If any Swedes are here I like to recommend you and other interested, today's article by Dr. Jacob Nordangård on Sweden's aggressive territorial wars against Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Denmark and Norway. It looks like the Viking gene has been activated again in Sweden. Our sudden, comming out of the blue, NATO application wasn't sudden at all, it has been planned and prepared for, for a long time.


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I am quite surprised to read that La Repubblica (a major Italian newspaper) published an article written by the Russian ambassador in Italy, but I bet that it was relegated to one of the last pages of the newspaper and apparently hidden on their web-site. In fact, from a quick Google search of the original Italian title ("Russia contro Occidente: mito o realtà?"), the only result is from another, very minor (unknown to me) newspaper, "Faro di Roma": https://www.farodiroma.it/russia-contro-occidente-mito-o-realta-alexey-paramonov-ambasciatore-della-federazione-russa-in-italia/

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The Duran seem to think that it's a battle between populism, traditional family values, state supported health care and education, social democracy and nationalism (combining 'the best' of right and left) vs neoliberal , neocon, identity politics and unipolarity (the worst of right and left?).

I broadly agree but unlike the Duran I'm concerned about the place that feminism, homosexuality and multiculturalism will have in the new traditional nationalism. Not that I think globalist neoliberalism has anything at all going for it.

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I find Russia's approach to the working woman very matter-of-fact: they want to have the same satisfaction provided by a career while also enjoying the joys of motherhood. Russian policy strives to make both possible, with the caveat that families need to be started sooner so 2-3+ children can be born instead of 1-2. The big "problem" is how to convince both men and women on that point. As for multiculturalism, Russia already enjoys that as part of its culture. And since homosexuality is objectively a natural condition, it will be accepted as such but sans the ideology being promoted by the West that makes it unnatural.

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Interestingly thank you. I am also thinking of the rise of Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, Islamophobia and racist immigration policies in not so enlightened Uk and US.

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I keep thinking that he is preaching to the choir. I could be wrong.

It is still necessary to say these things, repeatedly and ad nauseam. That is how the Russophobia has been maintained all these years.

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Yes, the BigLie must be repeated like a mantra to hypnotize--like the coda in music that goes on and on and on.

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He seems to build on a number of points that both Putin and Lavrov mention frequently. I too am surprised a major European paper would publish this. It seems counter to the narrative.

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I'm so sick of the fairy tales about the villainous rulers of different countries so they can orchestrate wars with them.

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"a clash between the authoritarian democracy of Russia and the liberal oligarchy of the West."

I like that description. It demonstrates what's wrong with both sides.

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