I should've included today's Crooke/Napolitano talk, which is very revelatory as to the degree of Zionist craziness thinking they are the Good doing battle with Evil when the truth is the opposite. Simplicius mentioned the Messianic Crazed nature of Netanyahu AND many Zionists. So, here's the link to their talk, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ohj-wHm9ICk

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He has been an incredibly responsible leader of his country. Never forget his Ph.D. in Econ.

He seems to be grieving for the loss of responsible adults across the globe, including the US. The UK and the EU were gone some time ago.

He has Ukraine pretty well under control by now, although, as Big Serge has pointed out (Part 18), the end game will take time, deaths and many resources. The genocide in Gaza has to be bothersome because there are no adults left in the room and many civilians are being killed for absolutely no good reason. He is not mistaken in understanding the desires and capabilities of the Arab states, hence his gloomy outlook.

The barbarism of Hamas needs no excuse, although it did get some points across. Kudos to him and his low reaction, low-provocation conduct. Putin, Lavrov and Maria Z are some of the examples of what real leadership capabilities should look like.

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"The barbarism of Hamas " Barbarism? See what you are doing? You are disseminating ashkeNAZI disinfo.

There is zero evidence of any barbarism from Hamas fighters. Many unaffiliated Palestinians followed through the breaches and committed crimes. All accounts from survivors are that Hamas acted professionally, way more professionally than US and ashkeNAZI military scum do.

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You're right James. And so is VV Putin. The problem right now that needs to be addressed is the genocide-collective punishment/revenge- taking place. It matters not at all that he does not rehearse the long history leading up to the crisis. What matters is that he suggests a solution- a Palestinian state. The Two State solution that can only really be a One state solution because any viable equal states must, over time, evolve into some sort of permanent relationship just as Virginia and Massachusetts did.

Russia's real task at the moment is to disabuse the US and Israel (the rest will do as they are bid) that no attack on Iran is going to be tolerated.

There is, after all low hanging fruit on the Eurasian side of the fence too: Iran might look vulnerable from the sea and the bases in Kurdistan, Arabia and, perhaps even Azerbaijan or Turkey. But how much more vulnerable is south Korea? Or The Phillipines? Japan ? And the Australasian bases, real and planned would be tough to defend .

As Putin is often at pains to point out, and one expects that the PRC envoys make clear too, peace and security are indivisible.

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Putin named the perpetrators and said Russia's currently fighting against them. It's the escalation and protection of innocents he's most worried about at the moment. That the enemy is diabolical and will do absolutely anything to attain its goals was also made very clear.

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3,000+ murdered Palestinian children so far is nothing to these blood thirsty criminals. They don't care if they murder Albright's favourite number of 500,000.

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Wow. Just wow. A master of diplomatic understatement, he has just thrown down the gauntlet. There is no turning back now.

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Do see my reply to james. In contrast, Biden was 100% inhuman as are his Zionist buddies.

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Power corrupts. IMNSHO, he is‘absolutely corrupted’.

Unlike Mr. T, I cannot “pity the fool”! Can we survive until the next election (1 year plus months until inauguration)? President Kamala? Speaker of the House? I can’t accept that we got the government we deserved! Sadly, I don’t like the prospects of insurrection but I like the idea of strength in numbers. WITH pitchforks! Power will not yield without a credible threat.

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Thank you for posting this.

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thanks karl.. although putin doesn't address how israel - zionism and etc have brought us to the oct 7th event, he does articulate how israel is taking revenge on the palestinian people by saying what he does in the quote of putin that i share below.. i am not sure how going over the past is going to make any of this better.. a ceasefire was needed when russia proposed the resolution at the un - 1 or 2 weeks ago.. the usa is not interested in a ceasefire, or only on terms which put all the blame on hamas which is ridiculous as i see it..

"We also see that instead of punishing criminals and terrorists, unfortunately, they have taken revenge on the principle of collective responsibility. The terrible events that are now taking place in the Gaza Strip, when hundreds, thousands of innocent people are being indiscriminately killed, who simply have nowhere to run, nowhere to hide from the bombardment, cannot be justified in any way. When you look at the bloodied children, at the dead children, at the suffering of women, old people, and doctors – of course, your fists clench and tears come to your eyes. There's no other way to put it.'

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I rushed to get this out and have yet to look at the video to see the body language and facial expressions. I'm now providing a taxi service for the rest of this week as well as catering. The emotion Putin describes in your citation is seething rage combined with sorrow, yet he and Russia's leadership circle must somehow curb their emotions to arrive at the decisions they must. It ought to be very clear why this transcript was published. It's meant to make waves.

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We would so much like the righteous anger at the carnage in Palestine, and then at its use to foment a pogrom in Russia, to lead to decisive action to relieve the enormous weight of our powerlessness.

But we "cannot allow ourselves to be guided by emotions".

"The only way to help Palestine is to fight those who are behind this tragedy."

They are named at last.

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They were already named, but not in the manner Putin provided. Note he said Russia is already fighting against those who caused/created this crisis, an admission that essentially absolves Hamas of any wrongdoing.

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Excellent, as always. Just a suggestion. You questioned the translation of 'cu4stomer' and I agree. It is weak word in that context. Frequently, in the west, countries are referred to as 'Clent states' of one country or another. Perhaps this is what was intended. Clients, and customers are usually interchangeable. Humbly yours

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'the US ruling elites and their satellites are behind the tragedy of the Palestinians, the carnage in the Middle East as a whole, the conflict in Ukraine, and many other conflicts in the world – in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and so on.' The 'customers' or patrons of chaos.

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Thanks very much for that insight. I didn't have extra time to try and sort that out.

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"Feed on " is preferable to parasitize too.

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Meanwhile in my home country Singapore our smart Sinkies are happily repeating the US bullshits and think they are so smart.

Most of these smart people believe everything they read in MSM, and everything out of the civilised west.

"Latest rumours I heard is Putin is dead about same time as Li Keqiang."

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There is a video at the link to the transcript showing Putin very much alive and perturbed.

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What does it take to create a Palestinian state, that is the question. I note he offers no path to get there, and yet that has been the deficit in the situation for about a century now.

Also, am not convinced that Israeli machinations in the Region are all service to the US Empire. I think it's far more likely the other way around.

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I missed the KGB of the Soviet Union when the SU was rightfully feared for exacting physical punishment. Nobody fears Putin.

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That isn't what the West says. They fear Russia and China a lot.

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If they didn't fear Putin (read: Russia) they would have already attacked directly instead of cowardly, underhanded attacks by useful NAZI idiots.

The shrill statements from the West shows their panic, and their rage at knowing they are helpless to stop what is coming to them.

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