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Hi Karl,

Really impressive economic development. I wish we were doing more things like this in Canada.

I have to ask, since this newsletter talked about supporting families, does that include gay, lesbian and trans families? I'm truly curious, since I hear lots of rumours about that not being the case, and recently again from a gay colleague. I hope you'll set the record straight for me.


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Russia's policy is to let people enjoy their private life in private, including their choice of lifestyle. What's officially promoted are "traditional" cultures/lifestyles. Putin has said Russia is multicultural and is inclusive, not exclusive except when something is promoted that's anti-Russian. The debate is over the definition of Anti-Russian. Furthermore, Putin's and Russian policy is Anti-Extremism; so, rabid homophobia would be extremist. As Russia states on an almost daily basis, it conducts relations on the principle of absolute equality at the state and individual levels--respect for all is its code. On the 20th, I posted Russia's Humanitarian Policy that's applicable at home and abroad. You'll find quite a lot of policy information within that document, but also things that aren't defined such as the many items within this example:

"19. It is important to regularly provide the widest possible target foreign audience with reliable information about how Russian society lives, what it is proud of, and what values it defends. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the growing demand for traditional values in the world, primarily family values, due to the aggressive imposition of neoliberal views by a number of states. The Russian state abroad is increasingly perceived as the guardian and defender of traditional spiritual and moral values, the spiritual heritage of world civilization (the priority of the spiritual over the material, the protection of human rights and freedoms, the family, the norms of morality and ethics, humanism, mercy). The Russian mentality is characterized by mutual assistance, collectivism, faith in goodness and justice. Along with adherence to traditional spiritual and moral values, over the course of the thousand-year history of our country, respect for foreign culture, faith, and customs has been formed in Russian society."

Earlier, "the defense of motherhood" is one of the components of Russian policy. But that isn't defined within the document. Is it defined in Russian law? I don't know. Russians being a scientifically competent society would hopefully be taught as Western nations don't that homosexuality is a natural condition whose incidence is higher thanks to industrial pollution. Those people who are feminized or masculinized had no say in the matter as their condition was the result of their gestation. Trying to make this natural condition into an artificial condition is where problems arise as the attempt to do so is part of Divide and Rule, which is why informing people about its naturalness isn't done; indeed, is impeded.

The chemical pollution that causes the above also causes the very early onset of puberty which is very unnatural and in cases unhealthy. I've seen 6-8 year old girls who look twice their age, and young boys under ten already needing to shave. The polluters are trying to use the distortion they've caused to increase their power at the expense of humanity.

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Thanks for this explainer, Karl. I'm glad to hear that Russia isn't explicitly homophobic, and are included in the idea of respect for every person.

I've never quite understood the term 'woke' -- it's not really of my generation -- but I do believe in human rights for all.

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I'll deal with "woke" after I share dinner with family. It takes some time like the above.

"Woke" denotes awakening, as in discovering something that had always been there but now is finally being seen as brand new, like the naming of many military bases within the Outlaw US Empire after Confederate Army Officers, and the numerous statues of Confederate personalities. This came in tandem with BLM, its various antitheses, and the Rainbow Movement, ALL are constructs of what's known as the Culture Wars aimed at enabling the Establishment's ability to Divide and Rule and built upon previous, long present, social issues. Get the masses to argue about issues that don't have anything to do with the distribution of ***economic*** power and go about stealing more $$Trillions.

Take a sober, long look back at how social issues always predominate the discourse, while the real issues of power are never discussed within the public realm. It--the discourse-- wasn't always like that. Why is Western society more atomized than at any other previous time?

I've written two previous essays on this topic you'll want to read,



And there are more at my VK site which is 3.5 years old.

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