A great article. Bravo. I quoted it in part on Larry Johnso's blog. It is my pertinent comment here at the same time. So I'm copying it 1:1 here.
I still don't know his real name, but here karlof hit exactly the middle of the black dot at a distance of 1000 m. (Warning: metaphor.)
"Empire making is a very bloody business; there's nothing altruistic about it at all. Indeed, the blood and suffering needs to be covered up. The savage settlers who massacred the natives and kept their scalps needed to reverse the immoral/sinful psychology of their deeds and used projection as solace by calling all natives savages, a trait that survives to the present. But as most US-based readers will note, none of that truth is taught in schools or to be found in general textbooks. Essentially, savage behavior is condoned and promoted as a virtue."
For the spirited among us, the following is also phrased metaphorically. Don't take it literally. Look in the mirror and you will see the ugliness and evil.
Just imagine that you have been a Palestinian in Gaza for 80 years and you have had to live through all the horrors, up to the point where they finally wipe out your people, from the unborn, to your children and grandchildren, to you. How would you feel? Always look in the mirror.
27 million dead people, many thousands of destroyed towns and villages, a declared and practiced genocide against your Slavic ethnic group, in order to wipe out your entire people, from the unborn, to your children and grandchildren, to you. How would you feel? Always look in the mirror. Organized, staged, financed and equipped with vast amounts of deadly weapons by the USA, ideologically manipulated Ukrainians are taking action: "Russians on the knives!"
What the USA has been doing since its existence is nothing other than the Nazism of Hitler, Mussolini & Co. and I am not interested in comparing the Third Reich and its specific crimes with the USA, but rather in the self-image of a US oligarch and elite class with that of the Third Reich.
Whether economic war or military war, the USA can still invest many trillions of USD in its war armaments, the time of dictatorship is over and "the emperor is naked".
Now there is once again a "great" leader behind whom we can march. ("Heil Dir Trump!") How convenient, because the "leader" will solve the problems for us. This is the messianic expectation of the frustrated. The end will be as dramatic as that of every previous empire in human history. Except that we now have nuclear weapons, space weapons, weather weapons and, most horrific of all, biological weapons.
How can you believe in Jesus Christ if you feel that is positive?
Thanks for your feedback and excellent writing at SONAR21. IMO, Putin should refuse a person-to-person with Trump and in tell him over the phone: The only thing you respect are our missiles as you refuse to conform to any law and thus nothing you say or agree to can be believed.
A great article. Bravo. I quoted it in part on Larry Johnso's blog. It is my pertinent comment here at the same time. So I'm copying it 1:1 here.
I still don't know his real name, but here karlof hit exactly the middle of the black dot at a distance of 1000 m. (Warning: metaphor.)
"Empire making is a very bloody business; there's nothing altruistic about it at all. Indeed, the blood and suffering needs to be covered up. The savage settlers who massacred the natives and kept their scalps needed to reverse the immoral/sinful psychology of their deeds and used projection as solace by calling all natives savages, a trait that survives to the present. But as most US-based readers will note, none of that truth is taught in schools or to be found in general textbooks. Essentially, savage behavior is condoned and promoted as a virtue."
For the spirited among us, the following is also phrased metaphorically. Don't take it literally. Look in the mirror and you will see the ugliness and evil.
Just imagine that you have been a Palestinian in Gaza for 80 years and you have had to live through all the horrors, up to the point where they finally wipe out your people, from the unborn, to your children and grandchildren, to you. How would you feel? Always look in the mirror.
27 million dead people, many thousands of destroyed towns and villages, a declared and practiced genocide against your Slavic ethnic group, in order to wipe out your entire people, from the unborn, to your children and grandchildren, to you. How would you feel? Always look in the mirror. Organized, staged, financed and equipped with vast amounts of deadly weapons by the USA, ideologically manipulated Ukrainians are taking action: "Russians on the knives!"
What the USA has been doing since its existence is nothing other than the Nazism of Hitler, Mussolini & Co. and I am not interested in comparing the Third Reich and its specific crimes with the USA, but rather in the self-image of a US oligarch and elite class with that of the Third Reich.
Whether economic war or military war, the USA can still invest many trillions of USD in its war armaments, the time of dictatorship is over and "the emperor is naked".
Now there is once again a "great" leader behind whom we can march. ("Heil Dir Trump!") How convenient, because the "leader" will solve the problems for us. This is the messianic expectation of the frustrated. The end will be as dramatic as that of every previous empire in human history. Except that we now have nuclear weapons, space weapons, weather weapons and, most horrific of all, biological weapons.
How can you believe in Jesus Christ if you feel that is positive?
Thanks for your feedback and excellent writing at SONAR21. IMO, Putin should refuse a person-to-person with Trump and in tell him over the phone: The only thing you respect are our missiles as you refuse to conform to any law and thus nothing you say or agree to can be believed.