Putin's closing answer will fill publications all through the Global South. The West lost what it had for Honor in the eyes of the masses after decades of charades. Veils are now lifted and it's seen that the Emperor's Depends needs changing.
By the way, people interested in finding texts on the Arab-Israeli conflict can go to Anna's Archive and key in the search term "Arab-Israeli Conflict" and get tons of reference books on the subject from varying perspectives.
According to commentators at Moon of Alabama, Hezbollah has entered the war, although we have to be careful to distinguish between actions by Hezbollah itself and actions by the Palestinian factions in Lebanon who act independently. Trap or no trap, as Bernhard said, the Resistance won't stand by.
Bernhard also alleges that the Biden "plan" to "allow civilians in Gaza to cross into Egypt" is merely ethnic cleansing by another means. That is another indication that the US is directly supporting Israel.
Given that WTI is trading near day's end at about $84USD--the lowest it's been for the past month--one might conjecture that Iran is keeping its cool as regards the Gaza situation. Hezbollah, Iran's proxy, also is mostly not reacting. It would appear that the Muslim world is leaving Gaza to its fate.
Response to Karl Sanchez' "Putin and Iraqi PM Sudani at Russia's Energy Week Plenary Session"
Putin's comment with reference to the US carrier battle group being sent to the Mediterranean Sea - "Are they going to bomb Lebanon or something? " - is a clear indication that Russia also sees the possibility that the target of the current conflict is not merely Hamas and that the US and Israel have cooked up a trap for Hezbollah in Lebanon by means of the Gaza crisis. I suspect this is why Hezbollah has limited its response. If this is so, then the US and Israel may be thwarted in their intentions to widen the war. We shall see.
I am disappointed by Putin's and Russia's general coming down on the side of the so-called "two state" solution. This is a pipe dream that will never be realized. The obvious reason is that the instant Palestine is declared a state by anyone it will become even more of a target than it already is.
The instant someone in the new Palestinian "state" throws a rock across the border into Israel and hits an Israeli - or it is even claimed by Israel that someone did so - Israel will declare war - and then destroy the Palestinians. The point is that the Palestinians, by declaring themselves a state, will no longer be an "occupied people" under the legal protection of international law (however minimally that has been observed or acted upon by any other country.) Israel will have all the legal justification it requires to completely destroy Palestine and drive the Palestinians out of their own country.
The only solution to the existing conflict is to remove the legal status of Israel as a state and then re-establish the legal status of Palestine - including the territory of the current Israel - as a state.
The Mandate for Palestine and the Balfour Declaration specified that the area of Palestine was intended to be administered by the West until it could stand alone. The latter specified that a "national home" for Jews would be established "in Palestine" - not including all of Palestine.
In 1947, the UN took up the question of the conflict between Arabs and Jews in Palestine. At that time, two UN Commissions were established to look into how the conflict could be resolved by partitioning the area. One of the Commissions determined that there was no legal basis for the UN to partition, but only to implement the Mandate. The UN put that aside in an effort to resolve the conflict. This was clearly a mistake.
What needs to be done now is the following:
1) The UN General Assembly must reverse the partition of Palestine and re-assert control of the "area of Palestine" including that portion termed "Israel."
2) The Israeli government must be declared an illegal state and ordered to stand down its military, and specifically to disarm its nuclear arsenal under pain of total economic blockade if they refuse to comply and military defeat should they engage in any military activity against the Palestinians. Ditto for the Palestinians - stand down and engage in no military activity against Israel.
3) A committee of international law and constitutional law experts should be convened to devise a new Constitution and governmental form for the entire area constituting original Palestine.
4) The combined peoples who occupy the area of Palestine should then vote on the new Constitution.
5) The UN General Assembly will then recognize the new state and specify the recognized borders, resolving issues like the Golan Heights and the Shebaa Farms areas with Syria and Lebanon.
6) The new Palestinian state will then hold general elections to install the new governmental form. In these elections, no one who was a member of the previous Palestinian or Israeli authorities will be allowed to stand for office. This would eliminate the bulk of the fanatics from both sides and make it more likely that moderates would be elected.
This "bi-national state" as the concept is known is the only rational solution to the conflict. It it is not implemented, the end result of the conflict will be either the ethnic cleansing or genocide of the Palestinians at the hands of the Israelis, or the ethnic cleansing or genocide of the Israelis. There is no third outcome.
I don't disagree with your suggestions; but as with the Two-States Solution, they will require military force to make real. As you know, Putin and Russia put global opinion as reflected in UN Resolutions as the Law of the World to be obeyed until modified. The radical Zionists have essentially said it's our way or no way--if we can't have it then nobody can: An attitude that sounds very familiar.
The third outcome would be nuclear with both sides eliminated.
That's exactly what I advocate - modifying the UN Resolutions to reverse a previous decision which has proven to be a mistake. And yes, military force will be required to implement it because the fanatics on both sides won't agree with the UN Resolution. If the US, Russian, China and Europe and the BRICS countries were rational, this could be done.
Personally I know it won't be done. So the Palestinians will be ethnically cleansed from Israel or genocided by Israel. Or Israel will make a mistake and some smart Arab will nuke them with one of Israel's own nukes and then the Israelis will be ethnically cleansed or genocided.
Which is why I generally find the whole issue to be waste of everyone's time. This is how humans behave and there will be no change until human nature is superceded.
Which is one reason it will end up as I said: ethnic cleansing or genocide, one side or the other.
Unless of course the Empire gets taken out first. Maybe the other members can find a way to permanently or temporarily exclude the US from the UNSC. If not, the US will just have to be totaled or the UN itself replaced.
Personally I don't care which or whether the problem ever gets solved. As usual, I view the whole thing from outside the human perspective. As the greatest philosopher of the 20th Century, Woody Allen, said, summing up the human condition in five words: "Nothing works and nobody cares."
Christ,those speeches are long! Yet, who else but Putin or Lavrov could deliver one with so much detail off the cuff? Wow.
Seems that Russia is the Shangri La of the modern world for the younger man. What did they say in the 1800s to young /European Men ,”Go West , young man ! “ . Now it is “Go to Russia” . Deservedly so. Great if you want to work, have access to the outdoors,have a girlfriend or family and pay your way but not be bankrupted simply subsisting. It seems you can still get ahead in Russia. Good luck to Russia and all its friends.
Iraq being at the meeting? Great news , but I feel Putin is not really going to take Iraq’s words or thoughts seriously until the last US jackboot leaves it and Syria. Iraq’s government is still a puppet regime and Iraq an occupied and de-facto partitioned country.Of course Turkey also occupies part of Iraq , but Putin will look the other way on that at least in the beginning. One thing at a time.
Having the moderator be a journalist from Egypt is a master-stroke; Arab, almost certainly Moslem, not tainted by the Gulf Arab past servility to Israel even though Egypt was likely the first collaborator . Egypt also has a booming population, enormous gas reserves in the Med and of course is seen as the best of all evil Moslem /Arabs in Palestinian eyes. An Egyptian moderator ticks all the boxes.
In all, Putin shows that Russia is a power, it is where the future lies and sadly proves Europe is a sold -out fool and hack. Just as the USA was where Europeans migrated to in the 1800 ,I can see them now going to Russia, if allowed by the Russians of course , and I wouldn’t blame them if they tarred all Europeans collectively with the same brush for the stupidity and cruelty of only their elites and hangers-on.
Thank you for providing the translation of these speeches and the Q&A.
Putin's closing answer will fill publications all through the Global South. The West lost what it had for Honor in the eyes of the masses after decades of charades. Veils are now lifted and it's seen that the Emperor's Depends needs changing.
By the way, people interested in finding texts on the Arab-Israeli conflict can go to Anna's Archive and key in the search term "Arab-Israeli Conflict" and get tons of reference books on the subject from varying perspectives.
According to commentators at Moon of Alabama, Hezbollah has entered the war, although we have to be careful to distinguish between actions by Hezbollah itself and actions by the Palestinian factions in Lebanon who act independently. Trap or no trap, as Bernhard said, the Resistance won't stand by.
Bernhard also alleges that the Biden "plan" to "allow civilians in Gaza to cross into Egypt" is merely ethnic cleansing by another means. That is another indication that the US is directly supporting Israel.
And with regard to Putin's comment on Lebanon and the US carrier battle group, we know have this:
US Might Send Second Aircraft Carrier to Support Israel
One might be a "show of force." Two is an intent to implement force.
Given that WTI is trading near day's end at about $84USD--the lowest it's been for the past month--one might conjecture that Iran is keeping its cool as regards the Gaza situation. Hezbollah, Iran's proxy, also is mostly not reacting. It would appear that the Muslim world is leaving Gaza to its fate.
Response to Karl Sanchez' "Putin and Iraqi PM Sudani at Russia's Energy Week Plenary Session"
Putin's comment with reference to the US carrier battle group being sent to the Mediterranean Sea - "Are they going to bomb Lebanon or something? " - is a clear indication that Russia also sees the possibility that the target of the current conflict is not merely Hamas and that the US and Israel have cooked up a trap for Hezbollah in Lebanon by means of the Gaza crisis. I suspect this is why Hezbollah has limited its response. If this is so, then the US and Israel may be thwarted in their intentions to widen the war. We shall see.
I am disappointed by Putin's and Russia's general coming down on the side of the so-called "two state" solution. This is a pipe dream that will never be realized. The obvious reason is that the instant Palestine is declared a state by anyone it will become even more of a target than it already is.
The instant someone in the new Palestinian "state" throws a rock across the border into Israel and hits an Israeli - or it is even claimed by Israel that someone did so - Israel will declare war - and then destroy the Palestinians. The point is that the Palestinians, by declaring themselves a state, will no longer be an "occupied people" under the legal protection of international law (however minimally that has been observed or acted upon by any other country.) Israel will have all the legal justification it requires to completely destroy Palestine and drive the Palestinians out of their own country.
The only solution to the existing conflict is to remove the legal status of Israel as a state and then re-establish the legal status of Palestine - including the territory of the current Israel - as a state.
The Mandate for Palestine and the Balfour Declaration specified that the area of Palestine was intended to be administered by the West until it could stand alone. The latter specified that a "national home" for Jews would be established "in Palestine" - not including all of Palestine.
In 1947, the UN took up the question of the conflict between Arabs and Jews in Palestine. At that time, two UN Commissions were established to look into how the conflict could be resolved by partitioning the area. One of the Commissions determined that there was no legal basis for the UN to partition, but only to implement the Mandate. The UN put that aside in an effort to resolve the conflict. This was clearly a mistake.
What needs to be done now is the following:
1) The UN General Assembly must reverse the partition of Palestine and re-assert control of the "area of Palestine" including that portion termed "Israel."
2) The Israeli government must be declared an illegal state and ordered to stand down its military, and specifically to disarm its nuclear arsenal under pain of total economic blockade if they refuse to comply and military defeat should they engage in any military activity against the Palestinians. Ditto for the Palestinians - stand down and engage in no military activity against Israel.
3) A committee of international law and constitutional law experts should be convened to devise a new Constitution and governmental form for the entire area constituting original Palestine.
4) The combined peoples who occupy the area of Palestine should then vote on the new Constitution.
5) The UN General Assembly will then recognize the new state and specify the recognized borders, resolving issues like the Golan Heights and the Shebaa Farms areas with Syria and Lebanon.
6) The new Palestinian state will then hold general elections to install the new governmental form. In these elections, no one who was a member of the previous Palestinian or Israeli authorities will be allowed to stand for office. This would eliminate the bulk of the fanatics from both sides and make it more likely that moderates would be elected.
This "bi-national state" as the concept is known is the only rational solution to the conflict. It it is not implemented, the end result of the conflict will be either the ethnic cleansing or genocide of the Palestinians at the hands of the Israelis, or the ethnic cleansing or genocide of the Israelis. There is no third outcome.
I don't disagree with your suggestions; but as with the Two-States Solution, they will require military force to make real. As you know, Putin and Russia put global opinion as reflected in UN Resolutions as the Law of the World to be obeyed until modified. The radical Zionists have essentially said it's our way or no way--if we can't have it then nobody can: An attitude that sounds very familiar.
The third outcome would be nuclear with both sides eliminated.
That's exactly what I advocate - modifying the UN Resolutions to reverse a previous decision which has proven to be a mistake. And yes, military force will be required to implement it because the fanatics on both sides won't agree with the UN Resolution. If the US, Russian, China and Europe and the BRICS countries were rational, this could be done.
Personally I know it won't be done. So the Palestinians will be ethnically cleansed from Israel or genocided by Israel. Or Israel will make a mistake and some smart Arab will nuke them with one of Israel's own nukes and then the Israelis will be ethnically cleansed or genocided.
Which is why I generally find the whole issue to be waste of everyone's time. This is how humans behave and there will be no change until human nature is superceded.
The only UN Resolution that can include force is from the UNSC and the Empire will veto any such resolution.
Which is one reason it will end up as I said: ethnic cleansing or genocide, one side or the other.
Unless of course the Empire gets taken out first. Maybe the other members can find a way to permanently or temporarily exclude the US from the UNSC. If not, the US will just have to be totaled or the UN itself replaced.
Personally I don't care which or whether the problem ever gets solved. As usual, I view the whole thing from outside the human perspective. As the greatest philosopher of the 20th Century, Woody Allen, said, summing up the human condition in five words: "Nothing works and nobody cares."
Christ,those speeches are long! Yet, who else but Putin or Lavrov could deliver one with so much detail off the cuff? Wow.
Seems that Russia is the Shangri La of the modern world for the younger man. What did they say in the 1800s to young /European Men ,”Go West , young man ! “ . Now it is “Go to Russia” . Deservedly so. Great if you want to work, have access to the outdoors,have a girlfriend or family and pay your way but not be bankrupted simply subsisting. It seems you can still get ahead in Russia. Good luck to Russia and all its friends.
Iraq being at the meeting? Great news , but I feel Putin is not really going to take Iraq’s words or thoughts seriously until the last US jackboot leaves it and Syria. Iraq’s government is still a puppet regime and Iraq an occupied and de-facto partitioned country.Of course Turkey also occupies part of Iraq , but Putin will look the other way on that at least in the beginning. One thing at a time.
Having the moderator be a journalist from Egypt is a master-stroke; Arab, almost certainly Moslem, not tainted by the Gulf Arab past servility to Israel even though Egypt was likely the first collaborator . Egypt also has a booming population, enormous gas reserves in the Med and of course is seen as the best of all evil Moslem /Arabs in Palestinian eyes. An Egyptian moderator ticks all the boxes.
In all, Putin shows that Russia is a power, it is where the future lies and sadly proves Europe is a sold -out fool and hack. Just as the USA was where Europeans migrated to in the 1800 ,I can see them now going to Russia, if allowed by the Russians of course , and I wouldn’t blame them if they tarred all Europeans collectively with the same brush for the stupidity and cruelty of only their elites and hangers-on.