The meeting was attended by media executives from Brazil, China, Egypt, India, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and South Africa. Moderator: Dmitry Kiselyov, Head of the Rossiya Segodnya media Group.
Putin has made it a habit to meet with the heads of media prior to critical events, a behavior unique for most heads=of-state. The last such event was on 6 June prior to the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, “Putin's Annual SPIEF Meeting with Heads of International News Agencies.” Often, as with the SPIEF encounter, the media representatives are adversarial. This time the media heads are from presumably friendly nations since they’re BRICS members, so it will be curious to see what quality of questions are asked:
Vladimir Putin: Dear colleagues, gentlemen and friends,
I am very glad to see you all. Our company is expanding, the number of friends and like-minded people within the BRICS association has increased, and interest in the association's activities is very high. My colleagues and I have already spoken about this many times. And of course, this interest is growing, including thanks to your work and your support, information support for our work with my colleagues and friends, the leaders of the BRICS member states.
The summit is coming soon. On the eve of the summit, the President of the United Arab Emirates will also pay a visit, and he will come to visit us the day after tomorrow. On Sunday, an informal dinner is planned here with him, and the next day, on Monday, a visit is planned. And then, starting from Tuesday, we will start working in Kazan.
A very large program is planned. And during the year, during our BRICS presidency, a lot has been done. Probably, there will also be some interest in this. I'll be happy to give you a general outline. Please excuse me at once, I will tell you only in general terms, because such a volume of information is impossible to carry all this volume with you, to keep it in your head, because cooperation is very diverse, multi-faceted, in all directions. And of course, in each of these areas, I think it would be interesting for you to talk to specialists who are professionally engaged in this or that activity.
I very much hope that you, your colleagues and subordinates will have this opportunity, including during the BRICS summit in Kazan.
That's probably all I'd like to say at the beginning. So as not to take up any time, I give you the floor. I will try to answer your questions to the extent that I know this or that aspect of our upcoming conversation today.
Please, please.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Mr President, we are very grateful to you for taking the time to meet with us during your inhumanly busy schedule.
This tension is evidenced at least by the fact that in four days in Kazan you will have not only a summit, not only a large-scale press conference, but also more than two dozen bilateral meetings. It is difficult – you say it correctly – to put it in your head.
Vladimir Putin: Seventeen.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Seventeen-all right, about two dozen bilateral meetings.
This meeting, which we are currently holding, is extremely important not only for us personally, but also for the entire planet, because the mass media are represented here, the total audience of which is literally several billion people. And we have questions, the answers to which we will convey to our viewers, listeners and readers.
I want to ask the first question. Maybe a generalizing one. The world is changing so fast that sometimes we don't even have time to keep track of how different it has become. What are the signs of these changes and what opportunities do they offer for the BRICS?
Vladimir Putin: The most important sign is the formation of new development centers. This is the most important sign. And this development, according to experts whom I trust very much and listen to, will objectively take place primarily in the BRICS member countries. This is the so-called Global South, first of all, this is Southeast Asia, this is Africa.
Growth, positive growth will be in such powerful countries as China and India. Positive growth will occur in Russia and Saudi Arabia. But the countries of Southeast Asia and Africa will show faster growth. For several reasons.
First of all, the level of development of those countries that are expected to show positive dynamics, but restrained. First of all, this is indicated by the fact that these countries have already reached a certain level of development. First. Second. In the countries I have mentioned, which will have faster growth, there is still an insufficient level of urbanization and a high rate of population growth. And these two factors, without any doubt, will play on the formation of new centers of economic growth, and then the development of political influence.
As for BRICS members such as China, India, Brazil, South Africa, and the Republic of South Africa, of course, the growth of their economic potential will be accompanied by the growth of their influence in the world. This is a very obvious thing. It's just an objective fact.
BRICS, as my colleagues, partners and friends have said many times, is 45 percent of the world's population, 33 percent of the world's land area, and a steady increase in trade turnover and the level of world trade.
I have just spoken to the BRICS Business Council, to entrepreneurs from our countries, and gave the figures I mentioned earlier. If you look at 1992 and 2023, the aggregate growth in the world GDP of the BRICS countries doubled, while the growth of the G7 countries decreased. According to this indicator, the BRICS countries are already ahead of the G7 countries, and by 2028, this is quite obviously a "medical fact", the gap in favor of the BRICS countries will increase. This is already an obvious thing.
In some areas, humanity cannot exist at all without the BRICS countries. I mean food markets, energy markets, and so on. But also in high-tech areas, in particular, in the development of artificial intelligence and its use, we are increasingly not only acquiring competencies, but also becoming leaders in certain areas. Therefore, this is the most important change, this is the most important, obvious, visible change that is taking place in the world.
This is natural in fact, there is nothing like this here. The world is constantly changing, and leaders are always emerging. So you need to take this calmly, as a given, and build relationships with each other based on this.
What distinguishes BRICS from so many other international organizations? BRICS has never been built against anyone. The Prime Minister of India said it very well; I think he said it recently. He said that BRICS is not an anti-Western association, it is simply "not Western". This is very important, it makes a lot of sense, that is, BRICS does not oppose itself to anyone. This is an association of states that work together based on common values, a common vision of development and, most importantly, the principle of taking into account each other's interests. This is the base on which we will work in Kazan.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Thank you very much, Mr President.
Indeed, the BRICS countries make up 45 percent of the world's population, but if BRICS is not a global majority, it certainly represents it, because many countries, even non-BRICS members, support the success of this association and share its values.
I am pleased to introduce my colleague from China, Fan Yun. Fan Yun is the editor-in-chief of CGTN and deputy head of the Chinese Media Corporation Shenya. We give our guests the right to ask the first question, taking into account your personal relationship with President Xi Jinping and the special relations between Russia and China. Then we'll go clockwise.
Please, Mr. Fan.
:(as translated)Fan Yun Dear Mr. President,
I am very happy to represent the Chinese media at this meeting.
The BRICS Kazan Summit is the first summit after the expansion of the organization, so we pay a lot of attention to it. Increasing the role of the BRICS countries and expanding the organization – how do you think this will affect the impact of the organization?
You have already mentioned that the GDP of the organization's members represents more than 33 percent. What will this contribute to the development of the entire world?
Vladimir Putin: Now BRICS consists of ten countries. Each of these countries is of interest and value to the international community and, of course, to such an association as BRICS. Each of these countries has its own culture, its own history, its own advantages in the global division of labor, and interaction with these countries is of interest to all participants of the BRICS association.
Of course, when new players appear, new participants appear, and full-fledged participants of any international organization, they bring something of their own. Here it is very important that they, on the one hand, take into account the principles on which BRICS was created, and it was created by three countries. The first step was taken by Russia, India and China, and we did it together. The RIC was created in St. Petersburg at the time – Russia, India and China. Then it all started to expand. But, on the other hand, all members of the organization must respect the interests of the new member countries.
During this year, we have done everything that depends on Russia to gradually and calmly integrate all our new members into the work of the organization. After all, we have planned 250 different organizations, various events, and in different areas; 200 events have already been held.
We didn't just accept new members by accident. These were already countries and people that we knew very well and worked with for a long time in various areas. But now that we have started working together as part of a single organization, then, of course, we provided platforms for exchanging opinions and searching for possible joint projects, and in various areas. And this applies primarily, of course, to economic cooperation, but not only. We also pay great attention to the development of interpersonal and humanitarian ties in the field of culture, cinematography, youth exchanges, and so on.
We worked hard on all these lines almost throughout the year. And practice shows that we are on the right track; practice shows that we have made a good, correct step in terms of expansion. And of course, I am absolutely convinced that this will undoubtedly increase – and we are already seeing it – interest in the organization, influence in the world and credibility.
You know, each of these new member states is backed by some of their closest allies in one direction or another. And when this country gets into the association, all the countries that work closely with the new member countries of the organization also look closely at what is happening there, and also show interest in working together.
I have already said it repeatedly: To date, 30 countries have expressed a desire to cooperate with BRICS to one degree or another, to join the organization's activities in one way or another. This is the visible effect of joining. Immediately after this wave, the next one is growing. But here we need to work with all the members of the organization to carefully consider how to treat the expansion.
Absolutely sure: we will not alienate anyone. Exactly: the doors are open. How to build this work – this is what my colleagues and my friends in Kazan will do when we meet, we will talk about everything.
Dmitry Kiselyov: So much for the global majority.
I am pleased to give the floor to my colleague from Sky News Arabia. Nadim Koteich is one of the most famous journalists in the Arab world, author and host of the weekly program "Tonight with Nadim", that is, we are absolute colleagues.
Please, Nadeem, your question.
:(as translated)Mr. President, thank you very much for the opportunity to meet with you. We are happy to welcome you.
I represent Sky News Arabia TV channel. Before I start, I want to say that your team did a great job organizing the meeting. We are glad that we can communicate openly with you, even though we don't know Russian.
I want to say that we did not say exactly the questions, I want everyone to understand and know this. We appreciate this sincerity.
Mr. President, you have repeatedly said that we need to redraw the world order. This may not be an easy task. We understand that China and the United States are influencing this. How does Russia view this process, and does Russia not feel somewhat like a junior partner in view of the various events that are taking place between China and the United States?
Vladimir Putin: It is true that we have a unique relationship with China. They are very trusting. And the volume of trade and economic ties is growing rapidly. According to our statistics, it is about $ 226-228 billion; according to Chinese statistics, the turnover between our countries is already about $ 240 billion. This speaks for itself.
I have already said many times and I want to emphasize once again that Russian-Chinese cooperation in the international arena is certainly one of the key factors of strategic stability in the world. This, I think, is an obvious fact, and this position is very much shared by many.
Relations with the People's Republic of China are built on an equal basis, taking into account each other's interests. This is not an empty cliched phrase, as it really is. We listen to each other. Five or seven years ago, my friend President Xi Jinping and I spoke many times with the Chinese leadership, at the level of the government, at the level of the highest political leadership, that we need to improve the trade balance and we need to think about what we can do to ensure that Russian industrial products are also welcome in China., while the Chinese were concerned about the field of agriculture. The Chinese side also had relevant questions for us in the energy sector, in some other areas, and on cooperation in outer space. The need to balance trade is an ongoing topic.
You know, we straighten things out, we hear each other. If you look at the structure of the trade balance right now, all these questions are immediately answered. We don't just talk, we do, and we don't have any seniors or juniors. We just work in each other's best interests, and it works. This is the first one.
Now, as for the relationship between China and the United States. We do not meddle in these issues, just as we do not meddle in relations between – our colleagues are sitting here, and they will immediately understand what we are talking about—Ethiopia, say, and Egypt. Do you understand what I'm saying? We don't get involved, you know? If there are any difficulties and at least something depends on us, we are ready to offer our services in solving these problems, if they arise and if the participants in the relevant process are interested in our participation in some way.
The world's largest economy today in terms of purchasing power parity – not per capita, but in terms of purchasing power parity – is China. It's all statistics, you know. The United States is in second place. Yes, per capita, of course, in the States much more. So look at how much the population in China is-1.5 billion or 1.3-and how much the population of the United States is. The volume of the economy has become larger.
In second place – the United States, in third – India, by the way, in fourth place-the Russian Federation, we slightly overtook Japan. China is our number one trade and economic partner. Russia's share is growing, and now Russia's share is the fourth in China's trade turnover, which is important for everyone.
We measure every step very carefully. Chinese partners are happy to buy Russian energy carriers. The most reliable source is Russia. We have a common border, which is not subject to any fluctuations from the point of view of world politics. By the way, there is no need to move anything across borders, across the sea, or across the ocean: the entire border is shared, that's all, and Russia's energy resources are simply limitless.
If you look at the relationship between China and the United States, you know, here I think the United States needs to think. They have soured relations with Russia, are imposing permanent sanctions, and this has a negative impact on them. In the end, they are reflected, including the dollar is reflected. The whole world was wondering whether the dollar should be used if the United States, for political reasons, restricts the use of the dollar as a universal international unit of account. Everyone has thought about it, and the use of the dollar is slowly but slightly decreasing in both calculations and reserves. Even the United States ' traditional allies are reducing their dollar reserves.
What's going on with China? Also one sanction after another. And this is not due to politics, it is due to the growth of the Chinese economy and the attempt to slow down this growth with the help of various politically motivated sanctions.
Do you know what I want to tell you? The United States is 15 years late. They will not be able to stop China's development. This is impossible to do, just as it is impossible to tell the sun "don't get up", it will still rise. There are objective processes of economic development, and they are connected with a million factors. And this attempt to contain China's development has a negative impact on the economy of the United States itself. They make the production of a number of their products poorly competitive, and if they continue along this path, they will make certain sectors of the economy generally uncompetitive.
This is how cooperation between the economies of China and the United States has developed over the past decades, and it is interconnected. Everyone understands this. But the actions that we are seeing today on the part of the United States, I think they are counterproductive.
This is also related to the security policy. These constant provocations related to Taiwan – why? I often ask myself a question when I see some provocative actions in one or another region of the world: why are they doing this? I don't understand. In fact, NATO and Europeans are being dragged into Asia, through NATO. And no one wants to ask the Europeans, do they want to spoil their relations with China at all, get involved there through the NATO structure, in Asia and create a situation there that will cause concern for the countries of the region, including China? I assure you, I know you don't. Nevertheless, they are dragged there as if on a lariat, like little dogs by big uncle, and that's all. They are activating their allies: Japan, Australia, and New Zealand, creating additional points of tension, and moving rather serious weapons that threaten the countries of the region, including China and Russia.
We are watching this closely. Of course, we don't interfere. Just like in other [cases], I have already said, between Ethiopia and Egypt. But we certainly believe that China is our strategic partner and ally.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Thank you.
But the strength of the BRICS is that there are no seniors and juniors, and no one interferes in the relations of other countries. Indeed, a very important quality and an important intonation within this association.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, I would like to introduce you to Faisal Abbas, a world – renowned columnist on international politics and international Arab politics who represents the Arab News newspaper.
Please, Faizal.
:(as translated)F.Abbas Your Excellency the President!
Let me thank you for the opportunity to talk to you about various issues that are very important in the international arena.
My question. As you know, Saudi Arabia has been invited to BRICS, and the Foreign Minister will participate in the summit in Kazan. As you know, Mr. President, the Crown Prince has been busy since last October with resolving issues in the Middle East and the two-State problem in Palestine. Moscow has always supported this decision, a two-state solution.
Will the UN Secretary General attend the BRICS Summit? What can we expect from the results in order to put pressure and implement an end to the bloodshed that is taking place today in the Middle East, given the fact that there is full agreement among all BRICS members on the need to implement a two-state solution to the Palestinian problem?
Dmitry Kiselyov: Saudi Arabia is represented by Faisal Abbas.
Vladimir Putin: I understood.
When you spoke about the cease-fire, did you have in mind first of all the Gaza Strip? Do I understand you?"
F.Abbas: Yes.
Vladimir Putin: Our position here is very well known. I can hardly add anything new here. We have always assumed that the Security Council resolution and the Security Council's decision on the establishment of two States – Israel and a Palestinian State-should be implemented. This is the root of all the problems, and I am sure that we will have to talk about it at the BRICS summit. By the way, I have also invited the President of Palestine to participate in our events, and there will be an opportunity to listen to his assessments.
You know, I have had a lot of conversations on this subject with the Israeli leadership, the Saudi leadership, and the Palestinian leadership. I think it is impossible, as I have told our partners in Israel, to solve the Palestinian problem solely on the basis of economic issues. I know that the Israeli leadership, both the current and former leaders, have an opinion that it is enough to satisfy some fundamental, basic interests of the Palestinians living in these territories, and the issue will be closed.
It seems to me that in addition to the purely material nature, there are also issues related to the spiritual sphere, related to history, related to the aspirations of a particular people living in certain territories. Here the issue is much deeper and more complex. First of all, we need to work in this area.
Second – of course, we need to work within the framework of a broad consensus. Right now, I don't want to blame the United States for everything, but they shouldn't have destroyed the Quartet. True, I don't want to poke them all the time and say that they are to blame for all the troubles. Probably not, of course. But in vain the" four " was destroyed. The "four" worked, it was easier to coordinate all the positions. But after all, they monopolized this work, took all the responsibility, and in the end it didn't work out, they failed with it.
I think we should go back. Maybe we should expand this group of four ,talk about how to restore these territories, how to return people who left this territory. The Palestinians will not leave there, this is their land, we must understand this. This is the first one.
Second – the more humanitarian problems there are, the more people will be willing to defend their interests. By the way, many people in Israel understand this, and the point of view that I am now presenting is also shared by many in Israel.
I have had and still have the opportunity to receive information from people who hold this view in Israel. We are still in contact with Israel and, of course, with Palestine. We have a traditional position since the days of the Soviet Union, which is, I repeat once again, that the main way to solve the Palestinian problem is to create a full – fledged Palestinian State.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Thank you very much.
The chairman of the Sekunjalo Group of Companies is Dr. Iqbal Surve, who is one of the most influential leaders in Africa. Its group of companies includes Independent Media Group and the African News Agency.
Dr. Iqbal Surve has worked with President Mandela and is a strong BRICS supporter.
Please, Iqbal, South Africa.
:(as translated) Iqbal Surve: Your Excellency Mr. President,
First of all, I congratulate you on hosting the summit. It is a great honor and joy for me that we are gathered here today.
Mr. President, you are one of the pioneers of BRICS, and you correctly noted that from the very beginning you were a member of this association. In addition, you have seen how the BRICS developed: from BRIC to BRICS-South Africa was incorporated, and now new countries have joined the union.
Mr. President, I have chaired the BRICS Business Council and had the opportunity to meet with you during my tenure. I am a strong supporter of BRICS, but I have a feeling that we are moving too slowly. And there is a sense that we may miss an important opportunity to ensure that the BRICS group becomes a leading global group.
BRICS is a very important association at this turning point in world history. It is very important that the Global South and, as Mr. Kiselyov said, the global majority take place, so that the Russian Federation plays an important role here.
My question is addressed directly to you. How can you, Russia, which holds the BRICS presidency, speed up the mechanisms for BRICS to play a more important role both economically and in mutual settlement systems, and, more importantly, I think, in political terms as well?
Thank you, Mr. President.
Vladimir Putin: As for the political system, your Egyptian colleague is here, and I have already left this part, but since you have returned to it, I will return to the initial part of his question. He said that here I am, we declare and strive for the reconstruction of the world order. We don't really strive. This happens naturally. We are simply saying that this is an unavoidable process, and we must respond accordingly.
After all, these new centers of power that are emerging, they do not arise because the Western countries brought the Ukrainian crisis, and everything led to the state in which it is. Let me just remind you once again: in 2014, Western countries led by the United States organized or, if not organized, supported a coup d'etat. This was the beginning of the whole crisis, and then for many years NATO is being pushed there. That's how the whole crisis started. And the war began in 2014, because those people who did not agree with the coup d'etat – they began to carry out armed actions against them, with the use of armed forces. So the war began in 2014.
But changes in the world started happening earlier, and they started happening on a huge, big scale. This is what we call the creation of a multipolar world. But we simply assume that this is happening, and we are contributing, and we are trying to contribute in such a way that it does not lead to destruction, but, on the contrary, that everything calmly builds up in a new and growing format.
You say that we need to act more actively. And how to be more active? In our opinion, fuss is out of place here. We act progressively, step by step, step by step.
As for finances: yes, we did not abandon, say, the dollar as a universal currency, we were denied its use. But now 95 percent of all Russian foreign trade is carried out with our partners in national currencies. You see, they did it with their own hands. Well, then? Well, well, well. They thought that everything would collapse. No, nothing collapsed. It is being developed on a new base.
Our trade with China is 95 percent rouble and yuan. By the way, the yuan is also used by us in settlements with third countries, which contributes to the strengthening of the yuan as an international monetary unit. Not because China wants to harm anyone, no, it doesn't do anything bad to anyone, it's just the way the situation and circumstances develop.
This is the first one – payments in national currencies.
We have created a bank headed by Ms. Roussef. There are still a lot of things that need to be done: we need to work on capital, we need to increase capital-I won't list them all. Ms. Roussef and I have met several times, and she is a good specialist and understands everything. We need to talk about how to create an appropriate insurance platform, a pool of reserve currencies. All this needs to be gradually strengthened so that these are not declarations, but really working tools. This is what happens.
Now we want to offer our colleagues – I won't go into details yet-a fairly serious relationship. A serious issue is the use of digital currencies in investment processes, and not only in the BRICS member countries, but also in the interests of other developing economies that have good development prospects, as I have already said.
Moreover, we can make such an instrument that will be practically non-inflationary, it will be under the control of the relevant BRICS institutions. This can be another very interesting and good step in the development of the Global South and with our direct active participation. We'll talk about it now, not now, but I'll talk to my colleagues.
We are already holding consultations with our Chinese and Indian friends, we have just held consultations with the Brazilians, and we will definitely talk to South Africa. We will do it with everyone, we are doing it. We go, we go gradually.
But it seems to me that this is not enough. After all, in order to work effectively in the economic sphere, it is necessary to bring people together. We have all our so-called traditional values of Chinese culture, Christian culture, and Islamic culture, in fact, if you read it, translate it from one language to another, it's the same thing. They are all very close or, as diplomats say, completely coincide.
We need people to realize this, to understand it. There are no enemies, only friends and like-minded people. And that is why we are developing a corresponding program in the field of museum work, in the field of theater. Now, this year, at the initiative of Russia, a single platform has been created in the field of dance folk art, in the field of cinematography, theater, and exhibition activities. All this creates a colossal, solid – and I am sure it will create-good basis for bringing people closer together.
My colleagues and I constantly hold relevant thematic years: the Year of Culture, the Year of Youth Exchanges, the Year of Theater, and so on. This also brings people together, creates numerous contacts, and increases opportunities. It increases trust in each other, which is the most important thing. This increases confidence, which is a necessary basis for cooperation in the economic and security sectors.
Therefore, we will not rush, but we will move, we will move as quickly as possible. You can't lose track of that pace here either, I agree with that, and you're right.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Thank you.
But in fact, we are talking about creating a common cultural market of the BRICS countries, which will also promote cooperation in the field of economic security.
The next one is an Indian guest, Vladimir Vladimirovich. This is the influential news agency PTI. Sudhakar Nair has been working at PTI for 45 years, has worked his way up from correspondent to executive editor, and has worked in Germany and in the Premier pool.
Please, Sudhakar.
:(as translated)S.Nair: Thank you very much.
Mr. President, this is the sixth time I have visited Moscow to cover the talks between the leaders of Russia and India. I would like to ask a very relevant question, which is related to the BRICS countries and their cooperation and cinema.
India has a very well-developed film industry. Those who are 40, 50 and so on remember Indian cinema. Will Russia give BRICS producers the opportunity to make films, open up the market, and give them some incentives?
Vladimir Putin: You know, if you look at all the BRICS countries, then, probably, in Russia, Indian cinema is as popular as anywhere else, in any other BRICS country. We even have a channel, I think, a separate channel on television, which plays Indian movies day and night. Therefore, the question of interest in Indian cinema is very big-the first one.
Second – at the Moscow film festivals ... yes, we have BRICS film festivals. And this year, the Moscow Film Festival presented films from almost all the BRICS countries. The winner, in my opinion, was the work of directors from Saudi Arabia and Egypt. And the third country there is still, I don't remember, in my opinion, Jordan, yes. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Jordan. Here is the winning picture of three directors from these countries.
As for the economic side of the matter, cinematographic products are, like any other products, part of the market, which should be regulated accordingly. India has made a lot of decisions to protect its own market, and this applies not only to cinema, but also to the automotive market and other areas of activity. But I am sure that if our Indian friends have such an interest, we will undoubtedly find a common language for promoting the products of Indian cinematographers on the Russian market.
And I can say that in the broadest sense of the word, this product is in demand on the market, at least in Russia. This, along with the Indian pharmaceutical industry, I think will be a good business. I will be ready to talk to our friend, the Prime Minister of India, when he comes to Kazan, if he raises this issue. We are sure that we will agree, one hundred percent. I don't see any difficulties here at all.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Thank you, Mr President.
Of course, I would like to see not just Indian cinema, but films with actors from BRICS countries representing their different cultures.
Vladimir Putin: Raj Kapoor.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Yes, but there should be an Indian, a Chinese, an Ethiopian, and so on.
Vladimir Putin: You know, we talked with our colleagues, with the leaders of the BRICS countries, about organizing festivals and theatrical art, which is currently being held. In my opinion, we have created a joint academy of cinematography. We will definitely follow this path.
They talked about the need to create a pop music festival and so on. There is a lot of work to be done here, as we say, there is a lot to work on. This work is very interesting. And of course, it will also be interesting for the press to cover this and participate in this joint work.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Yes.
In the Soviet Union, there was such an experience as "Mimino", for example. Caucasians, Russians, or Ukrainians participated in war films as actors representing different cultures or close cultures. Also such an interesting direction.
Guest from Ethiopia – CEO of FANA Broadcasting media company. It is the largest media corporation in Ethiopia, broadcasting in nine languages.
Admasu Damtyu Belete, please.
:(as translated)A. Belete Your Excellency Mr. President, thank you very much for the opportunity to attend the interview.
Question: How can we make sure that our infrastructure, technological and educational projects bring real added value and are commercialized?
Vladimir Putin: Excuse me, in what area?
A. Belete: How can we make sure that we monetize cooperation projects in infrastructure construction, technology, and education?
Vladimir Putin: As far as education is concerned, let's start with this: we have traditionally had very good and positive relations and experience in training personnel for Africa. This has been going on for decades, since the Soviet Union.
Thousands of people from Africa were educated here, and many of them still hold very important positions in their countries, having received their education in Russia, which we are very happy about. Because at the last Russia – Africa summit in St. Petersburg, we saw such pictures that I think pleased millions of Russian citizens, because our mass media, television, and the Internet showed how today's civil servants from some African countries sing Russian songs, and they sing in a fairly good Russian language. Of course, this is a very powerful potential for interaction and cooperation – education received in a particular country in the language, especially in the language of the host country. We continue this practice, and I am now afraid of simply making a mistake in the numbers, but if not with all the countries of Africa, then with many of them for sure. This also applies to Ethiopia.
The second question or the second part of your question – you asked it as the first one – is equally important, it is the infrastructure. We have a lot of projects in this area – in the development of infrastructure. The most well – known, significant and global projects are the North–South project, which is already known to many interested colleagues. It is a railway line from the Baltic Sea to the Persian Gulf. We do this with many of our partners who show interest and are ready to participate in financing this project, among other things.
The second very large route is the Northern Sea Route, along the Arctic Ocean. We do a lot of things here. This is a global route, and many BRICS member countries show great, great interest in it, because if it is implemented – and it is being implemented by us-it gives very great economic advantages. We are doing a lot of practical work.
We are building an icebreaking fleet that does not exist in the world. Such, say, a nuclear-powered icebreaker fleet simply does not exist in the world, except for Russia. In my opinion, we have seven nuclear-powered icebreakers, 34 diesel-powered icebreakers, and they are very high-class, they are powerful and modern.
The Leader icebreaker, as we call it, is also being built, which will generally break ice of any thickness, any in general, and will work all year round. As a matter of fact, in my opinion, the wiring of ships is already up to nine months, so this is a very interesting big project.
As for Ethiopia, we have traditional deep relations and spiritual and humanitarian ties are very good, and many of our companies show interest in working in the Ethiopian market. These are energy companies and machine-building companies. And I would very much like all the plans that the Prime Minister and I discussed to be implemented. For our part, we will do everything possible to achieve this goal.
Dmitry Kiselyov: We will break ice of any thickness.
Vladimir Putin: You see, it may not be so interesting for Ethiopia at this point in time. But for such countries as India, China, and many other countries in other regions of the world, it is of great economic interest. That is why we are discussing this both within the BRICS and on a bilateral basis, and we are ready to work with our BRICS partners in this way.
D. Kiselyov: Egypt's leading news agency MENA, Salaheldin Magauri.
You are welcome.
:(as translated)S. Magauri Mr. President, my name is Salaheldin Magauri. I represent the MENA news agency from Egypt. Thank you so much for inviting me to this meeting.
Of course, we know that the position of the Russian Federation on multiple issues on the agenda is fair and takes into account the interests of all. Russia seeks cooperation, not interference in the affairs of others. In particular, within the framework of the BRICS, we see that Russia supports the aspirations of various countries that seek to join it.
We understand that the summit is taking place at a turbulent time – there are many challenges and threats that we see at the global level today. I would like to hear your vision of the future cooperation between the BRICS group members and the modalities for expanding this group, in particular in the economic context.
Of particular interest is the BRICS common currency, which could contribute to the development of economic cooperation and strengthen national currencies, among other things.
What are the long-term steps in this regard?
Vladimir Putin: As for the BRICS single currency, we are not currently considering this issue. It hasn't matured yet. We need to be very careful. Here we must act gradually, slowly.
At the moment, we are exploring the possibilities of expanding the use of national currencies and creating tools that would make such work safe. As I have already mentioned, we are currently considering the possibility of using electronic tools. It is necessary – this work is underway – to establish relations between central banks and ensure a reliable exchange of financial information, which would be independent of those international financial information exchange instruments that impose certain restrictions for political reasons and violate the principles of the global economy. We will expand the currency pool and strengthen the New BRICS Bank. We will go in these directions.
In order to talk about creating a single currency, you need to have a high degree of integration of the economies. And not only that, we need not only to have a high degree of integration of economies, but also to achieve their comparable quality and volume. Well, the volume is impossible, I mean the population and the economies themselves. But economies should be roughly equivalent in their structure and efficiency. Otherwise, we will face even more problems than the problems that arose, say, in the same European Union, when the single currency was introduced for those countries whose economic levels were not comparable, were not equivalent. Therefore, this is a long-term prospect, but theoretically it can be, and we can talk about it in the future.
Now as for the extension. Now one wave of expansion has passed, the BRICS expansion. And of course, it is not by chance that our colleagues raised questions here: what do we do to adapt new members to work together? This also requires a certain amount of time, despite the fact that we worked with each other for a long time and interacted with each other, but nevertheless we still need to work within a single organization.
As I have already said, interest in the BRICS work and participation is growing: 30 countries have expressed their desire to work with BRICS. That is why we are now working together with our colleagues – and I will talk about this with our friends in Kazan, with the leaders of the BRICS countries – to develop such a category as the BRICS partner countries, and the first step will be to build this work. For us, for Russia, these are primarily the CIS countries, the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, but we will also be happy to invite people from other regions to work with these countries. This is the first one.
Second. There is, of course, a need for consensus, and we will act carefully in this regard, guided by two principles: the first is multilateralism, and the second is the effectiveness of the organization's work. In other words, by increasing the number of members of the organization, we should not minimize the efficiency of the structure itself. Therefore, we will act based on these considerations.
The first question, sorry, was what? That's two. Is that all or something else you asked? Expansion, single currency?
Dmitry Kiselyov: Yes, there are prospects. But one clarification, Vladimir Vladimirovich…
Sergey Magauri: What do you think are the prospects and future of the BRICS group?
Vladimir Putin: I have already said that new development centers and new centers of power are being formed, and all of them are practically represented in BRICS. In this sense, of course, BRICS has a great future, in my opinion. We have great respect for other regional associations and try to cooperate with them.
And, to be honest, despite all the conflict in the current situation in the world, it seems to me that the development of BRICS-and if it develops on the basic principles that I mentioned at the beginning, namely non-confrontational, not working against anyone, but only in the interests of the countries of this organization-then this work will also have a positive impact on the situation in the world as a whole. We are not building some kind of block, you know, directed against someone's interests. This is not a block organization. In this sense, it has a universal character and, in my opinion, will have a positive impact on world affairs in general, including the global economy.
If this work contributes to the development of the global economy, it will also be useful for those countries that are not part of the BRICS organization. This goes without saying, I think, of course.
Today's world economic leaders will also, in my opinion, ultimately benefit from this, despite the fact that many of them face certain problems today. We know the eurozone's problems. It is teetering on the edge of a recession in general. And if good relations between the economies of these countries are stable, stable, and established with the BRICS countries, well, it will only benefit them.
In the United States, yes, they will probably have a decent growth rate of over three percent this year. They jumped so decently after the pandemic – the US economy grew by 5.7 percent, then dropped to 2.5 percent. This year there will be a little more – there will be more than three. But there are still a lot of problems there.
This means that the foreign trade deficit, in my opinion, is over $ 700 billion, 718 billion. The budget deficit is $ 1.8 trillion. And the national debt is $ 34.8 trillion. In other words, such large, leading economies have a lot of problems. And normal relations with the BRICS countries – and we are open to these normal relations – will, in my opinion, have a beneficial effect on the global economy as a whole.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Mr President, one more detail. You said that the BRICS countries are working on a reliable exchange of financial information. Is this a step towards a unified payment system?
Vladimir Putin: No, this is the exchange of financial information between central banks.
Dmitry Kiselyov: But this is for creating an analog of SWIFT?
Vladimir Putin: This is the equivalent of SWIFT, yes. This is what provides international settlements, and therefore trade.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Thank you.
Brazil, CNN Brasil. Daniel Rittner, Editorial Director, was named one of the most respected journalists in Brazil by the Brazilian magazine "Journalists and Company".
Please, Daniel.
: (as translated)David Rittner Mr. President, thank you very much for this opportunity.
First of all, I want to say that I remember Kazan, I came there in 2018 on vacation, and I took it very well. But then our international team was expelled, and we cried all night.
I'm talking about Kazan, because you are preparing so carefully for the summit. And we in Brazil are also preparing for another summit, namely the G20 summit, which will be held in November.
The Brazilian Government has invited you to attend the G20 leaders ' summit. But the country's justice system is independent, and some say that you will need to comply with the order of the International Criminal Court related to the warrant for your arrest.
In this regard, there are three separate issues on my part. Do you plan to attend the summit in Rio de Janeiro in November? In view of the above, do you think that the situation I mentioned shows the weakness of the BRICS against the background of old organizations such as the ICC? And, with all due respect, are you afraid of being arrested in Brazil?
Vladimir Putin: First of all, I would like to say that the International Criminal Court does not have universal significance. This is one of the international organizations whose jurisdiction Russia does not recognize, as well as many other countries of the world. In my opinion, the United States does not recognize it either. China does not recognize Turkey.
Therefore, the fact that such an organization exists, in fact, if such an independent organization exists, maybe it is not bad, but it is necessary for it to take on a universal character – this is the first thing.
Second, solutions of this kind are very easy to get around, just very easy. Just sign an intergovernmental agreement and that's it. And the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court will be limited. We have very good relations with Brazil, which have been reliable and stable for many years and decades, so by and large it is possible to sign an intergovernmental agreement and no one will be put in a difficult situation. That's all, and that's the end of it.
Now about independence. I wouldn't want to escalate anything here. But nevertheless, we know that the International Criminal Court announced that it was going to make a decision on certain political figures in the Middle East, and then the United States clucked at it – it shut up. Where is it all? Therefore, respect for such an organization, which a) is not universal in nature, and b) is not independent, unfortunately, is small, is on a low profile.
Finally, the most important thing. First, as you know, we have a difficult situation, the Ukrainian crisis is far from over; secondly, and most importantly, we understand that in principle the G20 is a good forum, it is useful in general, if it is not politicized, if it is not further politicized. Various attempts are being made there. It was created as a purely economic platform – if it develops in this way, it will be useful.
But we understand what is happening around Russia, and I do. I have a great friendship with President Lula. What am I going to do specifically to disrupt the normal operation of this forum? We understand perfectly well, and I understand that even if we exclude this very ICC, we will only talk about this, in fact, we will disrupt the work of the G20 . What for? We're adults. Therefore, we will find someone in Russia who will adequately represent the interests of our country in Brazil at a high level.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Thank you.
We treat the "twenty" carefully.
Vladimir Putin: We treat everyone with care, except our enemies.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Mr President, you mentioned the Ukrainian crisis. Just yesterday, speaking at the EU summit in Brussels, the "overdue president" Zelensky said that the only alternative to Ukraine's accession to NATO would be for it to acquire nuclear weapons. And in a coordinated way, Bild published an interview with an anonymous Ukrainian tech guy who said that Ukraine only needs a few weeks to build its own nuclear weapons and then strike at Russian troops.
What does it all mean?
Vladimir Putin: This is another provocation. Creating nuclear weapons in the modern world is not difficult. I do not know if Ukraine is capable of doing this now. This is not so easy for Ukraine today, but in general there are no big difficulties here, everyone understands how it is done.
This is a dangerous provocation, because, of course, any step in this direction will meet with an appropriate reaction – this is the second one.
And third, and most importantly, it is that the political leadership of today's Ukraine has repeatedly said this, even before the crisis turned into a hot phase, they already said that, before that, they said it so, relatively gently, but nevertheless they said that Ukraine should have nuclear weapons. And such a threat will cause a corresponding reaction in the Russian Federation.
I can say right away: Russia will not allow this under any circumstances.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Isn't it possible that the British might plant these nuclear weapons in Ukraine? And then they will say: here they did it themselves, wanted to and did it.
Vladimir Putin: You know, there can be no subjunctive mood here. Let's not guess on the coffee grounds: the British or whoever else will throw it. It's hard to hide. This is also the appropriate fund, and appropriate actions are needed. You can't hide it, just as you can't hide an awl in a bag. And we are able to track any movement in this direction.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Yes, please, Saudi Arabia.
:(as translated)F.Abbas I would like to continue discussing the crisis in Ukraine, if I may.
You thanked Saudi Arabia for its position and assistance in the exchange of prisoners with Ukraine. Everyone knows about the close friendship between Riyadh and Moscow, and there is also a friendship between Riyadh and Kiev. And the Crown Prince, in an interview with Fox News, said that Saudi Arabia is doing everything possible to help resolve the crisis.
What is your assessment of Saudi Arabia's efforts? Many BRICS members have proposed a solution. You said that Riyadh is close to both Ukraine and Russia. Can Russia take part in a peace conference if it is held in a friendly country – for example, in Saudi Arabia-in the near future, before the end of the year?
Vladimir Putin: You just mentioned the friendly relations between Russia and Saudi Arabia. So it is, we consider Saudi Arabia as a friendly country. I have very good relations with the King, and in general, friendly and friendly relations, personal and with the Crown Prince. And I know, I'm just sure that everything that Saudi Arabia does in this area, it does sincerely, I have no doubts here. And so, if such events are organized in Saudi Arabia, of course, the venue itself is quite comfortable for us.
But that's not the question, the question is what to discuss. As you know, we in Turkey, in Istanbul, have been negotiating for a long time, and the result of these negotiations was a document that was initialed by the head of the Ukrainian delegation, and he signed it. It is available, this document is a draft agreement, and the extract from it, I repeat once again, was initialed by the head of the negotiating delegation.
But if Ukraine put its signature there, it means that everything was fine there. In any case, some fundamental things. It was possible to talk about some details, to refine-yes, but to throw this document in the trash, it seems to me, is completely incorrect, so you can throw any document in the trash.
Therefore, we are ready to conduct a dialogue on a peaceful end to the conflict, but only on the basis of the document that was prepared during detailed negotiations over several months and initialed by the Ukrainian side. We are ready to continue working on this basis.
There is an initiative of China and Brazil, which have a very balanced approach to the settlement issues, objectively, and a corresponding group has been created in New York. We look at this very carefully, with respect, and understand that all our friends, including the BRICS members, are determined to end this conflict as quickly and peacefully as possible. Because we are aware that this, of course, is an irritant element in international affairs, in European affairs, in the economy, and so on. We, more than anyone else, are interested in completing it as quickly as possible and, of course, by peaceful means.
I repeat once again: we are ready to return. We didn't break off the negotiations. I want to remind you that it was the Ukrainian side that said that it would not continue negotiations with Russia. First.
Second. The decree of the President of Ukraine prohibiting negotiations with us has been issued. The decree is in effect, so at least this decree should be revoked first. It's ridiculous to even say that. Everyone is calling on us to negotiate, but the fact that the Ukrainian side has forbidden itself to negotiate, does no one pay attention to this? This is ridiculous.
But the most important thing is the base. The database is a draft document developed during the Istanbul negotiation process.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Yes. Thank you.
We are already forming a queue. Please, United Emirates, then South Africa and then Brazil. Please, Emirates.
:(as translated)N. Koteich Mr. President!
With your deep understanding of military strategies, in a war that has been going on for a very long time, more than you expected, do you feel any surprises, surprise, maybe disappointment with the fulfillment of the Russian army's tasks?
Second question: How can you determine when you will achieve victory in Ukraine?
Vladimir Putin: You know, setting deadlines is a very difficult thing, and it is generally counterproductive.
Only now they were talking about the possibility of peace talks. We're all for it. I told you how this can be implemented. If this is a completely sincere position on [one] side, on the other hand – please: the faster, the better.
Now about the army. As you know, the modern way of conducting armed struggle is changing very quickly due to technological progress. And today for tomorrow, it is already quite difficult to give an absolutely accurate assessment of what will happen.
Moreover, until recently it was said that the modern way of conducting armed struggle is a confrontation of technologies. Today I have already heard from our participants in combat operations, imagine, from participants in combat operations, that modern war is a war of mathematicians.
A very specific example: for example, the means of electronic warfare, confrontation work for certain means of destruction and suppress them. The other side considered, realized that it was opposed, and changed the software of its strike weapons. Over the course of a week, ten days, three weeks, the other side increases its efforts and changes the software of its electronic means of suppression. This goes on indefinitely. Of course, it is absolutely clear that the Ukrainian army is not able to do this, as well as use high-precision and long-range weapons, because they simply do not have them. It is clear that this is done by NATO, NATO countries and NATO military specialists.
Do you know what the difference is? NATO is at war with us, but with the hands of Ukrainian soldiers. Ukraine does not spare its soldiers in the interests of third countries. But Ukraine does not use high-tech weapons on its own, as NATO does. But the Russian army fights on its own, creates military products on its own, and makes software on its own, and this is a huge difference. Especially in recent years, I have noticed that the Russian army is certainly becoming not only one of the most high-tech, but also the most combat-ready. And when will NATO get tired of fighting with us? Ask them for that. We are ready to continue this struggle. And the victory will be ours.
Dmitry Kiselyov: The victory will be ours.
Please, South Africa.
:(as translated)And.Thank you very much to Surva, Mr. President.
When I listen to some of the questions and comments that you give – it is very good that I am in Cape Town, in the very south of the African continent, away from all these processes, but I still think about whether the modern world needs the Mandela effect.
For example, BRICS, under your leadership, can present such a Mandela effect to the world, because any war ends in peace. This is a prerequisite throughout history, and we need to find a way to this world. Very often, the path to peace is not easy, because it is not always obvious. Also, things are complicated by technology in modern conflicts, because in this way they affect all people.
But I have a controversial question, Mr. President. On the one hand, I believe that you are a supporter of peace and want peace, and the Russian people want peace, and in the Middle East everyone wants peace, and in other parts of the world everyone wants peace. But before we started today's meeting and came here, the Turkish Foreign Minister met with his colleagues, mainly in the Middle East, and made several statements. He said, for example, among other things, that there is a very high probability of war between Israel and Iran. You may have already read this statement by the Turkish Foreign Minister. Of course, it will have devastating consequences for the region and for the whole world.
The question I want to ask you is: what do you think about this, Mr. President? Could you have intervened and what could Russia have done and what could the BRICS organization have done to avoid this?
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: Yes, this is a difficult situation and dangerous, of course. I just spoke to your colleague about what is happening on the Ukrainian track, in the Ukrainian direction, and said that NATO is fighting us with the hands of Ukrainian soldiers, and Ukrainian soldiers are fighting with NATO equipment. And we do everything ourselves. We make our own weapons and equipment, you know? The difference is colossal in fact. NATO members do not feel sorry for the Ukrainians: not their soldiers. They serve the interests of the United States, in this sense they are also not sorry. But we have to think, we think about our soldiers, we think about equipment.
And when we think about our soldiers, we think about how to ensure peace, including by peaceful means. That's the difference, that's the huge difference. We do not issue decrees and decrees banning negotiations, we say: we are ready.
On the Iranian-Israeli track, everything is also very acute. They will fight there, if it comes to that, God forbid, soldiers from both countries will fight directly. We are in contact with both Israel and Iran, and we have quite trusting relations. We would very much like this seemingly endless exchange of blows to be stopped at some point, so that we can find ways to resolve the situation that would satisfy both sides.
The answer to this question always lies in the search for compromises. Are they possible in this situation or not? I think so. No matter how difficult it may be, but, in my opinion, it is possible. It's just a very subtle area to get ahead of yourself and say something publicly right now. I think this is counterproductive, because you can only do harm.
But the search for solutions of this kind is very popular. Of course, if the parties to the conflict are interested in this, we are ready to participate absolutely sincerely, with an understanding of the interests of both sides.
As for Iran, we have simply allied relations with Iran, and we are very sensitive to what is happening in this country, we are very sensitive to what is happening in various spheres. And then listen to how to comment on what happened earlier, these attacks from Israel? How can I comment on this?
On the other hand, of course, we always say this, and I want to emphasize this: we are against any terrorist manifestations, any, including against Israel, and against the citizens of Israel – we must not forget this, too.
But nevertheless, to the question of whether compromises are possible, it seems to me that they are possible. And if it is needed, we are in contact with both sides, and we are ready to do everything that depends on us to help find these compromises.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Please, Brazil.
:(as translated)David Rittner Let me return to the six-point plan proposed by China and Brazil.
Are you considering starting negotiations on the terms proposed by China and Brazil? In addition, Mr. President, President of Ukraine Zelensky called this plan destructive and said that President Lula is "too pro-Russian" - this is a quote from Zelensky.
Do you think that Mr. Lula is really an ally and can he play a role in the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine?
Vladimir Putin: You know, what China and Brazil proposed, the creation of a corresponding group in the UN, the proposal of a corresponding plan – we didn't know anything about it. In other words, neither Brazil nor China, which are very close to us, consulted with us in the search for solutions to a peaceful settlement, they acted as they see fit.
Is it good, is it bad? Another question. But this simply means that both Brazil and China are acting independently, not playing along with anyone, including Russia. I tell you this quite responsibly and publicly. This can be disseminated in any mass media. Our Foreign Minister reported to me directly from New York on what was happening, and without any prior consultations with Brazil or China. I believe that in general, these are balanced proposals, balanced and aimed at finding a peaceful solution. If someone doesn't like it, it's their position.
I already told you: the Ukrainian side does not consider it possible to conduct any negotiations at all. It just formulates some of its own requirements, and that's all. This isn't a negotiation. They were negotiating with us, but they stopped after the agreements were reached in Istanbul, that's all. And now they don't want to.
Most recently, when the head of the Kiev regime was in New York, he again publicly stated, he also publicly said: we will not conduct any negotiations. What can I add to this? Whether someone in Kiev likes or dislikes the offers of Brazil and China is already their choice.
We got acquainted with the proposals of China and Brazil only after they appeared publicly. I can tell you again: it seems to me that this is a good base for making attempts to find peace.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Yes, please. We have India.
S. Nair: Mr. President,
My question summarizes various issues related to the Ukrainian conflict. It was said that India, China and Brazil could be potential mediators in ending the conflict.
Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi is communicating with you, the American President, and the Ukrainian President. How realistic do you think this possibility of mediation is in the near future?
Vladimir Putin: You know, just now your colleague asked a question about the events and tensions on the Iranian-Israeli track, and I replied that if something depends on Russia and if our mediation is in demand, we will be happy to work with our colleagues.
The same goes for our friends, whom we fully trust. I am referring in this case to the Prime Minister, Mr. Modi. Yes, I know, in every conversation with him on the phone, he raises a question, expresses some of his thoughts on this matter. We are only grateful for this and welcome it.
Thank you.
Dmitry Kiselyov: We are already, so to speak, beginning to wrap things up.
Please tell me, Nadeem.
:(as translated)N. Koteich Mr. President!
I would like to continue the question of my colleague from Brazil. Muhammad bin Zayed will soon arrive in Russia, and you will meet him, as you have already said. This is a really important visit. You had a wonderful visit to Abu Dhabi earlier. We also talked about the ICC and its activities.
What's important? Muhammad bin Zayed was in the United States, discussing technological cooperation with the United States. How do you view the UAE? This is an opportunity to build the UAE's relations with Iran, the United States, you, and other countries, and to cooperate with international organizations like the ICC. Is this an example of what kind of policy you would like to pursue?
Vladimir Putin: Yes, this is a good example. We have very good relations with the United Arab Emirates. I have a very confidential and friendly contact with the President. I am sure that his visit will be very fruitful.
And the unofficial part of it is that I want to invite him right home, right here, right next to me. We'll have dinner, sit down, spend the evening together, and talk about all the current issues.
Indeed, the President of the United Arab Emirates manages to maintain good, good, very businesslike relations with so many partners. This in itself is of considerable value. So let's see.
Indeed, Saudi Arabia has also done a lot to help us, including with the exchange of detained persons. We are in the same contact with the United Arab Emirates. Our economic ties are developing, and our trade turnover is growing. Of course, it is not like with China, there are not 240 billion, but the trend is positive. This is the first one. And secondly, our investment fund is working very well and successfully. And this is just a specific issue of bilateral relations.
As for the Middle East issue, we listen to the opinion formulated by the leadership of the United Arab Emirates, and of course, we take this into account in our practical policy.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Please, China, Fan Yun.
:(as translated)Fan Yun We've just discussed a lot of security issues. I am very grateful to Mr. President for such an important description of Sino-Russian relations. The Chinese Foreign Ministry has released a statement that President Xi Jinping will attend the summit in Kazan. Do you think that under your strategic leadership with Xi Jinping, bilateral relations are going through a better period? What are your plans or expectations for the longer term?
Russian-Chinese relations are very promising right now, whether we are talking about the new production forces that China and the Chinese government are currently promoting, our e-commerce, or new areas. In your opinion, which areas have the greatest development prospects in bilateral relations?
Vladimir Putin: We are currently working very actively in the energy sector, this is well known, and we will certainly develop this area. We are working on creating two units at nuclear power plants in China, we supply a large amount of energy resources-both oil and gas – and we will expand this cooperation.
I have already said that this is a very reliable source for us and for our Chinese friends, because it is not subject to any outside influence. And this is such a basic thing. We are expanding cooperation in the field of agriculture.
We are grateful to our Chinese friends for opening up their market where it naturally meets China's interests, including for the supply of agricultural products, such as pork and some other products. But these are, of course, such things of a traditional nature.
But we must certainly look to the future, and here one of the most important areas is, of course, high – tech cooperation, infrastructure, artificial intelligence, biotechnologies, genetics, and space.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Yes, please, Saudi Arabia.
: (as translated)F. J. SmithAbbas Thank you very much, Mr. President. Thank you for your time, and two quick questions.
The first one is related to Pavel Durov, who has French, Russian, and Emirati citizenship. We know what's been happening to him lately. What can Russia do to help him?
The second question concerns the head of the Iranian Parliament. He made a strange statement about the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701. He commented on it in a rather negative way during contacts with the French. What can Russia do within the BRICS framework to improve relations between, say, Israel and Iran? And is there a threat that there will be a serious conflict between these countries?
Vladimir Putin: Listen, relations between Israel and Iran should be built primarily by two countries – Israel and Iran. This is their task, and we cannot interfere in the bilateral relations of highly respected States in the Middle East, which play a significant role.
Regarding the statements of the head of the Iranian parliament: I think that I hardly need to comment on the statements of the heads of representative authorities of other countries. I repeat, we have very good allied and trusting relations with Iran. The situation is tense, now everyone is frozen in anticipation of possible attacks from Israel. I very much hope that we will be able to avoid the escalation of this conflict.
I repeat once again: we are ready to do everything that depends on us, as far as possible, if our role here is perceived positively, so that the case in the Gaza Strip will eventually end in peace and stop the terrible attacks on civilian targets, and so that the situation in southern Lebanon will return to normal, so that the mutual attacks from the on the one hand and on the other, so that peaceful life can also return to this territory.
It seems to me that no one is currently interested in spinning the spiral of this conflict, no one-neither for security reasons, nor for economic reasons. Therefore, it seems to me that the chances of finding a solution exist. But whether this can be done or not, of course, depends primarily on the countries involved in this confrontation.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Egypt, then Russia, and we'll probably be done by now.
Please, Egypt.
:(as translated)S. Magauri Mr. President, thank you very much for this invitation.
I would like to talk about Russian-Egyptian relations, which have recently been developing very actively and strongly, and your relations with Mr. Abdelfattah Sisi contribute to this. There are a lot of development projects that have been launched recently between Russia and Egypt. I would like to know what your opinion is on the future development of these projects and the future development of relations between the two countries.
Thank you.
Vladimir Putin: We have traditionally had very warm and friendly relations with Egypt for many, many decades.
I am very pleased to note that in recent years, thanks largely to President Sisi, these relations have been strengthened. Our trade turnover is growing, we are working on major projects: suffice it to say that we are building, as is well known, a nuclear power plant, everything is going according to plan, and I am confident that all these plans will be implemented.
We need to be more proactive about the industrial zone, which we have been talking about for a long time and are taking rather modest steps so far.
Today, in his greeting to the BRICS business community, the Egyptian President also spoke about industrial zones in the Suez Canal zone. We also have specific plans related to mechanical engineering, first of all. These are very interesting long-term projects that will be characterized not only by solid investments, but also by the development of cooperation and industrial cooperation. In my opinion, this is extremely important.
We will continue our joint work in the humanitarian sphere, including in training personnel. Finally, we will continue our cooperation in the field of security. I hope that we will resume work in the field of military-technical cooperation.
In my opinion, it is very important for us to cooperate and coordinate our positions in the international arena, including issues related to ensuring security in the region.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Mr President, the tone of voice in the West has changed in relation to Ukraine. If earlier they talked about the mandatory victory of Ukraine, about solving everything on the battlefield, now they are actively discussing the exchange of territory for the entry of the remnants of Ukraine into NATO. How do you like this idea?
Vladimir Putin: I don't understand when you talk about exchanging territory, because the territories that our guys are fighting for on the battlefield are our territories. These are the Luhansk People's Republic, Donetsk People's Republic, Zaporizhia region and Kherson region. This is the first one.
Second. There is no doubt that we also need to address the issue of ensuring Russia's long-term security interests. If we are talking about some kind of peace process, then it should not be processes related to a truce for a week, for two or for a year, in order for NATO countries to rearm and stock up on new ammunition. We need conditions for long-term, sustainable and lasting peace that ensure equal security for all participants in this complex process. And this is exactly what we should strive for.
And the fact that someone once talked about the need to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, to ensure victory over Russia on the battlefield, they themselves were already convinced that this is impossible, it is unrealistic, and changed their point of view. Well, you did the right thing, and I'll praise you for that.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Thank you very much. We still have a lot of questions, but we understand that our two hours are up. Let's not abuse the politeness of the Russian President.
A huge thank you from all of us for your sincerity and patience. I even wrote down some important things that BRICS is not an anti-Western organization, but simply not a Western one.
Vladimir Putin: It wasn't me who said it, it was Prime Minister Modi who said it.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Yes, Prime Minister Modi, but you are quoting.
30 countries are interested in cooperation with BRICS, which is very important.
The issue of a single currency has not matured, but we need a reliable exchange of financial information, in fact, an analog.
Vladimir Putin: And the use of national currencies is more widespread.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Yes, and the wider use of national currencies.
The US is 15 years late.
No one meddles in the relations of other countries within the BRICS organization, but we treat everyone carefully, and the victory will be ours.
Thank you very much, Vladimir Vladimirovich.
Vladimir Putin: I want to thank you for organizing today's meeting. I would like to thank all my colleagues for working together today and for the interest you show in the BRICS work.
The organization has good, stable, and reliable prospects. I will repeat once again: this confidence is based on the fact that we really have common values, a common understanding of how to build relationships with each other. And if such countries as India, China, Russia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and all the other BRICS member countries, and there are already ten of them, and with them those who show interest in BRICS, and there are already 30 of them and there will be even more-all will be guided by these common principles. The organization will certainly develop on this solid foundation, on this basis, and will be an essential element of a new world order that is multipolar and reliable in terms of security and development for all the peoples included in this organization.
I would like to thank you for this collaboration and express my hope that this will not be the last time we meet. I hope that your representatives or you will be at work in Kazan as well. And we will do everything possible to ensure that the work is carried out at the highest level.
Thank you.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Mr President, we are very grateful to your press service, which treated us with great care. Our last wish for today is a joint photo.
Vladimir Putin: Please.
Dmitry Kiselyov: Thank you. [My Emphasis]
Some straight answers and some danced around answers, and a suite of questions I have about Russian policy as outlined mostly about West Asia. The first question: Does Putin listen to what the heads of the Zionist government list as their goals regarding Palestinians and the entire region? When they say their aim is Genocide and are clearly intent on attaining that goal, what is your reaction? When Netanyahu holds up his maps at the UNGA that show no other nations but an engorged Judea where Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Iran were, why do you still believe in the Two State Solution when one part wants to completely destroy the other? And then on relations between the Zionists and Iran, Netanyahu has wanted the Outlaw US Empire to eliminate Iran for his entire political career, and that’s his aim today, yet you say that relations need to be worked out between one entity that has an extreme pathological hatred for the other, while the object of that hatred has a large Jewish community within its muti-ethnic, muti-confessional nation that has no issues living there? Since 1948, who has been the aggressor nation in West Asia?
There are many more questions to be asked besides the basic ones above. There were also many other events that occurred during the last 48 hours that ought to be relayed to readers. As. Dr. Wolff said yesterday, many things go on behind the scenes that we don’t get to see/hear that impact the policies we do see, and that’s understood. But there’re times when contradictions appear that signal a gap between reality and policy direction, which leaves us wondering why.
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"why are they doing this? I don't understand."
Well, he better damn well get a clue before speaking about the possibility of Israel and Iran getting along! If he doesn't understand the West by now, Russia is completely fucked up. I can assure him that a lot of people in Russia know the score. He can ask Martyanov if he doesn't get it. Bloody hell!
At least when he spoke about establishing a "Palestinian state", he didn't phrase it as a "two-state solution" - maybe that means he's aware that's not possible. But then he babbles about peace negotiations between Israel and Iran - while his Ministry of Defense is providing Iran with defensive weapons and systems, and it's obvious to anyone with a brain and an IQ above room temperature that the US and Israel have been on course for war with Iran for at least twenty-five if not fifty years. Again, bloody hell!
Sometimes Putin acts as if he just doesn't get it. I can't tell if he's just yanking people's chains and outright deceiving them - like a good KGB operator would do - or if he really is that naive.
"China does not recognize Turkey"? What??? I suppose that was the translator. It should have been Taiwan!
Also, since you focussed on the Middle East situation in your commentary, earlier today Hezbollah hit Netanyahu's residence in Caesarea, as I reported in my latest article:
There is an eerie silence about it, imposed by military censorship even on Western MSM, which is spinning Zionist propaganda. I believe that Netanyahu has been injured or even killed, but I will post another article on this topic between today and tomorrow.