Thanks again.

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Thanks so much for all this valuable info, and for the work you do. I get more from your missives about Russia-Ukraine and the state of humanity (what's left of it) than all other media. Bottom line: If Russia survives, humanity survives.

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Whenever Kazakhstan is a venue for meetings I am curious to find out what Putin thinks about the financial district of Astana naming English as its official language. This does not ever seem to be mentioned and yet, it seems to me, a significant and telling fact, given the highly symbolic appearance of Astana in general.

I made reference to this and its inferences in several recent posts here on Substack: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/united-kingdoms-death-spiral

Do you think that Astana has a globalist agenda?

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The answer to your question is no. However, your previous question is valid and need s to be addressed by the Kazakh authorities. I cannot answer it.

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Kazak people have turned against Russia very hard after the Ukraine war. Russian nationalists consider Russia-Ukraine-Belarus-Kazakstan core “Rus” territories… Tokayev is trying to play both sides but he’s playing a dangerous game by removing Russian as state language and change to Latin alphabet. Once you let the west penetrate the cultural sphere, the west controls your country, not the leaders.

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So. you contradict Putin who said to the media:

"We highly appreciate that in Kazakhstan, the Russian language is widely and freely used, we see that this is supported in every possible way by the leadership of the republic and are grateful To the President of Kazakhstan for the initiative to establish an international organization on the Russian language, the activities of which, I am sure, will contribute to his support and promotion as a means of interstate and interethnic communication."

I trust Putin to tell the truth on this issue.

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He may be diplomatic, he may also be obliquely threatening. I know for a fact that Russians are very angry at the “ukranianisation” of Kazakhstan

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The present some evidence to support your argument.

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Thank you. It’s interesting that families in Russia are naming their daughters Hazel. It was a bit of levity in the conversation.

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Relations between Kazakhstan and Russia appear to be very good. The USA must be displeased.

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Sorry Karlofi,

Off topic but can’t get anything through to MOA.

Taken from your response to Open at MOA recently , I respond as below.

If too off topic, I would appreciate it if you could please respond back to me by email , and scrub this post.

“With regards to tariffs increasing prices? Isn’t what Wolff and Hudson say , only for inelastic goods where demand minimally drops off in volume and demand , on a price-rise or tariff? And only in the short term?

So yes, prices will rise in the short term and China for instance can counter-vail, with a counter -tariff , or not. However, most goods sold by China to the US are low-end goods like foodstuffs and just cpap. So American consumers would in time substitute with cheaper goods from other sources,American or foreign.

So China , IF, it still wants to do business with the US, and that is a big IF as mentioned , will in the medium term lower its prices and take a hit to itself regardless of the same tariff applied to it by the US? So prices to Americans will initially go up, then all else equal go down again, with China taking a hit to its profits whilst Uncle Sam still collects its tariff.

Posted by: Brother Ma “

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