As he did immediately after the election was complete, Putin held a meeting with those heads of factions within the Duma, one of whom was a candidate: Vladimir Vasilyev – Head of the Faction All-Russian political party "United Russia;” Gennady Zyuganov – Head of the Faction Political Party "Communist Party of the Russian Federation;” Sergey Mironov– head of the faction Socialist Political Party "A Just Russia – Patriots – For Truth;" Alexei Nechayev, Head of the New People Political Party faction; Leonid Slutsky – Head of the Political Faction LDPR – Liberal Democratic Party of Russia.
can someone decipher the question to putin earlier in the article that starts with the line “you recently had to answer a question on navalny….”. what exactly is the person suggesting about putin in his commentary in that paragraph? thanks..
further into the article one fellow says he doesn’t agree with what general. - i don’t have his name - said about navalny so it appears what i am trying to understand is a controvery within the present duma..
Valid queries james. I can't give you an immediate answer, but Putin a few days ago revealed Nalvany was to be exchanged. Putin also observed that many people die within the Outlaw US Empire's prison system and didn't mention Gitmo, although he has in the past.
karl, thanks..
can someone decipher the question to putin earlier in the article that starts with the line “you recently had to answer a question on navalny….”. what exactly is the person suggesting about putin in his commentary in that paragraph? thanks..
further into the article one fellow says he doesn’t agree with what general. - i don’t have his name - said about navalny so it appears what i am trying to understand is a controvery within the present duma..
Valid queries james. I can't give you an immediate answer, but Putin a few days ago revealed Nalvany was to be exchanged. Putin also observed that many people die within the Outlaw US Empire's prison system and didn't mention Gitmo, although he has in the past.