"'Washington also confirmed that it had indeed transferred these missiles to the Kiev regime in secrecy.'

Vladimir Putin: "How so, confirmed in secret mode?"

LOL Putin tugged that guy's chain.

"the Russian Aerospace Forces are beginning to patrol on a permanent basis in the neutral zone of airspace over the Black Sea. Our MiG-31 aircraft are armed with Dagger complexes. They are known to have a range of over a thousand kilometers at a speed of mach nine."

He understates. The Dagger - the Kinzhal - has a range of between 1,500-2,000km. The distance from Sevastopol to, say, Tunis in Tunisia, Egypt, is only 1,375 miles. Russian satellites can produce an accurate target and a firing solution, as Martyanov would say. Putin is saying quietly that Russia can sink those two carrier battle groups in the Med if it has to.

Even Alexander Mercouris yesterday came to the conclusion that with the movement of so much military assets into the region, it looks like the US is intending to go to war with someone. He suggested Iran, but as I've said for many years, the first target has to be Hezbollah (which Alexander also mentioned.) No war with Iran can start due to the threat to Israel from Hezbollah.

As I've mentioned at Antiwar.com and at Martyanov's blog:

"They always said WWIII would begin in the Middle East. As Andrei likes to say, "Well, here you go!"

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"But the most important thing is that they are not able to radically change the situation on the contact line at all. Impossible. This can be said for sure."

You gotta love this guy.

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Diplomacy is such a neglected art in the macho, strutting world of NATO where boasts and threats are the common currency, that it is sometimes difficult to understand what is actually happening.

Back in the early days of the SPD, long before scoundrels like Scholtz were tolerated, there were only two socialist deputies in the north German Reichstag- Wilhelm Liebknecht and August Bebel-. Their strategy was to "shout out of the window". To make speeches aimed not at their fellow legislators but at the millions outside, the working class.

That is what Putin seems to be doing-talking to the people of the world, not because they take the decisions, which are still in the hands of the inner circles, oligarchs and self elected intelligentsia, but because they can if they choose to . And he understands that they believe, as we all do, in justice, fairness and decency- the sort of things that neo-cons and politicos laugh about, because they understand that it is all a game, played for gain and that casualties (400,000 here, 500 there) are inevitable and, so long as there is no blood splashed on their boots, acceptable.

They don't care about the kids being killed in Gaza. They didn''t care about the lives lost in Hamas' break out. But most of the world does.

Putin understands that. That's not saying much, just that he is not psycho like...

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Yes, and Putin's also talking to Russians. Also, Putin may be Mr. Big, but he's not a Bigshot. As he says about his own history, "I was a carpenter 4th class," and enjoys building things. I see Xi as being similar. Together they want to build a fair, just world where people can attain their potential. Really rather humble goals as they don't want to build Empires and rule the planet. And although they aren't seen as arch Anti-Imperialists, they are in fact just that, although again in a non-jingoistic manner.

The Big Question: Can they keep the nukes from flying, and not just from NATO?

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your conclusion at the end about usa-israel standing.... i dunno karl.. i can say that for myself, but i am not sure many in the west see it the same as you and i...

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Yeah, lots of other real-world problems for the world's masses. The Genie's been out of its bottle for decades and will be very hard to put back given the freedom it's enjoyed.

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well, i still think it is possible, so richard and i are on opposite sides of the viewpoint here, lol.. i think it is possible to put the genie back in the bottle, even if she is a pretty genie!

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Well, it seems that China-Russia isn't going to step up to resolve this, at least not in any visible, muscular Yang way. Instead they are taking a Yin approach which lacks outer form but nevertheless has power, similar to the suction water vortexing down drains can generate or how women running the cocktail circuit in DC can have more influence than their husbands twiddling their thumbs in Congress.. It appears they are fostering solidarity in the Eurasian sphere which especially includes the Arabian and Persion civilizational spaces, until recently often in conflict. If India and China can resolve their differences, which it appears doesn't look likely because China has an upper geographical hand that India is loath to accept (but has few options), then the entire Eurasian sphere along the old Silk Road and Maritime routes from Egypt to Beijing will enjoy a renaissance not seen since the Chinese Maritime Ban put in place in the mid 1400's (which ushered in an age of piracy, during which the West made their entrance). So they will be taking care of the Israel conundrum in part by fostering a far stronger and more peaceful Middle Eastern region capable of withstanding the Arc of Chaos so often used by the Anglo-Zionist axis to exploit and confound what they are regard as divided-and-conquered lesser powers.

I cannot see a solution in Israel myself - apart from Exodus 3 - but maybe the collective wisdom of that region, from where the Jews came - for they are not Europeans any more than Arabs and Persians - can find a way to allow the Jews their own nation in their space. In which case I suspect Palestinians will have to be relocated, so sorry, but there's only a five or so million of them, right? The US took in at least that many under the table since 2021, and Arab states could easily absorb them and give them housing, farmland, whatever. But no matter the ultimate solution, ideally it will be the regional states - Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Lebanon, also Russia who is already involved on the ground - who can figure things out themselves rather than trying to work through the always useless United Nations, or buying into the US-Israeli bullying approach. Just like Ukraine has to detach from the US to negotiate with Russia directly, so also Israel is going to have to detach from the US to deal with her neighbours directly as a sovereign adult, no longer a petulant, dependent trust fund baby.

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How to rectify a very gross Imperialistic, historical, project and act that has become ruinous and extremely unjust? The British committed the initial "error", so the UK ought to become the destination for Zionists not wanting to share Palestine with its rightful inhabitants.

Hamas decided to out the Zionist Project and put it to a trial by fire, IMO. We now await the play's next act.

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Yes, but the British sort of were in an 'offer you can't refuse' situation: if they didn't agree to help create Israel for the Zionists, the latter would make Germany come out on top (they were winning in the trenches). The British took the offer and for their own nation were right to do so. The British in any case had already been largely captured by the Jewish financiers albeit on the surface their culture and customs were mainly intact, though already losing their core thanks to modernist materialism which some already called 'Jewish thought' for they are a highly materialist collective. Once Disraeli was PM, everybody knew and there were quite a few books written about 'The Jewish Question' in the mid 1800's in the UK, also in Germany, not because of reflex racism but because it was a serious problem already; and of course it's a semi-taboo topic but a very real issue to this day. Witness Gaza!

So when one uses the word 'British' its meaning is not as straightforward as you make it sound. Just as a majority of early slave-traders and owners in the New World were Jewish, so also were most of the movers and shakers behind the Opium Wars in China along with much of the 'British' conquests which led to the 'British' Empire.

I'm not saying it wasn't British; it most certainly was, but many of the top-level tactical and strategic steering was done by those sitting over the Crown - in the City - as they still do today. So if you really want to blame someone, blame the Romans. Or go back further and blame the Egyptians.

Seriously, this is a VERY old and as yet unresolved issue which has had a huge effect on European, and also Asian, history for well over two thousand years. I think there needs to be a Jewish State and it should be in Israel if for no other reason than because otherwise, barring unthinkable genocide, this tribe will keep ruining the world if moved anywhere else since they will just scheme how to return all over again. Settling the Israel question is perhaps the single greatest key to achieving the new multipolar world order so many will benefit from - including Westerners once no longer captured by this pernicious drive to fulfill Biblical prophecy. As long as the West is beholden to this tribe, they will continue their 'rules-based' disorder. This beast has to be put out to pasture.

Putin said he had thought through all possible iterations of everything before launching the SMO and warned the West that they were prepared for all eventualities. I think there is a good chance that this move by Hamas was done with knowledge by Iran, but also possibly many others. It seems they are forcing a resolution to this long-standing stand-off and if so I presume they have a plan. With each passing week Israel's position gets weaker as does the US, now doubly so since it is already in that position with Ukraine. So if they can get humanitarian aid to Gazans (right now being tussled over), all is well. If not, Israel and US by refusing this will become pariah in the region, Israel will never be accepted. So they are in a lose-lose situation unless Israel cuts the cord with America, grows up and sincerely tries to join in with the region as a Middle Eastern nation and culture, and no longer a Western outpost of outdated hegemonic interference.

Everything is very scary but there is a very real and steady shift going on, which feel inexorable and irreversible. It cannot be stopped. The corrupt leadership in the West does not enjoy public support. They can still do great damage, but they must feel that they have lost control, are no longer dominant. They may deny it, but they feel it. The tide has turned.

Interesting times..

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"This beast has to be put out to pasture."--Agreed. It's always been known that when the Age of Imperialism faced its finality that it would shake like a tuna does when landed onto a boat--a massive spasm of energy shaking like it's the end.

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