Thank you for this detailed report... Much appreciated

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What's being accomplished in Russia is amazing! I can't help but compare the west that puts all its tax dollars into military adventures at the expense of everything else, including health. We're falling so far behind.

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I imagine that top notch medical care is something that westerners feel smug about, believing their medicine to be far ahead of that in developing nations. This is no longer the case. As in just about every other field, developing nations have made great strides to improve their medical care. Now there's such a thing as 'medical tourism', where people from the USA and the west go to places like Malaysia for medical procedures, which are easy to obtain, of high standard and cheap.

Interesting anecdote: I read an account by the doctor who identified the first person who contracted COVID-19, in Wuhan in December 2019. He came into her hospital feeling sick. She ran a battery of tests and didn't like what she saw. She ordered genetic tests and an MRI on the spot! This was for someone who just walked in off the street.

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The NHS in England failed to diagnose my prostate cancer with symptoms getting worse over three months. The specialist in the hospital in China achieved it within four and a half hours of my checking in.

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I hope you will have a full and speedy recovery.

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Thanks. They put me on medication in 2021, I have a stomach implant and blood test every three months, no further symptoms. Hong Kong University Hospital, Shenzhen. Highly recommended and cheap.

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The pride of reporting a job well done with a common and exciting goal is easily felt:

well managed sovereignty.

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Thanks Karl, this was interesting.

I think you conflate 'west' with the US in terms of medical procedures, medications, and cost. My wife has had both hips and knees replaced at the princely sum of about $60 total. When I was in the UK there were multiple year waiting lists, but in Scandinavia we get top notch treatment within 3 months guaranteed, all at a modest cost.

Unfortunately I think too many Americans consider socialized medicine as something akin to communism, but I watched a video a while back of a young mother of 4 small kids sitting in a diner somewhere in the US, and files of ordinary citizens coming by to donate a few dollars to enable her to get treatment. To my mind that is just indefensible in a modern state, and a scandalous indictment of US society were everything is monetized.

(It was also a great advert for the kindness and generosity of ordinary Americans.)

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Yes, I plead guilty to that conflation. I usually just mention our abominable situation, but it's not as bad as it might be depending on where you reside in the Empire as my personal story attests.

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Thanks to Karl and nearly all commentators for the information. I was impressed with the proposal for bespoke treatments and the seemingly exhaustive safety procedures involved.

I had expected more push back WRT the co(n)vid vaccine issue and the numbers of wounded soldiers treated (ratios of wounded to killed) by someone. But I suppose that's more of a MoA talking point.

Special mention to Don Midwest for explaining - to me at least - the relevance of discouraging existing reatments because "... if an treatment existed, the EUA could not be given [for the 'clot shot']."

PS almost forgot, the Universal Plasma seems like a very important medical product.

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Yes, universal plasma is critical for battlefield treatment. My dogtags included my blood type as for some having an improper match can be fatal. A combat medic can provide the plasma to keep wounded from bleeding out, making a huge difference in the ability to survive extreme wounds like limb loss or being gut-shot.

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Thanks for this report Karl

Russian medicine is indeed the antidote to US

Without going into the ind ag mess, it is likely that Russian agriculture, no matter to scale, is as concerned with Russian health

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problem solving. building on experience. care.

what a contrast to USA where doctors who successfully used off the shelf treatments for covid, have had their medical license challenged and in some cases revoked. This is done by medical societies who ensure that Big Pharma and their own professions follow the rules.

while high tech, reductionist medicine has had successes, the USA is getting sicker and the % of the GDP is now something like 18%

your readers probably know, but just as a reminder, if ivermectin, hydroxycholorine and many other drugs had been allowed, the mRNA vaccines from Prizer and Moderna would not have been given EUA - emergency Use Authorization - because if an treatment existed, the EUA could not be given. The EUA shields them from liability and the hundreds of millions spent by the government for propaganda enabled the World Economic Forum (e.g., Bill Gates) test global rollout of top down agendas.

the "pandemic" was a huge wake up call of lies, death and destructioin from the "Health Care" system. People are outraged. You killed grandma. The shots were the countermeasure of the lab developed bioweapon.

when people deeply realize, that NONE of the childhood vaccines have been through a double bind clinical trial, and those who take less vaccines, for example the Amish have almost no autism while here in the US it is heading to 1 in 36. When I was young it was 1 in 10,000/.

The country is sick.

*** Now that I have written this screed, I recall that I was one of the first system engineers in 1982 that AT&T / Bell Labs, was going to automate the medical record. I was shocked back then when medical expenses were approaching 10% of GDP but now they are 18% or so, and approaching 20% of the GDP with one of the worse health outcomes in the world.

what an incredible contrast to hear about Russian problem solving, building on experience and care

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One of the best substacks I follow is by A Midwestern Doctor. I just after posting this comment I went to twitter and found him posting this:

Elmhurst Hospital in NYC

"The hundreds of COVID deaths at Elmhurst hospital were sensationalized by the media to justify the lockdowns. Here, Erin shows that the entire disaster was manmade but no one else questioned"

"This resulted from medical training now only teaching doctors to follow protocols and to believe anyone the protocols don't help could never be saved. Here I show how real doctors constantly look for solutions and always find a way to help their patients. To prevent .. future disasters., her story must be heard so we can hold those who caused it responsible"(in the tweet Nurse Erin, a whistleblower when fraud was happening with time stamped videos)

A midwestern doctor then linked one of his own earlier substacks:

"Why Do Doctors Give Up On Patients?

Exploring the Psychology Behind the Greatest Medical Disaster in History.

A Midwestern Doctor Apr 28, 2024 ∙ Paid"


you can probably get this substack without paying

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I need to go to bed but I wend down the tweet list and found

Summary he thought that the mRNA shots would change our DNA because if it did not change our DNA they would have published the data.

"A Midwestern Doctor "




When the COVID shots came out, everyone told us they couldn't change DNA. Yet, rather than show the data, they cited "experts" (ie. Fauci) arguing that was scientifically impossible and insane to think otherwise. I knew if this was actually true they would have provided the data

<another tweet>


Alexandros Marinos 🏴‍☠️ @alexandrosM



Prof. Buckhaults has done the work to prove that plasmid DNA that gets to human cells via the mRNA vaccines not only gets into the cells, but actually integrates into the cell DNA. This was obvious in theory, but has now been demonstrated.

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I'd read that blog if I had more time. Can we find a way to slow the planet down and lengthen the days or make the orbit around the sun take another month?

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Very good summary at the end. Things have got worse since the ascendancy of the neoliberal economic model in the late seventies/early eighties. Public assets that are used to generate wealth have been transferred to private equity; the events in Ukraine absolutely make it crystal clear which system is working better, and this example is accelerating the global south towards BRICS. For the west, stuck in a mental lock/blockage, unable to reform there will be dissolution.

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bless you,karl. from hazelnuts to all that is sacred, it seems in every conceivable way, russia protects her people, & therein our world. putin, like a grand river's extensive web of tributaries feeding its delta, ensures all research enriches, feeds & secures its people & enriches us all; even though some have no idea of the gift/debt or privilege. 🕊️

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the commentary on the mrna vaccine development is quite interesting... thanks karl..

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Yeah,,, you remember sputnikV? Apparenly it was license from astrazaneca, so it includes all the horror stuff like nano graphene oxide, which reacts to 5G radio, lots of heavy metal kontaminats and whatever othe dna contaminant,,, what the hell?! Please before release any high tech biological stuff take a look at it what it contains, and check blood live analysis on patient with this shit,,,

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Sputnik V was 100% developed in Russia by Russians and was prevented from global certification by the Outlaw US Empire. You still can't get it here in the Empire.

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Sputnik v is tested along with other vax including sinopharm of china,,, all of them has same nano graphite in it,,, you know where the largest nano materials? Guess it, its china… sinopharm has been used in my country and its effect is as bad as pfizer n co,,,

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