The unnamed figure is named by Medvedev:


"By the way, the foreign leader mentioned by Vladimir Putin, who visited Moscow in March 2022, is none other than Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who traveled to Kiev after Moscow and proposed a compromise peace determining the fate of the then disputed territories. They just sent him back, calling him an agent of the Kremlin. The idiots who rejected the offer of a possible peace on the best terms for them."

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Thank you Karl, Medvedev is seriously unplugged these days.

It is refreshing and often humourous. No doubt the Ukes /nazo will reject the latest Putin proposal and that is fine as they deserve to be left with nothing other than their stolen loot. I see today that they are emptying out the state records in Kiev. So it goes.

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The west is so frustrating in their dishonesty and dirty tricks for all of us who just want peace.

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The inability to see, appreciate and engage with "the other" was not necessary during the centuries of plunder.

Only after The West becomes a remnant will they wake up.

Meanwhile the US engages in trivial pursuits internally and control externally.

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Earworms. A persistent vibration in the head, for example, a tune that repeats over and over.

The top tweet on twitter this morning is Earworms. It will only last at the top spot for a while.

Does the West suffer from earworms? A persistent vibration that does not require a clarification of the stakes as long as they believe they are at peace, or as long as they are sure of winning.

We can and must win this war with Russia. Russia is evil. This is a war of good vs evil. We are so powerful we cannot be defeated. Diplomacy is not essential.

The West was launched as as a utopian quest, with it being the unique source of progress and irreversible conquest. So the West, to preserve its exceptional nature, must refuse Putin's public peace offer.

The majority in the Rest of The World realizes that Putin's public offer is the best that The West is going to get in Ukraine. Thus Russia is the peace maker and The West continues the death and destruction of that war. And the war on Palestinians, fully supported by The Wes, t is another demonstration that the West does not understand the difference between war and peace.

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Read it at MoA (b is back!). I agree with Martyanov's position:

That Was The Point...

... of Vladimir Harkonnen... ah, pardon me, Putin's peace gesture.


The forms have been obeyed, now the war can proceed to its conclusion. Russia can now take the rest of Ukraine as soon as they refuse his offer. And they already have, yesterday.

If Putin actually believes that he can get a serious agreement with either Ukraine or the West, he's a complete idiot, as I said back during the March-April, 2022, "negotiations." Ritter said back then that if the deal went through, Putin would have lost the war.

I see a number of people at MoA agree with that.

My interest in Ukraine has sagged so much that I just wish Putin would get the fuck on with it. I realize that he doesn't need to, but as Pepe Escobar told Judge Nap the other day, even the Russian media and public are asking why the fuck Putin just doesn't do a decapitation strike on Kiev. I understand that he doesn't want to further provoke a stupid reaction from the US and NATO, but OTOH there is a good argument for forestalling that by making the defeat of Ukraine an obvious and complete fait accompli. Especially given that almost everyone knows there will be a war between the West and Russia in the near future. So why bother worrying about a stupid reaction from NATO? Stupid reactions are being done anyway and will only grow.

You stop a bully by punching him out, not by being cautious.

My other irritation is that all the so-called "analysts" still ignore those Aegis Ashore installations in Poland and Romania, which were and are the primary reason for the SMO. Putin continues to talk about "protecting Donbass". Bullshit. Protecting RUSSIA was the main point. I can't take Putin seriously if he continues talking like this, although I understand that keeping the main reason for the SMO a secret is probably not entirely a bad idea, given that it would again trigger a stupid reaction by the West. Which, again, is pointless, since it's better to trigger a stupid reaction now than a planned reaction later.

Stop with the 10,000 word speeches, Putin, and get the fuck on with it.

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Well, as you stated up top, the speech was needed to proceed. And there's a bigger picture Putin must live within as exemplified with what hi did after his speech, "President visited the Senezh Management Workshop in Solnechnogorsk near Moscow, where he held a meeting with participants of the educational program "Time of Heroes"."

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Re: ."... "analysts" still ignore those Aegis Ashore installations in Poland and Romania, which were and are the primary reason for the SMO. "

I kind of agree on that point, this is a major threat to Russia, although not the primary reason alone for the SMO it sure was a key aspect of the security proposals of 2021, and yet again today pointing toward the US threats, and the removal of all nuclear weapons/missiles back to their own national territory. ( I hope they get this done eventually -- but suspect they are too gun shy and wish for a fundamental change in western leadership instead - ha, they're dreaming if that is the case. )

I think Putin's mention to journos about the "go slow" in Ukraine to minimize casualties is reasonable (other options exists sure) so I am assuming military advice is to do this and progressively weaken UKR more as there is no rush ..... then once a turning/trigger point arises they will go very hard, and I believe with 700K troops directly involved with fighting UKR now (per Putin comments) they are well prepared to escalate at any moment.

I am hoping that this will include tactical nukes striking all those Aegis Ashore installations simultaneously at the same moment. As well as the US reaper drone bases too - and in the air above the Black sea and elsewhere.

I am really hoping they ramp this up big time and "get the fuck on with it" too! But I defer to their knowledge and skill .... so I let it be. We cannot know Putin's real intentions at any time, nor what the Russian Military has planned, nor the options they are entertaining - if this then that.

I can only guess that this peace offer is their final ultimatum to the US and UKR, and their final words on the matter. And I am hoping only severe non-stop actions come next including extensive use of tactical nuclear missiles across several nato nations hitting US installations hard with many deaths.

An OCTOBER Surprise sounds like a great time to wipe them out and the entire US into a tailspin of epic proportions. With China moving on Taiwan during Dec/Jan between elections and Jan 20 inauguration when the US is most vulnerable and unstable.

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"Today we are making another concrete, real peace proposal. If it is also abandoned in Kiev and in the Western capitals, as before, then in the end it is their business, their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of bloodshed. Obviously, the reality on the ground, on the line of contact will continue to change not in favor of the Kiev regime. And the conditions for starting negotiations will be different."

Regarding the last sentence, does it not mean that if Kiev does not immediately withdraw from the new Russian territories and start negotiations, new territories such as Kharkiv and Odessa will be added to Russia?

Are there any clear signals here that Russia will begin shifting the conflict into high gear?

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The answer to your question is to watch what's occurring on the battlefield. What was done recently? The incursion North of Kharkov aimed at thinning Ukie lines and to commit their meager reserves, which put political pressure on NATO and Kiev's conscription drive. What reaction will another opening on the front cause? Odessa was omitted from the territories Putin listed as bait for Kiev, which also opens up many other questions. IMO, that was a shrewd calculation that Kiev pressured by NATO will refuse, which it apparently has, thus Russia will aim for its liberation and has been preparing the battlefield in that region for that to occur, but when? Not being inside Russia's General Staff means we must wait and see what develops.

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Thank you for the translation. Putin offers an olive leaf, yet carries a big stick. This is the last ditch effort imo. There will be no other off ramps. The die is set. The preparations made eg the nukes now in the gulf of mexico as a show of force and resolve. also the prep of the tactical nukes recently. Add in recent China dialogue and brics etc etc etc and the gloves are about to come off. Because Zelensky is too dumb, and the US empire is too damn arrogant and dumb to be genuine and reasonable.

BUT why would Putin keep that 2014 UKR info about OBAMA secret all these years, and why not call him out by Name publicly? Why do they keep on doing this -- hiding things and speaking in CODE all the time. It does my head in.

The US is not mucking around either but they are late to the party .... see dennis kucinich re new automatic registering for the draft in the USA amendment ... just passed under the radar.

America Prepares for Global War and Restarts the Draft for 18-26 year olds

Greetings to Young Americans: You are Automatically Registered for the Draft Conscription


Passed June 14th: https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024279

Text: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/8070/text

Check out Section 531:



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Thanks for your addition. On the secrecy of communications, there's a code of ethics regarding all that that's unwritten yet understood regarding conversations that are made with the cameras off. Do the revelations alter anything and would they have if revealed earlier? IMO, no. And then there's the "he said/she said" issue of denial, which is what the Outlaw US Empire tried to do about the written promises to not move NATO eastward, which it thought it could get away with but was shown to be lying yet again. Essentially, it relates to credibility, where I've said for many, many years that all Russia, China and RoW need do is to be honest as the West lies constantly. After many years, the RoW now knows that's the case and now uses a BS filter.

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Good explanation, thanks, normally I would accept that 'diplomatic' / leaders code of ethics, and was aware of it.

The US has no credibility nor standing regarding ethics so I still fail to see any reason why Putin should respect them ..... these comments were a decade ago .... he could have just as easily laid that all out in February 2022 and maintained their moral ethical standing. Could this be why I am not President? :-)

It's not as if Obama hadn't spilled his own version of beans since he left office. And maintained his lying a secret as well. Or Merkle and Hollande over their intentional lying about Minsk.

Putin and Russian owe these losers nothing at all. Nor Biden or Trump today. None of them.

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Well, it's not just about the Outlaw US Empire. There are 190 more nations that adhere to that same protocol. It's a matter of honor as I've written before. Russia's credibility and its honor are two of its most important assets. Remember the Q at Lavrov's presser after Putin's speech about trust? Yes, it's a matter of trust, and the West has lost that.

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Thank you for the translation. Thereby raises a question: how do you work so fast? I translated the text myself (into Dutch) and it took me hours and hours. But in the same laps of time, you managed to publish also a couple of other texts. I would really like to learn how this is possible!

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I use an open source machine translation website that may or may not be available to you, https://translate.yandex.com/ I know enough Russian to fix the vast majority of mistakes the machine translation makes, which are almost always related to pronoun references. But as you read, my editing also aims at helping readers understand what's important as the aim of the Gym is to provide readers with the information they need to arrive at a better understanding of not just Russia's system, but those of other nations and the many new multilateral organizations. Yes, Russia's been in the spotlight, but so has Palestine and China as events are what steer my activity.

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As always, thank you Karl.

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When I was a kid, back in the 70s, I often used to listen to the English language output of Radio Tirana. It seemed so exotic to me then, ignorant as I was of the horrors of Hoxha’s regime. This has the same kind of vibe. It’s odd how this type of government always ends up following the same kind of path.

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same kind of vibe, what type of government, what kind of path?

Please be clearer with what you mean by what you say.

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thanks for supporting the propaganda of the west so blatantly... it shows what happens when a person swallows the kooaid fully, without question...

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I think you probably mean Kool-Aid?

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i was thinking of how difficult it would be for someone who has swallowed the western koolaid to be presented with an alternative viewpoint on reality that is so at odds with the one given in the western msm... i do understand jon...

so tell me - what in putins commentary did you disagree with? thanks..

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I don’t think the Russian government’s policies are “creating conditions for the country's sustainable development, ensuring its security and improving the well-being of Russian families.” This war has strengthened and enlarged NATO and forced Russia to adopt a subordinate posture towards China.

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I suggest you spend several days, perhaps a week at least in reading the last 8 months of events that contributed to the formulation of Putin's Leap Day speech and then read the events that followed which aim at putting all that into action. Yes, it takes time to study it all, and I've invested that time; have you?

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I’d suggest, Karl, that if a political speech is sincere, well-written and made in a context where the audience shares the aspirations of the person making it, it shouldn’t be necessary for anyone to spend 8 months trying to understand it!

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thanks jon.. we see it exactly the opposite.... as for a subordinate posture towards china - i am not sure about that, but all the rest - this is a death knell for nato... it is unfortunate the unipolar fanaticism has reached an end point here, but indeed it has...

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If NATO enlargement doesn’t represent a strategic threat to Russia but rather will lead to its demise, why did the Russian leadership object to it so strongly?

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