On close to a weekly basis, Rossiya-1 TV channel journalist Pavel Zarubin poses questions to Russian President Putin of which snippets are reported on by Russian media, but the transcripts of those sessions I’ve never seen published by the Kremlin at the Russian President’s website, which I find both odd and frustrating as I want primary sources if at all possible, not secondary or tertiary as the reliability degrades the further away from the primary source. Today was no exception for my frustration as several aspects of the Q&A were published by RT but most Russian media concentrated on the United Russia Party Congress and Putin’s speech to that body which will be provided in full below. As you’ll see from the reproduced articles below, having the entire interview to go by is extremely important in both cases, but the first especially so.
“I was naive about the West – Putin: The president has admitted believing the crusade against Russia would be over after the Soviet Union’s collapse:
President Vladimir Putin has said he was wrong to assume the West would establish productive relations with Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In reality, it was determined to break the nation apart, the Russian leader explained.
In an interview with Russian journalist Pavel Zarubin aired on Sunday, Putin admitted that he was a “naive” leader early in his political career even though he had a solid background in Soviet intelligence.
The Russian president said that he had believed that the West understood that Russia had become a completely different country after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and that there were no further ideological differences warranting a serious stand-off.
According to Putin, even when he saw Western efforts to support terrorism and separatism in Russia two decades ago, he thought that it was the “inertia of thinking” that was to blame. “They had just got used to fighting the Soviet Union,” he believed.
In reality, however, the West was deliberately trying to undercut Russia, the president said. “After the collapse of the Soviet Union they thought they just had to wait a little longer, and then they would break Russia apart as well.”
According to Putin, the West saw no need for the existence of the world’s largest country, with its large population. “It would be better, as suggested by… [former US National Security Advisor Zbigniew] Brzezinski, to divide it into five parts, and subjugate them one by one.”
This alleged Western plan, he explained, hinged on the premise that several smaller states “would have no weight or voice of their own, and would have no chance to defend their national interests in the way that the united Russian state has.”
The Russian leader was apparently referring to a 1997 article penned by Brzezinski, an ardent supporter of Soviet containment who died in 2017, which suggested at the time that Moscow should abandon “a futile effort to regain its status as a global power.” The former White House adviser also opined that “a loosely confederated Russia, composed of a European Russia, a Siberian Republic, and a Far Eastern Republic” would have an easier time fostering economic relations with its neighbors.
Putin has repeatedly said that the West was planning to split Russia into several states, warning that the Russian people could cease to exist if this happens, and naming its continued unity as the key condition for the country’s success. [Emphasis Original]
As you read, the supplied context might be correct or not, but there’s no way of knowing without the primary source. Lack of such references is why it’s very important to read histories very critically as regardless of the writer the context they provide is always “revisioned”—filtered through the writer’s mind—including mine, although my aim is to be as objective as possible. The pejorative “revisionist history” differs little in its aim from “conspiracy theory” in attempting to deride and cast-off the writer being so described. As you read, Putin’s reported admission is tremendously important for not just historians but for Russians as Putin seeks to continue to have Russians trust him as President for six more years. The second article by RT is just as important as the first:
“Russia wants to improve ties with NATO, not fight – Putin: Moscow has no fundamental disputes with Western countries, but they insist on confrontation, the president has said:”
Russia does not have the slightest reason to attack NATO, President Vladimir Putin has said, adding that the US-led military bloc is well aware that Moscow has no plans to do so.
In an interview with Russian journalist Pavel Zarubin aired on Sunday, Putin was asked to comment on remarks by US President Joe Biden, who said earlier this month that Moscow might attack the alliance if it prevails in the Ukraine conflict.
The Russian leader dismissed his American counterpart’s speculation as “nonsense.”
“I think that President Biden understands that this is just a figure of speech to justify his misguided Russian policy,” he said, explaining that he does not believe Moscow’s “strategic defeat” would be in the interests of the US.
Putin went on to say that the president of the United States – which he called the “master” of NATO – surely knows that “Russia has no interest… geopolitically, economically or militarily... in waging war against NATO.”
Moscow, he added, has no claims on the territory of the bloc’s member states and only seeks to improve ties with them. However, the West’s political course is making this increasingly difficult, Putin noted, citing the example of Finland, which applied to join NATO after the start of the Ukraine conflict and became a full-fledged member in April.
Russia has no disputes with its Nordic neighbor, Putin said, noting that the last territorial claims were settled after the end of WWII. “We had the most open-hearted, cordial relations… We had no problems, but now are going to, because we are going to create the Leningrad military district and deploy certain military units there. Why did they need that?”
The president added that Russia has no quarrel with other NATO states either. “It is they who are artificially creating problems with us because they don’t want Russia as a rival.”
Russian officials have repeatedly described relations between Moscow and Washington as being at an all-time low, blaming the situation on the US’ support for Ukraine, as well as the country’s stance on arms control.
Earlier this month, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said the two powers are balancing on the brink of a hot war, with the last similar stand-off dating back to the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 1960s. [Emphasis Original]
Readers here at the Gym know there’s more to the rift with the West in general, NATO and the Outlaw US Empire more specifically than what the RT writer said above. There’re many other places where Putin has spoken on this issue in the first two weeks of this month alone a good writer would have added to this report, but at least it’s better than the one sentence TASS devoted to the topic in an item that’s no longer on its website. Also, did Putin say the phrase “artificially creating problems” or is what’s provided a selective translation? I ask because what the Outlaw US Empire’s doing doesn’t at all qualify as “artificial,” as it’s deliberate policy, which might be formed on erroneous ideas and intel rendering it incorrect and irresponsible but doesn’t make it “artificial.” So again, The original transcript please!! At least those two items provided material for a lesson in critical reading and why primary sources are paramount.
Now for Putin’s address to the 21st Congress of the United Russia Party. Recall that Putin himself isn’t affiliated with any specific Party, although it would be correct to say United Russia adopted him and he assented to that position. Russian media reported Putin as nominating himself when he met with those attending the awards ceremony I documented here, but those reports were all wrong as he was specifically asked to become Russia’s president again as a review of that event will document. Who will oppose Putin remains unknown; who wants to lose after all? According to Russian media, Putin delivers some more quotable lines:
Vladimir Putin: Dear friends! Colleagues!
Dear Dmitry Anatolyevich [Medvedev],
I welcome the delegates and guests of the 21st Congress of United Russia, our largest and leading political party.
Such authority and public trust are based on the clear patriotic position of United Russia, on the results of many years of work in the interests of the people, strengthening the state, developing the country and all our regions.
And first of all, of course, I want to thank you for your consistent and reliable support. For me, it is significant and important. We have overcome challenges together, achieved success together, and together we still have a lot to do in the interests of Russia.
Today, everyone has a huge responsibility. We have, without any exaggeration, historical tasks ahead of us. Their scale requires joint efforts, unity of all patriotic forces.
For United Russia, for our supporters, who represent our entire multiethnic society, all regions, social and professional groups, this first of all means readiness for hard work, readiness to move forward and achieve more. Together with all the people of Russia, we must defend the sovereignty, freedom, and security of Russia, and all that is dear to us – our history, culture, values, and traditions. Strengthen the economy, social sphere, scientific and technological potential in the interests of people and the well-being of millions of Russian families. And of course, to work for the consolidation of society.
What I want to emphasize is that competition, diversity of ideas and opinions, open and honest discussion of problems and ways to solve them are, of course, the key to the country's dynamic development. Without this, there will be no development at all. But always, despite all the difference in views, all responsible political forces should remember what is most important for us. And this is the fate, interests of Russia, happiness, hopes, dreams of our children, the right of our country to be strong. I would also add, you know, that it is the right and vital necessity of our country to be strong.
This means that everything secondary, superfluous, that separates us, you need to throw aside. And of course, all decisions should and will be made only by ourselves, without anyone else's suggestions from abroad. Russia cannot, like some countries, give up its sovereignty in exchange for sausage and become someone's satellite. We must remember and never forget, and punish our children: Russia will either be a sovereign, self-sufficient power, or it will not exist at all. This is a very important thing that should always be in our minds and hearts. So, of course, we will determine and create our own future. This is the sovereign state worldview, the basis for genuine civic consolidation, for joint work.
I am confident that United Russia will continue to offer the society just such a unifying, creative agenda, respond and respond to the most popular issues of the country's life.
In this regard, I would like to note that many laws aimed at supporting the participants of a special military operation and their families were developed on the initiative of United Russia. At the same time, deputies of all factions of the State Duma voted for them in solidarity. Although I am currently attending the United Russia congress, I would also like to thank them for this position.
By the way, what is happening in the parliament is largely the result of such consolidated work of United Russia in the State Duma. This was also mentioned at the meeting with the faction leaders.
I ask you to continue to actively cooperate in partnership with other political parties and public associations in solving the most important tasks for us.
I would like to emphasize this point. Having unleashed a real aggression against us, it was growing from year to year, and the Western elites hoped not only to bring down the Russian economy and social sphere, but also our political and state system. They believed and still believe that they can sow internal turmoil among us. The methods for such destabilization are well known and have already been tested more than once by Western elites in many regions of the world during the so-called color coups.
But such recipes have not worked, and I am sure they will not work in relation to Russia – a free, independent and sovereign state. Our society, all branches of government and levels of government have shown maturity, strength and sustainability.
We have responded to the challenges because we have consistently, step by step, and year after year taken the path of strengthening our sovereignty, including in the political and public spheres, in the economy, in education and culture. We have developed Russian federalism, our legislation and strong constitutional foundations. We relied on the centuries-old experience of our statehood, on our values and unique traditions of harmonious development of different ethnic groups, cultures, languages, and religions.
In this regard, I would like to emphasize once again that attempts to violate interethnic, interreligious and civil harmony are a betrayal and a crime against Russia.
It is the people of Russia who have been and will continue to be the only source of power. We will protect its sovereign right to choose its future from any external interference. The Russian state will be sovereign, and therefore truly national.
We will continue to improve democratic institutions, mechanisms of people's power and local self-government, and direct participation of citizens in the development of the country, regions and municipalities.
And of course, our most important task is to increase the efficiency of all levels of public authority. There is also a lot of hard work to be done, including legislative work in the federal and regional parliaments, extensive use of best management practices and, of course, strengthening of human resources.
Now we are implementing a whole line of projects, initiatives, and competitions so that talented, competent, and purposeful people can discover, express, and realize themselves, and benefit the country.
Such work with public opinion leaders, with professionals who are successful in various industries, with volunteers and, of course, with our heroes, veterans of the special military operation, should be the most important for United Russia.
Many of our comrades-members of the party, its supporters, deputies of various levels-have passed through the front and are now fighting on the front line. We will support them. What I want to note here. You know, I regularly communicate with our guys, with our soldiers, commanders, and they have repeatedly told me that in one platoon, in one squad, in one trench, people of different nationalities and religions often come together, but everyone is united by a real military brotherhood, the will to win, the willingness to do everything to protect Russia and we have only one of them.
I also know that United Russia is also actively involved in the development of the volunteer movement in close partnership with our other parties and public associations. Thousands of United Russia volunteers are helping the fighters, the front, and civilians of our liberated cities and towns.
I repeat, we have many such resolute and courageous people who have passed the front, showed themselves in the volunteer movement, in working on our liberated, historical lands of Donbass and Novorossiya. As well as specialists of various fields, various professions, who actually showed what it means to be faithful to duty, to their country in a period of difficult trials. These are doctors, teachers, scientists and entrepreneurs, workers, engineers of defense and other industrial enterprises, farmers and agricultural workers.
Such people are really our heritage. This is a pillar for the country. By their example, their achievements, they literally inspire those who are close by. They create a sense of unity and confidence, pride in our contemporaries, and pride in Russia.
I hope that in the course of elections at various levels, such people, our like-minded people, will become the main candidates of United Russia and receive its support. And for the party itself, this will certainly mean further qualitative development, strengthening ties with society.
Let me remind you that the program with which the party went to the 2021 parliamentary elections was called the people's program, so its implementation should be designed specifically for millions of people, for millions of citizens of the country. And as we agreed, this document should be constantly developed, and this is happening, in fact, this document is being filled with new ideas and projects-taking into account both the issues that have already been resolved and the tasks that have not been solved. Thus, the people's program has already reflected the key areas of socio-economic revival of the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.
I hope that United Russia will also take an active part in the projects of the Year of the Family, which has been announced in our country. In a dialogue with society, with people, he will propose new initiatives aimed at supporting motherhood and childhood, strengthening our traditional family values, and developing the system of education and mentoring. And these are all extremely important, fundamental issues for the demographic development of Russia, for saving our people.
You know what is happening on the ground, you yourself work, as they say in such cases, on the ground, on the ground, and you are well aware that there are still a lot of tasks and unresolved problems. This is a well-known case. It is only necessary to take a step forward, to solve some problem, two, three, four, five new ones appear immediately. And this is a normal thing. You don't need to say: we did this, but people are dissatisfied with something or want something else. So it was and so it will always be. You need to set yourself up for the fact that tasks are growing like a snowball. We are Russia, we are a winter country, we love snow, look how much snow we have piled up. I ask you to keep all this in mind.
It is when answering people's requests and questions that concern them that it is absolutely necessary to include in the election program such areas as the development of primary health care, the construction and renewal of mass sports infrastructure, and so on.
I would like to emphasize that we will, of course, determine these and other tasks and plans for the future together. Together with Russian citizens, we will formulate a long-term development strategy. Let me repeat once again: we will do this primarily based on people's opinions and requests.
I would like to say once again: now every decision, every word and deed we make has a special price, has a special meaning for our country. Time requires us to be firm and united, ready to respond to any, even the most difficult challenges.
I am sure that United Russia and all our supporters will continue to work with full dedication, for results - for the people, for achieving national goals.
I look forward to continuing to work together with you in the interests of our united country and our great people. Thank you for your support.
Thank you very much. [My Emphasis]
Too bad we here in the Outlaw US Empire don’t have a similar government, political parties, socio-political ethos, and actually work to fulfill the Preamble of our Constitution. The common word not expressed specifically but there throughout—Solidarity. When Putin became Russia’s president, he noted Russia had one very important and close to priceless asset—its Human Capital—that was very beaten down by the Yeltsin Age but still showed resiliency, particularly in the scientific, educational and military technical areas, along with bountiful natural resources, and that it would rebloom provided it was properly tended. By now, it ought to be easy to see that People-Centered Development is Putin’s fundamental basis for Russia’s political-economy as all national wealth derives from the work of the nation’s people. I doubt Putin would describe himself as a Populist, but that’s precisely what he is politically—Genuine Populists promote people and policies that advance the interests of the people, which are also those of the nation. Too bad the West has yet to discover that magic elixir. There’s no real comparison between the presidential elections in Russia and the Outlaw US Empire. The former is united, dedicated to its self- improvement and liberating its kin so they can also share their fruits; while the latter is seriously fragmented by an elite that sees the people as their food in a relationship that’s clearly parasitic as the nation’s infrastructure crumbles with its power now a mere shadow of what it was once. Russia clearly doesn’t want to become the USA, nor IMO does any other Global majority nation.
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"Use the source, Luke!", a play on Yoda of Star Wars fame, is what I know from my years of programming. Source meaning "the original source code". Same is true in the context of history: Nothing like the ORIGINAL transcripts to figure out context and meaning. Odd that these are not automatically available always. However Putin is so prolific that it may just be a matter of overworked transcribers.
thanks karl.. i am sorry you are frustrated at not getting the full transcript.. however, some of the things discussed in this have already been mentioned by putin in the questions from the public earlier this week.. the idea of him being naive and thinking the west was their friend - that was previously mentioned by him.. and of course he is absolutely correct that the western elites wanted to divide up russia for rape and pillage, but they have yet to be able to do this... it is a good thing to focus on - nationalism - and that the west elite want to tear russia apart... russia will have to keep an eye on its own elite too, because these types of jackels don't share the idea of nation, so much as money and power..
it will be a long time before russia has a leader on the level of putin.. its possible, but i think he is a once in a lifetime leader with great clarity, stamina and vision.. that is a rare combination of traits and not seen anywhere else on the world stage at present as i see it.. russia is lucky to have him... for him to clarify the seriousness of where russia is at present and the serious threat posed to it is very wise indeed.. aside from being true, it is important to galvenize this perspective in the russian people so they will not be fooled as he was 20 odd years ago.. kudos to him for acknowledging all of this..