thanks karl... yalensis at awful avalanche wrote a few posts on the penal system in ukraine.. it sounds horrific and diametrically opposite of what is being described here... you and others might like to visit his site to read some of it for yourselves..
The US has a massive prison population that is now a privatised prison industrial complex of cheap labour, that's how perverse the system is. This and a legal system that's part of the "press gang" of this "labour market".
Russia should become a model for those nations that come out of the other end of the present tyranny. For some it may be better that they are split up just as they wanted for the Russian Federation.
What is the difference? The west is obsessed with economic outcomes so wealth can be harvested. With modern Russia that Putin and co. have been shaping a system that sees economic outcomes as means of improving the lives of citizens so that the nation can be sustained and grow. I think this is the symmetry between Russia and China.
" For many years, they imposed on us their own understanding of human rights and their own understanding of the protection of human rights."
"... that can train both young human rights commissioners and their staff ..."
This should raise RED FLAGS en mass. As everyone with a basic understanding of history should be aware of what becomes of "commissioners" and their minions. But maybe that's the red line GOD ALMIGHTY is drawing between HIS CHILDREN and the children of darkness.
Only to add ... putting EVE in charge of "justice" indicates the direction this is headed - THE GARDEN OF EDEN redux - just watch ... ANYONE following man's behaviour and history with depth - rather than just looking at the faces and names - will know that until we are all equal - especially between ADAM and EVE - no "justice" has been achieved.
" Putin the lawyer makes Obama the lawyer look like he bought his diploma and never learned anything. "
It's not a question of diploma - quite to the contrary - but on integrity. Which is not provided by acquiring diploma - monetarily or otherwise - but having a proper father. Now go down the rabbit hole of upbringing of the man and of the puppet mentioned in the quote and the difference of both households explains "it all".
"... it takes a measure of confidence to be introspective of one’s self and even more when it comes to ordering an examination of your own nation’s behavior regarding its treatment of its citizenry. " Better said - it takes maturity in order to realise that a billion little lies are going to bring the house down that has been built based on them, contrary to THE SYNAGOGUE'S OF MAKE BELIEVE gospel that hiding the truth by using BRAINWASHING, INDOCTRINATION AND PROPAGANDA is the best way to prosperity.
thanks karl... yalensis at awful avalanche wrote a few posts on the penal system in ukraine.. it sounds horrific and diametrically opposite of what is being described here... you and others might like to visit his site to read some of it for yourselves..
How inspiring! Thanks for posting, Karl.
Yes, I'd like to know how many other nations have something similar written into their constitutions.
I doubt that there are many, Karl.
Yes, but I'd like to know.
The US has a massive prison population that is now a privatised prison industrial complex of cheap labour, that's how perverse the system is. This and a legal system that's part of the "press gang" of this "labour market".
Russia should become a model for those nations that come out of the other end of the present tyranny. For some it may be better that they are split up just as they wanted for the Russian Federation.
What is the difference? The west is obsessed with economic outcomes so wealth can be harvested. With modern Russia that Putin and co. have been shaping a system that sees economic outcomes as means of improving the lives of citizens so that the nation can be sustained and grow. I think this is the symmetry between Russia and China.
Your closing paragraph is correct. How was it put by Lavrov today--equalities of peoples, with none lesser or greater.
" For many years, they imposed on us their own understanding of human rights and their own understanding of the protection of human rights."
"... that can train both young human rights commissioners and their staff ..."
This should raise RED FLAGS en mass. As everyone with a basic understanding of history should be aware of what becomes of "commissioners" and their minions. But maybe that's the red line GOD ALMIGHTY is drawing between HIS CHILDREN and the children of darkness.
Only to add ... putting EVE in charge of "justice" indicates the direction this is headed - THE GARDEN OF EDEN redux - just watch ... ANYONE following man's behaviour and history with depth - rather than just looking at the faces and names - will know that until we are all equal - especially between ADAM and EVE - no "justice" has been achieved.
" Putin the lawyer makes Obama the lawyer look like he bought his diploma and never learned anything. "
It's not a question of diploma - quite to the contrary - but on integrity. Which is not provided by acquiring diploma - monetarily or otherwise - but having a proper father. Now go down the rabbit hole of upbringing of the man and of the puppet mentioned in the quote and the difference of both households explains "it all".
"... it takes a measure of confidence to be introspective of one’s self and even more when it comes to ordering an examination of your own nation’s behavior regarding its treatment of its citizenry. " Better said - it takes maturity in order to realise that a billion little lies are going to bring the house down that has been built based on them, contrary to THE SYNAGOGUE'S OF MAKE BELIEVE gospel that hiding the truth by using BRAINWASHING, INDOCTRINATION AND PROPAGANDA is the best way to prosperity.