Really appreciate you putting up these important exchanges of information. Kind of shocked there aren't more viewers. I feel like I'm getting a full download and that I am sitting with the rest of the world taking it in. Then I think how few westerners are curious about these developments. And how most people don't even know they can access this original info.
Thanks for your reply. My articles are averaging about 1100 views, although with the new crisis viewership and subscriptions have risen and a few more pledges have come my way. IMO, more would view if they knew it was available to view. I don't do much promotion as it takes time away from investigating. There remains a great deal that's omitted, that's why I try to bundle, but events have their own rhythm. For example, discussion about the two Hudson papers linked at the end. Work on those projects continue.
Thanks for the chance to see this information Karl and I would like to echo the comments of Andrew and Daniel. I enjoyed President Putin's down to earth truthfulness WRT 'this is what we are trying to accomplish. Let's see if it works'. Also I was taken with the symbolism of the second photograph. My ideals are somewhat old fashioned in that respect. By the way what is the Russian for 'Bullshit'?
Really appreciate you putting up these important exchanges of information. Kind of shocked there aren't more viewers. I feel like I'm getting a full download and that I am sitting with the rest of the world taking it in. Then I think how few westerners are curious about these developments. And how most people don't even know they can access this original info.
Thanks for your reply. My articles are averaging about 1100 views, although with the new crisis viewership and subscriptions have risen and a few more pledges have come my way. IMO, more would view if they knew it was available to view. I don't do much promotion as it takes time away from investigating. There remains a great deal that's omitted, that's why I try to bundle, but events have their own rhythm. For example, discussion about the two Hudson papers linked at the end. Work on those projects continue.
Thanks for the chance to see this information Karl and I would like to echo the comments of Andrew and Daniel. I enjoyed President Putin's down to earth truthfulness WRT 'this is what we are trying to accomplish. Let's see if it works'. Also I was taken with the symbolism of the second photograph. My ideals are somewhat old fashioned in that respect. By the way what is the Russian for 'Bullshit'?
My translator says, чушь--choosh.
So, чушь sounds like choosh? That's a seemingly polite way of muttering BS. I can see that coming in quite handy. Cheers ;o)
Thank you for posting these q&as and speeches. I enjoy reading myself rather than getting the 10000 foot view.