Sep 5, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

thanks karl... i appreciate you sharing all this.. things change slowly, and then sometimes big changes happen really quickly..

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Sep 6, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

thank you, karl. qatar & erdogan, hmmm, MB comrades, offered redemption, of a kind, or a test? erdogan has a list of dodgy @ best transgressions, many lesser leaders would not be able to reconcile or entertain him & his band of courtiers for tea & baklava. fidan is no lavrov, his past is bloody, & like rumsfeld shrunken by evil. erdogan/fidan, a pair of wolverines, are either capable of recognizing the inscrutable cul de sac they have created for themselves? china & russia work together, so i assume this is a huuuuuge exquisitely designed & wholly agreed upon offer. brics+ or empire? choose.

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Several years ago I wrote a short commentary on why Turkey would align with Russia despite being longtime historical foes because it's in its best national interests to do so when the geoeconomic aspects are examined. And look at the Quake response provided by Russia versus NATO/Outlaw US Empire--who can the Turks actually count on? Yes, Turkey's current leaders are pirates, but they obey what they see as Turkey's national interest. And Putin knows and understands.

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Response to Karl Sanchez's "Putin & Erdogan Talk Then Talk to Media".

Excellent report. As MoA's Bernhard mentioned, Putin has laid it out: no deal until the original terms of the deal are respected. And we all know "that ain't gonna happen."

"an agreement was reached and draft documents were agreed between the Russian and Ukrainian delegations."

Well, was an "agreement reached" or was it just "draft documents"? See, this is where one has to watch what Putin says vs what he actually means. An "agreement" is not a "draft" and vice versa. You've either agreed or you are still negotiating.

i remain convinced that there was no actual "agreement" - but that Russia's military action as of end of March, 2022, had pressured the Ukraine government into conceding far more than it wanted - but not all that Russia wanted. What would have happened next in this "agreement" - in other words, had Putin decided to agree with the existing terms of the draft agreement (which he never did by all accounts), and had the Zelensky regime agreed to those terms (also never done by all accounts) - we don't know. The presumption of persons in the West - which includes virtually everyone - that "peace" would have occurred is massively naive, in my view.

And even if it had, that "peace" would inevitably have progressed either to more conflict, or the achievement - by military or diplomatic means - of the end goals of the Russian military operation - which would have included the removal of the Kiev regime and Russia using Ukrainian territory for military purposes in opposition to NATO. Because those were and are the end goals of the Russian SMO.

In any event, Putin's constant bringing it up now is purely a propaganda ploy. Russia can not and will not accept anything short of the removal of the Kiev regime and the elimination of any possibility that NATO will have any influence whatsoever in Russia's "border lands". And NATO will never agree to that as well.

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"Russia can not and will not accept anything short of the removal of the Kiev regime and the elimination of any possibility that NATO will have any influence whatsoever in Russia's "border lands". And NATO will never agree to that as well."

And that is why we know that the USA/UK dangerous escalation will continue.....until it's ultimate outcome....whatever that will be.

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