He’s very patient in answering the questions from the soldiers regarding equipment. When you just look at the maps of the conflict on YouTube they look small but as he says, the front encompasses quite an area.

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There's a phrase that doesn't get used much anymore: Man of the People. What's more is Putin cultivates that sort of attitude with most of the governing team at all three levels of government.

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Thank you, Karl!

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thanks karl... i read and scanned it - a bit of both.. much of it is focused on the ongoing conflict with ukraine, but one comment that caught my attention was this - "The Israeli side believes that the opening of a Russian hospital in Gaza is unsafe." israel has essentially destroyed gaza and the whole place is uninhabitable according to the UN this morning... israel has all the power and everyone is guilty of anti-semitism if they want to alter the power dynamic here... the whole thing is insane... i wish putin will address this in more direct terms, but alas - he is being diplomatic and i appreciate that too..

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The issue james is the proper question isn't being asked, and for me that would be: How is a Two-State mandate going to be enforced as vast demographic changes will need to be made to make that a reality? A similar situation might be seen regarding Russia and whatever remains of Ukraine.

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well put karl... i agree with you! what is the way forward, and who is acting on it?

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In writing my reply to Peter at MoA, I came across an item that I linked mentioning the joint statement issued by the PMs of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, all of whom instructed their reps to vote in favor of the UNGA Resolution, both actions were surprising and welcome for me. Here's something key members of the West have proposed that China and Russia can talk with on this issue whereas a stone wall appeared previously. I'm certain their statement was noted by all parties; what will come of it is now key.

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here in canada one of the members of parliament - last name housefather - who is a jewish mp in montreal, was in a bit of a tangle over this.. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/liberal-caucus-division-canada-un-vote-1.7057825

apparently you have to always side with israel, no matter what, and if you don't - well clearly you are anti-semite.. that kind of logic is paper thin of course..

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Truth be told, it's not logic either--it's bigotry.

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