Oct 11Liked by Karl Sanchez

When leaders of a nation are focused on development of state of the art factories, you know that this nation has a bright future!

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Oct 11Liked by Karl Sanchez

Volkswagen is in trouble since it can no longer buy Russian aluminum.

Germany should outsource some of its key industries to Russia. It is going for its second year of GDP decline. BASF is rolling up the carpet, the German auto industry is on a death march. It might take the a few more years to recognize the benefits of having a productive Russia as business partner.

I am glad to Russia doing as well as it is. They can thank Janet Yellen and declare a national economic recovery day to celebrate the day the US/UK/NAFO pushed through the sanctions. Wouldn't that irritate some people?

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Some brilliant Russian composer needs to write an Opera that encapsulates the drama and produces it in partnership with the Bolshoi. Or perhaps Pete Townsend could produce one last Rock Opera before he passes and call it Megalomania. The script is ready to be written, but who will write it?

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Changing gears slightly. You just have to read the “Albert Pike 3 world wars” plan google it, to see we are at ww3 right now. But what next.

This is their plan but can it be thwarted by you know who. (In Russia)

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Even before the SMO began in 2022, I was already calling the situation a Hybrid Third World War and that assessment has yet to change. In 2022, NATO had no weapons capable of defeating Russia, and now as we near the end of 2024, that even truer now than then--even when it comes to nukes. And the Neoliberal parasites won't use nukes because there's no way to make money from a nuclear war.

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Oct 12Liked by Karl Sanchez

As those in control of the EU bankrupt all of those countries in the organisation. As those ruling over the citizens of the UK & US impoverish their citizens as their elites wealth grows beyond comprehension. We see with our own eyes, what a leadership with its own country & more importantly it's own citizens interests. As their most important task, what can be achieved. Of course it's not all plain sailing. It takes a lot of hard work from competent professionals. A lot of planning & investment. But good planning & a longer outlook are going to reap the rewards. Anyone who believes Russia will struggle for workers. Clearly haven't taken notice of what the Russian leader has been doing over the past few years. Russia has gained millions of citizens from the region of Donbass. Belarus will become more integrated within Russian industry. Then there's the Trump card N Korea. Reliable hard working people who will only be to happy to get the chance to earn money to take back to their families in N Korea. Improving the N Korean financial situation massively. Then there's the traditional workers who come from the CIS states. Have people noticed how the construction industry in Russia works? Take a look at Mariupol & how quickly & professionally that city is being restored to way beyond its former glory. Same for Crimea, the arms industry ramped up in no time. I've stated this for at least a decade. Every passing day makes my opinion grow stronger. V. V. Putin will go down in history as the greatest leader of our times. Look what's being achieved all while Russia is decimating the full military potential of NATO at the same time. Best of luck to the people of Russia. They've been artificially kept down by a Western regime for many decades. This century is going to be known as the biggest reset in the modern world.

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Putin never tires of repeating the hard work never ceases. Perhaps by 2100 the most critical work will be finished and Russians will have the time/opportunity to visit all the leisure facilities now being put into place across Russia.

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