"why are they doing this? I don't understand."

Well, he better damn well get a clue before speaking about the possibility of Israel and Iran getting along! If he doesn't understand the West by now, Russia is completely fucked up. I can assure him that a lot of people in Russia know the score. He can ask Martyanov if he doesn't get it. Bloody hell!

At least when he spoke about establishing a "Palestinian state", he didn't phrase it as a "two-state solution" - maybe that means he's aware that's not possible. But then he babbles about peace negotiations between Israel and Iran - while his Ministry of Defense is providing Iran with defensive weapons and systems, and it's obvious to anyone with a brain and an IQ above room temperature that the US and Israel have been on course for war with Iran for at least twenty-five if not fifty years. Again, bloody hell!

Sometimes Putin acts as if he just doesn't get it. I can't tell if he's just yanking people's chains and outright deceiving them - like a good KGB operator would do - or if he really is that naive.

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Lavrov even contradicted him in the presser. Rick Wolff said something yesterday that makes lots of sense and that's there're many things happening behind the scenes we aren't privy to that at times mess with the public narrative. Plus, Putin should be given a pass because his schedule recently was excruciating, or whatever term the moderator used: Ufa to Moscow to Kazan with many appearances at all three cities. He's lucky he has a staff. IMO, his many repetitions are a signal his brain's tired, and there were many in the transcript. I wanted to also publish his talk at the BRICS Business Council that was previous to the interview but didn't have time today. And there were six events from the day before in Ufa that also got pushed aside.

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Yes, this BRICS thing probably has him running in circles. As Pepe Escobar has been saying, this meeting is consuming everything for Russia (since they're hosting BRICS this year) and Pepe's exhausted trying to keep up. He mentioned the Russians have at least seven sideline conferences in addition to the main meetings. He mentioned Erdogan has at least three or four meetings - with Putin, Xi and Modi.

Putin has one with Pezeshkian, but Pepe doesn't expect the Russia-Iran Strategic Agreement to be signed until after the BRICS meeting. Doctorow claims this is Russia "restraining" Iran, but Pepe said he saw no evidence of that. Doctorow gets his stuff mostly from Russian television so I discount his interpretation. Pepe actually talks to people who have a clue.

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In the interview it was stated Putin has 17 sideline meetings scheduled; the moderator mentioned two dozen and was corrected. Could be that many in the end.

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"why are they doing this? I don't understand."

Well, he better damn well get a clue before speaking about the possibility of Israel and Iran getting along! If he doesn't understand the West by now, Russia is completely fucked up."

We can be absolutely sure that these are just the empty phrases of a politician and diplomat. Of course the President of Russia knows every detail and context. And so, incidentally, do the bullshitters in the West. Although more and more people who can barely tie their shoelaces are getting into office there.

The unsatisfactory thing about such speeches and press releases is that many details are left out and nothing concrete is said. Generalities and things that we already know. On the other hand, the world is unfortunately not a cuddly place. That's why we won't find out most of the details until they are put into practice.

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"China does not recognize Turkey"? What??? I suppose that was the translator. It should have been Taiwan!

Also, since you focussed on the Middle East situation in your commentary, earlier today Hezbollah hit Netanyahu's residence in Caesarea, as I reported in my latest article: https://geopolitiq.substack.com/p/has-hezbollah-just-tried-to-kill

There is an eerie silence about it, imposed by military censorship even on Western MSM, which is spinning Zionist propaganda. I believe that Netanyahu has been injured or even killed, but I will post another article on this topic between today and tomorrow.

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Netanyahu opened the door to political assassinations and ought to have known the consequences. If he's eliminated, policy won't change except perhaps for the worse.

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i would say there are contradictions, but they will probably explain themselves with more time... thanks for the post karl..

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It seems that the only way to peace in ongoing conflict is when the initiator and continuer of belligerence stops doing it. Since in both the Ukraine and Palestine situations the provokers of the warring seem obsessively compelled to grind on with their killings, no spontaneous resolution to this impasse will be available. There are no internally-generated off-ramps.

In Palestine neither the proximal nor distal agents of death will break their addiction to blood-feudal performative insanity. National agents refers to coteries of persons in the covert administrations of the states concerned who are persistently not right in the head. Apparently they are beyond persuasion towards sanity.

In Ukraine, the purpose of the Special Military Operation is to demilitarise and deNazify Ukraine, which would remove the proximal cause - without a viable military force, Ukraine couldn’t keep fighting. Ending Nazi rule, however it is to be achieved or manifested, would cut off the impulses to commit atrocities and destroy the people and social institutions of the four most westerly oblasts of the Russian Federation. This would neutralise the Ukrainian state, whatever that might turn out to be.

However for Ukraine the distal agents of the lethal conflict will not give up their nasty provocative meddling unless somehow persuaded by BRICS aligned members. Should Chinese-plus diplomacy achieve this unravelling of the knots, it would be a modern miracle. One can but hope.

So the SMO has to continue towards its fulfilment, the achievement of its end purposes, in finite time.

[BRICS: ➜ International Cooperators Collective]

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I for one would be interested in his answers to your 'basic questions'.

Just a few thoughts.

Well, who'd a thought that a Sky news channel operative would try the old ‘you are a junior partner to Chine’ jibe? An unflustered answer that included “… we don't have any seniors or juniors.” was a sufficient put down.

I appreciated the distinction he made with regard to the imperial rationale in assuming problem groups can always be bought off, when he said “It seems to me that in addition to the purely material nature, there are also issues related to the spiritual sphere, related to history, related to the aspirations of a particular people living in certain territories. Here the issue is much deeper and more complex. First of all, we need to work in this area.” The non-material aspects of a ‘problem’ being almost impossible to address by a class of rulers lacking any moral ideals beyond their own sense of exceptionalism and unlimited avarice. Although I did enjoy the ‘I come not to criticise the US (Caesar)’ parody when not attributing blame for instability in West Asia.

The notion that world cultures/civilisations are more similar than different and that the new world order (multi-nodal) is an unstoppable process, much like a wave, that one rides rather than hurries, much like surfing as opposed to sailing, was very clear.

WRT the Iran/Israel question, it seemed to me that the words “… we are against any terrorist manifestations, any, including against Israel, and against the citizens of Israel.” That the ‘Hannibal Protocol’ could easily be defined as a ‘terrorist manifestation’ by Israel against the ‘citizens of Israel’.

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The reason I linked to the earlier media heads interview alluded to the idea that not all invited were friendly, albeit representing friendly nations. One of Russia's greatest attributes is its dedication to equality, although it still has work to do within its own populace on that.

Thanks for noting other aspects that I elided.

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They really need to come up with a new name for this project. BRICS is too clumsy, doesn't include all the new members, and then what if one of the originals drops out? Never mind dropping out, I don't see how India even belongs there. Well, Iran starts with "I" so I guess that problem solves itself if they bail.

I suppose India gets included because of the size of its economy and population, plus the historic relationship with the CCCP, but to describe their 'civilization' as somehow on a par with Russia, China or Iran is to ignore several major elephants, not the least of which is the persistence of the caste system and the way significant minorities are mistreated as a matter of national policy.

On the bright side, Russians will never have to worry about calling tech support and ending up in New Delhi because Indians are never going to learn Russian in the kind numbers that would require. Likewise, I doubt Kamaz has much to worry about from Tata. Do their trucks even start on a cold day?

On a more serious note, it seems to me Russia may have bitten off more than they can chew. Perhaps China can take up some of the slack, but I've been all over the "Global South" and most of those places are basket cases, with colonialism only partly to blame. Defective cultures are the flip side of that coin, and how do you change something that's had centuries to metastasize in the short time available? Go back 300 years and many of these people were living in the stone age. Not to disparage the lifestyle which some in the West prefer, but how do these countries fit into the high tech multi-polar system envisioned? What will be their contribution apart from their mineral wealth and agricultural output, and how, in the framework of non-interference, do you prevent their oligarchs from continuing their exploitation when it's a built-in feature of those cultures?

On a civilization basis, the obvious logical association post the CCCP was between the nations of the North, what I call the Snow People. Europe, Scandinavia, China, Central Asia, Japan, Canada, and even the USA. With that possibility now in ruins, it seems this turn to the south is more of an ad hoc Plan B than an actual realistic program. Yes, the resources of the Great Land Island will be developed to the benefit of the people living there, but look at the map. It's all NORTH. How does the south even fit into this plan, except as an ongoing welfare case? Not to say they should be cut off - charity is one of the great pillars of civilization - but to grant them an equal seat at the table is just a bit ridiculous. This thing should be more action and less theatrics, which brings me to my last remark which some will probably object to, but where Putin is concerned, the old Soviet adage seems to apply: 'He likes to think big thoughts.'

Last big thought. Well, more of a question really. Is Russia still so fragile, are there still so many factions pulling in different directions that a viable successor to Putin can't be found? Granted the guy's record is exemplary, but nothing is forever, and they undermine their image as a democracy with Putin hasta la sopa, as they said in Franco's Spain (estaba allí).

The musical chairs with the bear guy, not to mention the recent 'great reset' of presidential terms, casts doubt on the premise. As a Russian friend said to me several years ago, I don't like Putin but I'd vote for him because there's really no one else. Is this still true? I sure hope not, because if it is, what then?

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Difficult to treat others as equals, yet that must be done as that's how Humanity moves forward and eliminates The Other that's used to divide and rule. As China well knows, Harmony cannot be attained unless equality reigns. Is India an example of Harmony? No, because of the Caste System and religious schisms. IMO, all religions promote Exceptionalism and denigrate non-believers. The only way religion will be excised from human existence is via evolution and education, which will be a very long process--centuries. Thus, there're many aspects of the current human condition that must be accepted as a reality that needs to be modernized/modified.

On Russia's internal politics, much relates to Russia's Monarchial history that accepts long terms of leadership. Russian electoral democracy is nascent with United Russia being somewhat similar to the longstanding soviet ethos of consensual decision making. Look for the reasons why the opposition parties are so small? They have small followings because their policies are very similar to United Russia/Putin's. Plus, United Russia's much more than a political party; it's also a very large social agency and volunteer network and is deeply involved in the many patriotic movements that were spontaneous. Another way to examine the issue is to discover what it is that makes Putin unique. I know why, but others must discover that answer for themselves. I could go on, but one last important point: Putin made all of Russia his family and in doing so pushed his biological family members to the side and has kept them out of Russian politics. And within Russia that's a very big deal. He works for the advancement of Russia and its people more so than any previous Tsar, Tsarina or Communist Party Chairman. To borrow from "The Blues Brothers," Putin's on a mission from God--and is seen that way by millions. And Putin's aware of all that. He's working very hard to ensure what Team Putin has begun continues long after he leaves the stage. And it will be someone from the Team who is nominated by United Russia in 2030 to continue as president. However, it's paramount that it be recalled that Russia's run by a Team, not by one person and next to China is the most responsive nation to its people on the planet.

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I do understand the team aspect, and I agree it shows up in all sorts of ways. They've tried to keep what worked from CCCP days and chucked the rest is my take on it.

I do have to disagree on this point though:

"IMO, all religions promote Exceptionalism and denigrate non-believers."

That's certainly true of some, but I would argue Sikhism is an exception. Speaking from a long association with that community - over 25 years - I never once heard a Sikh disparage anyone else's beliefs. It's antithetical to their own beliefs actually which require that all faiths be respected. If I were to sum up Sikhism in one short phrase, I'd say a Sikh is someone who searches for the truth, not someone who possesses it.

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About> karl said "However, it's paramount that it be recalled that Russia's run by a Team, not by one person "

An unusual piece appears on RT this week. By Konstantin Remchukov, editor-in-chief of Nezavisimaya Gazeta. A former MP, he is regarded as a leading thinker in Russia

Title was: 10 facts the West must understand before talking to Putin

1. Putin makes all fundamental decisions personally, on the basis of his own ability, expertise, and sense of historical responsibility.


the whole item is interesting, I have not heard several of those things before - especially that he will never quit, leave office, even though he is expected to in 2030.

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I agree the BRICS acronym needs to go. It doesn't matter and yet it does.

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If they keep adding new members they could always do what the LGBTQ crowd do. Just keep adding letters:)

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Wow.... the Indian guy has Putin in a one on one and all he can come up with is the Indian film industry? Granted the old Bollywood Filmi had a certain charm to it, but that all gone now. If you want to watch films about gangsters wearing designer sunglasses with dancing girls in skimpy outfits, I guess India's the place, but Russia has that as well. They also have some of the best films ever made, both historically and in recent times. By contrast, I haven't seen anything from India in decades that was the least bit interesting.

Anyway, who needs India when you've got Nyusha?


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I watch very little video nowadays and killed my sat-tv when its cost hit $100/mo. I've far too much to read to justify watching much of anything.

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No problem. Someone else might like it. That's the beauty of Substack - it's not a linear thing - more of a network with branches going off in all directions.

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A reminder that should count for something - The new Cold War is not that new

18 Apr 2014 "We Are Not Beginning a New Cold War, We Are Well Into It"

: Stephen Cohen on Russia-Ukraine Crisis


In this clip from an event held by the Carnegie Council called, “Soviet Fates and Lost Alternatives: From Stalinism to the New Cold War,” on May 19, 2010, Stephen Cohen examines the history between NATO and Russia, detailing how NATO has consistently broken their word and expanded further closer to Russia. Cohen’s analysis is especially topical following the war in Ukraine and the unfolding current state of foreign affairs involving NATO, Russia and the rest of the world.


about "detailing how NATO has consistently broken their word " - did Putin not notice that? His actions post-2010 suggest he did not. I miss waiting patiently for Cohen's next article or lecture release, cheers

PS known as the more things change the more they ..... ?

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