Another example of things being done in Russia which seem impossible in the USA.

Something that readers here probably know is that 70% of Americans cannot pass physical and/or mental requirements to enter the armed forces. When I read an article in the latest New Yorker it hit me hard. In other words, the human resources of the USA are not globally competitive!

As Robert Kennedy Jr says, health is a national strategic priority. His acronym is MAHA, Make America Healthy Again and his support of Trump may have paved the way for him to become Secretary of Health and Human Sciences in the US.

This morning I was reading that the UN Sustainable Development Goals are being enacted differently in various parts of the world. It hit me that really they are Successful Progress Goals. They are a way for humans to continue the ideology of progress through plunder.

Gaia is the new power. Real sustainability requires accepting dependency. Dependency on the earth. This requires a human cosmological change.

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You recall that two of Russia’s national projects are related to building a healthy population, one specifically being fitness and the other wellness, with the goal being to raise life-expectancy to over 80 for both genders. Putin also understands the connection between ecological health and human health, and that also ends up in policy making.

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Thank you for your very insightful articles! What a wonderful people, the Russians, under the governance of such an exquisite president. Without your articles I would not have known.

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Thank you for your observation. The Gym’s archive contains many similar items.

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