodies, when faced with these problems, sometimes stumble here, because corporate interests are behind every appointment. I would very much like to encourage you to be guided not by corporate or even party interests, but by the interests of the cause. First of all, we choose and approve people based on their personal and business qualities, on their ability to solve problems that the country is on the verge of solving. This is an extremely important thing. I hope that we will find answers to all these questions in constructive working discussions.
That's exactly what I wanted to say at the beginning. I suggest that we structure our work in this way: I would like to ask you to speak very briefly, and then, as far as I understand, everyone would like to discuss the most important issues individually. I'm ready, let's all do it. Start. You are welcome.
G. Zyuganov : Mr Putin, you are starting with the best tradition that has long been formed – meeting with the leaders of parties and movements. In my opinion, the new term should continue this tradition.
The series of meetings began with speeches by the leaders of the factions. Everyone asked me to send you – this is practically the general opinion – congratulations. This is not just an election, but a confirmation of the positions of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Our main task now is to defeat Nazism, fascism, which is rooted in Ukraine and which is sweeping Europe. This is a matter of our historical survival.
We are doing everything in this regard to provide support to the guys who are defending our Homeland. We have sent 123 convoys, more than 20 thousand tons, through our line alone – everything that children need for the holiday, starting from trenches and ending with orphanages.
In "Snegiri" took 16 thousand children, built a new military sports camp, where they undergo real rehabilitation, patriotic education. I would like to thank you from the children: they are very happy. They leave in two weeks with different people. Of course, Soros's propaganda and textbooks poisoned their brains. It is very good that schools are now starting to work on new curricula. The programs foster respect for our millennial history.
I believe that a new reality is coming, which we must assess and unite as much as possible to solve these problems. First of all, there is a war for resources. There is, in fact, a tough confrontation between traditional values and our politics. Artificial intelligence is still ahead: if it falls into the hands of ill-mannered, cynical people, it will be worse than the Fascist Reich. You have now paid special attention to the latest technologies.
Yesterday Nikolay Mikhailovich [Kharitonov] I gave you three very interesting programs. I would like you to get acquainted: This includes the development of rural areas, integrated rural development, land use, and the latest experience of our national enterprises.
By the way, I want to thank you from the enterprises: after your support, we fought off the scam. The enterprises became the best in the country. The salary is almost everywhere above a hundred thousand, a full social package.
By the way, even in our Lenin State Farm, where I invite you again, every second family has many children. They have solved this problem. Ten first classes were sent this year. The first ten! I invite you to hold a seminar there. [First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Sergey] Kiriyenko promised to support: it will be very interesting and useful for everyone.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you.
G. Zyuganov: The whole cycle of professional education, preschool education, sports training. In my opinion, it is the best database that exists not only in the country, but also in Europe, and I have seen a lot. My friends and colleagues support this idea.
As for the war against Nazism. I've seen this before, you served in Germany, and so did I. We had thousands of SS men in Gera, all under control.
Denazification is a complex process that needs to start first with personnel, schools, and children. We'll all have to work on this together.
But it [Nazism] is becoming more impudent, and what they have been doing recently in the surrounding territories, you understand, requires tougher, more concrete and more determined work. Therefore, we actively support the measures you have outlined.
There are three conditions for victory: maximum mobilization of forces and resources, social cohesion, and a technological breakthrough. I saw that during the election campaign you visited all major enterprises, primarily defense ones, and talked to working people.
Kharitonov and I went to your homeland – to Leningrad, St. Petersburg, and the Kirov Plant. We built the best shop there. We patronized the agricultural machinery industry. Academician Kashin made excellent programs, and we supported them all.
We created the Zh. I. Alferov University there, which is the university of the future, combining all the best schools, universities, academies and scientific technologies. I suggest, perhaps, to hold a State Council there, because in the main shop of the Kirov plant, the average age is 32 years, everyone has a higher or technical education, and an excellent salary. The Germans were new, they just gasped. They have not seen such a production culture from the assembly line. I just invite you on behalf of the team. I'll tell you, this is a phenomenal result.
But the problems we were worried about remained. Your idea, we have reached a dead end, you expressed on Valdai: capitalism has reached a dead end. Everyone sees this impasse – both in America and in France. I was struck by Germany, which "lay down" under the Americans, abandoning its market – just complete idiocy. I never thought that the Germans would act so incompetently. Apparently, we brought them up badly. We'll have to take it up again, otherwise they promise some kind of weapon. I told them yesterday: you're a fool, you've started two wars, you shouldn't, you haven't redeemed yourself for them yet.
The question of dying, impoverishing and saving the people, you started with this, in my opinion – is the main issue. Let's reflect, and I hope you'll support us. We have introduced the law on regulating prices for essential goods, medicines, and housing and communal services eight times. All countries of the world use it. It is well thought out and calculated.
We received 150 million tons of bread. If we had purchased 15 million rubles at the state price, we would have deployed our networks in parallel, and we would have lowered the prices of goods, for 250 types of food that are made from bread. Nice, simple operation. You supported it last time, but Mishustin agreed, the government is more intelligent and efficient, and reports regularly. You said it right: Volodin taught me to report back. By the way, this is a very strong measure – they prepare well and ask questions. And you can see everyone what they are worth and what they represent. We believe that the efficiency of the responsibility of ministers has dramatically increased after the amendment of this norm in the Constitution.
But prices – we need to take [measures], because there are two issues that people are most concerned about. We have collected thousands of questions. We conducted 3,200 debates in all polling stations. First time spent. Kharitonov met people in 70 regions of Russia. He "plowed" everything from the Far East to Kaliningrad. The issue of housing and communal services and migration has become the number one issue in the country, and this, in fact, can spoil our situation from the inside, because prices for housing and communal services, gasoline and diesel fuel are constantly "climbing".
The sowing campaign is starting now, as you mentioned yesterday, and it is again a plus of 10 percent. There is no point, no necessity. It just needs to be regulated by law. He's lying down. Support it, and you will see that even the same living wage – 19,242 rubles-will have a much higher purchasing power. This will help many people cope with poverty.
The Chinese did so. You have met with Xi Jinping 42 times. He did this operation brilliantly. I discussed it with him when he was mayor of Shanghai. It is overdue, and we need your support.
As for housing and communal services, wear and tear is high, but housing and communal services are a complex, subtle topic. Lokot in Novosibirsk organized the production of trams with Belarusians. We made 50 pieces-both cheaper and better. But if you have bad access roads, if your traction stations do not pull, if you have a repair base, then the costs are still high.
In your Message, I calculated 3.5 trillion rubles for social services, and almost 4 trillion rubles for housing and communal services, and we will have to double this amount, because the frosts hit hard – even in the Moscow region, 15 cities experienced heavy congestion. I think that these two topics are very exciting for people.
Migration. I was surprised, in Tomsk in some classes… I'm an international, but the guys from Central Asia came here – they don't know Russian. The first-grade teacher says: these are good, at least transfer them to the second grade, but these do not speak Russian, neither of them are able to learn. We need to think through measures.
By the way, Lukashenka shared his experience with you. He solved this problem very successfully. You can borrow it.
The political system. Your assistant, Kiriyenko, is here. I have the right to say so. Yeltsin lived above me. I supervised Moscow, put out fires, was in all the wars in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, in the Baltic States. The Americans imposed on us those orders that are called "dashing 90's". You know better than I do.
You recently had to answer a question about Navalny, you answered very sincerely, but Navalny also did not fall out of the sky. I saw him dragged to this "throne" by some of your assistants. When he was nominated as a candidate in Moscow, I came and asked: do you understand what you're doing? You are now driving away those who were trained by the special services to blow up the country again, the voters in Moscow. Sorry, almost 900 thousand were rounded up, and then we thought about what to do.
A new cycle is starting now, and the situation is similar. No one needs it, absolutely no one needs it. We need to show our will and character here. We just have to do it.
A new financial and economic course – it has matured. We spoke, we discussed together: it has matured, it is absolutely clear. It is impossible to achieve the main goal of your Message – to reach the global pace. Last year we reached 3.6 [percent] and we are proud of it. When we left – it's clear why: we invested, prepared, and are working with human resources. The issue of personnel training is the most acute. And the new elite will mature, it will mature at the front, it will mature in the struggle. The military-industrial complex has many talented leaders. Push them forward. These people know how to work three shifts and understand the situation. These people are disciplined, organized, and they know how to plan. It is impossible without it.
But the rate was inflated by 16 percent, the ruble was devalued by 80 percent, and monetization – by 53 percent. No country is below 100 percent. No production under such financial and economic conditions can reach 3.5 percent, it cannot come out from any point of view. We have prepared everything you need. My colleagues and comrades agree, and the Chairman shares this point of view. Let's work together.
And management. There is a system under which you have strengthened the composition of the Government, the powers of the Duma and the Federation Council. We need to work as smoothly as possible. We don't need to wait, we need to solve these issues as soon as possible, because in a war every day and every hour is precious. And the solidarity shown by citizens and voters, we should thank and congratulate them. Their national instinct suggested that in these conditions it is necessary to support as much as possible the course of the fight against Nazism and the creation of social conditions. This will be the new course according to your Message. It is absolutely socialized.
So I hope that your first visit will be to the East, and not to the West. Comrade Xi Jinping is waiting for you with pleasure, he loves our country very much.
Vladimir Putin: Good. I will definitely, without any jokes, take into account what you just said.
Please, Vladimir Abdualievich.
V. : Thank you very much, Vladimir Vladimirovich.
We are all really not only happy. We now have absolute confidence: what you and your colleagues have done will be implemented.
From what I've just heard. We have worked out the Message addressed to the Parliament and almost the entire nation in great detail. For our faction, for the United Russia party, it is a program for action. To date, we have worked out all the proposals that were submitted. We are currently working on 80 specific bills, 47 of which are currently being prepared for the second reading.
Maybe I would immediately react a little bit to the words of Gennady Andreevich, whom I respect very much, but I often disagree, and I express my opinion not only my own.
(To G. Zyuganov.) Gennady Andreevich, we are doing all this together with the Government. You have noted how much work has been done by the President, in the country as a whole, with the participation of political parties. We have now defined the role of the Parliament. Vladimir Vladimirovich, thank you: You have once again stressed that we are responsible for forming the Government. This means, Gennady Andreevich, that we are also responsible for ensuring that the Government we have formed is supported by us and that we do not follow the path of populist, party interests to the detriment of the interests of the country, because not only party members voted. By the way, speaking today, you mentioned a figure.
Gennady Andreevich knows history well: he compared the number of people who voted for your candidacy with the number of those who voted against the collapse of the Soviet Union.
G. Zyuganov: Yes, they supported us.
Vladimir Vasilyev: What did you say, 63 million?
G. Zyuganov: No, 109 million people voted, but 76.5 percent. I said, " We should have protected this result." Absolutely correct.
Vladimir Vasilyev: Gennady Andreevich, this is a very important conversation in the presence of Vladimir Vladimirovich, and we are constantly having it. Sometimes, I think, this is useful, discussions are useful. Still, we need to understand: we approved the budget, we supported the President's Message, we participated in the elections, you worked, each party [worked], but we must make decisions together and implement them together, as I understand it. If I understand correctly, you don't mind.
G. Zyuganov: I am in favor of the budget being implemented. If you had supported our development budget, just the 7.5 trillion that the President outlined in his Address, we would have already closed it and moved on.
V. Vasiliev: I'll come to that in a moment, Gennady Andreevich.
Our task now is to realize the potential of the Message. The elections showed that people heard everything. There's no adding or subtracting it. We need to work.
The doubts you have expressed are probably healthy doubts of an experienced politician, but doubts are resolved by work. Gennady Andreevich, you know this better than I do. The results will be good – we may or may not beat them – but it will depend on us. That's why we're working. In this regard, I would not pay specific attention now, because repeating the Message does not make sense.
Priorities: we put the family, support for [families], youth, and poverty reduction first, which Gennady Andreevich mentioned and cited China as an example. Great, but we have our own program, we have our own specifics. We must follow it together, in concert. You will not allow us to evade anywhere, but we must also do it, and I understand that you must also participate in this in concert, because the situation, as you stressed, is not easy: the enemy is strong, it should not be underestimated. He is trying to introduce doubt into our ranks. I am sure that you understand all this very well.
Long active life – funds have been allocated. National project "Cadres". By the way, the regulation of migration legislation is on our agenda, Gennady Andreevich. So what would I like to say now? What you have indicated is a nerve. You feel people, of course, in your electorate there are more critical-minded people who remember the good things and do not always see, maybe they question what is happening today. But today we can achieve better results in this work that we are currently carrying out.
Just a moment. Vladimir Vladimirovich, I have already reported to you about the work carried out by the part of the Parliament that represents the United Russia faction to monitor the overhaul of schools. You noticed at the time that this is a noteworthy practice. According to the Accounts Chamber, the funds were used twice as efficiently. She will report to us now. I think the positive dynamics will continue. They'll give you numbers while they're still out there.
So, you've made your decision. Thank you very much: this is, in fact, a unique historical event, in my opinion. Gennady Andreevich, all the funds that were saved are now transferred to those who saved them. That is, a reward model for efficiency, if you will, for honesty-colleagues, this is also important – and for timely and high-quality task completion. A very good example. If you save money – you can spend it, as you said, on improving this object. In this case, this is a school, then the full cycle will go on. Only in educational institutions – 400 billion. If we save them and don't use them all, we'll add them to them.
Gennady Andreevich, is this a good idea?
G. Zyuganov: Good news.
Vladimir Vasilyev: I think we should focus on this.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, we are all listening carefully to the tasks that you have outlined, even in your opening remarks, and Gennady Andreevich has also outlined them.
Gennady Andreevich, you said: regulation of prices for medicines, medicines and housing and communal services. Let's work together-not at a meeting now, but let's prepare. We have a good practice, it has been formed, and especially in this convocation. We hold inter-factional events, in particular, we create working groups.
Gennady Andreevich, remember: You and your colleagues have spoken in a number of districts and raised people in a negative way to solve the problems of defrauded real estate investors.
G. Zyuganov: We have almost solved it – we have held three congresses.
Vladimir Vasiliev: How did you decide?
G. Zyuganov: Excellent.
Vladimir Vasilyev: Let me remind you: the Chairman [of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin] suggested that we all meet in the hall, and you instructed me to head the working group. We – all its representatives-gathered and started working without exaggerating our role. I mean, this group started working. The first meeting was in the office of [Moscow Mayor Sergei] Sobyanin, and the process began.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, you have mentioned this, and we are constantly monitoring it: there are issues there, and we need to "tighten up" in the Leningrad Region, but the work is still going on. Gennady Andreevich, we will resolve this issue, and you know it. Right? Let's decide.
So: in my opinion, any other task can be solved, as, however, you just said with pain and everyone feels what happened. Yes, it was, and not only in the Moscow region. There was something in every region somewhere.
About the winter. Winter is extraordinary, there were difficulties. Conclusions are drawn from this. There is an order, and now this commission is headed by our distinguished colleague. You [the Communist Party of the Russian Federation] have singled out your colleagues there.
What am I asking for? Let's think about it, we are all colleagues here – Vladimir Vladimirovich, thank you, I usually speak out last, but now I speak second-so I want to say: if we work together, and you and I support the President, we are, as they say, for the people – the people are for us. And who should we share? These are our common tasks. Perhaps let us first go through the work of these commissions, work out substantive and concrete decisions, and then we will put them forward. In the meantime, this is a good mechanism that will allow us to solve the main provisions of the Message, they are spelled out, and such a simple question: take and solve – you need to calculate. Gennady Andreevich, you yourself are a systematic and critical person. Easy to say, harder to do.
We have an initiative on migrants, in particular, the extreme one came from the Tver region. We are currently reviewing it. This is what it's about: putting things in order. We will put it in place: it is clear how to do this, and I am even convinced that we will have inter-factional agreement on this issue, because we will solve it consistently, systematically, with the participation of all interested parties, and first of all the Government. Why did we choose him? To make it effective. This is your Government, this is our Government, this is the Government of all factions. Then that's how the Government will feel: You correctly said what complex tasks need to be solved. Gennady Andreevich, you are a person with a wealth of experience, and you have solved even more difficult problems. Therefore, I think it adds not only optimism, but also confidence if we do it together.
I won't take up any more time. I think everything is clear.
Thank you very much, Mr President, for meeting us. It is very important.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you.
Sergey : Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,
First of all, I congratulate you on your election as President of the Russian Federation. Our party members and supporters voted for you, and we did it consciously.
We have seen the unprecedented conditions in which the elections were held. We saw the pressure of the collective West, and the military intervention of the Ukronazis, who bombed and intimidated our people, but you can't intimidate our people. I was in the Kherson region, Zaporozhye region, Belgorod region, Bryansk region. People courageously went to the polls, realizing that they were choosing the future of their country.
In this regard, I would like to address you and then send you a letter. I was in the Belgorod region. The Governor of the Belgorod region Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Gladkov-well done: he not only holds the blow – he saves people in the literal sense of the word. In this regard, I would like to address you in a letter with a proposal to consider the issue of awarding him a state award.
There is another topic. We see that in the border regions – in the Belgorod region, Kursk – our soldiers, including the Rosgvardiya, do not allow Ukronazis to cross our border, to infiltrate our territory by various sabotage and intelligence groups.
There is one caveat here, and I will also contact you in writing. The fact is that at one time you fundamentally, very quickly resolved the issue of our border guards who work there. They now also have the status of a participant in a special military operation with all the ensuing consequences. And those who are now repelling attacks on the border-this is the Ministry of Defense and our Rosgvardiya-they are not on an equal footing today. I won't mention the numbers, but they really do the same thing. In this regard, I would ask you to consider the possibility of setting up all payments that are paid additionally for them, so that they also receive them.
We see, as I have already said, that the collective West is trying and will continue to try… But if they don't recognize it, let them see what kind of democracy we have. In this regard, I would like to inform you that our faction has prepared two draft laws, and we have submitted them.
In the first draft, in accordance with the Federal Law, we plan to recognize the fact of genocide of the multinational Russian people during the Great Patriotic War by Nazi Germany. In accordance with the second [draft law], I propose to amend the Federal Law on Free Legal Aid in the Russian Federation, which expands the possibility of providing free legal aid to citizens so that they can correctly draw up claims and, accordingly, transfer these claims to Germany.
You made it absolutely clear in your Message and have just said that, of course, we need to consider changes in the tax system. I am sure that we will work together with the Government, and a progressive personal income tax scale is definitely needed. You can probably look again at the luxury consumption tax, you can look at the income tax reduction for companies that invest in their fixed assets, and do not withdraw funds in dividends.
And I can't help but say – I raise this issue all the time-still about indexing for working pensioners. We gave Mr. Siluanov the figures. If you spend money on this indexation, those eight million pensioners who have "disappeared" will return, and their taxes will cover the amount that is currently required to index the pensions of working pensioners.
We listened carefully to your Message – it is simply amazing in its completeness. This is really a six-year-old, this is a new program that you mentioned. In this regard, we see possible changes in the structure of the Government. In particular, this is what we are talking about and [what] we are proposing.
First. We propose to create a state committee for science, technology and innovation. This is the main task, because science needs to be seriously engaged, you need to plan. Such a committee, which once worked successfully in the Soviet Union, would be the right decision.
Second suggestion. We propose to create an agency for veterans ' affairs. Much has already been done, and the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation is doing a great job. But we still have veterans-Afghans, we have veterans of the Chechen campaign – they have not solved all their problems. If there was such an agency, I think it would be the right thing to do.
And in connection with your special attention to demographic issues and the announcement of the Year of the Family: I think that if we had a special ministry of demography in the Government, this would be absolutely correct. For example, the question of introducing an increased coefficient to the size of maternity capital in a region with a low birth rate. This is our suggestion, because here you can see and make this situation work.
Another proposal is the creation of a federal migration service. Already today, my colleagues spoke about issues related to migrants, migration, and school education. The regions do not sit and watch this situation in silence. For example, in Chelyabinsk, Khanty-Mansiysk, Kaluga and Tyumen regions, there is a ban on working [migrants] on transport, a ban on working in taxis. In the Tula region, a ban on the sale of alcohol and tobacco. I think that the Federal migration service could work very successfully.
I cannot but say that in your Message you very clearly spoke about the real new elite that is being forged today on the fronts of fraternal Ukraine, which we are liberating from Nazism. Indeed, the Cadres program is very valuable.
There is one more question. The Constitution still has a provision on the possibility of dual citizenship. I think we need to return to this issue – let everything be determined: The homeland should be one and taxes should be paid here, in our Homeland. And if someone thinks differently, then, as people say: here is your God, and here is your threshold.
And – you know, I've been talking about this for many years – still look at the creation of the Ministry of Geology. Today, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology – on the one hand, Rosgeology and the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use - on the other... I won't say "swan, crab and pike", but still this fragmentation does not contribute to normal work.
I must say that we will be waiting with great interest for your proposals on the staffing of the Government. We are ready for such work. But I can't help but say that there are real patriots and professionals in our faction. These are first of all the Vice-Speaker of the State Duma Alexander Mikhailovich Babakov, Valery Karlovich Hartung, who is well known to you, Yana Valeryevna Lantratova and Sergey Vladimirovich Kabyshev. We are always ready to make our own personnel proposals.
In general, I would like to conclude by saying that we are ready to implement the Message to the Federal Assembly. We are all ready to plow away this six-year period together, in Russian, because, indeed, the tasks are serious, and we need to roll up our sleeves here. We are ready for this.
Thank you very much.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you.
You are welcome.
Leonid Slutsky: Mr Putin, I would like to congratulate you once again on your historic victory. It is a great honor to meet you for the second day in a row.
You quite correctly noted the reference points in the President's recent Address to the Federal Assembly, which is really not a message, but a program for the development of the country and society, and not for six years, but for a considerable time to come.
At the end of the presidential campaign, I would like to thank all the leaders of the parliamentary parties for their effective cooperation. We conducted this campaign very correctly. I am sure that now we will effectively, shoulder to shoulder, and without wasting time, as the current situation requires, solve the problems that are really posed by people, and people are our main value and those for whom we exist as political parties.
I absolutely agree with Gennady Andreevich that people are setting goals now. We conducted an all-Russian poll during the presidential campaign - "Tell Slutsky the truth". More than one million 100 thousand people told us, including about housing and utilities tariffs, about rising prices for products and services, Gennady Andreevich said absolutely correctly.
I don't agree with Gennady Andreevich about Navalny, though. We know perfectly, deeply, and in detail where it came from. Indeed, his appearance in Russia was directed by presidential aides - only the American one, your aides have nothing to do with it.
As for the reference points that you have outlined: defense capability, demography, regions, rural areas. Our defense capability is extremely important, but it is very high. And you have outlined the tasks, in the implementation of which we will also take the appropriate necessary efforts shoulder to shoulder, so that the special military operation, the purpose of which is to complete the last battle against Nazism launched against us by today's Nazis on the territory of Ukraine, will end in the near future with the victory of Russian weapons.
As for demographics, this is an extremely important task. Back in 2012, in his pre-election article "Building Justice. Social policy for Russia" You have noticed that if the national, migration, and demographic policies are linked together as they are now (this was written 11 years ago), then after a while we run the risk of turning, I quote verbatim (this article was very often quoted by Zhirinovsky), "into an empty space whose fate will not be decided by us."
It is true that we have a sixth of the world's land area, but only 2 percent of the world's population, and it is important for us to solve the demographic problem, no matter how difficult it may be. We must once again become a country of large families, as I said yesterday. The first step is to restore nursery groups for children from three months to one and a half years old, so that young mothers can combine motherhood with a professional career. There are other elements of the solution here. It will not be instantaneous, of course, it will be stretched over years. We recently discussed it with Tatyana Golikova. These are certainly solvable issues.
Not least of all is the issue of keeping young people from leaving the village. Viacheslav Viktorovich, knowing this problem with absolute certainty, has now created a working group in the State Duma under the leadership of Deputy Speaker Alexey Gordeev. Here, the way forward is a qualitative reduction in the mortgage lending rate for rural residents. Naturally, it is not the same for everyone, you need to carry out zoning, study. But in the very near future, if we follow this path, we will be able to "expand" this long-standing and extremely sensitive problem so that young people stay at home: where they were born, they will be useful there. And then agricultural holdings, jobs, and creative space will be created. All this is within our power, and we are ready to cooperate in this archived and urgent problem.
As for the subjects. You are absolutely right, we need to develop the regions now and make sure that the standard of living in the regions – in all of them – is equalized, so that living in Moscow and in regions far from Moscow is equally comfortable. It seems that now this problem is unsolvable, however, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do, and in a few years it is possible to advance this problem, its solution qualitatively. Perhaps we should start with those who teach and treat us. We talked about the fact that we lack a large number of doctors in the country, about 25 thousand doctors, 50 thousand average medical staff. The new is a well-forgotten old. Mandatory distribution from medical universities and colleges will actually be able to bring this problem to a significant stage of resolution in a couple of years. We need to work with the Government on this. I think that over the next few months we will be able to move forward in this direction, if you approve such work.
I am sure that we must now work shoulder to shoulder very clearly on key issues on the parliamentary platform. We supported the budget. We have a lot of questions for him. But the name of this budget is "everything for the front, everything for victory", and there can be no other budget in the context of a special military operation, so we supported it.
We now have a lot of questions for the Government. Nevertheless, I can say in advance that we support the Government's report, which will be published in early April. We will support the Central Bank's report, which will be presented at the State Duma on April 10.
We call on you, Gennady Andreevich, to come out in solidarity with us this time and support the Government and the Central Bank, which are doing everything possible in this very difficult situation. Now we should not criticize, but support, although our constructive criticism, of course, is a factor of positive feedback. We need to do everything possible and impossible and support all parliamentary parties together. I am deeply convinced of this and call for it.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, as for the questions that people have expressed, I partially touched on them yesterday, and I think that we will be able to move forward on them. We, the Liberal Democratic Party, propose to introduce tax-free income for citizens: set an income of perhaps 30 thousand rubles, from which we propose not to levy income tax. With this calculation, a person who has a small income will have an additional 3,900 rubles left on their hands. This is a significant amount for those who earn little. I think this will be a progressive solution. And even now, while we have not yet left the SVO, we can take this step-by-step and make such decisions to support those who are really having a very difficult time right now.
And I will tell you about military commanders. We will soon submit to the State Duma a law on military correspondents who risk their lives. Recently, our friend and brother Boris Maksudov, who together with us created the "School of the Young Military Commander" of the LDPR, died. Their children should not be left unprotected, without state support. Therefore, military commanders are also invited to assign [the status of] a combat veteran, they are more than worthy of this.
I think that taking into account what we discussed in detail yesterday, I will stop here. Let me just say that the Liberal Democratic Party calls for working shoulder to shoulder, as I called on all Russian citizens last year, and as you said at the very beginning of your Address to the Federal Assembly. Indeed, the role of the Parliament is now very important, and we will be able to "expand" or partially "expand" many tasks that are relevant to people this year, with your high coordination with the Government.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you very much.
Please, Alexey Gennadyevich.
A. : Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich, I congratulate you on your convincing victory.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you.
Alexander Nechaev: Despite external pressure, especially in recent weeks, attempts to somehow influence the country's elections through bombing peaceful cities or minor provocations at certain polling stations, we see that our people came and voted. In this sense, this is not only your victory, but I think it is an expression of will for the whole country – a common cause, a great victory.
VTSIOM's data came out today, and I brought it with me. 72 percent fully trust the results that are available in the elections, 13-doubt, as it is written. This is my fifth election in my life, and I have always been taught by sociologists that the higher the result, the higher the distrust. This election refutes their idea. This is a really big deal and a common success, especially for Russia.
I am glad that this campaign was very informative. There was scope and content, including thanks to your Vision Message for six years and beyond.
At the same time, the candidates behaved very respectfully to each other, this can be noted. There were no labels, not to mention insults, in fact, there wasn't even any speculation. I hope that now, too, no speculations will appear in relation to the candidates.
A few words about the implementation of the Message. Indeed, we saw a great response to your Message at meetings with voters, especially among entrepreneurs. People watched, read pieces. What inspired them most?
Protection of private property, that all this should continue to be done, it is not necessary to drag anywhere abroad, it is necessary to increase everything here.
Risk-based approach to verification. If there are no risks, what should I check?
Amnesty in case of business fragmentation. A very small business – they couldn't believe their ears. Before that, they always said to me:"This would be necessary." I told: "It's complicated." You said, " No, we'll do it. It is difficult, not difficult, but it must be done."
Of course, credit holidays for SMEs. Not every time, but people have the right to do so. It really inspired people. And you know, the excitement began to appear, because people see that in the right direction… Not only they are fighting, not only they are doing something – the country's leadership also sees it this way. We will work out these issues both in the Duma and with the Government.
Today is a particularly happy day for me – today we have adopted in the second reading a draft law on raising the minimum damage thresholds for the transition from administrative to criminal liability. You supported the bill in February last year, we passed it in the first reading in May, and the Government worked on it until this March. I must say, you know that they also spent a lot of time and added a lot of new articles. Several new articles have been added, which means that the benefits of working together are very high. I think we should continue to do this.
It is interesting that entrepreneurs feel that they are working for a common cause. This unites everyone not only on the economic front. The impression that it is important for them that there is a struggle for the future of Russia. Somehow people are accelerating, maybe from the first months of the start of a special military operation. It is very important. They actively help the SVO fighters with humanitarian aid and volunteer projects in new regions, including program rehabilitation. We have also prepared several projects. I would like to tell you about them today.
Now very different people talk about the shortage of personnel. On the one hand, we are happy with the record low unemployment, but there are not enough workers. And what the Cadres national project has proposed is very timely, and it has huge support. We suggest that we look at this more broadly and expand the national project, including through online education. These are micro-courses that can be provided quickly so that people can immediately retrain.
By communicating with young people, both doctors and engineers, by the way, very different people – the general mood is that people want to live here in Russia, and often in their own region. We ask: what motivates you? It turns out that money, of course, but the opportunity to take place professionally, first of all, to start a family – this is a high motivation, it leads people. Here we must all work together to give them these opportunities.
Big growth in tourism – Stavropol Territory, Krasnodar, Sakhalin. During the season, there are practically no free places. Today, the industry accounts for one percent of GDP. Of course, there is a feeling that in six years, maybe more, it is possible to increase the share in GDP to three or five percent, because our GDP is also growing.
There is zero VAT on travel packages, but often these are vouchers that are sold in lots, tour operators use this. And there are companies that work with services: ski lifts, if it's skiing, excursions, training of personnel. They say, " Can't we do the same?" We say: "Look, this is a big drop in budget revenues," - I learned this expression. People think concretely and say: "We should be given three years. We will gain strength. If possible, we can make such a benefit, and we will use these funds for development and then slowly start reducing prices."
I don't think you should be burdened with this, but it was important to share what people think and what solutions they are looking for.
There is a request from young scientists who want to introduce their developments and inventions, so that patents do not get dusty on the shelves, and this often happens and is delayed. There were suggestions from young guys: "If you didn't start implementing development anywhere for a year, give us a license, and we will either invest in the enterprise or start making it ourselves." I say ," But a lot of budget money has been spent." They say: "Yes, but we are also willing to pay. This is a license, and we will pay for it and pay it to universities." This thought is very positive. That is, not "give it to us", but "let's do it together". Maybe we should also talk to the new Government about this now.
In general, it is clear that people are focused on active patriotism. That is, everyone wants to give the country some kind of effort, their participation in the work. This is also a very good mood.
I realized, for example, that for the party (I am probably the youngest party and faction leader here by experience), not only elections, Mr Putin, but also the creation of such an opportunity for people to actually implement themselves or through various projects – as you once supported the project "I'm in business", which you have us for young people. It is developing very well here. These are the most diverse projects that give people the opportunity to touch, because they contribute to the country. Not only do they earn money, not only do they work professionally, but they are also part of the overall victory. This is for some reason an obvious thing, but until I understand it, it is not on the surface.
Unexpectedly, I will support Sergey Mikhailovich Mironov, because Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin proposed to hold large parliamentary hearings on demography this year. We are now holding a whole series of round tables, preparing for this round table, so that we will not come empty-handed.
You know, indeed, many people say that we do not have people responsible for demography in our country. Someone calls you responsible. I say: "We can't have a President who is responsible for everything. It's doing its job, so let's also unload it somehow."
At the same time, we do have some demographic issues in one department, some in another, some in a third, one deputy Prime Minister, another Deputy Prime minister. Make either a ministry, or, for example, make a supervising deputy prime minister – this task should already be discussed.
We have, for example, the Chief of the General Staff. It's clear there. Here is some such "staff commander", probably needed, here I will support. All sorts of people say that. There must be some truth in this.
I'm finishing up. Thanks
Vladimir Putin: Thank you very much.
Vyacheslav Viktorovich, please.
Vladimir : Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich,
Today we had the first meeting of the State Duma after the last elections. All deputies, regardless of their faction or party affiliation, asked to convey their congratulations.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you.
Vladimir Volodin: In general, the election results, your victory is perceived as a victory of all citizens, so everyone expressed words of support and congratulations.
We had a delegation from the Republika Srpska Parliament today. They came to us. We have signed a cooperation agreement. The Speaker of the Parliament spoke. They also congratulated me. But for them, the election victory of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is an opportunity to build a multipolar and just world. It was very important for us to hear this today, especially from them, given that they were most affected by Washington and Brussels.
Tomorrow we will consider the resolution of the State Duma-together with the Federation Council, it will be a common decision: 25 years since NATO bombed Belgrade. For 78 days, the most severe bombardment continued, killing a huge number of people. Today, our colleagues and comrades from the Republika Srpska Parliament spoke about this. They, of course, hope that our country will be strong, which means that the world will be more just.
Therefore, the implementation of the President's Message is an absolute priority on the State Duma's agenda. We have already set up a working group, and based on the analysis of the Message, we have identified 77 points that we will focus on and start working together with the Government and the Presidential Administration to ensure that all your decisions and proposals are legally implemented.
In this regard, I must say that all deputies understand their responsibility, and it has become easier to work. Today, even during their speeches, all the leaders of the factions noted that the presidential candidates did a great job, but at the same time passed the election campaign with dignity. You mentioned this at the meeting just now, and it was all mentioned at the beginning of the day. These elections did not divide us, did not create tension, but rather consolidated us. This is the first time, perhaps, because we have as soon as the election campaign, the next day after the election, and it came to fights, and doors were slammed, and there were demarches that you just can't remember. But now there is more responsibility.
I must say that when our colleagues come to us from abroad, the trend-especially in countries that are trying to teach democracy – is completely different from Russia. If we take the United States of America, they basically have usurpation of power and disenfranchisement of citizens by two parties that have not allowed anyone close to power for more than 100 years. And when the threat was from the workers ' Party and the Communist party, which is somewhere in the 50s, they simply took them, closed them, and fired all the sympathizers from the State Department by the hundreds. Hollywood directors were sentenced to long terms. Charlie Chaplin was thrown out of the country and not even allowed to be buried there. Therefore, there is no democracy there. They are trying to teach us, although they are far from it.
As for our work, of course, it has become completely different in content. Your decision to transfer powers to citizens so that they can participate in the appointment of the Government through deputies is a big responsibility. Of course, this will probably be the first stage of our work when, in accordance with the new norms of the Constitution, the Duma will not just participate in the formation of the Government, but appoint ministers, deputy prime ministers, and the Prime Minister. This is a kind of verification.
Therefore, we hope that we will pass this stage with the same dignity as the election campaign was passed, as we passed the previous stages, understanding our responsibility for the country and putting Russia's interests above domestic party interests, as you said. We all have an understanding that there can be many parties. You can move from one party to another, ***but we have one homeland, and this responsibility for the Motherland should set us up for serious, responsible work***.
When we talk about changes in the parliament – Vladimir Vladimirovich, thank you very much, because you really pay great attention to the parliament, the development of parliamentary democracy, and filling the parliament's work with concrete content in your agenda. We would not have had such a constructive environment, nor an influential parliament (and today we understand that the decisions that are passed are a serious influence), if not for your decision, not for your desire to do everything to ensure that our democracy was not painted (as in a number of Western countries and in the United States), not for decoration, but so that it is an integral part of our society and we can, relying on the support of citizens, exercise their powers and work effectively together with other institutions.
Vladimir Putin: Thank you very much.
Grigory Zyuganov: Mr President, there was a brilliant speech by the Speaker of the Parliament. You now regularly speak to young people, thank you for "Sirius". Ask your assistants… In terms of depth, accuracy, and scope of the language, this is one of the best that was in the Duma. And he lives under terrible pressure. Brilliant: the entire Duma gave a long standing ovation, which is extremely rare.
Vladimir Putin: Good. Thank you very much. I'll definitely check it out.
At the end of this part of our meeting, I would like to say the following. Each of you, dear colleagues, has just spoken about the elections. Elections are a very important event, especially in our modern conditions. They form the basic conditions for the development of our statehood, for strengthening the country, the basic conditions for its development in the future. Without this, it is impossible to move on. We must once again thank the citizens of the country and the voters for being so active, especially now.
I said recently, who did our opponent decide to intimidate – the Russian people, the multinational people of Russia? There has never been such a thing, and there will never be such a thing. You probably noticed it too: representatives of the foreign press approached people in difficult regions and said: "Where are you going? Aren't you afraid?" And such an adult already said: "I'm Russian and I'll go where I need to go."
You see, what our opponent does, assuming to achieve a result, he achieves a result, but directly opposite to what is expected, that's all. They don't understand who they are dealing with – Russia. This is still a community of people united by common goals, even regardless of ethnicity and religious characteristics. We have a common culture, something that unites us all.
After this very important event, people came and did their duty, ordinary citizens. Now it is our turn to fulfill our duty to them.
There is a lot of nonsense and injustice in the lives of our people, from the lowest level to the highest. We can't rest on our laurels right now and say that all this has passed, now we will sit down as usual and function. No. I ask you to pay attention to this. We need an update, not just for specific people, but in our approaches to solving the problems that we all face. It is very important.
Something might not work out. But when our people see that all levels of government work honestly, hard, and try their best to solve people's problems and problems, they will forgive a lot, and they will look at a lot of things nobly. Our task is to make the most of it, to make the most of it.
Of course, I will now join those who here, in this office, at the table today said that we need, of course, to join forces in the interests of the state. Yes, we should all work together. It is clear that-I started with this-there are fundamental things for the representatives of each party, each faction represented in the parliament. The main thing, I am sure, is a sincere attitude to the matter. People strive to achieve the solution of the issue as they see it as the best solution, but I urge everyone to find compromises that are necessary for the country.
So far, we have managed to do this under rather difficult conditions of external pressure. There is every reason to believe, as they say in such cases, that we will continue to be able to work just as effectively. And then, without any doubt, all the main tasks that we face and all the main development goals will be achieved.
I would like to finish here, and then we will talk separately. [My Emphasis]
The description of the Outlaw US Empire’s political system was a bullseye. The aims of Russia’s government are 180 degrees opposite—to collectively uplift the people and thus the state. I recall The West’s opposition to the Constitutional Referendum that was held that modified the structural nature of Russia’s government that will now be enacted for the first time. I’ll be an avid student of that process.
Who will win? The polarized grouping of nations acting against the interests of their peoples, or the nation that’s as close to being in 100% solidarity as a nation can become where the grand goal is to uplift all the people and thus strengthen and empower the nation, which can then further uplift its people? Oh, and the latter nation has weapons that actually work, a genuine industrial base and patriotic zeal to the nth degree, whereas the other grouping has none of those assets.
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karl, thanks..
can someone decipher the question to putin earlier in the article that starts with the line “you recently had to answer a question on navalny….”. what exactly is the person suggesting about putin in his commentary in that paragraph? thanks..