Gee! Why don’t we get planning documents like the following? It’s gotta be a trick, uh right? What follows is the sort of planning that was vilified during the Cold War. It contains much of what was discussed over the last two years of its formulation that was finally announced in Putin’s Leap Day Address and further reviewed as you’ve read during March and April.
Executive Order on the National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2030 and for the Future until 2036:
In order to ensure sustainable economic and social development of the Russian Federation, strengthen state, cultural, value and economic sovereignty, increase the country's population and improve the standard of living of citizens, based on traditional Russian spiritual and moral values and the principles of patriotism, human priority, social justice and equality of opportunities, ensuring state security and public safety, openness to the outside world, economic development based on fair competition, entrepreneurship and private initiative, high efficiency and technological effectiveness, I resolve:
1. To determine the following national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 and for the future until 2036 (hereinafter referred to as the national goals):
a) preservation of the population, strengthening of health and well-being of people, support for the family;
b) realization of the potential of each person, development of his talents, education of a patriotic and socially responsible personality;
c) a comfortable and safe environment for life;
d) environmental well-being;
e) a stable and dynamic economy;
f) technological leadership;
g) digital transformation of state and municipal administration, economy and social sphere.
2. To establish the following targets and objectives, the implementation of which characterizes the achievement of the national goal "Preservation of the population, strengthening health and improving the well-being of people, supporting the family":
a) an increase in the total fertility rate to 1.6 by 2030 and to 1.8 by 2036, including an annual increase in the total fertility rate of third and subsequent children;
b) an increase in life expectancy to 78 years by 2030 and to 81 years by 2036, including an outstripping increase in healthy life expectancy;
c) ensuring that the total fertility rate by 2030 is not lower than the average Russian rate of increase in the total fertility rate in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which, at the end of 2023, the value of such a coefficient was lower than the national average;
d) a decrease in the differentiation of life expectancy indicators by at least 25 percent by 2036 compared to the level of 2023;
e) reduction by 2030 of the total duration of temporary disability of citizens of working age on the basis of the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the creation of conditions for the timely prevention of diseases and the involvement of citizens in systematic sports;
f) increasing the level of satisfaction of citizens with the conditions for physical culture and sports by 2030;
g) increase by 2030 in the number of elderly and disabled citizens receiving long-term care services to at least 500 thousand people from among those most in need of such services;
h) increasing the level of satisfaction of participants in a special military operation with conditions for medical rehabilitation, retraining and employment by 2030;
i) creation and launch by 2030 of a digital platform that contributes to the formation, maintenance and preservation of human health throughout his life, based on the principle of data-based management;
j) reducing the poverty rate below 7 percent by 2030 and below 5 percent by 2036, including the poverty rate for large families to 12 percent by 2030 and to 8 percent by 2036;
k) reduction of the Gini coefficient (income concentration index) to 0.37 by 2030 and to 0.33 by 2036;
l) ensuring a faster increase in the minimum wage, including its increase by more than two times by 2030 compared to the amount established for 2023, reaching its value of at least 35 thousand rubles per month;
m) approval in 2026 of new systems of remuneration for employees of state and municipal organizations and the introduction of such systems from 2027 in order to ensure the growth of incomes of employees in the public sector of the economy, provided for by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation No. 597 of May 7, 2012 "On Measures to Implement the State Social Policy", of June 1, 2012 No. 761 "On the National Strategy of Action in the Interests of Children for 2012–2017" and of December 28, 2012 No. 1688 "On the Implementation of the State Social Policy" of May 7, 2012 some measures to implement state policy in the field of protection of orphans and children left without parental care."
3. To establish the following targets and tasks, the implementation of which characterizes the achievement of the national goal "Realization of the potential of each person, development of his talents, education of a patriotic and socially responsible personality":
a) creation by 2030 of conditions for the upbringing of a harmoniously developed, patriotic and socially responsible person on the basis of traditional Russian spiritual, moral, cultural and historical values;
b) an increase in the number of foreign students studying under higher education educational programs in Russian educational institutions of higher education and scientific organizations to at least 500 thousand people by 2030;
c) increasing the share of young people participating in projects and programs aimed at professional, personal development and patriotic education to at least 75 percent by 2030;
d) an increase in the share of young people who believe in the possibilities of self-realization in Russia to at least 85 percent by 2030;
e) increasing the share of young people involved in volunteer and public activities to at least 45 percent by 2030;
f) by 2030, ensuring the functioning of an effective system for identifying, supporting and developing the abilities and talents of children and youth, based on the principles of responsibility, justice, inclusiveness and aimed at self-determination and professional orientation of 100 percent of students;
g) ensuring the promotion and protection of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values within the framework of at least 70 percent of projects in the field of culture, art and folk art funded by state development institutions by 2030 and at least 80 percent of such projects by 2036;
h) increasing citizens' satisfaction with the work of state and municipal organizations of culture, art and folk art by 2030;
i) the formation by 2030 of a modern system of professional development of teachers for all levels of education, providing for annual additional professional education based on updated professional standards of at least 10 percent of teachers on the basis of leading educational institutions of higher education and scientific organizations.
4. To establish the following targets and objectives, the implementation of which characterizes the achievement of the national goal "Comfortable and safe environment for life":
a) improvement of the quality of living conditions in core settlements by 30 per cent by 2030 and by 60 per cent by 2036;
b) provision of citizens with housing with a total area of at least 33 square meters per person by 2030 and at least 38 square meters by 2036;
c) renovation of the housing stock by at least 20 percent by 2030 compared to 2019;
d) a steady reduction in the uninhabitable housing stock;
e) increasing the affordability of housing in the primary market;
f) improvement of at least 30 thousand public areas and implementation of at least 1600 projects of the winners of the All-Russian Competition for the Best Projects for Creating a Comfortable Urban Environment by 2030 in small towns and historical settlements;
g) implementation of a program for the modernization of communal infrastructure and improvement of the quality of public services provided for 20 million people by 2030;
h) construction and reconstruction (modernization) of at least 2 thousand drinking water supply and water treatment facilities by 2030;
i) ensuring a significant increase in energy and resource efficiency in housing and utilities, industrial and infrastructure construction;
j) increase by 2030 in agglomerations and cities of the share of the public transport fleet with a service life not older than the standard to at least 85 percent;
k) increase by 2030 the share of federal roads and roads of the largest urban agglomerations that meet the regulatory requirements to at least 85 percent, the core network of roads to at least 85 percent, and regional or inter-municipal roads to at least 60 percent;
l) reduction of mortality as a result of road accidents by one and a half times by 2030 and by half by 2036 compared to 2023;
m) an increase in the air mobility of the population by at least 50 percent by 2030 compared to 2023, while ensuring by 2030 the share of domestically produced aircraft in the fleet of Russian air carriers is at least 50 percent;
n) completion by the end of 2030 of major repairs of buildings of preschool educational institutions and general education institutions recognized as needing such repairs as of January 1, 2025;
o) provision of connection to the natural gas network to at least 1.6 million households by 2030 and at least 3 million households by 2036 within the framework of the program of social gasification of the population;
p) equipping up to 900 audiovisual content playback centres in small settlements (with a population of up to 50,000 people) with the necessary equipment by 2030 in order to provide citizens with access to the achievements of modern Russian cinema, connecting such centres to a single digital platform containing, among other things, a library of audiovisual content.
5. To establish the following targets and tasks, the implementation of which characterizes the achievement of the national goal "Environmental Well-Being":
a) the formation of a circular economy, which by 2030 ensures the sorting of 100 percent of the volume of municipal solid waste generated annually, the disposal of no more than 50 percent of such waste and the involvement of at least 25 percent of production and consumption waste as secondary resources and raw materials;
b) gradual halving by 2036 emissions of hazardous pollutants that have the greatest negative impact on the environment and human health in cities with high and very high levels of air pollution;
c) elimination of at least 50 hazardous facilities of accumulated environmental damage by the end of 2030, disposal and neutralization of at least 50 percent of the total volume of waste of hazard classes I and II by 2036;
d) halving the volume of untreated wastewater discharged into the main water bodies by 2036, preserving the unique ecological system of Lake Baikal;
e) conservation of forests and biological diversity, sustainable development of specially protected natural areas and creation of conditions for ecotourism in all national parks.
6. To establish the following targets and objectives, the implementation of which characterizes the achievement of the national goal "Sustainable and Dynamic Economy":
a) ensuring the growth rate of the country's gross domestic product above the world average and reaching the fourth place in the world in terms of gross domestic product calculated at purchasing power parity no later than 2030, including through the growth of labor productivity, while maintaining macroeconomic stability, low unemployment and reducing the level of structural unemployment;
b) reducing the share of imports of goods and services in the structure of the gross domestic product to 17 percent by 2030;
c) an increase in the volume of investments in fixed assets by at least 60 percent by 2030 compared to the level of 2020 due to the continuous improvement of the investment climate;
d) ensuring sustainable growth of incomes of the population and the level of pension provision not lower than the level of inflation;
e) ensuring in 2024–2030 real growth in income per employee of small and medium-sized businesses 1.2 times higher than the growth of gross domestic product;
f) ensuring the growth of stock market capitalization to at least 66 percent of the gross domestic product by 2030 and to 75 percent of the gross domestic product by 2036, the share of long-term savings of citizens in the total volume of their savings to at least 40 percent by 2030 and up to 45 percent by 2036;
g) by 2030, the Russian Federation will become one of the 25 leading countries in the world in terms of robotization density;
h) by 2030, the involvement of at least 40 percent of medium and large enterprises in the basic non-resource sectors of the economy and 100 percent of state and municipal social organizations in the implementation of projects aimed at increasing labor productivity;
i) creation by 2030 of an effective system of training, professional retraining and advanced training of personnel for priority sectors of the economy based on the forecast of the need for them;
j) creating conditions by 2030 for at least 30 percent of students to simultaneously acquire several qualifications within the framework of vocational education;
k) creation by 2030 of institutional conditions for the continuous professional development of working citizens, including for obtaining new professions and advanced training;
l) by 2036, the gap in the levels of budgetary provision between the 10 most prosperous and 10 least well-off constituent entities of the Russian Federation will be reduced to no more than two times (taking into account the provision of financial support from the federal budget in the form of targeted interbudgetary transfers);
m) increasing the share of the tourism industry in the gross domestic product to 5 percent by 2030;
n) ensuring by 2030 an increase in the volume of exports of non-resource non-energy goods by at least two-thirds compared to 2023;
o) an increase in the volume of agricultural production by at least 25 percent by 2030 compared to the level of 2021;
p) an increase in exports of agricultural products by at least one and a half times by 2030 compared to the level of 2021;
c) formation of a network of stable partnerships with foreign states and the creation of the necessary infrastructure for foreign economic activity, technological and industrial cooperation and the development of new markets;
r) a threefold increase in the export of tourism services by 2030 compared to the level of 2023;
s) an increase in the volume of traffic along international transport corridors by at least one and a half times by 2030 compared to the level of 2021 by increasing the global competitiveness of routes;
t) increasing the share of creative industries in the economy;
u) approval and implementation of climate change adaptation programs at the federal, regional and corporate levels;
v) creation of a national system for monitoring climatically active substances.
7. To establish the following targets and objectives, the implementation of which characterizes the achievement of the national goal "Technological Leadership":
a) ensuring technological independence and the formation of new markets in such areas as the bioeconomy, preserving the health of citizens, food security, unmanned aircraft systems, means of production and automation, transport mobility (including autonomous vehicles), data economy and digital transformation, artificial intelligence, new materials and chemistry, promising space technologies and services, new energy technologies (including atomic);
b) an increase in the level of gross value added in real terms and the production index in the manufacturing industry by at least 40 percent by 2030 compared to the level of 2022;
c) ensuring that by 2030 the Russian Federation will become one of the top 10 countries in the world in terms of research and development;
d) an increase in domestic expenditures on research and development to at least 2 percent of the gross domestic product by 2030, including due to an increase in investment by private business for these purposes at least twice;
e) increase by 2030 in the share of domestic high-tech goods and services created on the basis of its own development lines in the total consumption of such goods and services in the Russian Federation by one and a half times compared to the level of 2023;
f) an increase in the revenue of small technology companies by at least seven times by 2030 compared to the level of 2023.
8. To establish the following targets and objectives, the implementation of which characterizes the achievement of the national goal "Digital Transformation of State and Municipal Administration, Economy and Social Sphere":
a) achieving by 2030 the "digital maturity" of state and municipal administration, key sectors of the economy and the social sphere, including healthcare and education, which involves the automation of most transactions within the framework of unified industry digital platforms and a data-based management model, taking into account the accelerated introduction of technologies for processing large amounts of data, machine learning and artificial intelligence;
b) formation of the data market, their active involvement in economic turnover, storage, exchange and protection;
c) increase in the share of households that have access to high-quality high-speed broadband access to the Internet, including through satellite and mobile networks (infrastructure) and taking into account the growth in the capacity of the backbone infrastructure, to 97 percent by 2030 and to 99 percent by 2036;
d) ensuring in 2025–2030 the growth rate of investment in domestic solutions in the field of information technology is twice as high as the growth rate of the gross domestic product;
e) transition by 2030 of at least 80 percent of Russian organizations in key sectors of the economy to the use of basic and applied Russian software in systems that support the main production and management processes;
f) increase by 2030 to 95 percent of the share of the use of Russian software in state bodies, state corporations, state-owned companies and business entities, in the authorized capital of which the share of the Russian Federation in the aggregate exceeds 50 percent, as well as in their affiliated legal entities;
g) increasing by 2030 to 99 percent the share of the provision of mass socially significant state and municipal services in electronic form, including the introduction of a decision support system as part of the provision of at least 100 mass socially significant public services in electronic form in a proactive mode or at the direct request of the applicant, through the introduction of a single digital platform in the activities of state authorities;
h) formation of a system for the selection, development and rotation of personnel for state authorities and local self-government bodies based on the principles of equal opportunities, priority of professional knowledge and qualifications, including mechanisms for regular assessment and feedback within the framework of a single digital platform;
i) ensuring by 2030 an increase in the level of satisfaction of citizens with the quality of work of state and municipal employees and employees of social organizations by at least 50 percent;
j) creation of a system for effective counteraction to crimes committed with the use of information and telecommunication technologies, and reduction of damage from their commission;
k) ensuring network sovereignty and information security in the Internet information and telecommunication network.
9. The Government of the Russian Federation shall:
a) by September 1, 2024, in order to achieve the national goals, targets and fulfill the tasks provided for by this Decree, develop (adjust) with the participation of the State Council of the Russian Federation and submit for consideration by the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and National Projects a block of national projects to ensure technological leadership, as well as the following national projects:
"Long and Active Life";
"Youth and Children";
"Infrastructure for Life";
"Efficient transport system";
"Environmental well-being";
"Efficient and Competitive Economy";
"Tourism and Hospitality";
"International Cooperation and Export";
"Data Economy and Digital Transformation of the State";
b) bring its acts in line with this Decree by September 1, 2024 and submit proposals to bring the acts of the President of the Russian Federation in line with this Decree;
c) until December 31, 2024:
to develop and submit for consideration by the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and National Projects a unified plan to achieve the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 and for the future until 2036;
to develop and approve a strategy for the spatial development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030;
d) by July 1, 2025, develop and approve a comprehensive plan for the development of transport, energy, telecommunications, social and other infrastructure for the period up to 2036 necessary for the implementation of national goals using the unified digital cartographic basis of the Russian Federation;
e) annually, when forming the draft federal budget for the next fiscal year and for the planning period, provide for budget allocations for the implementation of national goals as a matter of priority;
f) ensure that additional federal budget revenues generated in the course of its execution are directed as a matter of priority to the implementation of national goals.
10. The Administration of the President of the Russian Federation together with the State Council of the Russian Federation shall:
a) develop and submit proposals by October 1, 2024 to bring Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 68 of February 4, 2021 "On Assessing the Effectiveness of the Activities of the Senior Officials of the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation and the Activities of the Executive Bodies of the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation" in line with this Decree;
b) to determine sociological indicators of the achievement of national goals, targets and tasks provided for by this Decree, as well as to ensure constant monitoring of such sociological indicators.
11. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2020 No. 474 "On the National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2030" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2020, No 30, art. 4884) shall be declared null and void.
12. This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its signing.
Wow! What an agenda. Quite a team effort to compile. And the whole nation will be tasked with making it reality because it’s aimed at improving the life of all Russians. This is another document to add to archives. And you be certain there’ll be assessments as we get to 2027 and then every year after until 2030. And as expected, Putin has laid out the Post-Putin Path. I laid no emphasis because there’s so much that deserves it. It should also be obvious why Neoliberals will never make such a document—its aim isn’t to only enrich them.
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As a Brit, I've been wishing for a viable vision from politicians as detailed and measurable (in terms of goal achievement) as this.
Even when UK political parties used to publish detailed manifestos, they were limited and became irrelevant immediately following an election. Nowadays... no-one gives a shiatsu. Political/media lies are left unchallenged and lacking consequence or repercussion.
As a result we are rudderless and adrift with no national goals, purpose or aspiration... or any discernible (honourable, life-affirming) principles, morals or ethics.
We are aiming for oblivion, both in our foreign policy and in terms of the cultural, societal and economic enrichment of our citizenry.
I find myself nostalgic for the hope that I once had, in the past.
The only thing they can plan in the West is how to keep stealing their citizens' money.
Just to give you an example of how Russia's future planning decree compares to what is currently being planned in Italy: the Italian government wants to spend €15 billions to build a bridge between Sicily and Calabria, a bridge that nobody wants (except for mafia and corrupted politicians!), while cutting € 3.5 billions for the South of Italy, money that was originally planned for much more important infrastructure, such as roads, railways, aqueducts, schools, hospitals, etc.
Just to make it clear: they want to spend €15 billions to build a bridge between Sicily and Calabria, while having the rest of the roads and railroads in both regions in a poor state. What's the point of that bridge?